
I Wield Shadows

In a world ravaged by monstrous manarites, humanity clings to survival. A breakthrough discovery - the ability to harness manarite power within their genes - offers a glimmer of hope. However, this newfound strength comes at a cost, blurring the lines between human and beast. Kai is no stranger to loss. Scarred by the brutal murder of his family at the hands of a monstrous manarite, he is driven by an unrelenting vendetta to hunt down and kill the creature that took everything from him. On the day he is to receive his manarite core, Kai’s life takes a dark turn when he is bound to a shadow-shrouded core—a heretic power that twists the very fabric of light and darkness Now, thrust into the enigmatic NYX Academy, a place where shadows hold secrets and light is a weapon, Kai's quest for vengeance becomes even more perilous. The academy is a labyrinth of rivalries, secret factions, and ancient prophecies, where the powerful seek to manipulate Kai’s unique abilities for their own ends. As he struggles to master the shadows within, he discovers that his enemies are not just the monstrous beasts outside the academy, but the darkness lurking within the very walls—and his own heart.

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31 Chs

Into the Abyss

Darkness. It was suffocating, pressing against Kai from every angle. He couldn't tell which way was up or down, couldn't feel the ground beneath him, and the oppressive weight of the abyss crushed his senses. He reached out instinctively, his fingers grasping at nothing but cold, empty air.

Where am I?

His thoughts echoed in the void, but no sound came back. The only thing he could feel was the deep, chilling emptiness.


Her name ripped through his mind like a thunderclap, jolting him into motion. Desperation fueled his movements, even though he had no sense of direction. He tried to focus, but his shadow powers felt distant, almost severed from him in this inky nothingness.

"Lysandra!" he called out, his voice swallowed by the black void. No response.

A flash of fear gripped him what if the abyss had taken her? What if he'd failed to save her?

The thought alone made his stomach churn. He strained to sense anything any sign of life, any flicker of light or shadow that might guide him. But there was only an endless stretch of black, and the silence gnawed at his mind.

Suddenly, a faint pulse echoed through the void, so subtle at first he thought he'd imagined it. But then it came again, a slow, rhythmic thrum that reverberated through his chest. It was coming from somewhere deeper, further into the abyss.

With no other choice, Kai forced himself to follow it. The pulse grew stronger with each step, but it brought no comfort. There was a weight to it, a sinister presence that seemed to intensify the deeper he went. Each throb felt like a heartbeat alien, ancient, and filled with malice.

His muscles tensed, every part of him on high alert. He had no idea what awaited him, but whatever it was, it was powerful. And it wanted him to come closer.

After what felt like an eternity of walking through the void, Kai finally saw it a dim, flickering light in the distance. He quickened his pace, the pulsing sound growing louder and more rhythmic. As he approached, the light sharpened, revealing a towering monolith, carved from obsidian, standing in the middle of the darkness.

At the base of the monolith lay Lysandra.

Kai's heart leaped into his throat. "Lysandra!" he shouted, rushing toward her.

She didn't move.

He dropped to his knees beside her, his hands shaking as he touched her arm. Her skin was cold, unnaturally so, and a thin trail of shadow energy coiled around her body, as if something was draining the life out of her.

"No, no, no…" Kai whispered, panic setting in. "Come on, wake up!"

Her chest barely rose with shallow breaths, and her face was pale too pale. The abyss was leeching the life out of her, pulling her deeper into its grasp.

Kai clenched his fists. He wouldn't lose her, not like this. Not when they were so close to escaping.

He glanced up at the monolith towering over them, its surface covered in strange, glowing runes. It pulsed with the same rhythm he had been following, each beat sending another wave of dark energy through the air. The shadows around it twisted and writhed, alive with malevolent intent.

Whatever this thing was, it was the source of the darkness consuming them.

Kai stood, his body trembling with exhaustion, but the fury boiling inside him gave him strength. His shadows responded, swirling around him, though they felt weaker than usual. He reached out toward the monolith, determined to tear it down, to break whatever power it held over Lysandra.

As his hand neared the surface, a voice a low, guttural whisper echoed in his mind.

"She will fall. You will fall. The abyss claims all."

Kai recoiled, his head pounding with the force of the voice. It wasn't just a warning; it was a promise. The abyss was alive, and it was trying to claim him and Lysandra both.

He grit his teeth, ignoring the searing pain in his skull. "Not today," he growled.

He summoned his shadow blade, the weapon materializing in his hand with a sharp hiss. The blade flickered weakly, but it was still sharp enough for what he needed. With a roar, Kai slashed at the monolith, the edge of the blade biting into the obsidian surface.

The moment his blade connected, the pulse of dark energy surged, nearly knocking him off his feet. The shadows around the monolith twisted violently, lashing out like tentacles. Kai dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding one of the shadowy tendrils as it whipped past him. He struck again, putting all of his remaining strength into the blow.

Cracks spread across the surface of the monolith, glowing with a dark red energy that pulsed faster now, as if it were alive, responding to his attacks.

Just as he prepared to deliver another strike, the shadows coiled tighter, and this time they didn't miss. A tendril wrapped around Kai's arm, yanking him backward with incredible force. His blade slipped from his grasp, clattering to the ground.

The shadows dragged him toward the monolith, constricting tighter around him with every second. Kai struggled, pulling against the tendrils with all his strength, but the abyss's grip was relentless. He could feel the life being drained from his body, just as it had been from Lysandra. His vision blurred as the energy was sucked out of him, the cold creeping into his bones.

Is this how it ends?

He fought against the rising tide of despair, but it was getting harder to resist. The shadows were everywhere, pulling him deeper, drowning him in the abyss.

Then, just as the darkness seemed poised to consume him entirely, a brilliant flash of light cut through the void.

Kai's eyes widened as the shadows around him recoiled, shrinking back from the light. The monolith trembled, its surface cracking further under the force of the light. For a brief moment, the abyss faltered, as if something was fighting back against it.

Kai gasped for breath, the tendrils loosening just enough for him to regain his footing. He looked toward the source of the light and there, standing on shaky legs, was Lysandra. Her hand was outstretched, glowing with a radiant energy he had never seen before.

"Lysandra…" Kai breathed, barely able to comprehend what he was seeing.

She wasn't fully conscious, her eyes half-lidded and unfocused, but something in her had awoken. The light spilling from her hand wasn't normal it was ancient, powerful, and it was tearing through the abyss's control.

The monolith shook violently, and the cracks spread wider, releasing bursts of red energy that filled the air with a deafening hum. The entire cavern felt like it was on the verge of collapse.

Lysandra's light grew brighter, pushing back the shadows even further. Kai could feel the abyss weakening, its grip loosening around both of them.

But just as he dared to hope that they might escape, the ground beneath them rumbled, and the monolith shattered with an ear-splitting crack.

From the heart of the monolith, something emerged a massive, writhing shadow unlike anything Kai had ever seen. It was vast, its form stretching high above them, and its presence was suffocating, radiating a primal darkness that dwarfed everything else in the cavern.

Kai's blood ran cold.

The abyss wasn't retreating.

It was awakening.