
Chapter 4 the first Lv up

[Authors note equation is level x grade x number of enemies = Exp & dungeon points

F grade monsters = 10 Exp and dungeon points per level

E grade monsters = 100 Exp and dungeon points per level

D grade monsters = 1000 Exp and dungeon points per level

C grade monsters = 10000 Exp and dungeon points per level

And so on and so on also

Each aid and general gain 50% of there base stats as they level up as a substitute for the dungeon masters stats boost per level up also each time a aid or general levels up they need 2x the exp of the previous level and can't train stats as a trade off for there ability to grow there rank and become alpha or above monsters each rank will increase the stats by 100%)

After Lucifer captured the 17 goblins she brought them back to the cave which has the dungeon in it then she slit the goblins throats with a blade one by one each level 5 goblin gave as an F ranked monster at base level of 1 is worth 10 Exp each so Lucifer gained 850 Exp her and her master leveled up as a result the dungeon master came back to ask about that very topic of discussion and found out that all monsters of the dungeon when they kill an enemy give a second set of Exp to there master and the master can store Exp to to rapidly level up or give it to a worthy warrior of his dungeon the dungeon master also found out that monsters give dungeon points as well as people each monster gives dungeon points based on there level multiplied by there rank with bonus exp and dungeon points when defeating a monster that has a title (note Exp depends on title(s) as well as both quantity and quality)

Jake thought about it and it made sense for that to be the case after words Jake found out he had made 5x10x17 that means he made 850 dungeon points with this run thats not all the corpses are being digested by the dungeon their being turned into mana and stored inside the core it also turns out that each monster gives there full mana 10 times over when there corpses are being eaten fortunately he has the mana lake which stored the excess mana inside it and the dungeons core so Jake decided to expand the dungeon thanks the the goblin's having a base stat of 2 and all being level 5 each goblin got at least a six in mana and wisdom with the highest being a 10 in either intelligence or wisdom all in all the monsters had an impressive 110 intelligence and 115 wisdom which for those who don't know amounts to 665 mana total and as a a rule dungeon gain 10x there max mana as a result that means 6650 mana was his he spent it on expanding the first floor now

With that out of the way the floor was expanded using space as the medium the place was now as big as a football stadium compared to the house sized place before at only an original size of 1200 square feet

With the amount of Exp obtained he got a total of 3 levels worth of Exp stored 2 levels worth of the Exp for later use to either max out his other stats through training of for Lucifer this will be the best

Jake went talk to Lucifer and decided to give Lucifer the Exp and gave the remainder of the Exp to her as a result she leveled up to Lv 5 and gained new stats as well


Name Lucifer

Race - fallen angel

Titles - the first fallen

Master of all demons

King of sin

dungeon masters aid

Class - champion of sin (Omni)

Lv 5 (exp 0/1600)


Hp - 540/540

Mp - 360/360

Strength - 90

Dexterity - 90

Constitution - 90

Intelligence - 60

Wisdom - 60

Charisma - 135

Luck - 25


Dungeon management Lv 1 , dungeon information Lv 1


Name Jake Vinegrove

Class - dungeon master

Lv 2 (exp 0/200)


Hp - 96/96

Mp - 96/96

Strength - 16

Dexterity - 16

Constitution - 16

Intelligence -16

Wisdom - 16

Charisma - 9

Luck - 6

Now with Lucifer level up she is far stronger then any other monster in the outer area of the woods near my house Jake thought then Jake left Lucifer to the dungeon management but after he looked at the titles of the fallen angel

Title name - the first fallen

Title Grade - unique


A title given to the first fallen angle to ever exist in the universe


Skill name - Absolute corruption

Skill grade - divine

Skill type - active

Skill description

Gives the user the power to corrupt any being making them fall to there own sins and desires

Title name - Master of all demons

Title grade - unique


Allows the wielded of this title to tame any demon at or below its level instantly

Title name - King of sin

Title grade - unique


Gives the user the power to summon the 7 deadly sins if enough souls are sacrificed

Each sin requires an offering of souls to summon each sin is an SSS ranked unique monster that will serve as a general to all monsters and will have a resurrection circle to resurrect when the die

Sins will be randomly summoned

each summon will take 10x the previous summon of sin

Current amount of souls needed to summon a sin 100

After looking at the titles of Lucifer he began to wonder if he had made a mistake with his choice to summon an aid but after looking at how happy she was and remembering how happy his mom and dad where he quickly got over it

So with Lucifer doing the heavy lifting he got back to work training

Lucifer went back to the goblin village now with her new strength and speed sh quickly knocked out the goblin group and decided to look around she found out that there was almost a total of 150 goblins in the village as well as some captive humans that numbered almost 20 the captive humans where all women that had been broken and lost hope each one was a level 20-25 person she took a cart and transported the goblins killed them and summoned her master after all the goblins were killed there body's were eaten by the dungeon there were an estimated 33 warriors in the tribe each there were

(12 Lv 8)(10 Lv9)(8 Lv10)(2 Lv11)(1 Lv12) warrior goblins all other goblins were between Lv1 - Lv3(60 Lv1)(42 Lv2)(28 Lv3)

In total they are worth 5280 Exp and dungeon points and mana is worth in the dungeon 7950 in mana with a bunch of souls now with that we can begin the next round of our summon said Jake Lucifer agreed readily then with the mana and the souls that were used they summoned th e monsters that were the best of the best the dire wolf pups they take 12 months to become adults and with the mana water they can become stronger forms of those monsters though mutations with the ponds water