
Chapter 3 meeting the first aid and the start of the dungeon life

After reading the introduction of each monster our main character noticed a beautiful female life form with black feathered wings on her back a full 12 pairs of them this female had big breasts a plump but Parkie luscious lips an hour glass figure big strong thighs the most beautiful slender doll lick figure and skin as pale as the purest fresh fallen snow and she was only a little different then normal in her eyes the where well to say the sclera of her eyes where black the iris of her eyes was a rotating rainbow of colors the pupils of her eyes seemed to be white this was a beautiful wonder that could have any man hypnotized with her beautiful eyes alone her hair was white with rainbow highlights and natural rainbow frosted tips

Then she spoke her voice sounded enchanting and I could have could have sworn I that when she first spoke I heard an echo greetings

master my name is Lucifer and I will swear loyalty only to you ok

ok I get it said Jake can you put on some cloths please Lucifer

Lucifer said in a seductive tone why does master not like my body

Then going close to her master and giving him a nude hug he turned Luke turned red as a freshly ripe tomato

Luke stammered as he said yu-your body is perfect just the way it is but please put on some cloths

Lucifer said I don't have any cloths so sorry master

Jake went to went to his house to ask his mom for some help with Lucifer when he got to the cave Lucifer was standing at the entrance bare naked

Jake's mom went to take measurements and found out she had some old cloths that would fit her perfectly unfortunately Jake's mother was only as big as Lucifer in the tits and ass department when she was pregnant and on an eating bing a long time ago as she told the story to Lucifer wile she got Lucifer cloths as well as some equipment for battling after that Lucifer told her about how she came to be and about the talent of her son how she was called here and more of her purpose here in the dungeon as a dungeons aid Jake and his mom both listened attentively as Lucifer spoke she said all aids are required to swear absolute loyalty to the dungeon master but most dungeons only get to summon 1 aid every ten years and he can summon one whenever he wants as well as that it's an aids job to make sure that the dungeon is running smoothly at all times and keep the dungeon master informed an up to date as well as help in any way they can as well as the stats , skills and growth of a summon of any kind including aids is determined by the rarity as well as the spawn rate and price of it all

Lucifer also mentioned that the cave that they are in is a very good hiding place as well as a good area to expand the dungeon all she needs is mana

Well wile he was listening to he speaking on and on he tried his luck on a miscellaneous item gotcha where he got a vary small mana pond as part of a times forty gotcha

Item name mana pond

Item type wonder

Item grade C


This pond is capable of acting as a mana sponge that can absorb the mana in the air and condensing it into the water the water can act as a natural mana potion help monsters grow and reproduce as well as help monsters evolve CV

System note

As part of your dungeon this wonder can condense mana for the dungeon core and help with the spawn circles that help a dungeon masters create monsters and more

This item can also grow along with the strength of the dungeon

Alright then let's begin with the dungeon run Jake said when all the magic circles started to come to life and then fizzled out

Jake said what happened

Lucifer said master we don't have any souls so the magic circles can't create any monsters for the dungeon you should be able to see it in the status menu a new bar should have appeared not only should you have the bars for souls you should also have the bar for dungeon points

Jake went and looked at his stats again


Name Jake Vinegrove

Class - dungeon master

Dungeon points - 450

Souls - 0

Titles - none

Lv 1 (exp 0/100)


Hp - 90/90

Mp - 90/90

Strength - 15

Dexterity - 15

Constitution - 15

Intelligence -15

Wisdom - 15

Charisma - 8

Luck - 5



So where were we ah alright then we need souls so what do we have here Lucifer said and continued you don't have to do any thing let me do the work for you ok master

Jake said alright then tell me if you need help ok

Lucifer said then let us begin with a plan of attack then

After word Lucifer began by scouting the area in the surrounding woods as well as sealing the cave when she left and covering her tracks as best as she could

After about a week of scouting around the area Lucifer found a group of monsters that could be of use as the are a tribe of goblins that number a little over 50 warriors if I'm going to do this I have to do this right said Lucifer after which she gave a glance and started to search for hunting teams after words she went to hunt the hunters as a SSS ranked summon she was as stronger as a Lv 15 goblin at LV 1. all goblins get at most two stats per level without training so Lucifer began the hunt of the goblins knocked out the goblins one by one until she had 2 of them which allowed her to carry them back in batches of two until the village chief noticed something was wrong when the 3rd party didn't come back in total there where about 17 lv 5 goblins that went missing that's almost 1/3 of the villages combat power the chief goblin was only a lv 12 goblin and the average lv of the remaining goblins was higher then the level 8 missing goblins at level 5