
Chapter 5 the summoning of 400 dire wolf pups , naming them

After our hero Jake summoned the dire wolf pups he game the Exp he gained to Lucifer she grow from Lv 5 to Lv 7 with that boost he began with the dire wolfs by storing Exp for them thankfully dire wolfs have an Exp requirement of 1/10 that of a human sense it's so low on the food chain as a result with the help of the pond the dire wolfs they can reduce the amount of time needed to become an adult to just 3 months and with some training the can evolve into a stronger form and wile Lucifer got to hunting the pups only drank the mana water after they 4 months later with a pack of almost four hundred adult dire wolf pups with a 20/80 mix of male and female tyrant dire wolfs that have reached adulthood each have evolved into (note these dire wolfs were born from other goblin villages that died and were just a little stronger then the first to fall)

Monster name - tyrant dire wolf x396

Monster grade D ranked monster

Monster Lv 1


Hp 63/63

Mp 31/31

Strength - 8

Dexterity - 11

Constitution - 11

Intelligence - 5

Wisdom - 6

Charisma - 3

Luck - 6


Pack mentality Lv 1 , tyrant Howell Lv 1 , armored hide Lv 1 , ripping bite Lv 1 , shredding claws Lv 1

Monster name Alpha tyrant dire wolf x4

Monster grade D ranked Alpha monster

Monster Lv 1


Hp 63/63(+100%)(=126/126)

Mp 31/31(+100%)(=62/62)

Strength - 8(+100%)(=16)

Dexterity - 11(+100%)(=22)

Constitution - 11(+100%)(=22)

Intelligence - 5(+100%)(=10)

Wisdom - 6(+100%)(=12)

Charisma - 5(+100%)(=10)

Luck - 6(+100%)(=12)


Pack mentality+ Lv 1 , tyrant Howell+ Lv 1 , armored hide+ Lv 1 , ripping bite+ Lv 1 , shredding claws+ Lv 1

[Authors note Alpha monsters have enhanced forms of skills and double the stats of a monster of the same race , level and grade)

Skill name pack mentality

Skill grade D

Skill type - active/support

Skill description

Gives the user an increase in base stats based on the size of the pack 1% each limited to up to an increase in base stats of as much as +150%

Cost 6 mana per sec

Cooldown 5 sec

Skill name pack mentality+

Skill grade C

Skill type - active/support

Skill description

Gives the user an increase in base stats based on the size of the pack 1% each limited to up to an increase in base stats of as much as +400%

Cost 10 mana per sec

Cooldown 10 min

Skill name tyrant Howell

Skill grade D

Skill type - active/support

Skill description

each skill Lv increases the increase of stat points by 1% each skill level

Cost 2 mana points a sec

Cooldown 10 min

Skill name tyrant Howell+

Skill grade C

Skill type - active/support

Skill description

each skill Lv increases the increase of stat points by 1.5% each skill level

Cost 5 mana every sec

Cooldown 20 min

Skill name armored hide

Skill grade D

Skill type - passive/support

Skill description

Gives the user an increase of 50% in defense and health regeneration

Skill name armored hide+

Skill grade C

Skill type - passive/support

Skill description

Gives the user an increase of 75% in defense and health regeneration

Skill name ripping bite

Skill grade D

Skill type active/attack

Skill description

Empowers the user in there jaws to attack there enemy's with 150% attacking power

Cost 20 mana

Cooldown 1 min

Skill name ripping bite+

Skill grade C

Skill type active/attack

Skill description

Empowers the user in there jaws to attack there enemy's with 200% attacking power

Cost 35 mana

Cooldown 1 min 30 sec

Skill name shredding claws

Skill grade D

Skill type active/attack

Skill description

Empowers the user in there claws to attack there enemy's with 125% attacking power

Cost 25 mana

Cooldown 1 min

Skill name shredding claws+

Skill grade D

Skill type active/attack

Skill description

Empowers the user in there claws to attack there enemy's with 150% attacking power

Cost 40 mana

Cooldown 2 min

With such over powered skills at Lv 1 and each monster gains a skill every 5 levels that means with its next skill at Lv 5 then ten and then fifteen we are all good as far as Jake knew then sent out the pack of hundreds of dire wolfs to hunt and bring back there prey alive as instructed by the dungeon master as a result they broke into groups of as many as 100 dire tyrant dire wolfs with its own alpha dire wolf as there leader

[Authors note

Monster structure is as follows for the main types

Normal monster (100% base stats ), alpha monster(200% base stats ) , mini boss monster(300% base stats ) , field boss monster(400% base stats) , boss monster(500% base stats ) , raid boss monster(600% base stats ) , calamity boss monster(700% base stats ) and Demi god boss monster(800% base stats )

As a result they each brought back monsters then killed them and ate them this pattern continues until the boss Lucifer gets back and asks her master a question if she can get the stored Exp and Dp that amounts to 25600 Dp & Exp each not to mention that she has authority over the dungeon account that she owns the mana in the lake almost half of it went to the dire wolf pups to help them become stronger half of 43800 mana equals 21900 mana the rest went to the dungeon just like the reserve souls which amount to 600 souls - 400 = 150 left over souls from the goblin villages that were attacked by Lucifer her self the dungeon master said it's time to summon our first sin which would cost as many as a hundred souls as payment for her summoning Jake said Lucifer got right down to it and added a new layer to her summoning circle and explained that the sins are an auxiliary aid that requires her to add a second layer to her summoning circle which is why it's so expensive to keep summoning the sins as aids though each one is quite powerful

Lucifer began and used the souls as materials to transform them into runes to equip to her summoning circle after which her power seamed to grow with each rune she inscribed into her circle her power grow until she became an almost more powerful existence

System to player congregation on summoning the sin of sloth

System to player please name the sin of sloth to complete the contract

Jake went and took a minute to think then he said I choose Vilhelmina it's a similar name to Wilhelmina but just unique enough that it's her own Jake said to the system

System to player acknowledged that the name of the sin of sloth is Vilhelmina

Commencing summoning