
I Want My Forever

"If I keep on pushing people away I won't get hurt." "If I stay calm and collected, no one can reach me." We give our all to everyone around us, believing that if we make them happy, we too will become happy. It is not that easy and Ashton has been stuck in that realization for awhile now, not wanting to believe that life could be so cruel. We fight to be seen and acknowledged by the ones we care about. But is it really worth it, when you give your all and it's still not enough. Corey is conflicted, fighting with his own brain, not knowing if he should take a step back or keep going. Both of them need a break, someone that will listen and comfort them, without making a fuss. "They say great minds think alike." "Only that we don't think, we feel.”

ErikTheBat · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

I'm on my way

Tony jumped into the backseat of Mary's car. She wasn't the one driving. It was Nathan. He had called them, in panic, as fast as Ashton didn't respond.

He had known, he had realized what happened to Ashton. When he reread the last text he sent.

'Ash, I'm on my way.' He thought as Nathan drove like a crazy person. Happy that their friends didn't always care about speed limits.

The twins Mary and Nathan. Born Mary and Nataly. Their parents were rich and didn't care what their children did. If they asked for money, they got money.

He was happy for them. Especially for Nathan, who, -because their parents were rich- were able to transition, early, quickly and fully. Without having to worry about any of the costs.

Those two were safe. They could be themselves. Their parents didn't care. They had their own lives. The mother, a romanian playboy model and adult film actress. Their father, a russian photographer.

The two didn't talk about them much, but the fact that they lived in an enormous mansion. With a pool, indoors. Their mothers' portraits cover parts of the walls all over the house. It was hard to miss.

Tony shuffled nervously in his seat. Trying to keep calm, hearing his friends talk in the front.

He couldn't tell what they were talking about. Only a muffled mumble.

"Tony?" Mary's voice was quiet. It was noticeable that she had been crying, or maybe still was?

People who didn't know her, were scared of her. She had those long sharp, vampire teeth. She dressed in gothic clothing. Mary couldn't hate the sun more and her mother is from the same part of Romania as the legend of Dracula originates from.

To be completely honest. After some tests done on their mother, a long time ago. They found traces in her DNA, connecting her to Vlad Drawklya; The third son of Vlad the third, more known as Vlad the impaler. The real life dracula.

"What should we do with him?" Nathan asked, from the driver's seat as they arrived at the caravan park.

"We have to see how he's doing first, idiot." Mary exclaimed, playfully hitting her brother's head. Pushing it away.

Tony jumped out of the car, before running to Ashton's caravan. When he arrived he smashed the door open and was met by him.

He was laying on the floor. Stroking a blood stain. Crying and out of breath.