
I Want My Forever

"If I keep on pushing people away I won't get hurt." "If I stay calm and collected, no one can reach me." We give our all to everyone around us, believing that if we make them happy, we too will become happy. It is not that easy and Ashton has been stuck in that realization for awhile now, not wanting to believe that life could be so cruel. We fight to be seen and acknowledged by the ones we care about. But is it really worth it, when you give your all and it's still not enough. Corey is conflicted, fighting with his own brain, not knowing if he should take a step back or keep going. Both of them need a break, someone that will listen and comfort them, without making a fuss. "They say great minds think alike." "Only that we don't think, we feel.”

ErikTheBat · LGBT+
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15 Chs

Looking through a keyhole.

TonyTheIronGuy: So, I came by the shop.

AshTheFlash: When?

TonyTheIronGuy: When you were making out with a strange guy in the backroom.

'Wait, what? How? No?'

AshTheFlash: How?

TonyTheIronGuy: Keyhole.

'He did what?'

TonyTheIronGuy: Katie said you were talking to someone and that I shouldn't disturb. So I just took a quick peek inside, using the keyhole.

Ashton sighed and slammed his head backwards, into the wall behind him.

AshTheFlash: You are unbelievable.

TonyTheIronGuy: It wasn't just me. Katie did it too and some random, who looked like the guy you had fun with. Only that he was more handsome.

"You must be kidding me." He muttered under his breath. Happy that his father wasn't home. Since he now again had full on flushed cheeks.

AshTheFlash: Just be happy that you are my closest friend, or I would have you buried six feet under.

Ashton froze and dropped his phone to the floor, when he realized what he had just written. Remembering what day it was. That guy had made him forget.

His phone landed on the floor. On Top of one of the bloodstains he hadn't been able to scrub away.

The heart, beating strong and fast inside his chest. A strong pain, showering over him- At the same time his eyes started to burn. Tears fighting to be let out. Feeling like a knife was stabbing into his chest, everytime he took a breath.

He tried to hold his breath. But was unable to. Instead Ashton started to hyperventilate. Not able to get the air inside his body.

Losing awareness of everything around him. The room was spinning. His phone was blowing up with messages.

But he was long gone, in thoughts.

Lost in his mind.

Imprisoned by himself.

All because of him.

If he had been better.

If he had cared more.

He wouldn't be in this situation.