
I Want My Forever

"If I keep on pushing people away I won't get hurt." "If I stay calm and collected, no one can reach me." We give our all to everyone around us, believing that if we make them happy, we too will become happy. It is not that easy and Ashton has been stuck in that realization for awhile now, not wanting to believe that life could be so cruel. We fight to be seen and acknowledged by the ones we care about. But is it really worth it, when you give your all and it's still not enough. Corey is conflicted, fighting with his own brain, not knowing if he should take a step back or keep going. Both of them need a break, someone that will listen and comfort them, without making a fuss. "They say great minds think alike." "Only that we don't think, we feel.”

ErikTheBat · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Thicker walls!

The stiff but smooth feeling under his hand was far too overwhelming.

Ashton didn't look at the stain, but had his eyes tightly shut. Unaware that his friends had just arrived.

He was in another place right now.

Remembering the past.

~Three Years Ago~

Ashton walked into the caravan. Immediately regretting it, as he turned around to face the door as fast as he could.

"Mary, you live in a mansion. Do you have to fuck my sister in our small caravan?" Ashton sighed deeply.

"Ashie, it's more exciting here!" Annabella exclaimed, "Could you step out for just a little longer?" She then continued.

"Why? I just came back."

"Because, we both are super close. And it would be rude of you to not let us finish." Her voice now had a pleading town. Begging her brother to step out until they were done.

He was tired and wanted to go to sleep. But how could he tell his cute little sister, No. It's just, it's impossible. So he opened the door, stepped out and made sure he closed the door behind him.

Ashton lay down in the grass. Wishing, hoping that the walls would magically become thicker. Which they didn't. So he just had to try and filter away, his sisters and his friend's loud moans.

Without succeeding, that is.

~Present Time~

Ashton began to hear voices.

'Are they real? Or am I hallucinating? Could be both'

"Ash!" Tony exclaimed, as he seated himself down beside the crying boy.

Ashton carefully opened his eyes. Blinking frantically so he could see through the tears. His breath hitched when he realized that he was lying on the floor. Tony seated in front of him.

Ashton crawled over to Tony, falling down onto his lap. Still unaware that Nathan and Mary were there as well.