
I, the protagonist of the system stream, join the chat

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Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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Simulation Towards Immortality In A Group Chat - Chapter 171 - Chapter 171: Chapter 99: Breaking Through the Spiritual Womb Realm! Five Newcomers Join the Group! _3 - Novel Live - Reading Novel Free

Translator: 549690339

As soon as Wang Ping made a choice, his mind was filled with a lot of knowledge, as if he was personally experiencing various alchemy scenes.

After an unknown period of time, Wang Ping came to his senses, his eyes shining brightly, his heart filled with joy.

After digesting the alchemy experience of Wang Ping from this life

simulation, he had become a 7th tier Alchemist.

Even a master of the half-step Profound Elixir Realm had to behave very politely upon meeting such grade of an Alchemist.

Even the common masters in the Profound Elixir Realm would not ignore it arrogantly.

"Now that I've become a 7th tier Alchemist, I can earn enough spiritual stones. As such, my seven-star archipelago should begin to build its reputation so that those masters actively seek people to refine elixirs for them. Time for accumulation of wealth.'

Wang Ping had such thoughts, planning to start the action tomorrow.

At this time, Wang Ping recalled the situation of a few newcomers, and opened the chat group again.

After opening the chat group, he noticed that he was already late.

These several time-travelers had already travelled through time.

It had to be said that whether one would survive after time-traveling relied entirely on luck.

Lin Yuanyuan, who Wang Ping thought would most likely not make it, actually survived.

Because the place she traversed to wasn't dangerous, but like him, was outside a village.

However, the difference was, the village Lin Yuanyuan saw was just an ordinary village, not a hidden village home to any cultivators.

Furthermore, although the world she was in also had an ancient background, it was not a chaotic era, so the villagers seemed relatively kind.

As for the other three newcomers who time-traveled, Ma Yang and Yu Yonghao both died.

Ma Yang died tragically, his death was somewhat similar to Chen Kangs.

After landing, there was a monster just ahead. It wasn't a zombie, but something similar. It bit him right away.

Then Ma Yang was instantly infected into a zombie and quickly succumbed.

Yu Yonghao, another newcomer, also died tragically. The place he teleported to was a hundred meters above lava. He could only fall into the lava in despair and melt right away.

These two could be said to have truly hit the ground dead, not even able to activate their golden fingers.

The last new person was Wu Yueming.

He was very lucky, not only was the place he teleported to safe, being in a city alley, but he also quickly understood the background of his world, drew a very powerful golden finger, and it fit the power system of his world perfectly.

Wu Yuemings world was the Beast Taming World.

In that world, humans had awakened the ability for Beast Taming and could form contracts with spiritual beasts for battle.

The golden finger Wu Yueming drew was the Beast Taming Ring, which could enhance beast affinity. Simultaneously commanding your spiritual beast in battle, you could selectively stimulate various buffs to enhance your own Beast's combat effectiveness.

"The Beast Taming World, it's indeed a good world."

Wang Ping exclaimed.

He had read various types of Beast Taming novels before, and the spiritual pets in them were all kinds of weird, with varied abilities.

Some spiritual pets with extremely perverse abilities, time series, space series, concept series, were to be found in abundance, which could be compared to the various Golden fingers of the time-travelers.

Perhaps the battle power of some Beast Taming Worlds were not too high, but in terms of the diversification of battle methods, they were worlds that many others could not match.

At least at the current stage, even if he met a space-time-based spiritual beast, he'd probably have quite a headache.

"l wonder what Lin Yuanyuan's golden finger is. She is rather cautious and has no intention to speak."

Wang Ping thought of Lin Yuanyuan, eyebrows slightly raised.

"Forget it, there's no need to worry about her. Although she didn't die upon landing, it remains to be seen whether she can survive later. If she can survive, we can explore whether her golden finger is helpful for the group task. If her golden finger is good, it's worth trying to cultivate." Wang Pings eyes flashed as he thought to himself.

After experiencing the last group task, Wang Ping would no longer underestimate the golden finger of other time-travelers.

Even if the time-traveler himself is weak, various golden fingers could be the key to break the situation.

However, the prerequisite for all this is that the newcomer can survive, otherwise, no matter how strong her golden finger is, it would be useless.

Next, Wang Ping was preparing to go offline.

However, a message suddenly popped up, which left Wang Ping slightly surprised.

Cai Yonglong (1) @Wang Ping (66): "Mr. Wang, I have discovered a thing. The delivery function is unlocked after five new people join the group at the same time. Now, we can teleport to each other, but each teleport requires group points. The lowest group points required for the same world are a thousand and the highest is ten thousand. For other worlds, the lowest is ten thousand group points. So, Mr. Wang, do you want to come to me?"

Fang Yun (3): "Damn, Mr. Cai, how did you find that? I didn't even notice that the delivery function had been unlocked. But you just unlocked the Group function and you're already thinking about holding onto others' coattails. Mr. Cai, you're something else. —_— E'

Zhang Hu (5): "Don't ask, that's jealousy, I also want to be propelled forward by Mr. Wang."

Wang Ping (66): "Where are you?"

Looking at Cai Yonglongs message, Wang Pings eyes flickered and he asked a question.

Then it occurred to him that he and Cai Yonglong were in the same world.

Considering that Cai Yonglong said he was affiliated with the Heavenly Sword Divine Land and that Transcendent Realm was like Supreme Elders, Wang Ping was slightly suspicious if Cai Yonglong was also on some island..

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And she even plans to sell herself. How cheap must she think the Transmigrator Chat Group is?

For a moment, everyone, including Wang Ping, was sure that Lin Yuanyuan was a goner.

With her kind of personality, even without being squashed to a pulp, even if she were lucky enough to draw a not-too-bad Golden Finger, there was a high chance of death.

Liu Mei (15): "Instead of crying here, I think you should prepare materials. Otherwise, it's very dangerous. Of course, people in the chat group can send you red envelopes, but most of the time, you have to rely on yourself."

Lin Yuanyuan (80): "Really? Can you really send me red envelopes? Then, can you prepare more food and weapons and armors for me. It would be great if there is something that can make people become superhuman."

Everyone: .

This Lin Yuanyuan, she really dares to say anything.

Frankly speaking, there's an unspoken rule in the Transmigrator Chat Group.

That is, they would not give handouts to newcomers. They just serve as mentors, telling them how to avoid dangers.

Only when the newcomers can survive on their own, they are regarded as real group members.

Because if a group member always relies on others' handouts to survive, they are merely a giant baby without real survival skills in their own world.

Helping such a group member, investing in them, is pointless. They will probably die in the future.

For a moment, everyone in the group lost interest and was planning to lurk and wait for the conclusion of the newcomer's story in 30 minutes.

However, just when Wang Ping and others were about to lurk, a system prompt message suddenly rings out, startling everyone.

"Ding, group member Zhang San (82) has died. Death Replay is being recorded. May all group members take it as a warning."

Wang Ping (66): "My goodness, what happened? He hasn't even crossed over yet and is already dead."

Fang Yun (3): "Honestly, it's a bit outrageous. He's the first newcomer who

died before crossing over, right…"

Chen Yao (71): "I'm quite curious about why he died…. It couldn't possibly be that he joined the group while he was driving and then got distracted by the chat group and was killed in a crash with a truck."

Zhang Jun (70): "I think he was in the United States and got accidentally shot in the head. Serious face.jpg."

Cai Yonglong (1): "You guys are really something, be careful that the newcomer doesn't rest in peace."

Zhang Hu (5): "Good Lord, I just logged in and already heard such exciting news? This is really the first time I've heard of a pre-crossing death case. I supposed he's going to be a disgrace among transmigrants."

Wang Ping (66): "No, no, no, he hasn't crossed over yet, so he can't be regarded as a transmigrant."

Qin Tian (77): "Haha, you're right, that's hilarious. I heard he was bragging before, but he died before he even crossed over.'

Lin Yuanyuan (80): "Someone really died, and you guys can still laugh. You're too cold-blooded! Shocked.jpg."

There was a brief silence in the chat group following Lin Yuanyuan's message, and then without explaining anything, everyone continued their conversation.

Just a newborn's death, what's the big deal?

They have long been accustomed to the death of newcomers, and have stopped feeling anything about it.

To the point where, they themselves have encountered all kinds of dangers and have narrowly dodged death.

Seeing that everyone ignored her, Lin Yuanyuan felt a chill run through her body. This group chat was too creepy, and these people were too cold-blooded.

As for Yu Yonghao, Wu Yueming, and Ma Yang, the three newcomers who were preparing their supplies, they were all silenced seeing this scene play out.

However, compared to Lin Yuanyuan, who seemed to have some problems with her intelligence, they were more rational, they better understand the nature of this chat group.

As a result, they remained silent and didn't say much.

After all, so many people have joined this Transmigrator Chat Group, and only a few have survived. Apart from Qin Tian, Ye Xiaofan, and Wang Shuqi, whose sequence numbers are just slightly higher than theirs, the other old members may have long stewed in death.

Even by looking at Qin Tian's performance, they guessed he must have faced life and death situations too.

Afterward, the three of them gritted their teeth and began to gather supplies even more quickly.

They started calculating the time, prepared to much needed supplies more directly by robbing to save time.

They are about to cross over, and soon they'll face life and death tribulations. So, whatever morality they have to adhere to is all bullshit, only their lives are important.

If it wasn't beyond their abilities, they'd even want to steal guns for self-protection.

"Ding, the Death Replay has been recorded. All group members can download and view."

The system group prompt appeared again.

Therefore, Wang Ping and others also clicked in.

Then, they all started looking strangely at each other.

Because, it really did happen as Chen Yao had guessed. Before Zhang San joined the group, he was indeed driving a car on the highway.

After joining the chat group, perhaps because he was shocked by Lin Yuanyuan's words, he got distracted, accidentally changed lanes, and directly hit the tail of a truck. His brains splattered, and he died instantly.

Seeing this scene, Wang Ping and others could only admire how accurately Chen Yao had guessed.

At the same time, the four newcomers Lin Yuanyuan, Yu Yonghao, Wu Yueming, and Ma Yang were all scared white-faced.

"Let's continue with the simulation next.'

After watching Zhang San's Death Replay, and knowing that there's some time until the next newbie's crossing, Wang Ping wasn't interested in chatting in the group anymore. After shutting down the chat group, he spoke mentally to the system.

"System, I want to do the Paid Simulation."

"Ding, this Paid Simulation requires ten thousand mid-tier Spirit Stones. Do you want to spend it?" The system's voice sounded.

"Spent it."

Wang Ping nodded and communicated this to the system.

"Ding, spending was successful. Life Simulator launched, refreshing talent…" "Congratulations on successfully refreshing White TalentDoing Good Daily."

White TalentDoing Good Daily: Do a good deed every day to fill yourself with positive energy, making it easier for others to feel good about you.

"What kind of talent is this?"

Wang Ping was speechless.

He always felt that after refreshing the Blue Talent.Berserker, his luck in refreshing talents deteriorated.

This probably means he got his guaranteed good pull, and now he's unlucky again. It likely means he'll have to wait until the next guarantee for a good talent..

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"Ding, talent selection successful, life simulation begins."

As Wang Ping was speechless in his heart, the system's voice rang again, and the luminescent screen appeared, with the text floating out.

[Day 1, after contemplating, you chose to join the Seven Star Palace. You successfully joined the Seven Star Palace, became a disciple of the 7th tier alchemist, Qin Lan, and started learning Alchemy earnestly.]

[Time flies, 20 years have passed, you became a 5th Tier Alchemist and your cultivation improved to the mid-stage of the Spiritual Embryo Realm, becoming even more powerful.]

[The Seven Star Secret Realm opens, and you entered it. This time, you were even more dominant, easily obtaining Fire-elemental spirit objects and

Earth-elemental spirit objects, and no one could withstand your punch.]

[However, you still didn't participate in the contest for the Heaven-tier Skill and merely watched the excitement. In the end, the Heaven-tier Skill was destroyed.]

[It's just that, this time, you remembered something. It was the fact that Ye Chen and Jiang Huai had entered the secret realm back then but did not compete for the Heaven-tier Skill, which was undoubtedly abnormal. You suspected that there might be opportunities in the secret realm that you didn't know about, and these opportunities were the most precious things in the Seven Star Secret Realm.]

[You searched everywhere but found nothing, eventually having to leave as the secret realm was about to close.]

[After that, you continued to study Alchemy. Although you wanted to return to the Profound Turtle Continent to see what was going on with Ye Chen, you eventually chose to give up. You cherish your own life greatly and want to

focus on cultivating your Alchemy to the 7th tier, other matters are secondary.]

[In a blink of an eye, another 40 years passed. Through steady cultivation, you successfully improved your cultivation to the Late-stage Spirit Embryo

Realm. During these 40 years, your level of Alchemy also increased to 6th tier.]

[In a blink of an eye, another 50 years passed, and you successfully became a 7th tier Alchemist. Meanwhile, your cultivation reached Perfect Spiritual Embryo Realm, only a step away from the Spirit Accumulation Realm.

However, breaking through to the Spirit Accumulation Realm is not simple.]

[Although it is not as difficult as breaking through from the Spirit Sea Realm to the Spiritual Fetus Realm, which requires a 6th Tier Spiritual Material, it is still not easy for ordinary people to nourish their souls and open their Soul Palace on their own. Many cultivators have endured a lifetime without successfully opening their Soul Palace.]

[As a result, ordinary people rely on some elixirs and treasures to help increase the probability of successfully opening their Soul Palace and becoming Spirit Accumulation Realm masters, which is safer.]

[Unfortunately, such elixirs and treasures are all 7th tier, and treasures that help the soul are extremely rare and much more valuable than other treasures of the same tier.]

[This is the reason why there are so few Spirit Accumulation Realm masters in the world. There are only about ten masters in the Seven Stars Archipelago.

Even those who have lived a lifetime in the Spirit Accumulation Realm can't guarantee that they will reach this realm again in their next life.]

[However, you didn't rush too much as your current strength and identity as a 7th tier Alchemist ensure that you have the highest probability of obtaining relevant treasures or elixirs when they appear.]

[In the blink of an eye, another ten years passed, and your alchemy skills improved further, surpassing your master, Qin Lan. However, you didn't feel too happy about it, realizing that as long as you continue to stay in the Seven Star Palace, you won't be able to make much more progress in your lifetime, and your path will be cut off.]

[Because of this, you made up your mind to venture into a broader sky after the Sea Ape Clan invasion is over and become a higher-tier Alchemist.]

[With a plan in your mind, you started taking action instead of waiting quietly for the Sea Ape Clan to invade. You wanted to find out who stole the Sea Ape

Clan's Supreme Treasure and what it was.]

[You arrived at the territory of the Sea Ape Clan and found that it was already in chaos. You knew that the person had successfully stolen the treasure and fled from here. To avoid being a scapegoat, you chose to leave.]

[You were very lucky, accidentally encountering the cultivator who stole the

Supreme Treasure of the Sea Ape Clan. He was extremely powerful, with the Perfect cultivation of the Spirit Accumulation Realm. From him, you sensed an aura that surpassed high-grade spiritual tools, it was a Profound instrument.]

[You were shocked, not expecting this person to be so bold as to steal a Profound instrument from the Sea Ape Clan. At the same time, you were surprised that the Sea Ape Clan possessed a Profound instrument. If the Sea Ape Clan Ancestor, who was half a step into the Profound Elixir Realm, attacked the Seven Stars Archipelago with a Profound instrument, the

Archipelago would be destroyed, and even the Seven Stars Ancestor, Nangong

Yun, would die in the hands of the Sea Ape Clan Ancestor.]

[After all, a Profound instrument is a weapon that only Profound Elixir Realm masters have the qualifications to possess, and they possess tremendous power that can significantly increase the combat power of cultivators below the Profound Elixir Realm.]

[The hidden Spirit Accumulation Realm master with a Profound instrument wanted to kill you but feared attracting the attention of the Sea Ape Clan. In the end, he chose to give up and flee far away.]

[You also chose not to make a move on this person. Although you are now a

Nine Stars Martial Saint and have the cultivation of the Perfect Spiritual

Embryo Realm, you are not sure how powerful a great Spirit Accumulation

Realm master wielding a Profound instrument can be.]

[Next, you left the Sea region. The Sea Ape Clan was shaken, and their Ancestor led the clan to attack the seven-star archipelago, igniting a great battle..]

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[In this battle, you still coasted along, relying on the power of the Nine Stars Martial Saint to occasionally kill the Sea Ape Clan's strong members and gain some benefits]

[After the battle, you decided to leave the Seven Stars Archipelago and go to a broader place to become a more powerful Alchemist.]

[You continuously teleported to various islands, arriving at the largest island – Sacred Heart Island under the jurisdiction of Heavenly Sword Divine Land. The area of Sacred Heart Island is more than ten times the size of the Seven Stars Archipelago, with vast territory, numerous Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures, and many powerful people among various islands.]

[On Sacred Heart Island, there were Profound Elixir Realm masters rarely seen on other islands. More than ten of them appeared on Sacred Heart Island. At the same time, on this island, there were also 8-tier Alchemists.]

[After arriving at Sacred Heart Island, you did not immediately seek advice from an 8-tier Alchemist but instead collected materials for 7th tier Elixir Soul-opening Elixir.]

[Finally, you successfully collected relevant materials on Sacred Heart Island and began alchemy. After several failed attempts, you successfully made 7th tier Elixir – Soul-opening Elixir.]

[With the help of 7th tier Elixir – Soul-opening Elixir, you made a breakthrough into the Spirit Accumulation Realm. After a series of twists and turns, you successfully opened your Soul Palace and reached the Spirit Accumulation Realm.]

[After reaching the Spirit Accumulation Realm, you became more powerful and confident. However, you were very steady and patient, choosing not to seek advice from an 8-tier alchemist right away. You wanted to enhance your cultivation to Great Perfection of Spirit Accumulation Realm or even half step Profound Elixir Realm first.]

[Because you thought that the higher the cultivation, the more respect the other party would give you, and that they would guide you. At the same time, you also worried about one thing. Jiang Huai, a Profound Elixir Realm master before, was chased to such an extent. However, considering that Jiang Huai was able to survive at the Profound Elixir Realm, the person who chased and killed him was probably also at the Profound Elixir Realm. Although that person was a Profound Elixir Realm master from a Great Sect, you were not sure if other Profound Elixir Realm masters in other places knew about the 'Sinful Bloodline Descendants' and could discern the aura of those who came from the Profound Turtle Continent.]

[You continued to practice diligently. However, when you reached the Spirit Accumulation Realm, you found that your cultivation speed became slower. You thought that the Green Talent.Root Bone Miracle might not be able to keep up with the rhythm. Or, your talent in soul cultivation seemed quite ordinary. After all, the main focus of the Spirit Accumulation Realm cultivation was to temper the soul and expand the Soul Palace.]

[You felt distressed about your slow cultivation speed and regretted not having a Green Talent related to your soul.]

[Thirty years later, you returned to the Seven Stars Archipelago. You found that the Seven Star Palace had eventually been destroyed. Master Qin Lan had escaped a disaster and was not refined by the Seven Stars Ancestor Nangong Yun because you warned her before you left.]

[Next, you participated in the battle for the incomplete Profound Pills. The mysterious young half step Profound Elixir Realm powerhouse appeared again, you clashed with him but got injured and chose to escape. ]


[In a blink of an eye, another hundred years passed. You had already returned to Sacred Heart Island, but you still hadn't been able to cultivate from the early stage of the Spiritual Accumulation Realm to the middle stage. Describing your cultivation speed as turtle-speed wouldn't be an exaggeration. This made you depressed to the extreme. In the end, you decided not to wait any longer and chose to find the two 8-tier alchemists on Sacred Heart Island one by one.]

[Unfortunately, they refused to teach you and did not want to teach you the 8-tier techniques. You, who was shut out, felt helpless. Finally, you took out the Soul Nurturing Ring, hoping to get advice through trading.]

[You took out the Soul Nurturing Ring, thinking it would earn you some goodwill. However, both of the 8-tier Alchemists were very calm. They were extremely wealthy, and a mere Soul Nurturing Ring, while a decent treasure for a Profound Elixir Realm cultivator and potentially life-saving, wasn't really that special to them.]

[You had completely run out of ideas. After all, you couldn't use the Heaven-tier Skill for trading. The impact of revealing a Heaven-tier Skill would be too significant, and Profound Elixir Realm masters would go crazy for it. The moment you took it out, your life would be in danger.]

[As for the Heaven-tier inferior Sunset Sword Skill, it carried a slightly lower risk, but only the Heavenly Mid-grade Five Elements Spirit Fusion Skill would likely tempt the 8-tier alchemists. As for the Heaven-tier inferior Sunset Sword Skill, they might be tempted, but they probably wouldn't teach you alchemy.]

[After all, you didn't believe that the 8-tier Alchemists, who were superior to ordinary Profound Elixir Realm cultivators, couldn't get their hands on Martial Skills of this level. Besides you, other alchemists didn't pay much attention to martial skills. Their efforts were all focused on alchemy.]

[In the end, you chose to give up, relying on your own exploration to see if you could become an 8-tier alchemist. In addition, you could only try to find some precious treasures to improve your soul power in the Spirit Accumulation Realm cultivation.]

[Ten years later, you found a precious 8-tier Treasure Elixir in the depths of the Sacred Heart Mountain Range on Sacred Heart Island. This was a treasure capable of enhancing soul power – Jade Soul Grass. With excitement, you took the risk to pick the treasure. If you missed this treasure, you were afraid that you wouldn't be able to cultivate to the Great Perfection of the Spiritual

Accumulation Realm, let alone break through to the half step Profound Elixir

Realm or the Profound Elixir Realm in your lifetime.]

[Unfortunately, 8-tier Treasure Elixirs were guarded by Profound Elixir Realm Demonic Beasts. You tried to lure them away and took the risk to pick the treasure. However, you had not expected that there was another Profound Elixir Realm Demonic Beast in the cave. Your appearance enraged the Profound Elixir Realm Demonic Beast, and it burst out with terrifying power, killing you instantly.]

[After reviving with the Rebirth tally, you were terrified and chose to run away. However, since the gap between you and the Profound Elixir Realm Demonic Beast was too large, you were still crushed to death again.]

[Due to your death, the simulation ended…]


Wang Ping fell silent, not knowing how to express his feelings.

Really, were these Demonic Beasts always in pairs?

Initially, with the Peiyuan Grass, it was also a Demonic Beast couple.These guardian monster beasts of the 8-tier Treasure Elixir are actually husband and wife, which is rather absurd.

"Ah, 1 failed in the end. Although it was good to see myself breakthrough to the Spirit Accumulation Realm, knowing that my talent in soul cultivation is quite ordinary is quite frustrating."

Wang Ping shook his head and sighed.

It seems he still needs to continue improving his talent.

As for the talent in the physical body, Green Talent.lnnate Physique is enough. After obtaining the Heaven-tier Skill, the cultivating speed in the Spirit Sea Realm and Spiritual Fetus Realm increased a lot.

But Wang Ping did not expect that the talent in the soul aspect would be needed for the Spirit Accumulation Realm.

In other words, if he wants to cultivate to the Great Perfection of the Spirit Accumulation Realm or even break through to the Profound Elixir Realm, he really needs to refresh a Green Talent related to the soul aspect.

Otherwise, he can only try to pick the 8-tier Treasure Elixir.

To be honest, Wang Ping thinks that it would be impossible to succeed just by thinking about it.

Two Profound Elixir Realm monster beasts, and he, a Spirit Accumulation Realm Cultivator, tried to pick it and escape safely.

Perhaps he could release the information and let other Profound Elixir Realm masters fight with the monster beasts, and then take advantage of the chaos.

But the success rate of such a plan would also be very low.

After all, Profound Elixir Realm masters are not fools, and their Spiritual Sense is much stronger than his. Trying to take advantage of the situation while so many powerful beings are watching would have an extremely low success rate.

"Of course, as the number of free simulation chances increases, I can try slowly and explore a way to survive."

Wang Ping shook his head and relaxed.

"Other than that, it is really difficult to become an 8-tier alchemist. If there is no one to teach, I don't know when 1 can reach this level by myself."

"l can only say that people who are neither relatives nor friends are not willing to teach you, but I can rely on myself to explore. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, the alchemy level of a 7-tier alchemist is also sufficient.'

While Wang Ping was lost in thought, the system prompt sounded again.

"Ding, reward generation successful, the host can choose one of the following rewards:

1.Early Stage of Spiritual Accumulation Realm Cultivation.

2.Alchemy Experience.

3.80% Sword Spirit.

4.White TalentDoing Good Daily.

5.Secret Skill being cultivated."

"System, I choose Q."

Wang Ping glanced at the rewards and made a choice without hesitation.

With Spiritual Stones, he can have Spirit Accumulation Realm cultivation at any time, and the main purpose of this simulation is to improve his alchemy skills!

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Cai Yonglong (1): "Mr. Wang, I'm on an overseas island in the Heavenly Sword Divine Land. The island is called Azure Abyss Island, and the sect located here is known as the Green Profound Sect. I just checked, and it only costs one thousand group points for me to teleport to your location. So, it looks like we're quite close to each other!"

Cai Yonglong (1): "Mr. Wang, if you have time, please teleport over and take me to new heights! I can see the opportunity lines on other people, and I know the location of a great opportunity!' Wang Ping (66): "Well, that is a coincidence…"

Wang Ping's gaze became strange.

Frankly, he never thought Cai Yonglong would be so close to him.

Azure Abyss Island, isn't this one of the two islands connected by teleportation array to the Seven Stars Archipelago?

Life Simulator mentioned this before.

However, he had no intention of going there.

Of course, he might have been there briefly but overlooked it.

After all, he went to Sacred Heart Island and transited through various islands along the way.

"Come to think of it, in the future, I guess I would be considered a person who makes a name for myself in this world. Whether it's my identity as a Spirit Embryo Realm Strongman or a Sixth and Seventh Tier Alchemist, it's enough to spread my fame to other islands. Even if it's not possible to spread to all the islands, it's still likely to spread to nearby islands."

Wang Ping stroked his chin and thought carefully.

If his reputation spread, Cai Yonglong would definitely know about his existence and would come to find him if he had the ability.

However, Cai Yonglong didn't do this at all. In fact, he didn't even appear in Life Simulator.

That is to say, in the future, either Cai Yonglong has left these islands or …

had an accidental fall.

Frankly, the possibility of an accidental fall is quite high.

Whether it's the danger of this world or the existence of Group Tasks, both could easily cause Cai Yonglong to fall.

Fang Yun (3): "Whoa, Mr. Wang is actually so close to Mr. Cai? Does that mean we're really going to meet for the first time in our own world?"

Zhang Hu (5): "Well, it's really on the same planet or continent. It's quite unbelievable. Honestly, I didn't believe it before."

Wu Jun (20): "All I can say is that fate is mysterious."

Liu Mei (15): "Is Mr. Cai t s Golden Finger to find opportunities? Combined with Mr. Wangs ability to predict the future, it's a powerful team-up – definitely a

Zhang Jun (70): "Impressive."

Qin Tian (77): "I'm a bit confused, what's going on? Why are Mr. Wang and Mr. Cai in the same world, and I didn't know about it?"

Fang Yun "It's normal that you don't know. This happened a long time ago, only we old folks know about it."

Qin Tian (77): "So you can actually be in the same world…? It's a bit magical.

So does that mean I might be in the same world as Ye Xiaofan too…"

Wang Ping (66): "It's not impossible. After all, both of them are in the

Cultivation world. You can try to find each other's power."

Ye Xiaofan (75): "….No need. I've heard of the Thunder Realm Holy Land…"

Qin Tian (77): "Uh… Well, you knew we were in the same world all along but didn't want to say anything about it … n

Ye Xiaofan (75): "With two individuals transported to the same world, no one knows what will happen."

Listening to Ye Xiaofan's words, everyone fell silent, understanding the implicit meaning.

Although everyone here is a transported individual, and the group chat is friendly, I still don't trust you.

Everyone knows one another's identity, which means that each of them has a handle on the other.

It's hard to predict people's motives, and no one knows what could happen.

Cai Yonglong (1): "That being said… it's true. Mr. Wang, shall we meet up?"

Wang Ping (66): "We'll talk about it later."

Cai Yonglong (1): "Okay then…"

Cai Yonglong was a bit helpless.

Opportunities need to be seized, and once they are delayed, they may be lost.

However, since Wang Ping said so, there's nothing he could do about it.

Frankly, he could understand Wang Pings concerns.

Although, Cai Yonglong thought Wang Pings concern is unnecessary.

Because he had no ill intentions, and Wang Ping could easily know whether he would harm him through his 'predicting the future' ability.

It can be said that if the two were to meet, it would be him putting his life at risk, not Wang Ping.'

Of course, he won't have any objections.

After all, everyone has their own ideas and the right to choose.

As Cai Yonglong was lost in his thoughts, Wang Ping didn't think too much either.

He wasn't afraid that Cai Yonglong would pose a real threat to him.

After all, both their abilities and Golden Fingers would inevitably make Cai Yonglong their ally once they met.

However, Wang Ping likes to be cautious in his actions.

Therefore, he would not do something very important without the corresponding life simulation.

Next, Wang Ping left the chat group, exhaled softly, and prepared for the final simulation.

This time, it was not a Paid Simulation, but a Free Simulation.

It's the only remaining free simulation chance.

"System, I want to conduct a free simulation."

Wang Ping said in his heart.

"Ding, free simulation starts, the host has o remaining free simulation chances.'

The system's voice sounded, and the luminescent screen appeared, with the text emerging as well.

[On the first day, you choose to cultivate..]

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[In the following three months, you started taking action and gained fame in the Seven Stars Archipelago, making many cultivators in the area aware of your existence as a powerful Spiritual Fetus Realm cultivator and 7th tier alchemist. As a result, most cultivators were both awed by and eager to befriend you.]

[Even Seven Star Ancestor Nangong Yun personally appeared and invited you to join the Seven Star Palace, but you politely declined.]

[After earning enough Spiritual Stones through alchemy, you went to Azure Abyss Island and found Cai Yonglong. When Cai Yonglong learned that you were a Spirit Embryo Realm Strongman and a 7th tier alchemist, he was shocked to the extreme and very envious.]

[Next, Cai Yonglong began to explain the issue with his golden finger. It turned out that his golden finger could see the opportunity lines on people who would encounter opportunities in the near future. As long as he followed their opportunity line, he could find their opportunities ahead of time and snatch them away.]

[After listening to Cai Yonglongs explanation, you couldn't help but recall the somewhat popular fantasy novels from your previous life, in which the golden finger functioned similarly, and you started teasing him. Cai Yonglong helplessly admitted that his golden finger was a castrated version and not as powerful.]

[You agreed, as in those novels, the characters would not only snatch away others' opportunities but also get additional rewards, which Cai Yonglong did not have. However, his golden finger had great potential for development.]

[At the same time, you thought of Ye Chen, the Son of Fortune. It would be interesting to see what would happen if Cai Yonglong used his golden finger to snatch away Ye Chen's opportunities.]

[Next, Cai Yonglong told you about an opportunity line that would not only be significant but also highly useful for the Transcendent Realm. With curiosity, you allowed Cai Yonglong to lead you in search of this opportunity.]

[Eventually, driven by curiosity, you followed Cai Yonglong to the endpoint of the opportunity line. There, you found a 5th TierSpirit Elixir guarded by a monster beast in a pregnant and weakened state. In a little while, the beast might become completely weakened, and even a half-step Transcendent Realm cultivator would have a chance to steal the elixir away.]

[Cai Yonglong was thrilled, thinking they hit the jackpot. However, you remained calm and unmoved. A 5th tier spiritual elixir was not a big deal for you.]

[Cai Yonglong felt awkward when he remembered your current status and position.]

[After harvesting the spiritual elixir, you left the place. Believing that his golden finger could play a significant role in the future, you began to cultivate Cai Yonglong. He respected you deeply, and his cultivation progressed rapidly.]

[Three years later, with your help, Cai Yonglong successfully broke through to the Transcendent Realm and became a Spirit Sea Domain Stronger, much to his delight.]

"Three years have passed, and there have been no group tasks? It seems that in life simulation, group tasks do not exist. This may not only apply to me but also to other group members if they appear. This is a future without group tasks in other worlds. One could say that the presence of the chat group has been greatly reduced."

Wang Ping looked at the simulation content, his eyes flickering, and thought about it.

Next, Wang Ping shook his head, stopped thinking about it and continued to gaze at the luminescent screen, watching the simulation content.

[After some thought, you decided to take Cai Yonglong back with you to Profound Turtle Continent. If you could utilize Cai Yonglongs golden finger to unearth Ye Chen's golden finger, it would undoubtedly be a great joy.]

[Using the Stele Array, you and Cai Yonglong arrived at Profound Turtle Continent, and he was shocked to learn that this was your crossing point. He also understood why you had initially struggled to leave.]

[You took Cai Yonglong back to the Sword Spirit Sect where Bai Tianhong and others were surprised by your return and that you had brought a friend.]

[You didn't explain much but simply exchanged pleasantries before taking Cai

Yonglong to find Ye Chen. At this time, Ye Chen had already joined the Sword

Spirit Sect, becoming a disciple, and he was ecstatic and looked up to vou.] [When Cai Yonglong saw Ye Chen, he was amazed. Because he saw numerous opportunity lines on Ye Chen's body, which connected in various directions. One of these opportunity lines was on Profound Turtle Continent.]

[Cai Yonglong happily reported this news to you. You were quite surprised, and then you recalled Ye Chen's unusual experience with a Demonic Cultivation Grandfather, gaining some insights.]

[Then, you asked Cai Yonglong to lead you along the opportunity line to look for chances, intending to find the demonic cultivator beforehand and deal with him.]

[In the end, Cai Yonglong led you to the Black Wind Forest, where you found a mysterious cave. Inside the cave, you sensed an extremely evil demonic energy.]

[You were alarmed and knew that this was where the terrifying demonic cultivator was. You contemplated whether to enter, not knowing how much strength the demonic cultivator had left and not wanting to take excessive risks.]

[You were well aware that without Ye Chen's interference, this demonic cultivator wouldn't cause any harm to the mortal world for hundreds of years, meaning he couldn't leave for some reason. As long as no one else interfered, nothing would happen. However, if you were to interfere, it would be a

different story.]

[Eventually, you chose to give up and had no immediate plans to go in, taking

Cai Yonglong away from the area.]

[You went to Chi Village and had a pleasant conversation with the Chi Clan. However, you also realized a problem: even now, you still couldn't understand the bloodline curse of the Chi Clan. Moreover, when you thought about forcibly learning about the bloodline curse through power, your heart palpitated, instinctively fearing it, and chose to give up..]

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"Chi Clan, still so many mysteries remained unsolved."

Wang Ping sighed as he examined this simulation content.

Now he was not the naive person he used to be. As a Spirit Embryo Realm Strongman, he could reproduce a whole Spirit Clan himself.

Also, as a 7th tier alchemist, his knowledge was rather extensive.

Even so, this kind of feeling had emerged, showing that the curse on the Chi Clan at least originated from someone stronger than the Profound Elixir Realm.

At the same time, Wang Ping had always been puzzled about one issue.

What exactly was the other party's intention? They could kill or not kill, and they could also tolerate others killing the Chi Clan to the point of genocide. This gave the feeling as if they were deliberately torturing the Chi Clan.

Perhaps, often the simplest guess is the most accurate one.

Wang Ping thought silently and looked at the screen again.

[While you were chatting with the Chi Clan and guiding Chifengs cultivation, Cai Yonglong couldn't give up the 'shocks the world opportunity'. He was still hesitating. In the end, he sneaked into the Devil's Cave while you were practicing.]

[Then he saw the terrifying demonic cultivator sealed by the shocking Great Array. Cai Yonglong sensed the cultivator's terror, wanted to leave directly, but was still beguiled by the temptation, his mind filled with desire and longing for power.]

[Then, he expressed his intention to travel through the Profound Turtle Continent, to observe this land, and chose to leave your side. You were unsuspecting and chose to return to Sword Spirit Sect for a period of solitude, and then return to Seven Stars Archipelago.]

[During your retreat, Cai Yonglong started to practice demonic skills and began hunting. He was very cautious, choosing to stay far away from the Central Plains, far from you, and ran to the fringes of the Central Plains for hunting.]

[Because Cai Yonglong had extraordinary strength, no one on the Profound

Turtle Continent could compete with him except you, so every time he acted very discreetly, and no one noticed anything unusual.]

[Half a year later, he collected enough Blood Spirit and returned to the Devil's

Cave. He broke the demonic cultivator's seal using the method of Blood Sacrifice. The demonic cultivator's body had long rotten over thousands of years, leaving only the Divine Soul. Therefore, he chose to stay in the Soul Nurturing Ring and stayed by the side of Cai Yonglong to take him as his disciple. He planned to squeeze all of Cai Yonglongs value out and then eat him.]

[However, because Cai Yonglong was possessive, many things about the chat group, the matter of the transmigrators, were all known to the demonic cultivator. The demonic cultivator was shocked to the extreme, he didn't expect your origins to be so extraordinary. For this reason, the demonic cultivator planned to spare Cai Yonglong for the time being.]

[Afterwards, Cai Yonglong directly took the demonic cultivator to find you. You were very angry and had a great battle with Cai Yonglong. The demonic cultivator chose to take action, exerting a terrifying skill intending to capture you alive. You sensed something was off, instantly turned into Berserk State intending to resist, but it was all in vain.]

[At this, your heart filled with fear and anger. You hated Cai Yonglong deeply, and ultimately chose to self-sacrifice.]

[Because of the Rebirth Tally, you were revived, you self-destructed again, avoiding being miserably captured by the demonic cultivator.]

[Because of your death, this simulation ends.]

Wang Ping was lost for words.

Cai Yonglong, this time he really was a major pitfall.

Even he, a Spirit Embryo Realm Strongman with transcendent combat power, would not dare to enter the Devil's Cave, how dare a mortal from the Spirit Sea Realm like Cai Yonglong go to the Devil's Cave.

It might be fair to say that Cai Yonglongs desire for power is even stronger than Wang Ping imagined.

Of course, this is not to say it is incomprehensible.

After all, this world is very dangerous, along with the existence of the chat group tasks, forcing each group member to roll up their sleeves and transform themselves to the maximum strength.

However, although it was understandable, Wang Ping stj.ll felt pretty speechless.

"In the life simulation, Wang Ping couldn't use the Life Simulator to foresee the future. Which is to say, Cai Yonglong couldn't be controlled by Wang Ping in the simulation. Cai Yonglong was able to see the opportunity which might bring a lot of benefits, but it might also bring a giant pitfall."

Wang Ping shook his head and sighed.

Even though you see the opportunity, if you lack power, that's just a move to offer one's head.

Take the case of the 5th TierSpirit Elixir, even if the Spirit Sea Realm monster beast is in a weak state, the one who is a half-step Transcendent Realm could steal this elixir, but it's just a possibility.

If Cai Yonglong was to rush over, I'm afraid he wouldn't be slapped to death.

The same goes for this Devil's Cave, the opportunity is there, but that maybe an opportunity for the Son of Fortune Ye Chen, but for Cai Yonglong, it's a nightmare.

Being beguiled, losing his will, and getting eating up after being exhausted, leaving no trace behind.

Moreover, Wang Ping was very suspicious that if this happened in reality, Cai Yonglong would also go to other worlds to complete group tasks with the terrifying demonic cultivator.

By then, with the demonic cultivator there, no one knows what will happen.

Perhaps, the possibility of team annihilation is quite likely.

"Thinking so, I need to be more cautious in the future. If other group members were being possessed by some old monster or bringing some old monster to cross to other worlds to carry out group tasks, it could lead to the ending of team annihilation. In addition to that, carrying dangerous items could also lead to the same.'

When Wang Ping thought of this, his heart was startled and noted down this pitfall, mumbling to himself.

"Although Cai Yonglong messed me up in the simulation and caused me to waste a simulation opportunity, he also made me think of this issue, so it can be considered as a compensation."

After that, Wang Ping closed his eyes, no more thoughts disrupting his mind, and entered the state of cultivation..

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Now he had none left.

Whether it was a paid simulation or a free simulation, he couldn't use either. The only option was to wait and earn enough spiritual stones in the coming months.

He only hoped that the next group task would be delayed.

On Seven Star Island, in Seven Star City, within the Elegant Pavilion, three people were drinking together.

"Mr. Wang, are you really not considering joining my Seven Star Palace?" Seven Star Ancestor Nangong Yun looked at Wang Ping with a regretful expression.

Wang Ping was a 7th tier alchemist who had suddenly appeared in the Seven Stars Archipelago in the past four months and quickly gained fame.

Although he didn't know how old Wang Ping was, judging from his youthful appearance, it should not exceed two hundred years old.

Being under two hundred years old and in the Spiritual Fetus Realm, coupled with being a 7th tier alchemist, made Nangong Yun personally invite him.

Such a talent, even if he failed to invite them to join the Seven Star Palace, he couldn't let Wang Ping join another power, and he had to ensure a good relationship with the Seven Star Palace.

Otherwise, a 7th tier alchemist was capable of making another sect rise to prominence.

As long as he was around, other factions were destined to be suppressed by his Seven Star Palace, but the future was uncertain.

"I have heard of Nangong Yun!s great reputation since I was a child, and I respect him very much. It is my honor to be invited by him. However, I am accustomed to a leisurely life and will not join any power in the Seven Stars Archipelago, so I can only apologize to Nangong Yun."

Wang Ping pretended to be helpless.

"That's a pity," Nangong Yun sighed after hearing Wang Pings words.

He understood what Wang Ping meant.

Wang Ping wouldn't join the Seven Star Palace, nor would he join any other power, which would not make them enemies and give Nangong Yun peace of mind.

"Well, since fellow Daoist is unwilling to join my Seven Star Palace, I won't force you. But you and Palace Master Qin Lan are both 7th tier alchemists, you may have common ground and can communicate more often and become friends in your spare time."

Then Nangong Yun changed the topic and said with a smile.

"Mr. Wang, when I come to drink with you, you can't refuse."

Qin Lan also raised her wine glass and smiled.

"Of course not. After all, I have long admired Palace Master Qin Lan." Wang Ping looked at Qin Lan with a smile on his face, raising his glass.

His words were not false.

After absorbing elixir-refining experience, he naturally had memories of his cheap master Qin Lan teaching him how to refine elixirs.

Therefore, although they were master and disciple in the life simulation, they didn't have this relationship in reality, but Wang Ping was still grateful to Qin


"Hene, since you two nave nit It Ott, from today onwards, Wangs Elixir Pavilion will be under the care of my Seven Star Palace. If any forces dare to target Wangs Elixir Pavilion, they will be targeting my Seven Star Palace, and I won't spare them."

Nangong Yun saw Wang Ping raise his glass and nodded with satisfaction. He also raised his glass to Wang Ping and Qin Lan, then stroked his beard and laughed.

"With Elder's words, I feel at ease. I will toast to Elder once again."

Wang Ping smiled and raised his cup again.

Although his cultivation had already reached the Early Stage of Spiritual Bearing Realm, he might not be able to resist Nangong Yun.

Not to mention, the Seven Star Palace had other strongmen.

Therefore, Wang Ping would not offend the Seven Star Palace before he had the real invincible power within the Seven Stars Archipelago. As for Nangong Yun e s approach and goodwill, he would naturally choose to accept it and give them face.

Of course, considering the current development, even if Wang Ping had the strength, he would not become an enemy with the Seven Star Palace.

After all, there was no reason for them to become enemies at present, and there was also the relationship with Qin Lan.

After the drinking party, Nangong Yun and Qin Lan left, and Wang Ping finally sighed with relief.

With these two taken care of, he could continue developing his power and earning spiritual stones without worries in the following period.

"In these four months, I've earned enough spiritual stones to be able to carry out new simulations. I haven't had any simulations in four months, I hope I can at least draw some good talents."

After returning to the building purchased in Seven Star City, Wang Ping prepared for a new simulation.

In the past four months, he had sold some 5th-tier elixirs and a 6th-tier elixir.

A total of 200,000 medium-Tier spirit stones had been sold, enough to support him in 20 life simulations.

It was just a pity that the materials required for refining 6th-tier and 7th-tier elixirs were too precious and difficult to collect in a short time.

If not, Wang Ping wouldn't have earned just 200,000 medium-Tier spirit stones.

Although it seemed small, 200,000 medium-Tier spirit stones were enough to empty some forces in the Seven Stars Archipelago.

Ordinary Spirit Embryo Realm strongmen's fortunes would probably not exceed this, and they might not even be able to produce so many medium-Tier spirit stones.

It was only because Wang Ping needed 10,000 medium-Tier spirit stones for a simulation that he thought he had so little money.

"Ding, detected that a group member, Zhang Hu t s world has a bizarre presence. Group Task Publishment: Eliminate the Weirdness. This group task is mandatory, involving 5 participants. Please select five group members quickly for the group task. If no selection is made within ten minutes, the system will randomly select five group members to participate in this group task and teleport them to Zhang Hu t s world."

Just when Wang Ping was about to start a paid simulation, a pop-up window suddenly appeared in front of Wang Ping, causing his face to change..

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After four months, has the group task finally appeared again?

Moreover, this time it's in the world where Zhang Hu is.

From Wang Pings understanding, Zhang Hu t s world is not so simple.

When a Grand Magister unleashes a forbidden curse, it has the destructive power of the Spirit Sea Realm.

The combat power of a Sword Master should be above the Spiritual Fetus Realm.

However, the Sword Master is not the upper limit of their strength.

The Sword Master is just the ceiling of combat power in the human world.

In their world, there are also dragons, the Demon Clan, and the Divine World.

Their depth is truly unfathomable.

It's dangerous to carry out a mission in such a world, let alone when a weirdness appears; the mission's difficulty must be very high.

"You don't have to worry too much, I have 200,000 medium-Tier spirit stones this time, and I've saved twelve free simulation chances. With so many simulation opportunities, as long as it is not an unsolvable situation, the probability of completing the task is still very high."

Wang Ping quickly calmed down again, comforting himself in his heart.

However, at this moment, a system prompt sounded again, causing Wang Ping to fall silent.

"Ding, detected that group member Fang Yun's world has also appeared weirdness. Group Task Publishment: Eliminate the Weirdness. This group task is mandatory, with a participation of 5 people. Acting group master, please quickly select five group members for the group task. If no choice is made within ten minutes, the system will randomly draw five group members to participate in this group task and be sent to the world where Fang Yun is."

"There's actually another group task? This is like a double yolk egg…?" Wang Pings eyelids twitched, and he couldn't calm down in his heart.

After all, this situation was the first of its kind.

That is to say, this time they were destined to carry out group tasks separately.

There might be casualties this time.

After all, in previous group tasks, everyone had managed to complete them unscathed with the help of his Golden Finger…

This time, without him, who knows what the outcome will be.

Immediately, Wang Ping directly entered the chat group to see the reactions of the other group members.

As M/ang Ping had expected, the entire chat group was in an uproar, extremely panicked.

Zhang Hu (5): "Damn, I knew that the worlds we traveled to would definitely have weirdness, otherwise the chat group wouldn't have let us go there, but I didn't expect it to be my turn so soon. And this is not just one weirdness, even Fang Yun's world also has weirdness. This situation is too outrageous."

Fang Yun (3): "I'm tired, I don't want to talk… What are we going to do next?"

Cai Yonglong (1): "To be honest, I'm a bit nervous right now. After all, two worlds have simultaneously appeared with weirdness, which means that ten people need to participate in group tasks, but there are only thirteen living people in the chat group right now. That is to say, there are only three who won't go to the mission world, so the chance of not being picked is extremely low."

Liu Mei (15): "The most critical issue is that this time there are two group tasks, and there is only one Mr.Wang. This means that one of the teams will not be able to easily obtain information about the various weirdness and pass the tasks without injuries."

Fang Yun (3): "To be honest, I'm really panicking right now, and I think I'm done for. Mr.Wang, please choose me. Our world has a lower power level, and it will definitely be easier to complete the mission."

Zhang Hu (5): "….At this time, shouldn't Mr.Wang go to our world? Your world has a lower power level, and the chances of completing the mission are higher. You can't waste the most important battle power. The power system in our world is very high, and without Mr.Wang, we might be annihilated."

Wu Jun (20): "Well, when facing the weirdness, the importance of power levels may not be that crucial. Just like the last group task…"

Zhang Hu (5): "Jun, I know you still have some grudges against me, but I can only tell you clearly that the situation last time was special, and 1 believe everyone knows that in their hearts. Most of the time, to complete the mission, powerful strength is an indispensable factor."

Chen Yao (71): "l agree with Zhang Hu's words. Strength is necessary. If Mr.Wangs strength was not that strong, there's no way we could have completed the mission in our world."

Fang Yun . "….So that means our world deserves to be abandoned, right?"

Ye Xiaofan (75): "…Ah, they started arguing. But this is normal. 1 just hope I don't get picked."

Qin Tian (77): "Mmp, I just participated in the group task four months ago, and it's not going to be my turn again, is it? Forget it, instead of randomly drawing people to participate in missions, Mr.Wang, I want to follow you to

Zhang Hu t s world."

Wang Shuqi (74): "l also want to go with Mr.Wang to Zhang Hu t s world…."

Wu Yueming (79): "Although I know some things from the group notice… Do we need to panic so much? Haven't we all survived every time?"

Fang Yun (3): "You don't know shit! The reason we were able to complete the missions without casualties before was all thanks to Mr.Wang. Now Mr.Wang can only choose one, so how can we not panic? And also, don't do this, everyone. If all the powerful fighters go to Zhang Hu t s world, won't I just be done for?"

Zhang Jun (70): "You all arguing like this is meaningless. It still depends on Mr.Wangs decision."

Wang Ping (66): "l will go to Zhang Hu e s world. As Zhang Hu said, the power level in their world is too high. Without me there, they are very likely to be annihilated. Fang Yun, I know you're panicking, but your world is just a Swordsman World with a low power level. As long as there is a group member with strength above the Spiritual Origin Realm, and they can be cunning enough to figure out the weirdness's abilities, the possibility of completing the mission is still very high."

Fang Yun (3): "Mr.Wang, please don't do this. I really feel like I'm going to die. Why don't we draw lots to decide which world you go to for the mission?" Fang Yun was almost in tears, even using polite language.

But there was no help for it; who could remain calm in the face of matters concerning one's life?

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Cai Yonglong (1): "Time is limited, we can't waste time arguing here, let's just draw lots. I also think drawing lots is fairer…"

Wang Ping (66): "Fine, let's do it this way. Actually, you guys don't need to panic too much. As long as 1 kill one of the strange creatures, and then teleport to another world, it should be fine. However, if we really have to do this, I hope all the group points for eliminating the strange creatures will be mine. After all, crossing worlds by teleporting consumes a lot of group points, and I am not a task participant, so I can't get any rewards."

Fang Yun (3): "Sure, of course! Not to mention that you, Mr.Wang, take all the rewards, even if we owe you some more, it's only right."

Zhang Hu (5): "That should work, but it does put too much risk on Mr.Wang."

Zhang Jun (70): "Although I'd like to say that even if we overcome this crisis, more severe situations may arise in the future, and we will need to face the crisis and participate in group tasks without Mr.Wang sooner or later, but as we can still do this for now, I won't say anything more."

Chen Yao (71): "You're done talking, right?…"

Qin Tian (77): "This guy just wants to remind everyone. That's how I got beaten up in the High Martial World where Wang Shuqi was last time.

Sneering.Jpg. "

Wang Ping watched as the people in the chat group gradually calmed down, and he shook his head slightly.

Immediately after, Wang Ping chose to proceed with random drawing.

"Ding, drawing completed. Group members Wang Ping (66), Chen Yao (71), Qin Tian (77), and Lin Yuanyuan (80) will go to Zhang Hu t s (5) world to participate in the task and kill the strange creatures."

"Ding, drawing completed. Group members Cai Yonglong (1), Zhang Jun (70), Wang Shuqi (74), and Wu Jun (20) will go to Fang Yun's (3) world to participate in the task and kill strange creatures."

As the group notifications sounded successively, the chat group exploded again, some with joy, some with sorrow.

Zhang Hu (5): "Great, Mr.Wang is in my group, and Chen Yao is here too! With you guys here, our chances of completing this task without any casualties are definitely very high!

Fang Yun (3): "Shit, what kind of group arrangement is this? Three high-end combatants from our chat group are going to Zhang Hu e s world to participate in the group mission. Plus Zhang Hu himself is pretty strong, and there's a Sword master… This combination is just too strong. On our side, including me, there are three people with weak combat power, and both Mr.Cai and Zhang Jun's combat power hasn't reached the transcendent realm."

Qin Tian (77): "Damn, that really scared me. Fortunately, I'm in the same group as Mr.Wang. Otherwise, I would be done for. And, Ye Xiaofan, how come your luck is even better than mine, you weren't drawn."

Ye Xiaofan (75): "…..Thank the goddess of luck for her favor."

Liu Mei (15): "I'm not in this time….l don't know whether to be happy or regretful. "

Wu Yueming (79): "Is this a new member's benefit? Laughing and crying.jpg."

Cai Yonglong (1): "….Assigned to the same group as Fang Yun, huh? Well, it's a moment we have to face sooner or later. Fang Yun, don't worry. At least my cultivation has reached the Spiritual Origin Realm 5th-Tier now. Combined with Zhang Jun, who also has a strong Spiritual Origin Realm combat power, as long as the strange creatures are not too tough, our chances of completing the group task are still high."

Zhang Jun (70): "1 admire Mr. Cai t s attitude. The truth is, we should be like this… We can be afraid, we can be upset, but we mustn't be timid before the battle. At the same time, while it's good if we can rely on Mr.Wang, we can't count on him all the time. Otherwise, even if we don't die this time, next time we will.'

Fang Yun (3):

Wu Jun (20): "…Well, let's hope we can all complete the group task smoothly. All we can do now is pray."

While everyone in the group was discussing, Wang Ping was pondering another issue.

If he does a paid simulation before crossing, what will happen after he crosses to the task world? Can he save the rewards and then do a free simulation, making choices later?

In this way, he can improve his strength at any time to cope with crises.

"System, I want to do a paid simulation."

Taking advantage of the fact that he hasn't crossed yet, Wang Ping didn't hesitate to say.

"Ding, would you like to spend 10,000 mid-tier Spiritual Stones for a paid simulation?"

The system's voice sounded.

"Paid." Wang Ping nodded.

As Wang Ping spoke, the system's voice rang out again: "Ding, payment successful, life simulation begins, talent refreshing."

Just as the system's voice sounded, Wang Pings figure was gradually enveloped in white light and disappeared on the spot.

At the same time, Cai Yonglong and others in different worlds were also teleported to the task world one after another by the chat group.

In Zhang Hu e s world, within the Demon Beast Forest, there were continuous flashes of white light.

Wang Ping, Chen Yao, Qin Tian, and Lin Yuanyuan were all teleported here.

And in front of them, Zhang Hu was sitting on a tall earth dragon.

As Wang Ping and the others appeared, the earth dragon immediately reacted with stress and began to roar.

At this, Wang Ping frowned slightly and gave it a calm glance.

In an instant, the earth dragon showed a frightened expression, let out a mournful cry, and took a submissive posture.

"You stupid dragon, even daring to roar at Mr. Wang, you're really tired of living.."

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