
I, the protagonist of the system stream, join the chat

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Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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Simulation Towards Immortality In A Group Chat - Chapter 194 - Chapter 194: Chapter 107: The Weird and the Light Lord God! _3 - Novel Live - Reading Novel Free

Translator: 549690339

"About that issue, I've actually thought about it too. I can also think of some possible reasons. Nevertheless, it's just a guess from me as an author, and I don't know if it's true.

Wang Ping looked at Chen Yao and said with a smile.

"Eh, Mr. Wang is a web novel author?"

Qin Tian's eyes widened in surprise.

"Before crossing, I used to write books, but my achievements were nothing impressive. However, I have a wide range of knowledge and my imagination is not weaker than others."

Wang Ping casually said.

"Er… Only a failed author would stubbornly claim they're not weaker than others." Qin Tian mumbled.

"What did you say?" Wang Ping's face twitched, as he glared at Qin Tian murderously.

"I didn't say anything." Qin Tian said awkwardly.

"Pfft." Listening to the conversation between the two, Chen Yao couldn't help but laugh.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became much more relaxed.

"Mr. Wang, what's your guess?" Zhang Hu asked.

"When the Light Lord God first manifested the Miracle, according to the pattern, it should've been a rogue behavior of his, done behind the other gods' backs. This behavior earned him a massive amount of Power of Faith, which allowed him to overshadow the other gods in power. So, even though the other gods were annoyed, they couldn't say much when the Light Lord God spoke about his concern for the people in the lower realm."

"Later, the gods established rules that they couldn't easily descend into the lower realm or manifest miracles, and they had to withdraw their power to let life forms have freedom of belief in the lower realm. This way, it could solve the problem of the Church of Radiance monopolizing belief. However, because the Light Lord God, who was the strongest, insisted on his principles, only the Pope of Light and the Saintess of Light could use the power given by the Light

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Lord God at certain times."

"Subsequently, due to the freedom of belief, the fact that miracles were not evident, the decline of the Church of Radiance, and the intervention of the Dragon Clan, the Church of Radiance's status fell, and faith diversified again."

"In the future, an anomaly will possess the Pope, and he will do a series of things for the sake of belief. I also suspect that the Dark Mana Lord who appears later is related to him and may have something to do with the Light Lord God, the assassin. After all, the Light Lord God has manifested miracles again, though it could also be that the anomaly has amplified the power given by the Light Lord God using the Power of Faith."

"At the same time, the invasion of the Demon Clan might also be his doing.

These two major events have successfully spread the belief in the Light Lord

God throughout the continent, and people have become extremely fanatical."

After Wang Ping finished speaking in one breath, he sighed quietly, sipped the fine wine from his glass, and moistened his throat.

"(000)… " After Wang Ping finished, everyone stared at him in shock, their mouths agape.

Good Lord, the imagination on this guy is something else.

"Mr.Wang, you really are a novelist, awesome."

Qin Tian teased.

"In just this short amount of time, you've come up with so many stories that could actually be the main plot of a fantasy novel. Even though it's a bit cliché, there's nothing wrong with it."

"Same feeling." Chen Yao whispered.

"Our Mr.Wang is simply amazing." Zhang Hu laughed and flattered. "Enough with the compliments. Do you think my speculation makes sense?" Wang Ping held his forehead and asked.

"To be honest, I think it makes a lot of sense, and there's nothing logically wrong with it. We don't know what tricks the gods have up their sleeves, but if we analyze it based on various historical events, the probability of the truth being like this is more than 50%."

Chen Yao said seriously.

"That's what I think, too." Qin Tian nodded.

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"But, Mr.Wang, your analysis makes me more uneasy. Because judging from your speculations, it's more likely that the Light Lord God is not the anomaly, but the possibility that the Light Lord God knows that the Pope is possessed by the anomaly and still chooses to let him, or even grant him more privileges, such as allowing him to use the Power of Faith to show miracles."

Qin Tian forced a smile after a brief pause.

"That also explains why the Miracle of the Light Lord God reappears. Logically, after the first rogue incident of the Light Lord God, he must be closely watched and couldn't descend into the lower realm privately. Only the Pope could do such a thing through his own 'power', and the other gods could only suffer in silence. "

"That's right. If it's really as I speculated, this is the second worst case scenario. The Pope is the anomaly, and the Light Lord God knows that the Pope is the anomaly but still chooses to let him be, even protecting him, for the massive Power of Faith.'

Wang Ping leaned back against his chair and calmly spoke.

Hearing this, everyone fell silent, even Lin Yuanyuan could tell that there was a problem.

"So, what should we do?"

Zhang Hu said with a worried expression.

"With the Light Lord God in the mix, it's too difficult for us to kill the Pope. Besides, we're still not sure if his resurrection is indeed related to faith.'

"Don't worry; the situation hasn't gotten that bad yet."

Wang Ping rolled his eyes and said.

"According to what I saw, the Pope hadn't found a chance to spread belief before the Dark Mana Lord appeared. In other words, he is still in a normal state and not in the overdeveloped state of the future. This actually resembles the first Group Task, the Zombie anomaly, just more troublesome."

"If we miss the time and let him grow to a point where we can't solve it, it'll be game over."

"Uh, I guess you're right."

Zhang Hu finally breathed a sigh of relief after he got it.

Of course, Chen Yao and Qin Tian, who had already understood this, were still not that optimistic.

Dealing with the Pope, even in his unevolved state, wouldn't be a walk in the park.

Not to mention, everything now is just speculation and hasn't been confirmed to be true..

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"So, the next plan can be settled. This time, we'll try to quickly expose the dark secrets of the Church of Radiance and eliminate them as soon as possible."

Wang Ping looked at everyone and said these words.

Upon hearing this, Qin Tian, Chen Yao, and Zhang Hu all nodded.

"Mr. Wang, I think if we want to increase our strength quickly, we can try capturing a powerful dragon as my mount. As for Lin Yuanyuan, try to get her into bed with a Sword Master and a Mana God.'

However, Zhang Hu took a deep breath and said awkwardly.

"We can try."

Wang Ping glanced at him and nodded.

Then, he looked at Lin Yuanyuan.

"Please help, Mr. Wang." Lin Yuanyuan clenched her fists and said with expectation in her eyes.

If she could gain such a huge amount of power so easily, calling Wang Ping as Mr. Wang and acknowledging him as the leader was no big deal.

As for the prejudice at the beginning of joining the group, it had long since vanished in the face of tremendous benefits.

Wang Ping didn't say much, nodded, closed his eyes, and said in his heart,

"System, I want to use a free simulation."

"Ding, Life Simulator activated, the host has ten free simulation chances remaining."

As the system's voice sounded, the familiar luminescent screen appeared, and the words emerged.

"[Day One, you started taking action. During the following time. You helped

Zhang Hu to tame a giant dragon as a mount. Meanwhile, you also assisted

Lin Yuanyuan in extracting the power of a Sword Master and a Mana God.]"

"[Chen Yao and Qin Tian teamed up to start cooperating with other churches, digging up the dark history of the Church of Radiance, spreading it in all directions while tarnishing the Light Lord God, hoping to shake the faith of many people.]"

"[However, Chen Yao and Qin Tian were horrified to discover that their actions had no effect whatsoever, as the faith of the believers was too devout and very strange. The two tested it on believers from other churches and found it had some effect. So, they judged it to be the influence of a strange power.]"

"[This made the two of them very worried. If their faith couldn't be shaken, how could they defeat the Pope of Light? As a result, Qin Tian started experimenting again, using mana in an attempt to hypnotize someone and force them to change their faith. But it still didn't work. Even if they lost their memory or had it scrambled, they were still devoutly devoted to the Light

Lord God.]"

"[This made both Chen Yao and Qin Tian fall silent. And when you heard the news from them, you also felt a chill in your heart, knowing that the situation was difficult. Since faith couldn't be shaken, it was impossible to cut off the Pope of Light's power altogether and make him die completely. This was a complete dead end.]"

"[However, you didn't want to just sit and wait for death. You wanted to try and gauge the current strength of the Pope of Light. So, after preparing a lot of back-up plans, you attacked him when he was alone. The Pope of Light displayed formidable combat abilities and fought with you. However, you found that while the current Pope of Light was powerful, he was still no match for you and was suppressed by your attacks. It was clear that the current Pope of Light was much weaker than you remembered.]"

"[Because of this, you determined that the Pope of Light could indeed become stronger through the Power of Faith generated by the believers' faith in the

Light Lord God. You unleashed a powerful force and killed the Pope of Light once.]"

"[However, it had no effect whatsoever. The Pope of Light came back to life, leaving you with a massive headache, You had used up too much energy and didn't have the strength to kill the Pope of Light a second time, so you didn't hesitate to use Delivery Magic to escape the scene.]"

"[After this battle, the whole world was shocked, and you were labeled a blasphemer, wanted by the Church of Radiance.]"

"[In this situation, you didn't dare show your faces. Because if the Pope of Light caught you, you would definitely die. Since he had been killed once, he knew how powerful you were. The next time you met, he would surely use the power of the Light Lord God to instantly obliterate you without giving you any chance to escape.]"

"[During your time in hiding, you continued to discuss countermeasures. You believed that seeking the help of other deities to counter the power of the

Light Lord God was a good option.]"

"[As a result, you acted cautiously, telling the heads of other churches that the Pope of Light was manipulative, twisted the faith of his followers with his power, and that the Light Lord God was aware of the Pope's manipulations but chose to shield him.]"

"[The other Popes were shocked when they heard the news. They had long noticed that the followers of the Church of Radiance were abnormal, but didn't know why. Now, they understood the reason. However, they didn't completely believe your words.]"

"[Nevertheless, if this matter was true, it would be a groundbreaking event that could shake the Divine World. So they chose to use their means to form alliances and pass the information on to the deities they worshipped.]"

"[As a result, the Divine World was shaken. The other deities began to question the Light Lord God, hoping he could explain himself to them. Facing the other deities' questioning, the Light Lord God remained calm, quietly withdrawing the two archangels he had left behind in the lower world to guard the Church of Radiance and protect the Pope of Light. Then, he told the other deities to investigate; if they could find any proof, he was willing to let go of worship..]"

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[The gods were very surprised and decided to investigate. However, they could not find anything unusual. There was nothing strange inside the Pope of Light, who was indeed a pure human. At the same time, although the other followers of the Light Lord God were devout, they also seemed to have no problems and could also be changed.]

[Unable to find any evidence, the gods could only scold the popes of their respective churches and tell them not to spread false information. Doing so had cost them the dignity of the gods and forced them to yield further control of the lower realm to the Light Lord God.]

[Of course, the gods did not fully trust the Light Lord God. Although no evidence was found, due to the Light Lord God's previous assassin-like behavior, it was still possible that something had been planned. As a result, they increased their monitoring efforts in the human realm.]

"This Light Lord God, is indeed an assassin. It turns out that all my guesses were correct."

Wang Ping looked at the simulation content and was speechless.

Moreover, the guy had hidden two great angels in

Although these two great angels could not take action easily, it would certainly violate the rules of the Divine World and would be condemned by other deities, but their mere presence was a deterrence.

No one knew exactly how strong these two great angels were.

However, since they could serve as the Light Lord God's trump card to protect the Pope of Light, it was evident that their power was above that of the Pope of Light who had used some divine power.

"If there was no Life Simulator, even knowing that the Pope of Light is strange would be useless, and there wouldn't be enough lives to spare."

Wang Ping smiled bitterly in his heart.

The Pope of Light himself was terrifying enough, and there were two more great angels, as well as the Light Lord God, the assassin, behind them. How could they fight this?

He originally thought that with the help of other gods' powers, they might have been able to turn the tables, but it seemed like he had been too optimistic.

The strange entity was undetectable even by the Master Lord, and it could obviously control the strength of its power at will.

As a result, the gods were left empty-handed.

"All we can do is probably keep the gods' eyes on the Light Lord God, the assassin, so he can't easily interfere with the human realm. Moreover, we can take back the two great angels, which is also a good thing."

Wang Ping took another deep breath.

As long as they could take back the two great angels, they would only need to deal with the Pope. Although the situation hadn't changed from the beginning, at least their enemies had decreased.

If they hadn't, when it was time to finally kill the Pope of Light and the two great angels appeared, they would probably be killed in retaliation.

"It seems wrong. The gods didn't detect any abnormalities in the Pope. So, as long as we kill the Pope of Light in front of the gods and force it to use its power to revive, the gods will see the strange part of the Pope of Light."

All of a sudden, Wang Ping thought of something and his eyes brightened.

Then, he focused his mind and eagerly stared at the luminescent screen, hoping that in the following life simulations, the simulated Wang Ping and the others would think of this as well.

[You couldn't guess what happened in the Divine World, but judging by the lack of activity in various churches and the Church of Radiance knowing about the failure without any fuss, it was highly likely that the gods did not detect any abnormalities.]

[You were very troubled and didn't know how to eliminate the strange. And while you were troubled, the Church of Radiance found your whereabouts

through magic.]

[Afterward, he mocked you as despicable little mice and directly used divine power to kill you all.]

[You came back to life because of the Rebirth Tally, but it was of no use. The

Pope of Light took action again, killing you once more.]

[Due to your death, this simulation ends.]

"Died again. However, we learned a lot of information this time, so it's not too bad.'

Wang Ping shook his head and spoke.

As soon as he said this, everyone looked over.

"This time … Wang Ping didn't hesitate and told everyone about the simulation content directly."

"It's really as Mr. Wang guessed, which is very absurd."

Qin Tian was astonished.

Good guy, was this the skill of a novelist? Hitting the nail on the head with a single guess was truly absurd.

"Basic plotline, do not assassinate." Wang Ping said with a smile.

This made Qin Tian's mouth twitch.

Good guy, he's even showing off.

"But this Light Lord God is really an assassin. He knows about the strange entity and chooses to cover it up. It's like playing with fire."

Zhang Hu said angrily.

Was the strange entity something he could use?

Although the Light Lord God seemed very strong, the growth potential and abilities of the strange entity were too terrifying. One carelessness could lead to playing with fire, killing himself in the process.

Even if he didn't kill himself, relying on his powerful suppression of the strange entity might bring death to the entire human realm.

"The Light Lord God is the big boss. 1 1 m used to it." Wang Ping muttered: "This guy is indeed an assassin. However, through this simulation, we also know that the Light Lord God is being watched by other gods in the Divine World, and he has to act secretly when interfering with the lower realm. Therefore, the threat he poses to us is small, which is good news."

"Yes." Chen Yao agreed and nodded.

If the Light Lord God could intervene in the lower realm at will, with various divine manifestations, there would be no need to play, they could simply wait for death..

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Now, facing such enemies, they had no chance of survival.

It's not even about facing the Light Lord God; just look, even the Pope of Light, who only possesses a bit of the Light Lord God's power, could easily crush them.

"So what do we do next?" Lin Yuanyuan asked.

"Very simple, let all the gods know that the Pope of Light is peculiar." Qin Tian said nonchalantly.

"Actually, I thought the same earlier, but then I recalled an issue… that is, would all the gods really get rid of the Pope of Light if they knew he was peculiar?"

Wang Pings expression became serious, and he said solemnly.

"The peculiar power is so great that it's a power all gods covet. It allows people to believe in gods, and the faith is much more devout than normal belief… This kind of power is what all gods desire the most."

Hearing Wang Pings words, everyone looked at each other and thought it made sense.

Put themselves in the shoes of the gods; if they knew the peculiar had such power, they would probably be reluctant to kill him and instead share the cake with the Light Lord God, using the peculiar to gain more faith.

Of course, this is based on their not knowing the real details of the peculiar; if they knew, they would never let him go.

Well, maybe not necessarily…

Divine beings like gods are often proud and confident.

If they knew the peculiar was dangerous and aimed to destroy humanity, they might still choose to use him.

Because as gods, they would be watching the peculiar together, so they wouldn't be afraid of him causing trouble.

"So, if it really develops like that, we may never be able to complete the mission."

Wang Ping spread his hands and spoke.

"Of course, for the version of us in the life simulation, it might not be a bad thing. If the peculiar is really watched by all the gods and can't destroy humanity, we're safe. At the same time, if we can't kill the peculiar, nothing will happen to us, except that we can't return to our original world."

After a pause, Wang Ping continued.

"It seems so… the system doesn't have any penalties for mission failure, nor does it specify a time limit for mission completion."

Qin Tian looked at each other and mumbled.

"Even, can we avoid other group tasks forever if we are stuck in the 'in progress' state of our mission?"

"That's true, but do you guys really want to be stuck in this world?"

Chen Yao fell silent for a while and then spoke quietly.

"l have bonds in that world, and I want to go back and protect some people. At the same time, if we are stuck in this world forever, we will die of old age eventually. Only by moving forward can we continue to survive."

Zhang Hu stroked his chin and didn't say anything.

He was already a native of this world and didn't need to think so much.

He was thinking about a question.

If he really didn't complete the mission, and the peculiar couldn't hurt him, he didn't seem to need to undertake the mission.

He would have a leisurely life in his own world, with food, drink, and fun.

Though it's not very satisfactory that even becoming a Sword master only grants a lifespan of about 200 years, it was possible to endure it for over a hundred years and then participate in group tasks in a future chat group to seek a way forward.

Lin Yuanyuan also looked excited. She didn't miss the world she had traveled through at all.

So Qin Tian's words really touched her heart.

Why complete the mission? Just for a few group points?

Desperate for just a few group points.

After completing the mission, getting dragged into other worlds to deal with the peculiar again after just a few months, what's the point?

For her group, there are several powerful members like Wang Ping, and they're struggling to find a solution, not to mention the group with Fang Yun,

Cai Yonglong, Wu Jun, Zhang Jun, and Wang Shuqi.

Lin Yuanyuan wondered if they would be wiped out.

If they fail, and her group completes the group task, will they immediately be pulled into the next group task to clean up the mess?

It's really suffocating to think about that.

Wang Ping looked at everyone and found that they all had some wavering emotions, so he shook his head.

He didn't think running was shameful.

Running was often the right choice.

Who doesn't cherish their life?

If they could really exploit a chat group bug, no one would want to live a frightening life anymore.

Wouldn't it be nice to be leisurely?

Isn't giving up appealing?

Wang Ping also wanted to, but he knew very well that things were never that simple.

The chat group allowed them to travel through time and gave them the precious golden finger, not to let them enjoy a perfect life in other worlds, but to deal with the peculiar.

If they really gave up, Wang Ping suspected that the chat group would evolve a cleaning program, or add another group rule.

For example, the group task must be completed within a certain time, otherwise, they would be wiped out or something.

If it is really like that, they would be in even greater danger in the future.

This is not an impossible thing.

After all, this chat group is very dark, and it cannot be trusted that it will treat the group members well.

Probably, in the eyes of the group, all the members are just tools.

Wang Ping had always been pondering a question.

Why is Cai Yonglong the number one group member?

Was the chat group really just established?

If it was true, then why did the peculiar in Chen Yao's Demon World seem to know something about them?

Or was it that the chat group had existed long before but had been reorganized time and time again?

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However, all previous transmigrators have died, and even the chat group has been destroyed and reassembled.

This isn't impossible. After all, their weird origins are unclear to anyone, They appear in various worlds, which suggests that there must be Myriad Heaven-tier masters, similar to the founder of the chat group, behind the scenes.

Since there is opposition, it isn't possible for one side to always be victorious.

The chat group probably has suffered numerous defeats.

So, Cai Yonglong is number one.

Because this chat group is newly created.

And the anomaly they are dealing with is also newly born, a fledgling one.

To be honest, Wang Ping believes his speculation makes quite some sense.

If they ignore the anomaly and also stop growing, by the time these fledgling anomalies mature, they are likely to face a doomed situation, possibly ending in destruction along with the chat group.

Of course, this premise is based on them surviving until then.

"Do you really think that the chat group would allow us to do this? Don't forget, our chat group is quite sinister and doesn't care about the lives of its members,"

Wang Ping looked at everyone, speaking slowly, helping them regain their senses and become somewhat clearer.

Indeed, this Transmigrator Chat Group isn't harmonious but rather sinister. How could it possibly allow its members to slack off?

Everyone was sweating in cold fear.

"To be honest, I have some speculations about the chat group." Wang Ping squinted at everyone, revealing his previous conjectures.

This made everybody even more silent.

"What Mr.Wang is saying is true… Even under the best scenario, the chat group doesn't punish us or make any changes. But even if we dodge this bizarre trap, once the anomaly leaves this world, we may be pulled into another world to execute missions. Then, we'll again face dangers." Chen Yao sighed and responded.

At these words, Qin Tian, Zhang Hu, and Lin Yuanyuan fell deeper into silence, all putting aside the idea of slacking.

Indeed, no matter how they see it, they don't have the privilege to slack off.

Moreover, they also agree with the speculation that the chat group might have been destroyed and reassembled.

"Let's continue discussing; I hope we can find a way out of this." Wang Ping exhaled lightly, speaking earnestly.

"We have no other choice," Zhang Hu said with a bitter smile.

"Actually, I have an idea."

Qin Tian could not help but speak. "What idea?"

Everyone turned to look at Wang Ping.

"Since normal methods cannot shake the fanatical belief boosted by the anomaly, can we use anomalies to deal with anomalies? If we bring Liu Mei to this world and use her Charm Skill, maybe we can change the believers' faith. After all, Liu Mei's talent also originates from the anomaly."

Qin Tian expressed his thoughts fervently.

"Holy shit, Qin Tian, you're a real genius," Zhang Hu said with admiration. "Yeah, Liu Mei's Charm Skill is extremely formidable. If she comes to this world and becomes a national idol, she might genuinely be able to change people's faith. Maybe even charm the anomaly itself."

"It does seem somewhat feasible. However, Liu Mei's power has been weakened, it's not an invincible Charm Skill. As long as the opponent is much stronger than Liu Mei, or has other defensive methods, it can resist the Charm Skill.

Wang Ping said thoughtfully.

"Even so, this method does seem feasible and is worth trying in case of failure.

"Actually, there's no need to go through all that trouble…."

At this point, Lin Yuanyuan finally spoke up.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Wang Ping looked at Lin Yuanyuan, asking for clarification.

"My Golden Finger enables absolute death. That is, whoever engages with me will die absolutely. In other words, if I could have intercourse with the Pope of

Light, he would die."

Lin Yuanyuan explained quietly.

Upon hearing this, Wang Ping, Zhang Hu, Qin Tian, and even Chen Yao all fell silent.

They all felt a chill run down their spine, absolute death as a concept? This Golden Finger ability was truly perverse.

In other words, all resurrection methods are useless, right? Unless the opponent is a bug-level being and transcends the limit of the Golden Finger's ability.

However, using this bizarre method of seducing the Pope of Light to complete the mission seemed too subtle.

"Since I didn't do this in the future Mr.Wang saw, it means the anomaly doesn't have sexual desires. So, you guys will have to help me achieve this." Lin Yuanyuan stared intently at Wang Ping.

To be honest, she had thought of this before but was always hesitant to say it.

After all, it was quite shy even for her, a master manipulator to say.

But in the face of great benefits, she finally decided to speak up.

After all, as long as she could acquire the power of the Pope of Light, she could become the top-tier combat power within the chat group.

Even if she could also seize the power of the Light Lord God from the Pope of Light, she would become the strongest combat power.

By then, she would not fear anyone.

Of course, she isn't sure if she could seize the power of the Light Lord God.

After all, her ability is designed to seize the power of her partner, and the

Light Lord God's power doesn't belong to the Pope of Light, i.e., the anomaly..

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But, it's worth a try and worth looking forward to.

"Indeed, it's worth a try."

Wang Pings eyes flickered as he stared at Lin Yuanyuan and slowly spoke.

He could tell that this woman had great ambitions.

To be honest, Lin Yuanyuan was an unstable factor, and Wang Ping was really afraid of her gaining a powerful force.

Moreover, from Lin Yuanyuan's tone, it was clear that she wanted to rely on him to achieve this.

In that case, he wouldn't be able to suppress Lin Yuanyuan, a woman with a somewhat problematic character, and the consequences might be quite severe.

"Then please, Mr.Wang." Lin Yuanyuan revealed a charming smile.

"Hehe, don't be polite."

Wang Ping spoke indifferently.

As a Spirit Embryo Realm Strongman, his spiritual sense was very keen. He could sense Lin Yuanyuan's ambition.

The current Lin Yuanyuan was not the one who had experienced many things in the Life Simulator and let go of her prejudices.

Moreover, she had now determined that only with her help could the task be completed. She was fated to become stronger, and her attitude had become somewhat inflated.

He just didn't know if Lin Yuanyuan still harbored malice towards him.

However, Wang Ping didn't intend to expose her.

As for this woman, he hoped she wouldn't court death.

Otherwise, with his Life Simulator, it would be too easy to deal with her.

Both Qin Tian and Chen Yao, who also had keen spiritual senses, naturally noticed the subtle changes in Lin Yuanyuan's expression and gaze. They frowned slightly.

However, they didn't say much either.

"In that case, let me try this method to see if it works."

At this moment, Wang Ping spoke with a deep meaning.

Then, Wang Ping closed his eyes and called up the previous reward page.

The current Pope of Light was not very strong, so Wang Ping could kill him once with all his strength at the Early Stage of Spiritual Bearing Realm.

However, this was not enough. In order to make the Pope of Light completely lose his resistance and be thoroughly subdued, even more powerful forces were needed.

Perhaps it was also time to become stronger.

The Early Stage of Spiritual Accumulation Realm could greatly increase his combat power, but the improvement in combat power might not be as great as that of a Profound instrument.

A Profound instrument, even in the hands of someone at the half step Profound Elixir Realm, could exert a tremendous power, allowing them to easily kill cultivators of the same level.

However, it seemed more secure to increase his cultivation as well.

But, if he directly raised his cultivation to the Early Stage of Spiritual Accumulation Realm, he would need more spirit stones for his future simulations.

He wasn't sure if his original 200,000 medium-Tier spirit stones would even be enough for five simulations, which would be a huge loss.

"Forget it, let's not choose the rewards for now. Let's try the free simulation to see if it can succeed. If it can succeed or is just a little short, then choose 80% Peak Sword Spirit, which can also greatly increase combat power without needing to choose cultivation and making myself bankrupt," Wang Ping thought to himself.

Then, Wang Ping silently said in his heart, "System, 1 want to conduct a free simulation.'

"Ding, free simulation successful, the host has nine more free simulation times."

The system's voice rang out, and the familiar luminescent screen appeared with words floating on it.

[On the first day, after you helped Zhang Hu tame a giant dragon, you started your action, spreading strange things through various churches.]

[You successfully made the churches believe in the existence of the strange occurrences, suspecting the believers of the Church of Radiance and began to report to their own deities.]

[In the end, the Light Lord God summoned back the two archangels staying in the Church of Radiance. The strange occurrences were not discovered, and the gods could only back down. However, they chose to keep an eye on the

Light Lord God, preventing him from doing any more tricks.]

[When the popes of the major churches were scolded and blamed by their deities, you felt the time was ripe and began to act.]

[You were well-prepared, and while the Pope of Light was spreading beliefs outside, you joined forces. Chen Yao and Qin Tian, using the well-prepared Tao Skills and secret weapons prepared earlier. Two Illusion Arrays from different worlds. However, Qin Tian's is an Illusion Array Plate, while Chen Yao's is an Illusion Array she casts herself.]

[The two Illusion Arrays from different worlds overlapped, and the unfamiliar power system plunged the Pope of Light into chaos. You took advantage of this and tried to knock him out with all your strength. The three of you cooperated well. Qin Tian attacked the soul, Chen Yao cast Tao Skill for strong control, and you and Zhang Hu attacked the brain together, successfully knocking the Pope of Light unconscious.]

[You all were overjoyed. Then, Lin Yuanyuan also took action, successfully consummating the act with the Pope of Light. Unexpectedly, the Pope of Light was indeed drained by Lin Yuanyuan's Golden finger, and Lin Yuanyuan gained all of the Pope of Light's power. However, the power of the Light Lord God lost its carrier and exploded uncontrollably.]

[As a result, you and the others were all killed in the explosion. However, you resurrected thanks to the Rebirth tally, and could only watch your dead teammates with a heavy heart, leaving this world.] [Due to your departure, the simulation ended…]


Wang Pings gaze became strange, they had actually succeeded.

However, the outcome was a bit tragic.

Everyone died, leaving only him alive.

He didn't expect that Lin Yuanyuan wouldn't be able to absorb the power of the Light Lord God, and once it lost its carrier, it would explode directly..

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This was practically a corpse bomb.

"However, since we know that something like this will happen, it's easy to solve. We just need to return all at once at the moment we complete the task. As for Zhang Hu, since he is originally from this world and can't escape, he can only avoid participating in the sneak attack."

Wang Ping thought to himself.

Thinking of this, Wang Ping couldn't help but look at Lin Yuanyuan.

He suddenly felt that the chat group wasn't so heartless after all.

Although each Group Task was very dangerous, the chat group seemed to always consider their ability to complete the task, or if someone in the chat group could break through the deadlock before letting them proceed with the task.

Last time, Liu Mei was the key to breaking through.

This time, it was the newcomer Lin Yuanyuan.

Of course, Chen Yao and Qin Tian's roles were also significant.

That is to say, randomly selecting task participants could increase the success rate of the task, instead of relying solely on individual strength.

Wang Ping pondered and quietly opened his eyes.

"Mr. Wang, how is it?"

Everyone looked at Wang Ping expectantly, waiting for his answer.

"l successfully completed the task, but other than me, all of you died, except 1 was revived by the Rebirth tally."

Wang Ping shook his head and said.

Upon hearing this, everyone's faces twitched.

Goodness, completing the task is a good thing, but there is no point in completing the task if it requires a team wipeout.

"There's no need to worry, here's what happened."

Wang Ping smiled, comforted them, and then explained the simulation content in detail.

"What, so that's how it is. We just need to return immediately."

Upon hearing Wang Pings explanation, Qin Tian and the others sighed in relief.

Lin Yuanyuan was even more delighted in her heart.

This time, since she could complete the task and gain such a powerful force, it was like taking a great leap, which was incredibly thrilling.

With this power, she wouldn't have to worry about unexpected death, and she could grow exponentially.

However, Lin Yuanyuan wasn't a fool, and she also understood one thing.

Just how important was the ability to predict the future?

Without Wang Pings ability, she wouldn't even think about completing the task or gaining immense power, fearing that even ten lives might not be enough.

In an instant, the little emotions in her heart vanished completely.

Honestly, her feelings towards Wang Ping and the rest were mainly due to them ignoring her when she first joined the group and not helping her, as well as their indifference towards the death of newcomers.

But now that she thought about it carefully, they would naturally become indifferent after witnessing so many deaths.

Having secured her own life and about to gain power, Lin Yuanyuan became rational and her mind became sharper.

"I'll watch the future one more time, and if we can return immediately, we'll do it that way."

Wang Ping looked at everyone and said.

"Alright." Everyone nodded expectantly.

Then, Wang Ping closed his eyes and used the free simulation again, reducing the number of free simulations to eight.

This simulation was almost the same as the last one.

Only the ending was different.

Zhang Hu didn't participate in the sneak attack and was far away.

And after Lin Yuanyuan drained the Pope of Light, everyone chose to return immediately.

The result was a success, with no casualties.

"We succeeded, with no casualties.'

Wang Ping opened his eyes and smiled.

"That's great! "

Hearing this, everyone showed a joyful expression.

"This time, we have to rely on Mr. Wang again."

Zhang Hu said somewhat regretfully.

"Without Mr. Wang, it would be really hard to complete the task." Qin Tian nodded in agreement.

With Wang Pings ability, it would not be impossible to find other ways to clear the task.

Lin Yuanyuan was essential, but not necessarily required, as her presence made it much easier to complete the task.

But without Wang Ping, the biggest possibility was wiping out the entire team, or even being destined to be wiped out.

"We seem to have found a way to complete this task without casualties. It's finally a comfort."

Chen Yao sighed.

"However, since the Pope of Light is attacked while spreading his faith, it means that there must be a lot of innocent people in that area. The explosion of the Light Lord God's power is not only as simple as destroying a city, but even a whole mountain range will be flattened. How many people will die then?"

"It will indeed be like that."

Qin Tian nodded in agreement.

"But what can we do… By killing the Pope of Light, we save even more people, so there is no need to feel guilty. This is what Zhang Jun taught me."

"I don't feel guilty. I would do the same to complete the task. It's just a little emotional.'

Chen Yao shook her head.

Lin Yuanyuan didn't say anything.

She couldn't be considered a good person, having killed others to become stronger, so she had no right to say anything.

"There's no point in discussing so much. Nothing is more important than completing the task."

Wang Ping shook his head and said.

"If those people are killed by the power of the Light Lord God, the impact will undoubtedly be significant. To maintain his image and faith, the Light Lord God will definitely do his best to resurrect them. So there's no need to feel guilty about it."

"That's true." Chen Yao nodded.

"Time waits for no one. The longer we delay, the stronger the Pope of Light will become, so let's start as soon as possible and eradicate the Pope of Light."

Wang Ping took a deep breath and stood up.

"Right!" Qin Tian, Chen Yao, and Lin Yuanyuan clenched their fists.

"l thought I could play a role in my home turf. It seems that I'm just a cheerleader again."

Zhang Hu also stood up and smiled bitterly.

"No, you're still very useful—to lead the way and help us get in touch with those churches and such." Qin Tian joked: "After all, we don't speak the language of this world, nor can we read."

"Leave it to me." Zhang Hu smiled.

"Remember to hide your identity well. After completing the task, we'll leave.

The Light Lord God will be furious and hunt us down everywhere."

Wang Ping said solemnly.

"l know." Zhang Hu agreed earnestly with a nod.

Next, Wang Ping and the others didn't linger and began their mission.

In the following days, while Wang Ping and the others carefully carried out their mission, Fang Yun's world also experienced terrifying events.

It was the nightmare of Cai Yonglong, Fang Yun, Wang Shuqi, Zhang Jun, and

Wu Jun—a cycle of despair..

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