
I, the protagonist of the system stream, join the chat

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Udeshya_Acharya · Fantasy
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Simulation Towards Immortality In A Group Chat - Chapter 161 - Chapter 161: Chapter 96: The Mysterious Becomes a Hot Commodity! - Novel Live - Reading Novel Free

Translator: 549690339

Next, Wang Shuqi willingly didn't resist, allowing Wang Ping to test his defense upper limit.

Of course, it would have been useless for him to try and resist anyway.

Soon, Wang Ping revealed a shocked expression.

He discovered that using Post-Heaven Realm power, he actually could not break Wang Shuqi's skin, or shatter the bones inside.

Following that, Wang Ping steeled his heart and directly unleashed Innate Realm power.

As Wang Ping used Innate Realm power, a crack finally appeared in Wang

Shuqi's skin, and blood flowed out. "Good guy, your Golden finger isn't simple at all."

Wang Ping exclaimed in amazement.

Innate Realm power was already impressive; two Innate Realm experts fighting with full strength could easily destroy an entire street.

However, even with such formidable power, it could barely break Wang Shuqi's skin. This was truly outrageous.

Keep in mind, Wang Shuqi had no actual strength right now; he was just an ordinary person.

If he began cultivating in the future and eventually reached Martial Master-tier, the extent of his defense would be unimaginable.

Wang Ping was very skeptical if he could break his defense after advancing to the Spiritual Fetus Realm.

As expected, any Golden finger should not be underestimated.

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A strengthened defense Golden finger might not sound like much, but its true strength was shocking when put to the test.

For example, Liu Mei's Golden finger could adjust her appearance, it didn't seem very useful at first, but it played a fantastic role in this mission.

Speaking of this, Wang Ping thought of Zhang Hu and Wu Jun's Golden fingers.

Zhang Hu only mentioned a name, 'Knight's Blessing,' without describing its specific abilities.

However, the fact that he was noticed and taken as a disciple by the Sword master of their world, and even given forbidden curse scrolls, meant his ability was definitely not simple.

Considering Zhang Hu t s performance, the Golden finger's ability was most likely growth-oriented.

As for Wu Jun, his case was truly interesting.

Everyone in the group knew about his Golden finger, which seemed quite trash and difficult to mention.

Wang Ping was always curious about what his Golden finger was and what could cause Wu Jun to have such an annoyed reaction.

Of course, Wang Ping didn't question him if Wu Jun didn't say anything.

Unless it was a situation like this, in a mission world where they needed to rely on each other's Golden fingers to complete the group task, he would then ask about it.

"Wang Shuqi, you have a promising future!"

Then, Wang Ping snapped back to his senses, patted Wang Shuqi's shoulder, and exclaimed.

"Uh…" Wang Shuqi's face was full of confusion, unsure how strong his Golden finger truly was.

But since Wang Ping didn't elaborate, he didn't ask any further either.

After that, with nothing else to do, Wang Ping directly accessed the chat group page.

At this point, the chat group's page had already exploded.

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After the mission's completion, Qin Tian returned to his world and briefly recounted the details of the mission.

Zhang Hu (5): "Damn, was this mission really that easy? I regret not going."

Fang Yun (3): "I'm astonished that there are missions that can be completed without needing any strength."

Wu Jun (20): "l never thought Mr.Wang would have a day of laying low and winning,

Cai Yonglong (1): "Could we really consider Mr.Wang's performance

laid-back? I don't think so. After all, without foreseeing the future, nobody would have known it would be this easy. When the time came, we would definitely have taken a gamble; it may or may not have happened, with the odds being on the latter. Even if it did happen, we wouldn't have known about the strange power. If it charmed someone into revealing the identities of the transmigrators, the spirit wouldn't have possessed Liu Niei."

Chen Yao (71): "Cai Yonglongs point is quite valid…"

Zhang Jun (70): "To be fair, it's indeed like that. We can't overlook Mr.Wangs role just because the mission was easily completed. Without Mr.Wangs Golden finger, who could have calmly completed the group task?"

Liu Mei (15): "Yes, Mr.Wang is always our captain. Without him, no matter what the mission is, it wouldn't be easy!'

Wang Ping (66): "Hearing you all praising me makes me happy. By the way, what rewards did you all receive?"

Qin Tian (77): "l only got 5,000 group points, so annoying."

Zhang Jun (70): "Shocking, I got only 1,000 group points. You, who tried to kill

Mr.Wang multiple times, actually got 5,000 group points!"

Fang Yun (3): "Hahaha, I can't help but laugh at that. Mr.Wang must never have thought he'd be killed by a teammate one day."

Cai Yonglong (1): "It's indeed funny. However, what I envy more is Qin Tian, the brat. His Golden finger is so overpowered, he quickly built his foundation and even has a full house!"

Ye Xiaofan (75): "Mmp, I'm not saying anything, I'm so bitter."

Qin Tian (77) @Zhang Jun (70): "What the hell are you bitter about? At least I helped in predicting the future. While you guys went to that world and spent every day picking up girls, I was shocked that you actually received 1,000 group points as a reward. System daddy is too generous!"

Zhang Hu (5): "Good fellow, spending every day picking up girls… I strongly suspect Zhang Jun's main reason for participating in group tasks is secondary. Going to other worlds to indulge was his true goal. However, betting his life on gambling in exchange for indulging time is truly awesome. l, Zhang Hu, willingly acknowledge you as the strongest in the indulgence world!"

Cai Yonglong (1): "I'm laughing so hard.. Uchiha Itachi's coffin lid can't be held down anymore! "

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Translator: 549690339

Liu Mei (15): "Well, my reward is somewhat special. Not only did I receive 200,000 group points, but I also obtained an additional ability…This ability is somehow similar to that of the strange one."

Wang Ping:

Wang Ping was shocked.

Goodness, the strange ability of this world was so outrageous that Liu Mei got it.

With Liu Mei's golden finger, along with this bizarre ability, she's definitely going to spiral upwards like crazy!

Not only Wang Ping, but the entire chat group quieted down, all of them gawking in disbelief.

Qin Tian (77): "Holy crap, Miss. Liu got the strange ability? Changing appearances, along with the Charm Skill, it seems like it doesn't even matter if there's any real power or not! This is simply becoming a more horrifying existence than the strange one."

Cai Yonglong (1): "M/ell, well, this is the rhythm of a counterattack. Changing appearances and invincible charm skill, combined with Causality Resurrection Skill…she can charm every strong person she encounters, who could possibly defeat her then.'

Liu Mei (15): "It's not that outrageous. The ability I got is a crippled version. Although the charm skill isn't weakened, it can't work on group members, and it's no longer a conceptual-tier ability. Strong people might be able to resist it. In addition, the Causality Resurrection Skill has been nerfed, it can only resurrect three times in a day."

Wang Ping (66): "Even if it's nerfed, it's still quite powerful. I have to say, the chat group is really generous."

Qin Tian (77): "Goodness, you gain three extra lives right away, and it has a cooldown too, not permanently reduced once used. The value of such lives…l'm simply dumbfounded."

Fang Yun (3): "Darn it, I really want to exchange abilities with Liu Mei."

Cai Yonglong (1): "Why would a man like you need charm?"

Fang Yun (3): "Damn it, Mr. Cai is discriminating against men. I'll raise the banner of man-fist and knock you down!"

Wang Ping (66): "The topic has sidetracked… What I'm more concerned about now is whether we could do the same in the future. If we can trick the strange one into possessing group members, we might be able to get their crippled version of abilities.'

Upon hearing this, all group members were intrigued.

Goodness, perhaps they could really give it a try. If it works, not only would they make a fortune, but they'd also come up with a new way to complete group tasks.

Liu Mei (15): "Most likely, it's not possible…This strange one can possess anyone at will, maximizing its abilities, but most of the others don't have the ability to possess freely. Once they possess someone, they can't change."

Wang Ping (66): "That's unfortunate. However, since it's only most cases, there should still be a small portion who can. If there's a chance, let's give it a shot. The abilities of the strange one are all powerful, far more so than most golden fingers we travelers get. If we can acquire them, we absolutely should."

Cai Yonglong (1): "l agree! greedilylickslips.jpg."

Not only Cai Yonglong, but everyone else also got excited.

Damn, this time the group task has proven one point, that accomplishing tasks doesn't necessarily require great power.

The rewards aren't just group points, but also potential extra benefits to be gained.

With these two pieces of information, they'll have the courage to gamble on the next group task.

After all, no one wants to remain a shrinking violet forever; everyone desires to become stronger quickly, it's just that oftentimes there are no better ways to do so.

Afterward, Wang Ping continued to chat for a while in the group, then stopped paying attention to the chatÄfi and opened the red envelope containing his task rewards.

Then, the system prompt appeared.

"Ding! Congratulations, you contributed 50% in this group task and are rewarded with 200,000 group points."

"200,000, even more than I had imagined. Not bad, not bad."

Wang Ping nodded with satisfaction.

The life simulator sure is awesome.

Even without any real power or effort, he can still gain a lot of benefits in every group task just by using this golden finger.

Although the extra 200,000 group points are far from being enough for the next optimized golden finger upgrade he needs, Wang Ping won't disdain it. After all, accumulation makes big things happen.

Half a day later, Lin Zhan managed to get everything Wang Ping needed.

It must be said that it was done quite efficiently.

Wang Ping inspected his acquisitions and found many special cultivation resources.

As for those cultivation skills, they were the highest level energy laws available to humans in the current world, enabling people to quickly absorb energy from the universe to strengthen themselves.

Those high-level battle tactics also had their merits.

Although Wang Ping didn't understand the last of the technological information, he could tell their value was extraordinary.

Even though Wang Ping didn't plan to spread technology in the Profound World, sharing this information in the chat group would be considered a resource. Perhaps it could be of great help to some group members later on.

After all, the laser cannon in this world could eliminate a Martial Master and Spirit Sea Realm practitioner.

Besides, those various warplanes were not bad either.

"It was a pleasure working with you. Until next time if there's a chance."

After shaking hands with Lin Zhan, Wang Ping nodded in satisfaction and left the world.

Wang Pings mysterious disappearance caused Lin Zhan's pupils to suddenly constrict. He sensed the surroundings and found no trace of Wang Ping, inwardly sighing.

Such existences as travelers are truly mysterious..

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Translator: 549690339

Soon after, he looked at Wang Shuqi with twinkling eyes, planning to cultivate him well.

As for Wang Ping, after returning to the Sword Spirit Sect, he immediately uploaded all the information about the cultivation system and technology resources he had obtained.

At the same time, he sent three exclusive red envelopes containing resources that could help them cultivate to the Grandmaster level to Qin Tian, Zhang Jun, and Liu Mei.

Wang Ping (66) @AII members: "These cultivation resources I got from Lin Zhan are enough for anyone to easily cultivate to the Grandmaster level. As participants in this Group Task, you all naturally deserve a share. In addition, I've uploaded the Cultivation System and Cultivation Skills of the High Martial World, so cultivate well. As for Little Tree, he has become Lin Zhan's disciple, so I didn't get any resources for him."

Zhang Jun (70): "Thank you, Mr. Wang!'

Qin Tian (77): "Damn, what an unexpected surprise! Thanks, Mr. Wang!'

Liu Mei (15): "Thank you, Mr. Wang. With these cultivation skills and resources, I can quickly become stronger!'

At this moment, the other group members were also astonished and envious.

Those who participated in this Group Task have truly made a huge profit. Among them, Liu Mei gained the most, not only obtaining an extra supernatural ability but also these resources, which might make her one of the top members in the chat group.

Of course, many people were envious but also went to browse the group files.

After all, the High Martial World's cultivation system does not require Spiritual Energy, it only needs to absorb Cosmic Energy, so most of the worlds can be cultivated, and they are no exception.

This is the advantage they got for free.

Liu Mei (15) @Wang Ping (66): "Also, Mr. Wang, thank you for taking me to complete System Tasks twice and fighting for so many cultivation resources for me. This is a small token of my appreciation, and I hope you don't mind."

After sending this message, Liu Mei sent an exclusive red envelope to Wang Ping.

When Wang Ping opened the red envelope, he found 100,000 Group Points, which surprised him greatly.

Liu Mei was really generous.

However, knowing gratitude and repaying kindness, Liu Mei's character was indeed good, making her worth getting close to.

The other group members who had been boosted by Wang Ping saw that Liu Mei sent a red envelope and could only helplessly smile.

They remembered Wang Pings kindness, but either they didn't have Group Points or planned to repay them in other ways.

Afterward, Wang Ping responded to Liu Mei and then exited the chat group.

The atmosphere of the chat group changed due to this Group Task, but now it was all over.

"I've only got one free simulation left before I have to start accumulating them again."

Wang Ping sighed after coming back to his senses.

"However, instead of waiting for the free simulation to refresh, I might as well stick to my original plan and go to the Seven Stars Archipelago first. After all, no one knows when the next Group Task will be. If the time interval is too short, and I don't accumulate enough free simulations, it will be troublesome. With Spiritual Stones in hand, I won't be worried at all."

At this thought, Wang Pings eyes changed subtly.

He never thought that there would be a day when the Paid Simulation was more reliable than free simulations.

Free simulations are all about waiting for their count to replenish with time.

As for Paid Simulations… it just requires spending Spiritual Stones, and you can simulate as much as you want if you have enough of them.

"Ugh, I need to make more Spiritual Stones in the future. No matter which world you're in, you need to have money. No matter where or who you are, you can't escape the fate of needing to work hard for money."

Wang Ping covered his forehead and started grumbling.

Next, Wang Ping left his quiet room and went directly to the First Supreme Elder of the Sword Spirit Sect to inform him of his intention to leave.

In order to act more conveniently, Wang Ping directly revealed his cultivation level.

When the First Supreme Elder found out that Wang Ping was a Transcendent Realm Master, he was completely shocked and unable to say anything to stop him.

After that, Wang Ping made arrangements, leaving the Red Fire Skill for Bai Tianhong to cultivate.

With the Red Fire Skill, Bai Tianhong should be able to reach the half-step Transcendent Realm by the time Demon MO Fan appears, making it easy to kill him and eliminate a huge hidden danger.

Of course, even in the same realm, Bai Tianhong, who possesses the Red Fire Skill, should be able to kill Demon MO Fan as well.

As for Bai Tianhong, Wang Ping had complete trust in him.

The only uncertainty for Wang Ping was the variable of Ye Chen.

However, Wang Ping was not worried.

He would definitely return to the Profound Turtle Continent in the future to explore its many secrets.

By that time, if anything happened, his strength at that time should be enough to suppress it easily.

After taking care of everything, Wang Ping left the Sword Spirit Sect and headed to the Fierce Wind Valley, arriving at the Stele Array.

As a large number of Spiritual Stones appeared, Jiang Huai activated the Stele Array, and Wang Ping turned into a beam of light, disappearing into the sky.

When Wang Pings vision was restored, he found himself appearing on another Stele Array, and the surrounding environment had changed, no longer the mountain forest environment of the Fierce Wind Valley but inside a cave.

"l have finally arrived at the Seven Stars Archipelago."

Wang Ping saw the environment around him and was extremely delighted.

Although he had been to the Seven Stars Archipelago many times in simulations, this was his first time truly arriving here, and the feeling was completely different.

"Young friend Wang Ping, activating the Stele Array this time has consumed a lot of my soul power. Please help me find some treasures that can help restore my soul power, or else I might disappear."

Jiang Huai's figure became increasingly vague, and he said helplessly.

"I'll do my best." Wang Ping gazed at Jiang Huai and said with a slight smile.

He then infused some Spiritual Essence into Jiang Huai, making his Soul Body more solid.

As Wang Ping invested his Spiritual Essence into Jiang Huai's Soul Body, Jiang Huai's eyes widened a bit.

However, Jiang Huai quickly regained his composure as if nothing had happened.

Despite Jiang Huai's subtle expression changes and swift composure, they still couldn't escape Wang Pings notice.

Wang Ping quickly realized something.

His Spiritual Essence was no longer the same as before; now it was a Five Element Spirit. Although he used only Fire attribute Spiritual Essence, it was still very different from the Red Fire Spirit.

Jiang Huai, an old fox who lived at the Profound Elixir Realm during his lifetime, must have noticed the anomaly and possibly seen that Wang Pings cultivation skill had become of the Heavenly tier.

"It seems that I have to squeeze the remaining value out of him as soon as possible and then dispose of him."

Wang Ping remained expressionless, but murderous intent rose in his heart.

He couldn't see what kind of methods this old fox Jiang Huai had.

If he waited until he arrived at the Seven Stars Archipelago, the secret of his cultivated Heavenly-tier skill might be leaked, and that would be really dangerous..

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"System, I want to do a paid simulation."

Immediately, Wang Ping spoke in his heart as he walked outward without revealing any signs.

"Ding, Life Simulator activated. Do you want to spend one thousand mid-tier spirit stones for a paid simulation?" The system's voice rang out.


Wang Ping responded in his heart.

"Ding, payment successful. Talent refresh in progress… Congratulations, Host has successfully refreshed Green Talent.Road Silly, Green

Talent.Self-Destruction, and White Talent.Self-Sacrifice for Others.'

Green Talent.Road Silly: Host will lose a sense of direction and often inadvertently end up in strange places.

White Talent.Self-Sacrifice for Others: Host prefers to help others at the cost of personal interests, with no desire for repayment.

Green Talent.Self-Destruction: When self-destructing, the power of the Host's self-destruction would be multiplied. "What kind of talents are these?"

Wang Ping felt speechless in his heart.

Could even being directionally challenged become a Green Talent? This was something he really did not expect.

Or was it that the Life Simulator was just trying to make things difficult for him?

As for this White Talent, there's no need to say how useless it is. It directly changes your personality and causes you to damage your own interests in exchange for helping others, without seeking repayment. That's clearly a debuff.

However, this Green Talent.Self-Destruction is not bad. I have a Rebirth Tally, maybe it can play a significant role at a critical moment.

"System, I choose Green Talent.Self-Destruction."

Wang Ping felt helpless, and could only select this strange Green Talent.

"Ding, Talent selection successful. Life simulation begins."

The system's voice sounded, familiar screens appeared, as the text began to emerge.

[On the first day, you went to the Seven Star Archipelago, investigating the markets on the outer islands one by one, wanting to find the Bronze Ancient Lamp, but not gaining any results. You suspected that at this point in time, the Bronze Ancient Lamp has not yet appeared in the market. In the end, you had no choice but to return in disappointment.]

[Next, after getting the Sunset Sword Skill from Jiang Huai, you eliminated him and permanently removed any possibility of future troubles.]

[After getting rid of Jiang Huai, you began a low-profile cultivation in the

Seven Star Archipelago, occasionally earning resources for cultivation by concocting pills.]

[Because you are a Spirit Sea Domain Stronger and a 4th Tier alchemist who maintained a low profile, nobody bothered you.]

[In the blink of an eye, twenty years passed. Your cultivation improved to the Realm of Spirit Sea Domain Perfection, realizing the difference in efficiency when practicing Heavenly Grade Mid-tier Cultivation Skill compared to Earth-tier top-grade skill is exponential.]

[At the same time, your martial arts cultivation advanced rapidly in these twenty years, reaching the Martial Master-tier, creating a Martial Master Golden Body. At this moment, you are extremely confident, believing that you already possess the strength to crush a Spirit Embryo realm strongman.] [Next, the Seven Star Secret Realm opened, and you entered it. This time, you were incredibly lucky, being teleported directly to the location of the sixth-Tier earth-attribute spiritual objects. Joining you in that location was a Spiritual Embryo Stage Cultivator.]

[The Spiritual Embryo Stage Cultivator was extremely domineering, attacking you directly. Although you were unhappy, you still chose to temporarily retreat because you knew that a powerful spiritual beast guarded the sixth-Tier spiritual object. You planned to sit back and harvest the benefits after the fight.]

[As you burst forth with incredible speed to retreat, you attacked the guardian beast with one palm, enraging it and forcing the Spiritual Embryo Stage Cultivator to be unable to spare any attention for you, allowing you to successfully escape.]

[Soon, the fierce battling began, attracting another Spirit Embryo Realm Strongman to the scene. After defeating the guarding beast together, they started fighting each other with highly intense battle, leaving both of them severely injured.]

[You waited for such a long time, and finally decided to make a move. As soon as you appeared, you entered your Berserk State and used the Five Elements Spirit Fusion Skill's Second Move Secret Skill – Five Elements Unification, combining the power of the five elemental spiritual essence into one, unleashing the strongest power.]

[The reason for doing so was that you knew very well that once you made a move, you would be exposing the power andlevel of your cultivation methods and martial arts. If you let one of them escape, you would face endless troubles, leading other powerful cultivators to keep an eye on you.]

[Your astonishing combat power shocked both of the Spirit Embryo realm strongmen, causing them to become fervently excited upon noticing your extraordinary cultivation method. Without hesitation, they chose to put aside their fight and join forces against you.]

[Utilizing the sword arts from the Sunset Sword Skill, you single-handedly defeated the two Spirit Embryo realm strongmen, displaying incredible power.]

[After successfully killing these two Spirit Embryo realm strongmen, you felt ecstatic. To be able to kill two Spirit Embryo realm strongmen with only Spirit Sea Domain cultivation was something unparalleled. However, you were able to accomplish this, which means that your combat power has truly become unrivaled at the same stage.]

[Of course, the reason why you were able to accomplish this was that you reached the Martial Master-tier in martial arts cultivation, making your Qi and Blood and physical body extremely strong, allowing you to wield the power of the Five Elements Unification without any consequences. If not for that, you would have made large sacrifices, perhaps without even displaying such terrifying skill.]

[Following this, you deactivated the Second Skill Secret Method – Five Elements Unity, quickly collecting the storage rings and monsters' corpses from the two Spiritual Embryo Stage Cultivators, then harvesting the sixth-Tier earth-attribute spiritual objects and leaving the area.]

[Not long after you left, other cultivators appeared, discovering the two fallen Spirit Embryo stage cultivators and were shocked, not knowing who had done it..]

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"Next, you continued wandering in the secret realm, searching for the 6th Tier Spiritual Materials you needed most, without wasting a single moment."

"Finally, you heard the sound of battle, found a 6th Tier Fire Attribute Spirit

Item, and came upon the scene of a great battle among three Spirit Embryo

Realm Strongmen, which included the Fire Daotist—a Perfect Spiritual Embryo

Realm Strongman. You witnessed the Fire Daotist seize the 6th Tier Fire

Attribute Spirit Item and leave with aplomb."

"You trailed after him, but, once discovered by the Fire Daotist, he attacked you. Without a moment of hesitation, you chose to utilize the Ancient Jade and unleash a powerful strike. You killed the Fire Daotist, picked up his Storage Spirit Ring, and acquired the 6th Tier Fire Attribute Spirit Item."

"Next, you continued your treasure hunt in the secret realm, aiming to find the remaining three types of 6th Tier Spiritual Materials. Alas, you ultimately met with no further success.

"After the Journey to the Seven-Star Secret Realm, you resolved to continue your Cultivation and persevere in your search for the remaining 6th Tier

Spiritual Materials while keeping a lookout for various news."

"After this, you strived on in your cultivation, hoping to quickly grow stronger.

Only by growing stronger rapidly could you safely obtain other 6th Tier

Spiritual Materials. However, your Spirit Sea Realm Cultivation already reached its limit. To continue growing stronger, you had to follow the martial arts path. If you can cultivate in the High Martial System to Lin Zhan's degree, then you will have the ability to confront the Spirit Embryo Realm head-on and not expose your Heavenly-tier Skill."

"If you could cultivate to the level of a Nine stars Martial, even Spirit

Accumulation Realm Cultivator would not pose any threat to you."

"Fifty years later, you succeeded in cultivating to the rank of a Six-Tier Martial Saint, matching Lin Zhan's acumen. Your power was far beyond comparison.

From an intelligence dealer, you learned that the Sky Wind Pavilion in Storm Island was auctioning a 6th Tier wood-attribute spiritual objects, attracting many powerful individuals."

"You rejoiced at heart and chose to use the Delivery Array to go to Storm Island.

To travel to other islands, it was necessary to employ the Delivery Array. Different islands were linked by the Delivery Array and not by ships, which could potentially face attacks from Sea Beasts and the Sea Clan, resulting in shipwreck and loss of life."

"Above the Seven Stars Archipelago, there were Delivery Points connecting two islands, Azure Abyss Island and Storm Island. You found out that Azure Abyss Island was far from the Seven Stars Archipelago, and its strongmen were comparable to the Seven Stars Archipelago. In contrast, Storm Island closer to the Seven Stars Archipelago and boasted of more strongmen."

"This situation occurred because Storm Island was located in an unfavorable position—super typhoons frequently occurred offshore, hence the name 'Storm Island'. In addition, it was in constant battle with some Sea Clan, which caused a high probability of strongmen falling. But those who managed to survive were all real hardliners."

"When you arrived at Storm Island, you found that it was indeed different from the Seven Stars Archipelago. It was a whole, not an archipelago, but its area was much smaller than that of all the islands of the Seven Stars Archipelago. Moreover, the order here was even more chaotic."

"However, you didn't care about the chaotic order here. The current you had truly become a powerhouse. As long as you didn't encounter a Spirit

Accumulation Realm Cultivator, you could fight anyone and withdraw at ease."

"You successfully participated in the auction held by Sky Wind Pavilion and bid for the 6th Tier wood-attribute spiritual objects. Regrettably, although you were an Alchemist, your grade was not high, and many representatives of major powers had better conditions than you. Even Spirit Accumulation Realm

Strongmen appeared. In the end, you failed to win the bid and were frustrated."

"Next, you anticipated a grand battle, hoping for an opportunity to snag some bargains. Unfortunately, you were disappointed again. A 6th tier spiritual item was indeed precious, but it was not enough to incite these strongmen to a great battle."

"When the auction ended, you came away empty-handed. However, you had no intention of leaving Storm Island directly and planned to stay on the island for a while to see if you could find any opportunities. After all, in places of chaos, there are often more chances for profit."

"A decade later, you made another breakthrough, comprehending up to 80% of the Sword Spirit and advancing further in your path of martial arts to the level of a Seven-star Martial Saint. This increase in your strength placed you on equal footing with late-stage Spirit Embryo Realm powerhouses."

"A month later, the Sea clan, which had been at war with Storm Island for a long time, launched a sudden attack. In this battle, the strongmen of Storm Island, caught off guard, suffered heavy losses, and many ordinary people were killed. You participated in this battle, hoping to gain some good loot. You killed a Blinded Sea Clan Spirit Embryo Realm Master. Your formidable body refining cultivation surprised many cultivators. Such strong body refining in the Spirit Sea Realm was something no one on Storm Island had accomplished."

"After the strongmen of Storm Island repelled the Sea Clan and the war ended, you checked your loot and unexpectedly found a 6th Tier Gold-elemental Spiritual Material in the Spirit Ring of the Blinded Sea Clan Spirit Embryo Realm Master. Your heart was filled with ecstatic joy as you hadn't expected such a harvest."

"By now, you had collected Earth, Gold, and Fire Attribute 6th Tier Spiritual

Materials. You only needed to collect Water and Wood element 6th tier

Spiritual Materials to become a Spirit Embryo Realm Strongman."

"Twenty years later, your process in martial arts advanced further, reaching the level of 8 Tier Martial Saint. You grew much stronger and could rival a

Perfect Spiritual Embryo Realm Strongman. If you add your other methods, you have confidence that there would be few opponents within the

Transcendent Realm."

"With such strength, you were truly safe. As a result, you planned to directly seek the Spirit Accumulation Realm Master who initially bid for the 6th Tier wood-attribute spiritual objects and negotiate an exchange for the 6th Tier wood-attribute spiritual objects.."

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[You have been keeping an eye on his news and did not hear of any Spirit Sea

Realm Wood Attribute cultivator breaking through to the Spiritual Fetus Realm. You are very doubtful that the Spirit Accumulation Realm Strongman had prepared this for himself.]

[Because in the next ten years, this Spirit Accumulation Realm Strongman will pass away. He will definitely not choose to pass on naturally but will choose to possess the body of one of his newly born descendants to live a second life, and in order to make the second life easily break through to the Spiritual Fetus Realm, it is natural that he would need to prepare spiritual materials in advance. This is also the choice of many Spirit Accumulation Realm Strongmen when they are about to pass on.]

[That's why there's such a strong competition for 6th Tier Spiritual Materials among Spirit Sea Realm Powerful cultivators, Spiritual Fetus Realm strongman and Spirit Accumulation Realm strongmen.]

[You found this Spirit Accumulation Realm strongman and proposed a trade, but he directly refused, thinking that you couldn't take out what he needed.

After some thought, you took out the Soul Nurturing Ring. Although the Soul Nurturing Ring is precious, it is not of much use for you now. It's better to use it for an equivalent trade to exchange for resources to help you grow stronger.]

[Of course, the value of a 6th Tier Wood Attribute spiritual object alone is not enough. You also want this Spirit Accumulation Realm strongman to provide more value in exchange.]

[Unexpectedly, this Spirit Accumulation Realm strongman was shocked and greedy when he heard that you had a Soul Nurturing Ring, and chose to attack you directly. The Soul Nurturing Ring, although not rare in the Eastern

Desolation, is a rare treasure in places like Storm Island and the Seven Stars Archipelago. Even a Half step Profound Elixir Realm master would find it difficult to own one.]

[You saw the Spirit Accumulation Realm strongman take action, extremely angry, but you were also prepared. You immediately released your power, entered the Berserk State, and clashed head- on with him.]

[Your strength greatly shocked the Spirit Accumulation Realm strongman. He did not expect that you could actually resist him head-on and were immune to the soul shock.]

[You released even stronger power, and the aged and declining Spirit Accumulation Realm strongman was no match for you. In the end, he was completely suppressed and perished unwillingly under your power.]

[You picked up his Storage Spirit Ring and successfully obtained the 6th Tier Wood Attribute Spiritual Material, overwhelmed with emotions. Now that you have obtained the 6th Tier Wood Attribute Spiritual Material, you only need the 6th Tier Water Attribute Spiritual Material.]

[Next, you went to the Seven Stars Archipelago to wait for the appearance of the 6th Tier Water Attribute Spiritual Material and to prepare for the fight for treasures when the Seven Stars Ancestor passes away.]

[Three months later, while sailing, you accidentally heard from a weak Sea Clan member that a 6th Tier Water Attribute Spiritual Material seemed to be about to mature in the Sea Ape Clan's territory, and a large number of strongmen had already gathered there.]

[You were ecstatic and immediately went there. After a fierce battle, you managed to stand out with various tactics and succeeded in obtaining the 6th Tier Water Attribute Spiritual Material. However, you also paid a heavy price, not only being seriously injured but also exposing your Heaven-tier Skill and Heaven-tier Martial Skills.]

[You knew very well that you would face a terrifying chase next, and you had to flee back to Profound Turtle Continent immediately in order to be truly safe. Otherwise, staying anywhere else would put your life at risk.]

[Unfortunately, before you could escape to safety, the Half-step Profound Elixir Realm Ancestor of the Sea Ape Clan tracked you down with a secret skill and suppressed you.]

[You felt alarmed and wanted to flee, but in the end, you still failed to escape the grasp of the Sea Ape Clan's Ancestor and were severely injured by him. Out of helplessness, you had no choice but to choose to self-destruct.]

[Your self-destruction power was astonishing, nearly hurting the Sea Ape

Clan's Ancestor. Due to the effect of the Rebirth Tally, you came back to life. Knowing that you would never be able to escape his grasp, you hardened your heart and destroyed the five 6th Tier Spiritual Materials in your Storage Ring before self-destructing again.] [As a result of your death, the simulation has ended…]

"This simulation was quite exciting."

Wang Ping sighed.

He obtained five 6th Tier Spiritual Materials at once, which was a huge harvest.

However, the price he paid to obtain these treasures and information was also significant, ultimately resulting in his death.

"But, even so, it's not bad. If it weren't for the additional cultivation system that allowed my strength to increase rapidly, I wouldn't have been able to obtain five 6th Tier Spiritual Materials. At most, I could obtain two, which would be the Earth Attribute and Fire Attribute Spiritual Materials."

"Moreover, my Martial Talent seems to be quite high, and the cultivation speed is quite fast. Later on, I even became an Eight Stars Martial Saint. If I could cultivate to the Nine Stars Martial Saint level, perhaps I would be able to successfully escape."

Wang Ping murmured to himself.

"Next, I'll focus on obtaining the cultivation rewards, raising my Martial Cultivation to the limit of Nine Stars Martial Saint. In the next simulation, I will definitely be able to break through to the Spiritual Fetus Realm."

Wang Ping thought about the key points, his eyes shining with anticipation.

"Huh, figuring out the solution to break through the puzzle feels so refreshing. "

Wang Ping sighed softly, unable to suppress his smile.

Wang Ping's incomprehensible smile made Jiang Huai squint his eyes, puzzled and alert.

He already knew that Wang Ping was no ordinary person, and this youngster had even more secrets than he could imagine.

Therefore, he must always be on guard against Wang Ping…

Otherwise, he might end up completely devoured by Wang Ping, leaving not even a trace of his bones behind.

Just as Wang Ping was elated, the system's prompt sounded again, delighting Wang Ping further.

"Ding, Reward Generation Successful. The host can choose two of the following rewards as a prize:

1.Spirit Sea Realm Peak Cultivation.

2.Eight Stars Martial Saint Cultivation.

3.Heaven-tier Martial Skills Sunset Sword Skill.

4.Green Talent.Road Silly

5.Green Talent.Self-Destruction.

6.Combat Experience.

7.Various Secret Cultivation Experiences."

"Well, this time I actually triggered two rewards, and the rewards are so good!

How lucky I am! Have I turned the corner again?"

Wang Ping glanced at the rewards, his mouth curling up slightly..

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(ps: I've made some major changes to the previous chapter. You may want to read it again.)

"System, I choose 2 and 3."

Wang Ping made a decision without hesitation.

As Wang Ping made his choice, his body began to make cracking noises, and a terrifying amount of Qi and Blood appeared within him. His physical strength also soared at a crazy rate.

At the same time, a new Martial Skill appeared in Wang Ping's mind. It was the Sunset Sword Skill, a powerful sword skill that is like a setting sun.

"Phew, this feeling is amazing."

Wang Ping felt the power coursing through his body, as if he had an endless source of strength. He couldn't help but show joy on his face.

After reaching the Spirit Sea Realm in his cultivation, his body had been strengthened to a certain extent. However, compared to his current physique, the difference was as distinct as heaven and earth.

Now, just by relying on his physical body alone, he could easily defeat a Spirit Sea Domain Stronger with one punch no exaggeration at all.

Even if he were to encounter a Perfect Spiritual Embryo Realm Expert, he could still clash with them head-on without any shortcomings, and perhaps even have the chance to win.

At this moment, Jiang Huai sensed the changes in Wang Ping's body and was shocked to the extreme. He couldn't figure out why Wang Ping had suddenly become so powerful.

Simultaneously, Jiang Huai's face turned incredibly ugly.

Wang Ping openly revealed his secrets in front of him, which could only mean one thing.

That is, Wang Ping intended to make a move on him.

"Don't kill me. I can teach you the secrets of the Sunset Sword Skill and many other Secret Skills," Jiang Huai didn't bother with nonsense about Wang Ping being unrighteous, and directly spoke.

"Sorry, you know too many of my secrets. It's time for you to go," Wang Ping coldly dismissed Jiang Huai's plea.

Jiang Huai's face turned even uglier as he tried to escape from the Soul Nurturing Ring without any hesitation.

Unfortunately for him, Jiang Huai was too weak at this point, and even Spiritual Realm Experts could easily deal with him.

As a result, Wang Ping simply restrained him with a casual wave of his hand, eliminating him completely.

After getting rid of Jiang Huai, Wang Ping remained emotionally undisturbed and showed little emotion.

He wouldn't kill for no reason. Jiang Huai indeed posed a threat and knew too many secrets about Wang Ping, which meant he had to be dealt with.

"Next, it's time to head for the Seven Stars Archipelago."

Wang Ping scanned the Stone Cave with his Spiritual Sense, quickly found the exit, and left.

Admittedly, this deserted island was very remote and rarely visited by people, far from the Seven Stars Archipelago.

It took Wang Ping a lot of effort to finally find the Seven Stars Archipelago.

By the time he reached the outskirts of the Seven Stars Archipelago, it had already grown dark.

"Next, how should I obtain Mid-tier Spirit Stones?"

As Wang Ping strolled through the streets of Purple Forest City, the Main City of Island No. 81, he enjoyed the street food while contemplating his next steps.

Although he was a 4th Tier alchemist, it was still quite difficult to earn a large number of Mid-tier Spirit Stones in the Seven Stars Archipelago.

Moreover, becoming a 5th Tier Alchemist and refining 5th Tier Elixirs was quite a time-consuming process.

"Hmm, I should first exchange some Cultivation Skills for Mid-tier Spirit Stones, then use the life simulation to gain Elixir-refining Experience rewards. As long as my alchemist ranking improves, earning enough Spirit Stones will be a piece of cake. That way, I won't have to worry about running out of Spirit Stones for quite some time."

Having made up his mind, Wang Ping headed for the largest auction in Purple Forest City.

"I need to auction this item. Please evaluate its value for me."

Wang Ping placed the prepared Golden Shield Secret Manual in front of the appraiser and spoke calmly.

"A Lower Earth-Tier Martial Skill? Senior, are you sure you want to auction this treasure?"

The appraiser looked at the Golden Shield with astonishment and asked.

The strongest force on Island No. 81 was the Purple Spirit Sect, and the Purple Spirit Auction was organized by the sect.

Although the Purple Spirit Sect was the strongest force on this island, their highest-ranked expert was only at the Spirit Sea Realm Peak.

Even though this level of power wouldn't be considered weak in the Seven Stars Archipelago, it still wasn't regarded as strong.

As a result, the Purple Spirit Auction was less prominent compared to other auctions organized by more powerful sects.

In past auctions, items put up for sale were predominantly for cultivators below the Spirit Sea Realm, and items useful to Spirit Sea Realm cultivators were considered the grand finale.

Wang Ping's Earth-tier Martial Skill may seem ordinary, but regular Spirit Sea Realm experts would still find it attractive.

Ordinary Spirit Sea Realm experts, such as those from regular sects and loose cultivators, often practiced only a few Earth-tier Martial Skills.

Defensive Martial Skills like the Golden Shield were even rarer among ordinary Spirit Sea Domain Stronger cultivators. Even in a sect like the Purple Spirit Sect, they would be highly valued.

Thus, this Martial Skill could be used as the grand finale of the biannual auction.

"Mm," Wang Ping nodded and calmly spoke, "Please evaluate its value for me. I may consider selling it directly to the Purple Spirit Auction. Whatever price it fetches will be unrelated to me."

There were still a few months before the next Purple Spirit Auction took place, and Wang Ping couldn't afford to wait that long.

Therefore, even if it meant losing a bit, he needed to obtain enough Mid-tier Spirit Stones first.

With the Mid-tier Spirit Stones, he could proceed with the life simulation. Once he gained enough powerful Elixir-refining Experience, there would be no fear of not earning enough Spirit Stones..

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Gathering the Five Elements Spiritual Objects Domineeringly!_2

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By then, it wouldn't matter if he lost a few of these spirit stones, even top-tier spirit stones would be within his easy reach.

"Senior, are you really serious?"

Upon hearing Wang Ping's words, the appraiser was instantly excited.

After all, it was a great opportunity for him, bringing him a lot of benefits.

"Of course, it's true. However, don't harbor any malicious thoughts, or else I will come after you."

Wang Ping nodded and then gave a cold warning.

As he spoke, Wang Ping unleashed a terrifying amount of Qi and Blood.

This Qi and Blood were extremely powerful, instilling fear in the appraiser.

Moreover, due to Wang Ping's strong Qi and Blood, it directly alarmed a Spirit Sea Domain Stronger guarding the auction house.

When the Realm Stronger saw Wang Ping, his face turned pale, and he hurriedly bowed, "Senior, has my Purple Spirit Auction mistreated you in any way? If so, I will immediately execute whoever did so, as an apology to you."

Although Wang Ping did not unleash all his Qi and Blood, it was still enough to shock the world.

This Qi and Blood was stronger than many Spirit Embryo Realm Strongman!

Such a person was definitely beyond the reach of both him and the Purple Spirit Sect he belonged to.

"It's fine, I just want him to give a reasonable price."

Wang Ping spoke calmly and withdrew his Qi and Blood.

The two of them let out a sigh of relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted. "Don't worry, senior, I will surely give you the most reasonable price."

The appraiser felt as if he had just escaped death, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead and quickly said.

"Senior, the price of this Martial Arts is 15,000… no, I mean it should be 20,000 mid-tier spirit stones. Are you satisfied with that?"

After taking a deep breath, the appraiser spoke a price, and then feeling it might be inappropriate, he gritted his teeth and added another 5,000.

Truth be told, this price had already exceeded the market value of the Gold Light Shield, even if a wealthy Spirit Sea Domain Stronger were to participate in an auction, the price would not go beyond that.

"Not bad, let's go with that price."

Wang Ping didn't know if the price was really the value of the Gold Light Shield, but he was sure that the appraiser wouldn't dare deceive him, so he nodded calmly.

Subsequently, the appraiser took out 20,000 mid-tier spirit stones and handed them to Wang Ping.

After Wang Ping took the spirit stones, he left the place.

"This senior is truly powerful, cultivating the body refining path to such a level. "

After Wang Ping left, the Spirit Sea Realm Stronger of the Purple Spirit Auction showed a face full of reverence.

The Body Refining Path is not something an ordinary person can persist in, as it requires a tremendous amount of torment, trials, and pain to achieve great success.

Even so, the Seven Stars Archipelago's body refining cultivators had, at most, Spirit Sea Realm combat power. Wang Ping, who had Spirit Embryo Realm power, could be said to be unprecedented.

"Now that I have 20,000 mid-tier spirit stones, I can simulate 10 times."

After leaving the Purple Spirit Auction house, Wang Ping rented a room at an inn and thought in his heart, he was ready for a new round of simulation.

However, Wang Ping soon realized that there was a problem.

Now, he had Spirit Sea Realm cultivation and 8 Tier Martial Saint cultivation.So, does the number of Spiritual Stones consumed change?

After all, his current Life Simulator's Paid Simulation is calculated according to his cultivation level.

"Let's give it a try." Wang Ping thought in his heart and said directly, "System, I want to do a Paid Simulation."

"Ding, this Paid Simulation requires 2000 mid-tier Spiritual Stones. Do you want to proceed with the simulation?"

The System's voice sounded, causing Wang Ping's eyes to brighten up.

Goodness, he has the cultivation level of an 8 Tier Martial Saint, yet the number of Spiritual Stones consumed did not change.

Doesn't that mean the System judges the consumption of spiritual resources through his cultivation level in the Profound World?

Now, isn't this quite awesome, akin to exploiting a bug in a game?

"Spend!" Wang Ping felt happy and said in his heart.

"Ding, payment successful, Life Simulator starting, Talent Refresh in progress…"

"Ding, Talent Refresh Successful. Congratulations Host, you did not refresh any talents. The life simulation officially begins."

The System's voice continued to sound, causing Wang Ping's decent mood to turn dark, and his mood instantly became unpleasant.

He actually did not refresh any talents, and the System even congratulated him, leaving him speechless.

"Forget it, if there's no talent, there's no talent. For me right now, unless it's a green or higher talent, it's not very useful."

Wang Ping sighed in his heart.

Soon, a blue luminescent screen appeared, and the text began to emerge.

[Day 1, you chose to cultivate.]

[Twenty years later, you made progress once again, and your martial arts cultivation broke through to the Nine Stars Martial Saint level. However, because you focused on martial training and alchemy, your cultivation in the Profound World remains in the early stage of the Spirit Sea Realm, without much progress.]

[However, you were not worried at all. You're stronger than ever, and you believe that you can pass the secret realm challenge unscathed.]

[After the Seven Star Secret Realm opens, you enter it. You are very lucky to once again appear at the location of the 6th Tier Earth-elemental Spiritual Material. This time, another Spirit Embryo Realm Strongman fights against you. You are domineering, showing off your powerful strength, injuring him in a single strike. He is shocked by your strength, realizes he is no match for you, and chooses to retreat.]

[At the same time, another Spirit Embryo Realm Strongman who noticed the commotion here saw this scene and fled without hesitation. You were very satisfied with this and began to take action against the guarding monster beast. With your powerful strength, you easily killed it and obtained the 6th Tier Earth-elemental Spiritual Material.]

[Next, you find the 6th Tier Fire-elemental Spiritual Material. You take strong action, drove away Fire Daotist and three other Spirit Embryo Realm

Strongmen, and easily obtained the 6th Tier Fire-elemental Spiritual Material.]

[Because of your repeated actions, your reputation gradually spreads throughout the entire Seven Star Secret Realm. All cultivators know that a ruthless figure has appeared in the Seven Star Secret Realm.]

[After that, you want to continue looking for 6th Tier Spiritual Materials, but you find nothing. You personally witness the battle for the Heaven-tier Skill, and you find it very interesting, feeling like you have watched a good show.]

[After the Seven Star Secret Realm ends, you continue to cultivate diligently. Since the High Martial System has reached its peak and can no longer be improved, you start to let go of it and focus on cultivation.]

[Fifty years later, your cultivation has already reached the Great Perfection

Tier of the Spirit Sea Realm. You know that the Sky Wind Pavilion on Storm Island is about to auction a 6th Tier Wood-elemental Spiritual Material, so you decide to go.]

[You successfully participate in the Sky Wind Pavilion's auction and bid for the 6th Tier Wood-elemental Spiritual Material. Relying on your wealth accumulated over the years, you successfully win the 6th Tier Wood-elemental

Spiritual Material. However, this displeases many powerful masters.]

[After the auction ends, a Spirit Accumulation Realm Strongman attacks you.

You forcefully activate the Berserk State. killing him on the soot. shocking everyone. For this reason, no more people dare to target you. Your reputation begins to spread throughout Storm Island.]

[Ten years later, the Sea Clan, who had been at war with Storm Island for a long time, launches a sneak attack on Storm Island. You have been waiting for this moment and quickly find the Blinded Sea Clan Spirit Embryo Realm

Strongman, easily killing him and obtaining the 6th Tier Gold-elemental

Spiritual Material.]

[Twenty years later, you learn that a 6th tier Water-elemental Spiritual Material will appear in the Sea Ape Clan's territory, so you start searching and planning early.]

[However, you find that the Sea Ape Clan knew about the maturation of the 6th Tier Water-attribute Spiritual Material even earlier than you did, and they had already dispatched powerhouses to guard and deter any attackers.]

[After the 6th Tier Water-attribute Spiritual Material matures, you take strong actions and ultimately succeed in obtaining the 6th Tier Water-attribute Spiritual Material. However, you suffer injuries, but they are not fatal, and you did not reveal your Heaven-tier Cultivation Skill and Martial Skill.]

[Next, regardless of whether you'll be pursued and killed by the Sea Ape Clan's half step Profound Elixir Realm Ancestor, you want to immediately escape back to the Profound Turtle Continent.]

[Because of your strong strength, you successfully escape back to the Profound Turtle Continent. However, for safety reasons, you choose to destroy a corner of the Stele Array temporarily, preventing the Sea Ape Clan from teleporting over..]

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"l actually managed to escape back to the Profound Turtle Continent, it seems that the difference in strength between an 8 Tier Martial Saint and a Nine Stars Martial Saint will change the outcome completely."

Wang Ping looked at the simulation content, feeling all kinds of emotions in his heart.

"Next, it should be me breaking through to the Spiritual Fetus Realm and then going back to the Seven Stars Archipelago in the future."

After pausing for a moment, Wang Ping was full of confidence.

Once he breaks through to the Spiritual Fetus Realm, his strength will soar, and he may even have the power to fight against a cultivator at half step Profound Elixir Realm.

[You are not planning to leave the Stele Array area next, but instead, you will directly start cultivating, trying to break through to the Spiritual Fetus


[You successfully use the Five Elements Spiritual Object to break through to the Spiritual Fetus Realm, resulting in the Heavenly Tribulation Forging Body, and eventually forging the perfect Five Elements Spiritual Body, greatly increasing your strength.]

[After breaking through to the Spiritual Fetus Realm, you return to the Sword

Spirit Sect in high spirits, intending to take Bai Tianhong to the Seven Stars

Archipelago along the way. Bai Tianhongs talent is too wasted staying on the

Profound Turtle Continent.]

[However, something shocking for you has happened. When you arrived to the Sword Spirit Sect, you discovered that it was already destroyed, with only ruins left]

[You remembered the matter of Ye Chen, the Son of Fortune, who joined the Sword Spirit Sect, and you were filled with a mix of shock and anger, suspecting that he was the one who wiped out the Sword Spirit Sect. After investigating, you finally learned the cause and effect, feeling chills all over your body.]

[It turns out that not only the Sword Spirit Sect but also the Xia Kingdom was destroyed decades ago. The person who destroyed both, the Sword Spirit Sect and Xia, was Ye Chen. At that time, after the Demon appeared, Ye Chen, along with Bai Tianhong, jointly killed it.]

[However, at some point, Ye Chen fell into the Demonic Path, frantically

slaughtering cultivators of the Profound Turtle Continent. After killing all the cultivators on the Profound Turtle Continent, Ye Chen created a terrifying Secret Skill that allowed people to obtain cultivation base by burning their own lifespan, madly cultivating more people for him to consume. Up to this day, it is unknown how powerful Demon Ye Chen has become.]

[You felt heavy-hearted and didn't expect Ye Chen to become so corrupt after losing the Jiang Huai talisman.]

[You found Ye Chen and tried to secretly investigate his true nature.

Otherwise, you would not feel safe staying on the Profound Turtle Continent. Once Ye Chen discovered you, he was relentless in taking action against you, leading to a fierce battle.]

[You unleashed powerful strength and seriously wounded Ye Chen. However, Ye Chen quickly changed, like a monstrous giant, bursting out terrifying divine skills and killing you with one move.]

[After your revival because of the Rebirth tally, your heart was shocked to the extreme, not knowing why Ye Chen became so powerful. Next, you did not hesitate to choose to escape, but Ye Chen used his Great Divine Skill again, blocking your escape route and showing interest in your resurrection.]

[You noticed the difference in Ye Chen, as if he had become another person. You calmly asked him who he was and why he was in Ye Chen's body. Ye Chen' sneered and said that you had no right to know his name, then attacked you again, trying to devour you.]

[Left with no choice, you could only choose to self-destruct.]

[Because of your death, this simulation ended…]

"It seems that Ye Chen, this Son of Fortune, lost Jiang Huai and obtained another old man but turned into a Demon this time, and the nature of the old man in his ring seems even more evil than Jiang Huai, a real Demonic Path


Wang Ping looked at the simulation content, with furrowed eyebrows, muttering to himself.

However, the gain from this simulation is also quite good.

Breaking through to the Spiritual Fetus Realm and also gaining some intelligence.

It seems that there are still other undying existences on the Profound Turtle


Speaking of which, the origin of the Demonic Skill that Demon MO Fan obtained is very suspicious, and it is unknown where it came from.

Now, with the appearance of the old demon in Ye Chen's body, the two are most likely connected.

That Demonic Skill might have been deliberately passed on by the old demon

to Demon Mo Fan.

However, in previous simulations, either Demon MO Fan killed him, making him unaware of what happened after, or he killed MO Fan early on which resulted in a lack of follow-up.

As for Ye Chen, after he left the Profound Turtle Continent, he acquired the Demonic Skill, cultivated it, and after growing up, he came into contact with the old demon.

As a result, the situation developed to this point.

"Ding, reward is being generated, the host can choose one of the following rewards:

O Early Spiritual Embryo Realm Cultivation."

"What's there to choose? I have no choice, do l?"

Wang Pings face darkened.

Although he wanted cultivation base, as long as he knew the direction for a stable breakthrough, it was more advantageous to actually hold off on cultivation base and increase his alchemy level first.

After all, the higher the cultivation base, the more spiritual stones required for the simulations.

However, the system did not give him any room for choice, just like when he broke through to the Spirit Sea Realm.

Soon, Wang Ping felt the energy in his body undergo earth-shaking changes, and his body began to transform. It not only became stronger but also became more compatible with the Five Elements Spiritual Energy.

This is the Five Elements Spiritual Body.

At the same time, as long as he activates the Five Elements Spiritual Body, his strength will also be doubled.

This is why Spiritual Embryo Stage Cultivators are far stronger than Spirit Sea Realm cultivators..

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In fact, the true essence of Spiritual Embryo Stage cultivators is not much stronger than that of Spirit Sea Domain Perfection cultivators. The reason why they are far more powerful than Spirit Sea Realm cultivators is that their physical bodies are extremely powerful.

At the same time, once they condense a Spiritual Body and activate it, the quality of the attribute Spiritual Essence within their body will increase exponentially, and their prowess when using the same attribute Martial Skills will also skyrocket.

With such an increase, Spirit Sea Domain Perfection cultivators are like ants, easily crushed to death.

"No wonder, after breaking through to the Spiritual Fetus Realm, I was able to kill even Ye Chen, the Son of Fortune. It's only because of the Demonic

Cultivation Grandfather inside Ye Chen's body that he could kill me in return." Wang Ping felt his own strength and marveled in his heart.

"But, System, after I've broken through to the Spiritual Embryo Stage, how many Spirit Stones do I need for a single simulation?"

Then, Wang Ping sighed and asked in his heart.

"Host, you will need to spend 10,000 mid-tier Spirit Stones for Paid Simulation.'

The voice of the System sounded.

"Ten thousand mid-tier Spirit Stones…"

Wang Pings face darkened.

Ten thousand mid-tier Spirit Stones, compared to before his breakthrough, this price has directly increased fivefold.

He would lose tens of thousands of Spirit Stones after several simulations, which was really heart-wrenching.

"System, I suspect you deliberately refresh only cultivation rewards to scam me of my Spirit Stones."

Wang Ping couldn't help but ridicule.

The System didn't reply, as if it didn't want to bother with Wang Ping.

"Fine, ten thousand it is. As long as the next reward includes Elixir-refining Experience, it's still easy to make more Spirit Stones."

Wang Ping sighed and consoled himself.

"Of course, even if the reward wasn't about Elixir-refining Experience, just relying on my current cultivation, it wouldn't be difficult to earn enough mid-tier Spirit Stones."

Next, Wang Ping pondered and murmured, "Let's continue simulating, then. With my strength, 1 won't return to Profound Turtle Continent for now. Even if 1 didn't care about Ye Chen's words, the guy would become a total disaster, and using Paid Simulation to check if my strength has increased enough to kill him is too risky. I'll have to wait until I've earned enough Spirit Stones or

saved up enough free simulations before I experiment."

"If I could really kill Ye Chen after he becomes a Demon, it would mean that the fortune of the demonized Ye Chen would receive a huge influence. Perhaps, this world doesn't like Demonic Cultivators."

Just as Wang Ping was making various guesses, preparing for another simulation, a sudden System prompt interrupted him, making him pause.

"Ding, Group member Ma Yang (78) has joined the group chat." "Ding, Group member Wu Yueming (79) has joined the group chat." "Ding, Group member Lin Yuanyuan (80) has joined the group chat." "Ding, Group member Yu Yonghao (81) has joined the group chat." "Ding, Group member Zhang San (82) has joined the group chat."

"Wow, five newcomers joined at once? This chat group sure knows how to play."

Wang Ping listened to the System's prompts, his eyes becoming intriguing.

"l just don't know how many of these five newcomers will survive. Last time, we were quite lucky that only one newcomer died."

Then, Wang Ping opened the chat group and began the familiar welcoming (intimidating) ceremony for the newcomers.

When the five newcomers learned about the special nature of the Transmigrator Chat Group, their faces turned green, and they were utterly terrified, completely losing the excitement they had when entering the group.

Wang Ping (66): "Actually, you don't need to worry too much. After all, the Transmigrator Chat Group is becoming more and more humane. Last time, only one newcomer died. The death rate is just 25%, so don't worry."

Wu Yueming (79): "Just… ColdSweat.jpg."

Ma Yang (78): "Hey hey hey, this joke isn't funny at all."

Lin Yuanyuan (80): "Wuuu, I want to go home, I don't want to transmigrate anymore."

Yu Yonghao (81): "This death rate is almost the same as that of the Master Lord Tier Space, right?"

Zhang San (82): "It doesn't matter, I can do it. If others can survive, so can l."

Fang Yun (3): "Hehehe, I love watching the horrified expressions of newcomers. By the way, Zhang San, isn't your name a bit too casual? And about your bragging, aren't you afraid of getting struck by lightning?" Zhang San (82): "A real man doesn't fear lightning. I have invincible faith."

Qin Tian (77): "Nice, this guy can even brag more than me."

Ye Xiaofan (75): "Same."

Cai Yonglong (1): "l think instead of bragging and comolaininz. focus on preparing supplies. Supplies are crucial. If Wang Shuqi didn't have supplies, he would have died in the wilderness long ago."

Wang Shuqi (74): "Yeah, those were dark times."

Looking at the chat content of the group, besides Lin Yuanyuan, the other four newcomers immediately went into stealth mode to start preparing supplies.

Meanwhile, Lin Yuanyuan continued to cry and plead for help from the group members, not wanting to die. She even tried to flatter Ping.

Lin Yuanyuan (80) @ Wang Ping (66): "Group ovvner, here's my photo. Please help me. I can be your plaything in the future. Picture.jpg."

Seeing Lin Yuanyuan's behavior and the picture she sent, Wang Ping and the rest of the group members were speechless.

Does this woman only know how to cry and beg others for help?

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