
I reincarnated into a cow

I'M A REAL MAN! Real note here: This series doesn't have a giga brain mc or anything like that and they will be smart, but at the same times fairly dumb too. The MC will basically be unable to keep a train of solid thought hence his stupidity. Second thing, reason why being^^ something something cow. Something something past life problems and head trauma equals something something something.

ZeOwl · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


HM had been like a little maid which was surprisingly useful. However currently she managed to round up all the kobolds. Despite them not calling her the queen or anything it was clear they treated her as a leader.

"I have gathered them up, sir!"

I sighed, "I can see that."

HM's only problem was that she was a little odd. Akira had informed me this was because when Kobolds are captured they treat their capture not as a bad guy, but instead a boss. Apparently this was do to long history with Kobolds and dragons.

So HM was a very subservient which spread through the Kobold. Looking out to all the kobolds there was something like 200 to 300 of them. I coughed slightly before shout to address all the Kobolds before the pit. "My name is Akira, You may all know me."

Whispers passed through them and I heard a few mention the chairs they stole. "You may all know this conflict between our parties is because the original loss of your Queen and named..."

Hm whispered to me "*Siblings work, sir.*"

I nodded, "Siblings! However we share a common enemy. The one's who took your Queen are the same enemy I gather the forest to fight."

More whispers this time they were scared, I motioned. "I will put this small conflict behind us, and focus on the future. This future is one where we, together work against this common enemy. To save your Queen, To stop others from being taken, to save the forest!"

The Kobolds looked between each other and they all shifted on their feet. HM was the first, "YES! SIR!" and with that it spread among the Kobolds quickly. Varying responses similar to HM's.

I Addressed the Kobolds, "I wish for 14 of you to step forward. Those 14 will have the same role as HM here. To lead a certain number of you and act as one individual work force. The ones who take up this role should be strong, reliable, or special."

All the kobolds murmured about being named. I looked at HM, "Get it done."

She gave a salute and then shouted, "YES SIR! I SHALL PICK THE BEST FOR YOU!"

Walking away from them and over to Merli. Merli smiled, "Seems like 'Red Wolf Clan' has joined us."

"About that name." I turned back to HM, "HM why are you called the Red Wolf Clan?"

She perked up, "Oh that is because our Queen was a evolved Kobold! She was a Rold Kobold."

I looked at Merli for an explanation. Merli gave it, "Rold is a type of Kobold that is similar to a Dog. It is likely she was a 4th evolution Kobold. Goblins and Kobolds have more evolutions than others. She was likely a Wolf Rold Kobold while being a similar Variant to HM here."

"Neat, was that about right HM?"

She nodded, "Yeah, She was super strong! She was level 134!"

Me and Merli had a shiver run through us. Level 134 was a tad strong. "HM how are you a variant."

She shrugged, "It comes from the Magma stones I- uhh... I ate them after our Queen disappeared."

Oh, I guess that works... Eh, "So you guys got your name because your Queen was a variant of a Wolf Rold Kobold? A little direct, wasn't that supposed to be deception?"

HM giggled, "Hehe! Indeed, because the queen was no longer around so it was deceptive was it not?"

I sighed, "Just get those 14 Kobolds."

She nodded and ran off. Meanwhile Merli asked me, "Why do you want 14 of them?"

"Splitting them up, they could be a problem if they were to attack all at once. So splitting them up creates both a decent work force with a leader to direct them while also splitting them up in more manageable groups."

Merli nodded, "Clever, though what 30ish per group is still a lot."

"I'd rather fight off about 30 kindergartners then 200 something of them."

"That math doesn't quite add up."

I shrugged, "You were the one that said 30ish."

Merli wobbled, "What do you plan to do with them?"

"Expand the house with an underground level. Create an aqueduct, and a sewage system. I would like to build a nice and bathroom with both a shower and a toilet."

"Smart, I think. To be honest I can't really use a toilet so I have no preference."

I nodded, "Being a monster is fairly strange."

Merli was looking down and tilted its head, "Hey, I have been meaning to ask how do you know how to build this stuff. I can read your mind and see the whole set up and all that. However the actual knowledge source is not surface level so..."

I made a small snort, "I was wondering when you would ask?"

Merli shrugged, "Well I mean mst of the stuff so far is pretty simple most can figure it out. Except an aqueduct on the scale in your head is a tad... Advance."

Reasonably I could lie, but Merli would know and I think that would be an insult to our trust. "Do you believe in reincarnation?"

Merli swayed, "Sorta, I believe as taught by my mother ones afterlife is based on their beliefs and karma. If one has a neutral karma I think it is likely they would get reincarnated along. While the more evil or good a person is changes that path based on one's choices and luck."

That was deep I guess, but It ruined my bit. So i just barrelled forward. "Well i have memories of a past life. Where I died due to overwork, I worked a lot of jobs in that life and thus I have a lot of accumulated knowledge. Such as the construction work I had surveyed or just casual office work that was mundane and never-ending."

Merli looked shocked, "That's! But- uh... That explains a lot actually I have no idea how to really digest that though. So were you like a human noble if you worked in an office? Wait, no because you said you worked in construction as well so you were a merchant that bought a title? Huh? What is H-"

I put a hand on Merli's head. "Best not to read my mind right now if that is why you are reacting like that. Let's sort of put it like I was well-off however had to work day and night to not lose my position."

Merli nodded shaking its head. "You are right, and thanks for trusting me."

I shrugged, "How could I not, you are very trust worthy and you seem very soft."

Merli could almost be describe as a door-mat. Though maybe more like a door-bell. Hmm, none the less Merli had a sweet and lovable personality. It was almost hard not to trust Merli. Even now I could see the tinge of red on Merli's face and the signs of embarrassment. "Still reading my mind eh?"

"Its a force of habit! You have such strange dialect I get confused something your mind is much more straight-forward."

I laughed at Merli's embarrassment. "I think now with the Kobold's we finally have the baility to look into researching wisdom gain."

Merli nodded, "I'll keep an eye on when we can get some good paper or something."

Paper or books was our best bet, We had more or less figured out every stat except Mystic and Wisdom. So we just had to figure out those by trail and error. I had a feeling my past-life's knowledge would increase others wisdom however it couldn't increase my own as it was something like ill gotten gains. Only by reading or learning another person's knowledge would I gain the wisdom bonus from the knowledge I already had.

I sighed, We still had to build a watch tower too now that I think about it. So much work at least in this life I am strong enough to handle it.