
I Reincarnated in One Piece as Sterry

So... It seems like I reincarnated in One Piece as Sabo's infamous step-brother, Sterry.

pGUTZt · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Why am I Sterry?!


Suddenly, Ethan was traveling through space, he couldn't see or hear anything. The only thing he could do at the moment was thinking, which is what he did.

'Fuck.. I didn't ask him how do I use the system'

'I guess I'll have to try various ways.'

'What will happen now?'

He still couldn't do anything, he was starting to get worried, but his worries were meaningless, because, now, he was able to hear a loud cry.

'Who is crying?'

It was too loud, it sounded like it was coming from nearby.

'Is it me?'

He presumed that he was the one crying, as it was cliche to be reincarnated as a baby.

'Why can't I stop crying then? They say it is an automatic reaction, but am I not controlling this body?.''

Ethan opened his eyes, he could see a child near him, it seemed like that child, which Ethan thought was around 4 years old, was the one crying and not him.

'For how long will he cry?'

And then, all of a sudden.



Name: -

Age: Newborn

Gender: Male

Current Condition: Confused, angry, excited.

Title: -






Ethan was shocked, even though he knew he would get a system, it still shocked him, he then decided to check his stats.


The stats and the other features aren't available yet, please wait until you're older.

'Eh? Is it because I am a baby? I guess I'll have to wait.''

'Are my stats as a baby that bad, though?'

After having those thoughts, he heard a man talk, Ethan looked at the man, who was ugly, fat and tall, and heard what he said:

"Your name shall be Sterry" he then looked at a woman neary him and said: "Don't appear in front of me again, I'll give you money to keep you quiet about this child and our relationship."

'Wait, wait, wait! Firstly, Sterry?! Secondly, why can I understand them? Did God give me the ability to understand their language?'

'I guess it will help me, but I don't know if it was really needed.'

Ethan then looked at the woman that was holding him and though:

'It looks like that woman is my mother, why is he talking to her like that? I don't really remember much from Sterry, only that he was adopted by Sabo's family because he was supposedly smart.'

'Am I really that Sterry? Sabo's step brother? Fuck…'

Suddenly, he heard a notification:


He decided to check the system window and see what changed.

Name: Sterry

Age: Newborn

Gender: Male

Current Condition: Confused, angry.

Title: -

'Fuck! I am that Sterry!'

'Why am I Sterry?!'

Ethan looked at that child again, it looked like that child was his brother, since he was leaving alongside his mother and heard the man talk to a woman that was dressed as a nanny.

"Even if he's a bastard, he's still my child, take him with us."

The nanny then took Ethan and followed the man to his carriage, and, looking at the carriage, Ethan thought:

'Sterry is a noble's bastard son? Is this a good or a bad thing?'

'I don't know…'

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