
I Reincarnated in One Piece as Sterry

So... It seems like I reincarnated in One Piece as Sabo's infamous step-brother, Sterry.

pGUTZt · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Is this heaven?

People always thought: 'What will happen when I die?'

There are many answers for this question, such as going to either hell or heaven, being reincarnated, or nothing happens and you just stop existing in the world.

The truth is that nobody knows, and no one will ever know, since the dead can't speak.


'Where am I?' Thought the average man.

What he was seeing was something that looked like a white ocean, but don't be mistaken, it wasn't an ocean of water, but of white clouds.

'Did I really die?! Is this heaven?!'

'What will my parents think? My relatives and friends? Are they at my funeral? Fuck…'

After organizing his mind and calming himself, he thought: 'What will happen now?'

He had at least been there for 20 minutes, but nothing happened yet, 'is this what death is?', he thought, 'we just stay here for eternity?'

That would make everyone go crazy in a few days, the bravest ones would last weeks before going mad.

And suddenly, when he least expected, something appeared, maybe it was someone? He couldn't see it well.

That thing looked like an energy, it didn't have a specific form, which made it hard for people to look at him.

As he was approaching our protagonist, he took the form of a human being, but it was still made of energy.

'What is that? Why am I feeling scared? I already died, what makes me fear him?'

The being finally spoke: "Hello Ethan."

His voice sounded different? It was hard for Ethan to express what he was hearing.

"W-who are you?"

'How does it know my name?'

Ethan was trembling in fear, and he had the most reasonable reason.

There was a being that transcended everything he had seen until now ahead of him, how wouldn't Ethan fear it?

The being answered: "I am what you call 'God', but I am not really one, it is hard to explain, I advise you to not question my existence, otherwise you will lose your mind."

After saying that, the "God" waited for Ethan to organize his thoughts. He wanted to talk with him, and so did he.

"Let's get to the point, you died in a car accident, more specifically, a truck killed you."

"But that doesn't really matter, what matters is your last wish"

"My last wish?" Questioned Ethan.

"Yes, most of the people wish to not die before they die, which is normal, there isn't a single mortal being that wants to die."

"In those cases, I make their souls reborn in another body, since I can't revive them."

'Should I question why can't he revive people? That may make him angry, let's just listen what he has to say and question it after.' he thought

"A case like yours is rare, so I will aid you in your journey to fulfill your wish."

After hearing what "God" said, Ethan's expression brightened up.

"Will I reincarnate in One Piece?"

"Yes, you will."

Ethan's expression got even brighter, but, suddenly, he realized something.

'Can I survive in the world of One Piece?'

'There are so many pirates that can kill with with just a finger, and I can't rely on the marine'

"Hum… sir God, what do you mean by aid me in my journey?

After hearing his question, "God" said:

"As you already know, surviving in the One Piece world will be difficult, that's why I decided to aid you with a 'system'"

"A 'system'?"

"Yes, it will help you to get strong enough to see the end of that history"

'I didn't expect to get a system.'

"I see… before sending me there, I want to ask something"

"What is it?" 'God' questioned

"Is that world a real one?"

Ethan always wanted to ask that question, in most of the novels he read, that had this kind of setting, the protagonists always thought it was only a story at first, and changed their mind soon after.

And "God" answered his question:

"Yes, it is a real world, for some reason, there are people on earth with the ability to tell stories from another world."

"Is that so?"

'So Oda is really a myth?'

"I'll be sending you to that world now, good luck."

Oda is the man, the myth.

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