
I Reincarnated in One Piece as Sterry

So... It seems like I reincarnated in One Piece as Sabo's infamous step-brother, Sterry.

pGUTZt · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

It's been 5 years

It's been 5 years since Ethan was born, and, during those 5 years, my father, John Russel, hired someone to teach me the basics of etiquette, mathematics and Linmund, which was the language of the One Piece world.

'I'm not someone that brags much, but I was good at mathematics when I was alive, basic stuff like this is really eazy.'

'I already did basic counts and now, for some reason, they are trying to teach a baby multiplication and division, but it doesn't really matter, I'll do it regardless'

'I remember that Sterry was supposed to be a "smart" character, but I didn't really think he was smart, maybe he was.'

'But since it's important for me to be adopted, I'll do as Sterry did, I'll be a genius kid.'

'Etiquette isn't really hard, it's about muscle memorization, I guess. The most difficult is Linmund, even though I can understand and read it, it doesn't mean I can write it.'

'I'll keep working hard, knowing how to write Linmund is important!'

'Now that I think about it, if Sterry is a genius, why would they give him to another noble?'


While Ethan was having those thoughts, a tall woman, who looked like a noble, said to Sterry's father, John Russel:

"I think we should get rid of Sterry, he already showed how smart he is, and if he keeps like this, the legitimate child won't be the successor."

A bit perplexed by what the woman said, John answered:

"Don't worry, I won't make him the successor, but if you're really worried, there are some rumors that there is a noble looking for a child, I won't mind offering Sterry to him."

"Please do that, if the people discover his talent, they will want him as the successor, and not our son, the legitimate child" said the woman.

"Okay, as respect for you and your family, I'll offer Sterry to that noble, I think it was Outlook III, he'll treat him well."

"You have my gratitude, I won't forget this favor until I die, John."

I would like to know what you think about the story.

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