
Chapter 2520: Encirclement_1

Translator: 549690339

Yuanen Zhentian nodded, then turned and said, "Well, I'll go check on Ye Hui and the others first. You guys continue talking!"

Upon hearing this, Tang Wulin immediately said, "Elder Yuan'en, I'll go too!"

Xie Xie was a brother Tang Wulin had sincerely acknowledged from their time at East Sea Academy, and now that he was gone, the pain was just as real!

And so, the two left the place and quickly arrived outside a room...

Yuanen Zhentian's expression was complex as he knocked on the door, "Ye Hui, can Wulin and I come in?"

After a few seconds, a response came from inside, "Come in!"

Tang Wulin and Yuanen Zhentian exchanged glances before pushing the door open and entering, only to be greeted by the sight of Yuanen Yehui prostrated on the bed, her eyes red and bloodshot...

It was clear that she hadn't slept in a long time, keeping vigil here!

She wiped the corners of her eyes and forced a calm tone, "Grandpa, and Wulin..."

Yuanen Zhentian's heart softened, and he asked with concern, "Ye Hui... have you been crying?"

Yuanen Yehui certainly wouldn't admit it, and she replied intermittently, "No... I haven't."

Tang Wulin sighed softly, comfortingly said, "Ye Hui, you don't have to pretend to be strong. We all know Xie Xie's death has hit you hard!"

After saying this, he looked towards the perfectly preserved, yet lifeless body of Xie Xie on the bed...

To their surprise, Yuanen Yehui argued with some agitation, "Xie Xie isn't dead yet, Elder Ya'li said there's still a very faint life force inside him, and there might be a chance he could come back to life, even if it's just hanging by a thread!"

The former opened his mouth but eventually swallowed his words...

Clearly, Elder Ya'li's words were meant to keep Yuanen Yehui from being overly heartbroken!

As for the remaining life force in Xie Xie's body?

Most likely, it was just a made-up reason; otherwise, he would have been revived long ago...

Yuanen Zhentian walked up to Yuanen Yehui, stretched out his hand, and gently rubbed her shoulder, "Ye Hui, you're right, and I believe Xie Xie won't just die like this!"

Just then, Ya'li also walked in from outside...

After calmly glancing at them, she turned to Tang Wulin and said, "Wulin, come out for a second, I have something I'd like to speak with you about!"

Though puzzled, he still followed her...

After walking a short distance, Ya'li slowly turned around and said gravely, "Wulin, Ye Hui is in a very unstable psychological state. As her companion, I hope you can help her move out of the shadows quickly!"

Tang Wulin immediately replied, "Elder Ya'li, I will."

Then, holding onto a sliver of hope, he asked, "But is there really no chance whatsoever that Xie Xie could be revived?"

At this, Ya'li shook her head, "Xie Xie might be revivable, but the person to do so definitely isn't me!"

I don't have the ability to bring someone back to life who has been dead for a long time.

Tang Wulin, perplexed, said, "If even Elder Ya'li can't do anything, doesn't that mean Xie Xie is beyond saving?"

Ya'li earnestly explained, "No, have you forgotten the potent Life Force Elder Xu once demonstrated?"

"If he were to take action, he could surely revive Xie Xie!"

This statement made Tang Wulin frown deeply, "But Teacher Xu and the Abyssal Emperor were pulled into a black hole a long time ago, and we can't seek his help!"

But suddenly, as if struck by a thought, he exclaimed excitedly, "Elder Ya'li, as long as the life force is strong enough, it can revive Xie Xie?"

Ya'li hesitated for a moment, then answered, "Theoretically, that's correct!"

Tang Wulin said excitedly, "That's great, then we just need to find the seven Old Demons, they definitely have a way to save Xie Xie!"

Previously, Yue Zhengyu used his innate ability "Sacrifice," which severely depleted his life force, and after eating a certain thing, he recovered completely!

Maybe Xie Xie could as well!

However, what Ya'li said next was like pouring a bucket of ice water over his head...

"Wulin, to tell you the truth, the seven Old Demons disappeared a long time ago!"

Tang Wulin's face instantly turned rigid, "What? Why did that happen!"

The former explained again, "This was because the two forces on that island vanished overnight. Without their nourishment, the seven Old Demons couldn't continue to live!"


The time-space where Xu Sheng was located!

Martial Soul Hall, Sub-hall!

The leading deacon looked down at all the affiliated Soul Masters below and loudly declared, "Just a short while ago, I received an order from His Holiness, the Pope, to immediately dispatch all Soul Masters of the Martial Soul Hall to encircle Holy Soul Village!"

"Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo will arrive as quickly as possible, capture the boy, and then proceed with the interrogation!"

To be honest, when he received the order, he couldn't believe his own ears!

The Pope actually sent two Title Douluo level experts because of this kid!

In the past, such a thing was unthinkable!

Upon hearing this, Suyun Tao, who was below, burst into wild laughter internally, "Hahaha... Kid, no one can save you this time. This is what you get for daring to refuse my invitation!"

Moreover, sending two Title Douluos clearly meant there was no intention to give him any chance to escape!

However, aside from the two of them, the rest of the Soul Masters all displayed a thick sense of confusion...

They discussed amongst themselves, "Who is the boy that the elder is talking about? Do you know?"

"I'm not sure, but Holy Soul Village... seems to be a godforsaken place!"

"Ah? The Pope wants us to encircle Holy Soul Village? What's the point?"

"Shush... You can't say such things, if His Holiness, the Pope, orders us to do so, then we just do it!!"

Seeing this, the deacon covered his mouth to cough and then said again, "Silence, all Soul Masters present, now, immediately follow me to Holy Soul Village!!"



As he packed his luggage, Tang San looked at Xu Sheng with eyes full of reluctance, "Brother Sheng, are you really not coming to Notting Academy with me? I believe with your talent, you'll definitely be accepted exceptionally!"

Xu Sheng shook his head, denying, "No, I'm not interested in the academy!"

The former pursed his lips, clenched his fists, and said, "I see, then Brother Sheng, let's meet again when we both become powerful Soul Masters!"

Xu Sheng was somewhat speechless, waved his hand, and said, "Tang San, when did you become so melodramatic? If you're going to leave, then hurry up!"

Tang San slowly turned around, "Brother Sheng, then I'm off, take care…"

Before he could finish speaking, he saw old Jack, limping and frantically rushing up...

The light in Tang San's eyes brightened as he waved his hand, "Chief Jack, you're here, I'm already ready..."

However, Old Jack didn't say much, but grabbed the arms of Tang San and Xu Sheng and ran towards the back...

The bewildered Tang San immediately asked, "Chief Jack, what happened? Why are you dragging me and Brother Sheng away?"

Xu Sheng also cast a puzzled look...

Old Jack glanced at them, his face looking grim, "Just now, the Soul Masters from Martial Soul Hall have surrounded our Holy Soul Village. It seems they're looking for the child who awakened the Martial Soul that day!"

"However, the only ones who awakened their Martial Souls that day were the two of you!"


