
Chapter 2519: Zang Xin’s Advice_1

Translator: 549690339

At this moment, a federation member walked in from outside, bowed, and then said to everyone, "Chairman, Council Members, representatives from other forces have already arrived and are currently waiting outside the federation!"

The Chairman stopped his earlier speech, then said in a grave voice, "They've arrived so quickly? It seems the other forces also attach great importance to Douling Empire's initiation of war!"

"Good, now let them..."

Before he could finish, one of the council members couldn't help but interrupt, "Wait, has the Spirit Pagoda's master come?"

The federation member was taken aback for a moment, then answered truthfully, "No, it seems that only a high-ranking member of the Spirit Pagoda was sent to negotiate!"

This statement evidently caused dissatisfaction amongst the other Council Members...

"Hmph, the Pagoda Master of the Spirit Pagoda really has a lot of confidence—sending only a representative!"

"That's correct, in the resistance against the Abyssal Creature Army, the aid provided by Spirit Pagoda was negligible. If it weren't for their status as one of Soul Land's top forces, they would surely be held accountable!"

"Speaking of which, all major forces suffered heavy casualties in the battle, yet the Spirit Pagoda had astonishingly few injured!"

"I see, that Pagoda Master of Spirit Pagoda is after all an inexperienced young girl who doesn't even understand the importance of such matters!"

The Chairman glanced at them, and stopped further discussion, "Enough, we will discuss matters regarding the Spirit Pagoda later. The main issue at hand is to deliberate on how to deal with the Douling Empire!"

"You, immediately notify the representatives of the other forces to come to the Federal Conference Room for discussion!"

"Yes, Chairman!"


Soon, representatives from major forces of Soul Land had arrived at the Council Hall and taken their seats arranged in advance...

The Chairman sitting in the main seat looked toward Zang Xin not far away and said with a light laugh, "I didn't expect Sect Master Zang to come in person, truly an honor for our federation!"

The latter, with an unwavering expression, responded, "Chairman, you jest. The federation has played an indispensable role in holding back the Abyssal Creature Army!"

"It only seemed right to give this respect!"

Although the Chairman didn't show it, he was quite pleased internally, "Sect Master Zang is too kind. In this battle, the disciples of the Tang Sect also made considerable contributions, and moreover, resisting the Abyssal Creature Army was possible due to the efforts of every force."

Zang Xin nodded slightly, "What the Chairman says is very true!"

Seeing this, the Chairman shifted his gaze to Cai Yue'er on the other side and asked with a heavy tone, "Right, Elder Cai, as far as I know, Elder Long of the Sea God Pavilion..."

Cai Yue'er knew that this matter couldn't be kept secret and nodded, "Yes, Elder Long sacrificed herself in the battle."

Not just Long Yeyue, but also Wu Changkong, Le Zhengen, and other powerhouses had all fallen, dealing a significant blow to Soul Land's top-tier combat strength!

The Chairman opened his mouth, sighed and said, "Elder Cai, please accept my condolences!"

Cai Yue'er waved her hand, not dwelling on the matter, but changed the subject, "That's all in the past, Chairman, let's return to the main topic of today."

After all, in the Council Hall, only a select few had a voice: Tang Sect, Shrek Academy, the Federation, Spirit Pagoda, and just a handful of sects.

These top forces remained silent, leaving the rest to silently observe...

The Chairman himself wanted to ask more, but given the response from the other party, he had to let it go...

After coughing into his hand, he announced, "Today, you all are specially invited to the Federation Parliament Hall to discuss how to deal with the Douling Empire!"


The entire meeting lasted for several hours before it ended...

Seeing that Cai Yue'er was about to leave, Zang Xin couldn't help but speak up, "Elder Cai, please wait!"

Cai Yue'er halted in her steps, puzzled, "Sect Master Zang, is there something the matter?"

Zang Xin strode up to her, full of regret, "Regarding the destruction of Shrek Academy, as the Tang Sect Master, I feel a profound sense of regret!"

Cai Yue'er hurriedly explained, "Sect Master Zang, you needn't worry about it. It's also our fault for not leaving an Elder of the Sea God Pavilion behind to guard against opportunistic attacks from the Holy Spirit Cult!"

"The Tang Sect didn't do anything wrong!"

Of course, to say there was not even a tinge of resentment in her heart would be impossible!

Zang Xin gazed directly into her eyes, discerning a few threads of desolation...

He continued, "Elder Cai, hear me out. In order to make amends, several months ago, I ordered Tang Sect disciples to start the reconstruction of Shrek Academy at the fastest pace!"

"Currently, it has reached the final stages of refurbishment!"

Upon hearing this, Cai Yue'er's pupils sharply contracted, astonished, "What... What? Rebuilding Shrek Academy, Sect Master Zang, that's no small project. It might consume a substantial amount of the Tang Sect's funds and manpower!"

She felt surprised and grateful for the Tang Sect's efforts to rebuild Shrek Academy...

But it shouldn't come at the cost of affecting the Tang Sect's normal development!

Zang Xin, however, shook his head, "Elder Cai need not mention these concerns. When the Tang Sect was destroyed, Shrek Academy also offered us tremendous assistance. Now, it's time to repay the favor!"

Cai Yue'er swallowed hard, "Sect Master Zang..."

Even if it gambled the future of the Tang Sect, they would help rebuild Shrek Academy!

She did not know what to say!

Guessing what she was thinking, Zang Xin pursed his lips, "There's no need for gratitude. The complexity of Shrek Academy is immense and its internal structure is known to no one, so for the final refurbishment stage, Elder Cai you must personally take charge!"

Supressing her emotions, Cai Yue'er said earnestly, "I understand, Sect Master Zang. I will not let you down. I will ensure Shrek Academy stands tall once again!"

As the saying goes, adversity reveals true friendship, and Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect will forever be partners!


After returning to the temporary residence, Cai Yue'er informed the rest of the Sea God's Pavilion Elders and the Shrek Seven Monsters about the ongoing reconstruction of Shrek Academy...

Tang Wulin excitedly said, "That's great, the Tang Sect is actually willing to rebuild Shrek Academy!"

Xu Xiaoyan echoed, "Yes, yes, as long as we all work together, we can surely get Shrek Academy back on track!"

Yue Zhengyu said in a grave voice, "Regarding the rebuilding of Shrek Academy, our Angel Family can also offer help!"

With the sacrifice of Le Zhengen, the entire Angel Family, one could say, was under his leadership!

So, allocating some funds for the reconstruction of Shrek Academy was not difficult!

Lan Muzi gave a slight nod, "That's great. With the support of the Tang Sect and the Angel Family, it won't be hard for Shrek Academy to develop anew!"

Yuanen Zhentian clenched his fists tightly, "What a pity, the members of the Yuanen Clan also perished in that attack; otherwise, they could have taken part in the rebuilding effort!"

Tang Yinmeng consoled, "Elder Yuan'en need not blame himself. Our survival is the greatest help we can provide to the reconstruction of Shrek Academy!"


