
Chapter 2521: Regaining the Divine Artifact_1

Translator: 549690339

Tang San's face showed horror, "No ... No way? Martial Soul Hall has surrounded Holy Soul Village?"

This place is nothing but a poverty so extreme there is no poorer, what on earth has attracted those high-ups from Martial Soul Hall?

Could it be because of me??

No, the fact that I possess Twin Martial Souls is something Lord Suyun Tao doesn't know about!

As for Blue Silver Grass, Innate full soul power, these two traits are indeed attractive, but they are far from worth Martial Soul Hall surrounding the entire village!

Then, according to what Chief Jack has said, the target of these Spirit Hall soul masters must be Brother Sheng!!

Xu Sheng saw through everything in an instant and said emotionlessly, "It seems these Spirit Hall soul masters are here for me!"

Did that guy Suyun Tao spill the beans about my Martial Soul Awakening after all? Otherwise, Martial Soul Hall wouldn't be making such a big fuss!

Upon hearing his outright acknowledgment, Old Jack suddenly paused, puzzled, "For you? Xu Sheng, what on earth have you done to be remembered with such resentment by the big shots of Martial Soul Hall!"

Xu Sheng glanced at him and explained, "My talent was too good; it bred envy!"

Old Jack frowned and scolded, "Xu Sheng, what time is this to be joking, those soul masters are ruthless killers!"

They might even annihilate the entire village!

Perhaps, I should just hand this kid over to Martial Soul Hall, so the whole village can be spared!

Xu Sheng chuckled lightly, "Old Jack, you wouldn't be thinking about handing me over, would you?"

It's not unreasonable for a village chief to think this way!

But Old Jack quickly denied, "How ... How could I, I'm not that kind of person!"

This kid must be a devil, to discern my thoughts with a single glance!

Seeing this, Tang San also said in a grave tone, "Brother Sheng, Chief Jack is right, the situation is extremely urgent, no time for jokes!"

The whole village could get dragged into this!

Xu Sheng said dismissively, "I'm not joking, the only way to make Martial Soul Hall back off is to hand me over, otherwise, they will not let Holy Soul Village off!"

He was very familiar with the way Martial Soul Hall operated, they would achieve their goals by any means necessary, even through blackmail!

Worried, Tang San said, "How can that be, with such a grand show of force from Martial Soul Hall, if we hand you over, I fear ..."

Xu Sheng waved his hand, "Don't worry, they won't make a move on me, at most they will force me to join Martial Soul Hall."

"Of course, if I refuse, the outcome will be different!"

Old Jack was stunned and said earnestly, "Xu Sheng, are you sure?"

Xu Sheng affirmed, "Hmm, but after I leave, it's best for the civilians of the village to evacuate as much as possible to avoid any mishaps!"

Even if he agreed to join Martial Soul Hall, he wouldn't really go!

After all, he still needed to find the Abyssal Emperor and deal with him as much as possible!

Tang San's pupils shrank, clearly catching the underlying meaning ...

Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Old Jack, "Alright, after you leave, I will organize the villagers of Holy Soul Village to evacuate!"

He paused for a moment, then added, "Let's head back now, otherwise, who knows what the people from Martial Soul Hall might do!"


Meanwhile, the Abyssal Emperor, who was continuously fleeing within the abyss ...

Looked ahead at the Heaven Saint Crack Abyss Halberd that was emanating an aura of death, his face excited, "Heaven Saint Crack Abyss Halberd, I've finally found you!"

With this Divine Artifact, my power will increase at an extremely fast rate, reaching levels even beyond what I had before!

Even my left arm and right leg, devoured by other abyssal creatures, could be restored!

Harboring these illusions, he slowly approached the Heaven Saint Crack Abyss Halberd and reached out to touch it ...

However, the Divine Artifact suddenly burst into dazzling red light, accompanied by intense vibrations, and he was violently blasted away ...

He crashed fiercely against the wall...

After barely getting up, he couldn't help but roar, "Heaven Saint Crack Abyss, how dare you, how dare you defy my will!"

In his view, the Heaven Saint Crack Abyss, this Divine Artifact, belonged to him and no one was allowed to use it!

Not even the sentient intelligence born from within it!!

Thinking this, the Abyssal Emperor approached it again and precisely grasped its handle...

In an instant, the pain of his soul being torn surged through his brain nerves...


Purple-red light coiled around his body, becoming more intense with every second...

Even so, the Abyssal Emperor didn't let go, but instead clenched his teeth and shouted loudly, "Heaven Saint Crack Abyss, I am your master, I was in the past, and I will be in the future!!"

"Now, submit to me!!"

"Buzz buzz buzz!!"

The purple-red light emanating from the Heaven Saint Crack Abyss gradually dissipated, and the accompanying torment also lessened significantly...

The Abyssal Emperor, now able to catch his breath, finally showed a crazed look on his cheeks...

"Hahahahaha!! I did it, I've succeeded!!"

The Heaven Saint Crack Abyss, once again submitted to him!!

As long as he could enhance his strength quickly, he could kill that man before he had a chance to grow!

And in the future, all races other than the abyssal creatures would be slaughtered under his leadership!!

This was the abyssal creature that had been following the scent of blood and caught sight of him at first glance...


After letting out a roar, it attacked from all directions...

Seeing this, the Abyssal Emperor's eyes darted with an icy coldness, "Insects, die for my rebirth!!"

With those words, he swung the Heaven Saint Crack Abyss in his hand...

A massive aura of death emerged, entwining all the abyssal creatures in midair like a bond, then slowly contracting...

With their bodies, how could they possibly withstand such divine might, merely seconds passed before they were crushed into clumps of blood that fell to the ground...

A strong stench of decay assaulted the senses...

The Abyssal Emperor sneered, swinging the Divine Artifact in his hand again, which emitted a suction force, absorbing all the blood...


After letting out a contented sound, his lost left arm and right leg began to regenerate at a visibly rapid pace, sprouting flesh buds and continuing to grow...

In less than a minute, he had fully-formed left arm and right leg, showing no signs of having been gnawed upon!

Licking his lips, the color of his pupils shifted subtly...

"This feeling is fantastic, why not... have all the abyssal creatures become part of my body?"

Suddenly he felt that these kin of his, even if they survived, could not bring any benefit...

Better to be absorbed by him to strengthen his own power!!!

With this thought emerging in his heart, he began to unleash his bloodthirstiness unchecked, striking at the other abyssal creatures at will...

Each path he walked was left with the bones of hundreds, if not thousands, of abyssal creatures...


