
Chapter 2518: Reconstruction Complete_1

Translator: 549690339

Zang Xin did not deny it and shared his view, "That's right, with the Abyssal Emperor having broken through to the God Rank, he definitely won't give up the idea of devouring the Human Plane, and it's even less likely that he would just leave!"

"Based on preliminary speculation, it should be due to some impediment that he is unable to continue the invasion of the Human Plane."

Guo Xiaoxu took a deep breath, "That's what I think too. In that case, I will go and consult with the Elders of the Sea God Pavilion afterwards!"

The former naturally had no objections, "That's good!"

There was a pause before another matter came to mind, "Right, how is the reconstruction of Shrek Academy coming along?"

Guo Xiaoxu answered without hesitation, "The general layout of the academy has been completed, but there are some parts that cannot be built exactly as they were, due to the lack of records!"

Zang Xin wrinkled his brow but then smoothed it out quickly, "That's enough, we can't possibly build an exact replica of Shrek Academy!"

The resources of the Tang Sect were limited, and just reconstructing an approximation of Shrek Academy had already exhausted several years' worth of budget!

Guo Xiaoxu nodded slightly, "Yes, Sect Leader, I will inform the Tang Sect disciples to proceed with the final repairs as soon as possible!"

He had just taken a step when he suddenly drew back...

Zang Xin noticed his abnormality at a glance, "What is it, Hall Master Guo, is there something else?"

Guo Xiaoxu looked straight into his eyes, "Sect Leader, I just wanted to ask if we should delete the files regarding Gu Yuena who was once an Outer Sect Disciple of our Tang Sect?"

The current Gu Yuena was the Pagoda Master of the Spirit Pagoda, and a decision needed to be made so as not to affect the future!

Zang Xin suddenly placed his hand on his forehead, obviously, he hadn't thought about this before...

However, he soon made a decision in his mind, "For now, let's keep it. If it is hastily deleted, Tang Wulin, the kid, would probably feel somewhat sorrowful when he finds out."

Having designated Tang Wulin as the next Sect Leader of the Tang Sect, he must take into consideration his relationship with Gu Yuena!

Guo Xiaoxu was stunned for a moment, "Keeping Gu Yuena's identity as a Tang Sect disciple, I have no objections, but... Sect Leader, have you really thought it through? That child is not as simple as she appears on the surface!"

The former Vice Tower Master, Qiangu Qingfeng, had once spread the word that Gu Yuena's intentions were not pure and that she might pose a threat to the Continent's Soul Masters in the future!

Zang Xin closed his eyes, "Some things can't be forced. If it comes to that, I trust that Tang Wulin won't stand idly by!"

Guo Xiaoxu wanted to say more, but seeing his expression, he could only give up...

Douling Empire!

A council member rushed into the hall in a panic, his face filled with fear as he reported, "Your... Your Majesty the Emperor, we have just received news that the Abyssal Creature Army and the Abyssal Emperor seem to have been defeated!"

If only he had known that the Abyssal Creature Army would be dealt with, he would have fought tooth and nail to persuade His Majesty not to wage war against Soul Land!

Xue Yuntian, who had been calm until then, stood up abruptly from his throne upon hearing these words and exclaimed, "What?? Are you sure that both the Abyssal Emperor and the Abyssal Creature Army have been dealt with?"

The former immediately responded, "Absolutely certain!! Now, the forces of Soul Land are discussing how to wage war against our Douling Empire!"

Xue Yuntian clenched his fists tightly, his face grim, "Damn it, that Abyssal Emperor truly is useless, failing us at this crucial moment!"

In terms of overall strength, the Douling Empire posed no threat compared to other empires!

If they had not provoked the situation, it could have been ignored as if nothing had happened, but not long ago, he had ordered war on Soul Land!

An Ultimate Douluo beside him took a deep breath and tentatively asked, "Your Majesty, should we retract our war orders against Soul Land?"

However, Xue Yuntian shook his head, "It's no use; now, calling off the war would only shake the morale of our Douling Empire's Soul Masters, and won't bring any benefits."

"What should we do then? Without the interference of the Abyssal Emperor and the Abyssal Creature Army, our Douling Empire stands no chance!"

If war really breaks out, the possibility of annihilation is extremely high!

Xue Yuntian, upon hearing these words, "plop" sat paralyzed on the throne...

He said despondently, "At this point, we can only go to war with a hardened scalp, at least... we need to find a chance for a ceasefire in the midst of the war!"

I've been bewitched, actually believing the words of that Ghost Emperor!

Once the war starts, the Holy Spirit Cult will only watch coldly from the side; they won't support the Dou Ling Empire!

But this Ultimate Douluo thought of something and quickly leaned into his ear, whispering a few words...

Xue Yuntian's eyes widened, "Can... can this really work? Those forces in the federation won't stop their actions just because of such an excuse!"

The former's eyes showed determination, "No matter the result, we should at least try!"

"If all else fails, then we'll fight them to the death. My Dou Ling Empire may be weak, but we do not fear anyone!"

After pondering for a long time, Xue Yuntian nodded, "You're right, let's do as you suggested!"



The leading Chairman's face was filled with rage, he rebuked, "Does the Dou Ling Empire think our federation are fools? They want to kick us while we're down and start a war before we've eliminated the Abyssal Creature Army!"

"Now, they're saying that the Dou Ling Empire's Emperor was forced into it because he was held hostage by a Holy Spirit Cult's Evil Soul Master!"

The other Council Members also showed a hint of indignation...

They were not fools, and could obviously see that this was a ploy by Xue Yuntian to avoid war!

They spoke one after another, "Humph, regardless of whether Xue Yuntian was coerced by an Evil Soul Master of the Holy Spirit Cult, daring to declare war means they must pay a price!"

"That's right, if we don't teach the Dou Ling Empire a lesson, they might really think that our federation is a pushover!"

"I think, why don't we just bomb the Dou Ling Empire with a God-killing soul-guided missile? The Abyssal Creature Army has already been completely wiped out, so we have nothing to fear!"

"I agree, this can also reduce the number of soul masters killed or injured!"

The Chairman looked to the side subconsciously and asked, "Vice Chairman, you..."

But he discovered that place was empty!

Indeed, after the battle with the Abyssal Creature Army had ended, Qiangu Qingfeng had not returned to the federation and had suddenly disappeared without a trace!

This led them to speculate that he had likely perished!

And indeed, the reality was precisely so!!

After silently sighing, the Chairman then said coldly, "You are right, gentlemen, we cannot let the Dou Ling Empire get off so easily; they must pay a price!"

It was not hard to ascertain the Dou Ling Empire's secret cooperation with the Holy Spirit Cult, but with no evidence, pursuing this was futile!

Therefore, we can only take this opportunity to seriously suppress the Dou Ling Empire!

Not to obliterate them, but to deal them a severe blow!!!


