
Chapter 1909: Impeachment? (Please Subscribe)_1

Translator: 549690339

Hearing her say this, Jiang Wuyue's face also turned serious, and he pondered, "Hmm, strangely, abyssal creatures that had always been peaceful are now surging out from the Abyssal Passage like mad, constantly launching attacks!"

In the past, such situations would have been preceded by signs, but this time, it occurred too abruptly!

Suddenly, Jiang Qiyue's Beautiful Eyes lit up, "Right, brother, do you think this could be related to Xu Sheng?"

Doubt showed in Jiang Wuyue's eyes, "Related to Xu Sheng? That Tang Wulin's instructor, the newly added colonel?"

There seemed to be no reason for this incident to be related to the other party!

Jiang Qiyue nodded slightly, "Yes, not long ago, Xu Sheng and a Blood God from the Blood God Camp infiltrated the abyss and successfully slew over a dozen Abyssal Emperors!"

"I suspect it's because of this that the abyssal creatures, outraged, rashly chose to attack our Blood God Army!"

At these words, Jiang Wuyue's eyes widened in shock, "What? Slain over a dozen Abyssal Emperors? How did I not know about this?"

Jiang Qiyue pursed her thin lips, "Wulin told me secretly; otherwise, I would still be in the dark!"

Slaying over a dozen Abyssal Emperors in one night was something the Blood God Army had never dared to dream of!

Jiang Wuyue smacked his lips, thinking to himself, "Luckily, I listened to my sister back then and didn't provoke Xu Sheng unnecessarily, otherwise it would have been more complicated than just losing face in front of everyone!"

While the two were conversing, one of the soldiers said with an unsightly expression, "Er... Officer Jiangs, I regret to interrupt your conversation, but the onslaught of the abyssal creatures is too fierce; we need reinforcements!"

Although no overly powerful creatures had appeared this time, the sheer number was overwhelming, and even the Ironblood Camp struggled to withstand such a scale of assault!

Only then did the two snap back to reality and they immediately opened their communicators to request support from the Blood God Army headquarters...

Soon, they received consent from Long Tianwu and another Major General, who dispatched a large number of soldiers from the Close Combat Battalion to assist, barely stabilizing the battle situation!

But it seemed unlikely to end the situation in a short period of time!


On the other side, after waking up from the Star Dou Cabin, Tang Wulin learned that the abyssal creatures had launched another attack...

He first sought out Long Yuxue, applying to join the frontline troops for combat...

"Commander Long, I apply to join the frontline troops to battle the abyssal creatures!" Tang Wulin spoke urgently!

By slaying some more abyssal creatures, he would have enough Merit Points for a promotion to Lieutenant!

After considering for a while, Long Yuxue shook her head, "Wulin, the front line already has soldiers from the Close Combat Battalion and Ironblood Camp working together to resist; we don't need support from other units for now!"

Simply put, the battle did not lack one Tang Wulin!

Hearing this response, Tang Wulin instantly became anxious and said, "But Commander Long, this is the only way to earn effective Merit Points!"

Merit Points earned through Forging could only cover basic expenses and could not be used for military promotion!

To be promoted to Lieutenant, one had to rely on hunting abyssal creatures!

This left Long Yuxue silent...

After a long pause, she finally asked earnestly, "Wulin, can you tell me why you are so insistent on being promoted in rank?"

Tang Wulin paused, then countered, "Commander Long, isn't military promotion supposed to be the most attractive thing to all soldiers and officers?"

A higher rank signifies greater contributions to the military!

And as a man, he naturally refused to remain stagnant!

This reply left Long Yuxue without a rebuttal, and with no choice, she sighed, "Alright, I approve your application. You will temporarily join the Close Combat Battalion, but you must follow the orders of your superiors!"

Tang Wulin saluted excitedly, "Yes, Commander!"


Blood God Army, Headquarters!

Long Tianwu and another Major General were intently watching those officers who wished to impeach Xu Sheng...

One of the officers said coldly, "Colonel Xu and the Blood God Camp's Blood God were too rash, diving headlong into the abyss without consulting their superiors!"

"Although they have slain more than a dozen Abyssal Emperors, they also aroused the wrath of abyssal creatures, completely disregarding the consequences that the Blood God Army might have to bear!"

"I believe that his rank of colonel should be revoked, and he should start all over again in accruing Merit Points!"

Another officer chimed in, "That's right, there's no doubt about Colonel Xu's strength, but military rank isn't solely about brute force!"


These speaking officers were part of the hardliner faction!

They simply couldn't stand seeing Xu Sheng being directly promoted to colonel due to his relationship with Long Tianwu!

Now that they had finally found an issue to target, naturally, they would not let it go!

As for another group of officers, they held a completely different attitude!

"Unacceptable, Colonel Xu has slain so many Abyssal Emperors, his efforts are nothing less than considerable, and you actually want to impeach him for your own selfish desires, such actions will chill the hearts of all officers and soldiers!"

"Ridiculous, this incident is clearly a great achievement, and now it has somehow become a fault, it seems that your eyes have been blinded by self-interest!"

"We in the Blood God Army have never before slain so many Abyssal Emperors, this is a clear morale booster!"

"If a bit of retaliation from abyssal creatures is enough to blame Colonel Xu, then who would dare to take the lead in the future?"

Watching the unending debate among the officers, Long Tianwu's face remained unchanged...

Seeing this, the Major General beside him couldn't help asking, "Old Long, what do you think we should do about this?"

Long Tianwu did not respond, but looked at him meaningfully...

Then, with a solemn face, he commanded, "Everyone, be silent!"

The commanding pressure silenced the entire headquarters...

Only then did he continue, "Colonel Xu's slaying of the Abyssal Emperors is beyond doubt an example for our Blood God Army's soldiers, a great achievement indeed!"

"Therefore, I nominate Xu Sheng for promotion to Colonel!!"

Upon hearing this, both the opposing and supporting officers widened their eyes in disbelief, staring at Long Tianwu...

It was as if they had heard some magical proclamation...

The Major General beside him was obviously flabbergasted, too shocked to speak, "Old Long, you this..."

He had anticipated that the other would be biased in favor of Colonel Xu, like himself, but he hadn't expected this method!

However, out of trust in Long Tianwu, he too declared in a firm voice, "This decision was made after careful consultation between myself and General Long, if anyone has any objections, they can raise them now!"

"Of course, you'll need to present convincing evidence!!!"

At that moment, no matter what the officers below argued about, the outcome was already destined!



