
Chapter 1910: Late Night Visitor (Please Subscribe) _1

Translator: 549690339

After all the officers had left, the Major General beside Long Tianwu said with a complex expression, "Old Long, I really don't understand what you're thinking. Clearly, those officers were dissatisfied when Xu Sheng was directly promoted to Lieutenant Colonel upon joining the Blood God Army!"

"And now, you're actually saying such things to provoke them on purpose!"

Long Tianwu curled his lips, "Those guys should spend less time trying to impeach Xu Sheng and more time doing their own jobs!"

He recommended Xu Sheng for promotion to Colonel precisely to show the soldiers of the Blood God Army that as long as one can make a huge contribution to the entire army, out-of-rank promotion is not a problem at all!

It was also indirectly supporting Xu Sheng's way of slaying the Abyssal Emperor!

The former officer was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but remind him, "Old Long, although I agree with your point of view, those officers have made significant contributions to the Blood God Army after all; it's better not to offend them lightly!"

Long Tianwu nodded slightly, "Mm, don't worry, I have a sense of measure!"


The large-scale attack lasted for about a month, but it did not cause significant casualties to the Blood God Army!

Tang Wulin had also earned quite a few Merit Points by hunting abyssal creatures, successfully being promoted to First Lieutenant!

In the Special Task Force, all officers gathered in the command room...

"These abyssal creatures, after launching attacks for so long, have finally quieted down!"

"Yeah, I haven't really rested this whole month, I can finally get a good sleep!"

"You're telling me! Although we don't have to go to the front lines, the number of scouting missions is increasing. I'm exhausted!"

Leading them, Long Yuxue looked at everyone and spoke, "During this time, everyone has worked hard! The frequency of scouting missions into the abyss can now be appropriately reduced."

One of the officers immediately joked, "We didn't work hard at all; the hardest worker has to be First Lieutenant Wulin – no, I should say Lieutenant now – he killed so many abyssal creatures by himself!"

Another female officer with shining beautiful eyes added, "Yes, the way he slayed abyssal creatures on the front lines was simply too cool. If I didn't already have someone I liked, I would definitely pursue him!"

"Come on, now Tang Wulin is treated as a prized darling by many female officers. Even if you were to pursue him, you wouldn't stand a chance!"

"That's right, but Wulin, if you're thinking of finding a partner, consider someone from our Special Task Force; after all, why let outsiders benefit from what's ours!"

Tang Wulin, feeling somewhat embarrassed by the praise, humbly said, "You officers jest. It's my honor to receive such favor from you all!"

This application to join the front lines was definitely the right choice, he had earned so many Merit Points in one go!

Without exaggeration, if given a few more days, he could be directly promoted to Captain!

Long Yuxue smiled and said, "Wulin, don't be so modest. This time, even officers from other units are full of praise for you!"

Tang Wulin was someone she had personally brought into the Special Task Force, and as his "superior", she had also reaped some benefits from his shine!

Scratching his head, Tang Wulin chuckled, "Heh heh heh…"

Then, he curiously asked, "By the way, Officer, where is Teacher Xu?"

Coming back to her senses, Long Yuxue pondered and said, "Xu Sheng? He is at the command headquarters for a promotion ceremony. Apparently, for the matter of slaying over a dozen Abyssal Emperors last time, both Generals unanimously decided to promote him to Colonel!"

In her opinion, her father had done the right thing regarding this matter!

On hearing this, Tang Wulin couldn't help but swallow hard. He thought he was being promoted quickly, but now Teacher Xu had already been promoted to Colonel!

Indeed, wherever they are, powerful individuals are always well-regarded!


After returning to the dormitory, Tang Wulin wanted to rest immediately, but the knocking at the door woke him...

Just as he opened the door, Jiang Qiyue greeted him with a smile and waved her hand, "Congratulations on your promotion to lieutenant, Wulin!"

Standing at the doorway, Tang Wulin replied with a bit of confusion, "Thanks, but Qiyue, it's already so late, what brings you here?"

If other officers were to see this, who knows what kind of rumors might start!

Jiang Qiyue blinked her Beautiful Eyes and said with a light laugh, "What's wrong, you're blocking the door. Are you afraid I'll eat you up?"

Tang Wulin shrugged, "If I were eaten by you, Qiyue, I suppose I wouldn't be at a loss, right?"

Jiang Qiyue rolled her eyes, "Wishful thinking! There are so many male officers after me, I don't need to throw myself at anyone!"

After a pause, she continued reluctantly, "Alright, the truth is, I just wanted to borrow your Star Dou Cabin! All the cabins in the Blood God Army are taken up!"

Tang Wulin looked dubious, "But why specifically choose to come at night? There's plenty of time in the morning!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Qiyue's gaze gradually filled with resentment, "I still have some things to deal with tomorrow morning. Not everyone can just kill and not bother with the aftermath like you."

The battle had lasted for a month, and the Abyssal Passage was already piled high with many corpses, which needed to be dealt with promptly to avoid serious consequences!

So, she also specially squeezed out some time tonight to come to Tang Wulin's place!

Taken aback, Tang Wulin replied awkwardly, "Well, that seems fair. Please come in!"

With his permission, Jiang Qiyue blinked her Beautiful Eyes and waved behind her...

Clearly visible, Long Yuxue walked out from behind, covering her mouth to cough and said, "Cough cough... Wulin, I thought it wouldn't be quite right for you and Qiyue to be alone together in private, so I specifically came to check on you!"

Tang Wulin's mouth twitched several times, showing a speechless expression...

As if to say, "Officer, do you really think I'm that easy to fool?"

Moreover, a lone man with two women, is that supposed to make things better?

Feeling observed by that look, Long Yuxue obviously felt a bit awkward and sighed, "Alright, the truth is I didn't manage to secure a spot in the Star Dou Cabin either!"

In an attempt to ease the awkwardness, Jiang Qiyue raised her eyebrows, "Wulin, you don't seem very happy. Having two beautiful women come to keep you company late at night, others would be envious!"

Tang Wulin covered his forehead, "Yes, yes, yes, the arrival of the two officers certainly makes my dormitory shine! Please, come in."

Just as he was about to close the door, another rough voice called out, "Wait, me too!!"

The speaker was none other than Jiang Wuyue, who had popped up from who knows where!

Seeing his arrival, Tang Wulin felt his head swell!

First Jiang Qiyue, then Long Yuxue!

These two were fine, seeing as they were beauties, pleasant to the eyes!

But what's with Jiang Wuyue? Is he here to ruin the mood?

With a pale complexion, he trembled his lips, "Officer Jiang, you're not here to supervise the two officers at my place because you're worried, are you?"

Jiang Wuyue said with a stiff neck, "Um, that's right, Yuxue is the person I like, and Qiyue is my sister; I think I have the right to!"



