
Chapter 1908: The Active Abyssal Creature! (Please Subscribe)_1

Translator: 549690339

Xu Sheng looked at Tang Wulin, who was showing an unusual expression, and reminded him, "Wulin, what are you daydreaming about?"

Snapping back to reality, Tang Wulin hurriedly said, "Xu... Teacher Xu, I'm fine, just thinking about what we should do next!"

Old Tang's affair was his biggest secret, which absolutely must not be revealed to anyone!

Xu Sheng gave him a meaningful look, "I brought you into the abyss today to familiarize you with the situation inside, but it seems we might have to exit sooner than expected."

Tang Wulin showed a bit of confusion, "Teacher Xu, what do you mean? Does it mean that we've been discovered?"

Xu Sheng nodded slightly, "Yes, if nothing goes wrong, in a few minutes, two of the top-ranking abyssal Emperors in terms of strength in the abyss will descend!!"

"Preliminary estimates suggest that their strength even surpasses that of the Ultimate Douluo!"

Tang Wulin's pupils dramatically narrowed, "Stronger than an Ultimate Douluo? Doesn't that mean they have reached the realm of a God?"

If there existed God Rank abyssal creatures in the abyss, then human Soul Masters, even with the aid of soul tools, would simply have no chance of resisting!

However, Xu Sheng negated his words, "No... Surpassing the Ultimate Douluo does not mean they have reached God Rank. If I have to say, in the entire abyss, only the most powerful Abyssal Emperor has the chance to attain godhood!!"

The Divine Realm has now completely severed ties with the Lower Realm, and no longer permits Soul Masters from the Lower Realm who've broken through to the Hundredth Level to receive the God Position inheritance and ascend to the Divine Realm!

The only way is to use their own formidable strength to create their own Self-Created Divine Position!

As for why that Abyssal Emperor has been delaying in creating his godhood, it is mostly likely due to bigger ambitions!

Tang Wulin pondered as he said, "I understand now!"

Meanwhile, Blood Seven and Blood Eight, who had been searching for them in the abyss all this time, finally discovered their trail and successfully regrouped!

Xu Sheng, looking at the man and woman before him, expressed surprise, "Blood Seven, Blood Eight, how come you're here?"

Blood Eight seriously said, "It was Blood One who sent us to assist you!"

Blood Seven shrugged his shoulders, "Don't look at me, I really didn't want to come, but I had no choice!"

With the strength of this colonel, they didn't need their help at all!

Tang Wulin respectfully addressed, "Officers!"

Glancing at the former, the two simply uttered a soft "Hmm"...

Blood Eight's beautiful eyes flickered, and she said urgently, "Colonel Xu, did you enter the abyss this time to slay those Abyssal Emperors as well?"

Xu Sheng's thunderous methods against the Abyssal Emperors last time were still vivid in her memory!

Xu Sheng chuckled, "No, I was just showing Wulin around the interior of the abyss! You might have made the trip for nothing!"

Blood Seven's mouth twitched a few times, "The only one who could talk about touring the interior of the abyss... could only be you, Colonel Xu!"

These Blood Gods, if not necessary, would not enter the abyss for months on end!

At most, they would just clean up the abyssal creatures that escaped through the S-Grade Abyssal Passage!

Blood Eight appeared somewhat disappointed but still reminded, "Is that so, then it's still better to leave the abyss sooner rather than later. When entering the abyss, I found that the entrance had already been watched by the swarm of bees!!"

"That must be members of the Bee Emperor's tribe from among the Ten Great Abyssal Emperors, who can communicate through special methods. Simply put, we've been exposed!"

Once they joined forces to act, even for the mighty Colonel Xu in front of them, there would be a lot of trouble!

On the other side, the Bee Emperor, who had been sharing visions with the swarm and searching over a wide range for Xu Sheng and the others, suddenly lost their trail...

This caused his face to darken quite a bit...

Seeing this, Emperor Mei glanced at him and asked, "Bee Emperor, what happened?"

The Bee Emperor said coldly, "Those cunning humans must have noticed us. Now they have fled the abyss!"

Luckily those humans fled quickly, otherwise, he would have definitely shown them the true formidable power of an Abyssal Emperor!

Emperor Mei frowned upon hearing this and asked, "Do we still pursue?"

The Abyssal Emperor has always been capricious, his orders lacking any standard, puzzling to discern!

Bee Emperor shook his head gravely, "No, forcibly crossing an S-grade Abyssal Passage to the outer world will severely weaken our strength!"

"Besides, if this is part of those cunning humans' plan, it's likely a one-way trip!"

Their strength may surpass that of ordinary Ultimate Douluo, but that is under the premise that they can exert their full capabilities!

Emperor Mei also felt this made sense and nodded, "Then we should report this truthfully to the Abyssal Emperor!"

A cold look appeared in Bee Emperor's eyes as he interrupted, "Wait, although our strength will be diminished when leaving the S-grade Abyssal Passage, that may not be the case for other creatures..."

Emperor Mei's beautiful eyes seemed to understand something...

Bee Emperor's idea was good, but by dispatching those inferior creatures, would they truly pose a threat?

Moreover, according to a message from an Abyssal Emperor before his demise...

That human killed him with merely a single move!


Several days later!

In the B-level Abyssal Passage, Jiang Wuyue, who led many front-line warriors in purging abyssal creatures...

Stepped up to Long Yuxue's side and said with concern, "Yuxue, you've worked hard lately, you can leave the rest to our Ironblood Camp!"

The utterly fatigued Long Yuxue replied softly, "Okay, I'll leave it to you then!"

She had not rested for several days and was visibly scattered...

After saying this, she prepared to gather her Special Duties Unit to leave...

However, Jiang Wuyue caught her wrist first, saying somewhat frantically, "Uh... Yuxue, do you have time tonight, there's something... I want to talk about alone!"

Long Yuxue struggled free, somewhat displeased, but considering the former had just walked out of his dark shadow, she didn't have the heart to scold him...

She sighed, "Wuyue, let's talk about our personal issues after the abyssal creatures have calmed down."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Wuyue remained motionless, "Okay!"

After Long Yuxue left, Jiang Qiyue gave the former a sympathetic glance, "Brother, you're being too rash!"

Jiang Wuyue scratched his head, feeling vexed, "I... I don't want to, but I always feel that if I don't speak now, Yuxue will completely shut me out of her heart!"

Jiang Qiyue rolled her eyes, "My dear brother, aren't you a little too confident in yourself? Yuxue has never had you in her heart."

At most, you are just a comrade-in-arms who is slightly closer to her!

If it weren't for Long Yuxue's better relations with him, he wouldn't even bother dealing with him!

Jiang Wuyue's face darkened, feeling a stabbing pain in his heart...

"Let's focus on the present situation; recently, these abyssal creatures have become increasingly active!"





