
I Parry For My Life In This Reverse Roled World

The protagonist ridiculed an authors web novel for its poor writing to temporarily be rid of his frustrations of his upsetting week. little did he know the author was a goddess. as divine punishment for not taking responsibility she sent him to a new world that she created that is of course reversed roled just like her poorly written web novel. to his knowledge he has only a single skill…parry, he is to defeat the demon lord if he wants to go back home to read his web novels and live his normal daily life.

Tiger_Deez · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Lost Memories and Family

Time really flew by as a baby, all I did was just eat and sleep since that was all I could do. Slowly throughout the years, I learned to crawl and walk which took a tremendous amount of effort, it was a downside of gaining the consciousness of a 23-year-old man right after birth but is it weird to say that I felt proud when I finally learned how to crawl and walk?

It was also really embarrassing to feed off of my mother but I honestly couldn't help it, I had to in order to survive was what my instincts told me when I was a baby. It felt like I had the knowledge of a man but everything else about me was baby-like. The urge to just sleep and play was strong but I already knew that I had to train for the future.

It seems that my memories have been sealed for whatever reasons that are unknown to me but it was the wish of the goddess herself.

There must have been a reason that she only let me remember that my Goddess, the all-great and beautiful Alexia stowed upon me the power of the parry skill to defeat the demon lord in order to save the Goddess herself and her world, by defeating the demon lord she shall return a portion of my memories back to me and she shall bestow upon me the title The Goddess's Editor.

Although my heart says to obey her commands my gut says otherwise. Is this a test or just my instinct as her chosen? I'll have to figure out as time goes on but for now, the fate of her world rests on my shoulders and the goddess herself chose me.

"Kids! Food is ready! come down!"

"yes, mother!"

My name is Shido Lutheran i have blonde hair and blue eyes. My first year after being born was learning to crawl, walk, and read, and the second and third year was learning the human language.

I also learned a little bit of the elven and beast kin language, I got a little addicted to learning languages during that time but I felt like I wasted a year on those two languages, I might never even use them, and they were harder to understand than the human language because they were just too different from the human one.

My fourth year was to gain knowledge of this world, its history, and its magic. This year will be dedicated to training my parry skills and seeing where my magic capabilities reside.

I only gained little knowledge but this world seems to be a woman-dominant culture, my mother who is a baker is secretly a monstrous human being with an overall ranking of D in stats. She constantly crushes the door handles and sometimes puts holes in the floors by complete accident. Only when she cooks or does her motherly duties she becomes truly elegant otherwise she is a complete klutz.

I was running out of my room to go eat breakfast with my family. My father Jettan Lutheran had already left for work and my mother Laila Lutheran should have been eating with my younger sister Lily Lutheran who was only three years old.

As I exited my door I accidentally bumped into someone and fell.

It was my older sister Eclaire and my other older sister Ecline, Eclaire, and Ecline were the adopted Altaire Twins who were both seven years old. They both had purple hair, had golden eyes and unfortunately, the only way to tell them apart was the mole near their chest.

Eclaire was the older sister of the two she had a mole on her left chest and Ecline the younger sister had a mole on her right chest.

The story behind these two older sisters of mine was that their father and mother had died in battle against a demon as adventurers, so my parents decided to adopt them because my mother and their mother Alta Altaire an A-rank adventurer were friends back in their academy days.

My mother said the life of adventures is well known to be a short one in this world, but if done well you can make a profit. There are a lot of beginner adventurers but their parties only last a few years and often break apart. The real deal can go far to make riches and fame.

My mother told me that their party was ranked an overall B altogether. My mother who was the weakest link and who was mostly just the chef of the party left and retired after she met my father and their other colleague soon left, my mother often blames herself for their death but she knows that the outcome wouldn't have changed even if she was there.

Eclaire walked over and grabbed my hand to help me up.

"Are you okay brother?"

"Ah, yes I'm very sorry, big sis Eclaire"

"Lil bro, you need to be more careful and learn to watch where you are running or else if you don't you will surely run into trouble in the future," Ecline said

"Yes, I understand big sis Ecline, I'm sorry" I replied in an upset tone to play my role as a 5-year-old

Eclaire bent down a little to kiss my forehead

"As long as you understand that, then it's okay for now bro"

I turned red, the twins were really pretty, and they would surely turn beautiful in the future, to be kissed on the forehead by her, when we were not real siblings, was what my childhood side was telling me.

The adult knowledge side in me was saying I shouldn't be flustered by children. Having the emotional tolerance of a kid with this adult mindset is so gross.

Ecline ran over and pushed Eclaire out of the way and kissed my forehead as well.

" just so you know I'm only kissing your forehead because I'm worried that you might have hit your head too hard against Eclaire's flat chest, it's not because I like you or anything! Hmph!"

"It's okay brother, you don't need her love anyway because I love you the most in this world"

Eclaire said as she was getting up from being pushed and started brushing off her clothes from the fall

Ecline shot up with a look that made her look like she was mad at Eclaire and herself, she started to fiddle with her fingers and tried to speak to me again.

" I lied lil bro, i-i love- I love you m-m-mo- I can't anymore!!!"

she screamed as she blasted me with air magic

'What the fuck! why do they do this to me all the time, I just wanted to go eat breakfast, I don't know why they say they love me all the time, of course, I love them too and say it back every once in a while, they are my sisters after all so it's mutual but we don't have to say it all the time to each other

We eventually made our way downstairs to eat breakfast. At the table, my mother started talking.

"What are you guys gonna do today?"

"Ah, Ecline and I will be going to the library of magic study again and after that, we are gonna go to the spell training hall"

"Ah, how wonderful you two must get that from your mother, she was also quite a genius, how about you Shido? Are you gonna go study some more?"

"Nah, I think I was gonna go out to play"

"Ah, that'll be good, it's always good to take a break every once and a while"

I was gonna go and train my parry skill starting today, i didn't know what else to do for now, I studied all that I could but I need to go practice it somewhere now

"Yes Mother, I plan on going out a lot more now to make friends with the other kids"

"Oh, how nice! Our little Shido is growing up, make sure to be careful and don't follow any strangers"

"Yes Mother, I know"

My mana supply doesn't seem extraordinary or anything and my compatibility with magic seems pretty normal as well. I learned a few basic spells like fireball, water ball, wind bullet, and stone bullet.

I will have to keep studying more, even if I am not efficient in one it's better to know the basic one of each just in case I ever need it to come in handy.

Water magic to drink in dire situations, fire magic to start fires on cold nights, earth magic to create quick solid wall barriers, and wind magic to maneuver quickly and do hard-to-see attacks.

My other training priority, is the parry skill, I know I have it but how does it work, does it require a weapon or focus? Does it require mana, I have to find out as soon as possible and train it.

In the future, I will also need to make a party to help me defeat the demon lord. Goddess my real training starts now, please guide me on this journey.

This felt like my most boring chapter yet compared to the first 3 to me, I’ll do what i can to bring more comedic like stuff but i just couldn’t figure out where to put a good one in this chapter, it felt more like an info dump chapter to me.

i will try to upload 1500 words per chapter and I’ve noticed I’ve also been uploading everyday, lately I’ve been feeling sick tho, i also don’t know if I’ll be able to maintain a chapter a day but for now it’s all i enjoy doing,my upload schedule may change later but for now I’ll just continue posting a chapter daily or maybe every other day? I’ll have to figure it out.

thank you my dear readers.

I'm my only reader tho right...

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