
I Parry For My Life In This Reverse Roled World

The protagonist ridiculed an authors web novel for its poor writing to temporarily be rid of his frustrations of his upsetting week. little did he know the author was a goddess. as divine punishment for not taking responsibility she sent him to a new world that she created that is of course reversed roled just like her poorly written web novel. to his knowledge he has only a single skill…parry, he is to defeat the demon lord if he wants to go back home to read his web novels and live his normal daily life.

Tiger_Deez · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Reborn Into A New World

My eyesight was blurry and my head ached, blurry wasn't even the right word I couldn't see, my vision was white and my ears rang.

The pain was so excruciating that it felt like I was going to die, my head felt like it was getting crushed. I started screaming and I shut my eyes, this pain! it hurts! The pain was slowly leaving my head and was going down my body.

It felt like I was being constricted, my bones felt like they may break and snap. I started crying the pain was unimaginable, I couldn't stop, I was crying for my life, no words just tears and wailing.

The pain went as far down to my ankles, I could feel my headache coming back stronger than ever due to the pain, I felt so hot and cold at the same time.

Once I felt the pain slip off my toes I finally felt the direct pain leave me, but my body still ached from being crushed. Seconds only passed but it felt like an eternity.

What the hell just happened?

The pain was so excruciating I couldn't even open my eyes, I didn't even want to scream or cry but I did, it wasn't up to me right now my brain couldn't think, I was just reacting.

I was a grown-up man and I felt like I was crying like a baby but I couldn't help it, it was almost like it was instinct, after the feeling of being crushed and pushed through what felt like a tight gap.

It felt like I was in a tight crevice in a cave that was so narrow my body shouldn't even fit but I was still there and my body was being pushed through it forcefully, it felt like I was being squished beyond human comprehension.

After that, I eventually felt two giant hands grab and wrap around my whole body.

What the fuck is happening?

"Goddess is that you" I tried to answer but my pain was still too excruciating all that came out were cries but I then heard a voice.

"It's okay, it's okay now… everything's gonna be alright, you finished the hard part, it's all finished now, you just rest up now, we'll take care of the rest."

It was a random woman's voice that was slowly becoming distant.

It wasn't the goddess's voice but it damn near felt like a goddess's voice after all the pain I had just experienced.

Soothing words telling me to rest, they didn't feel directed towards me but those were all the words I needed to hear after all that pain. I tried to open my eyes but they felt too heavy.


Am I really that tired from all the pain? I can't even open my eyes, but the pain is slowly going away, I feel like something is entering my mind telling me to sleep, almost like a whisper.

After all the pain my nerves say I shouldn't listen but it was making the pain go away.

'Ah shit, I'm somehow being forced to sleep?!'

I don't know what's going on but if I'm being forced to sleep, it can't possibly be good.

I felt like I was struggling to fight this sleepy feeling for an eternity, my voice was slowly starting to die down. Why and how am I being forced to feel so tired? something doesn't feel right, this feeling of being forced to sleep, is this feeling so bad though?

This feeling felt so comfortable, it felt like I was about to enter a deep comfortable sleep. I was now being surrounded by a fluffy soft warm feeling, no! I can't give in! not yet!

More time passed as I tried to focus on staying awake but I couldn't hold on any longer.

'Fuck! I can't… I shouldn't sleep… I don't… I don't even… even know…'

He tried to stay awake to figure out his situation, who he was? and where he was. why did he try to cry out to a goddess? who was this goddess? but no matter what, he couldn't stop the feeling of wanting and needing a deep sleep.

Before he even knew it he fell into a deep slumber.


Elizabeth Grant POV

My name is Elizabeth Grant, I am currently 14 years old and in this world, I am considered an adult, an outstanding one at that.

I have reddish-purple hair and so are my eyes, I wear glasses and have long hair, I have a mole near my lip.

I am a genius when it comes to magic, and I completely skipped the academy where most people my age would have just started going to the academy to learn magic or gain some type of class.

I am not a fan of the constant violent life so I decided to become a doctor but of course, with my understanding of magic, I simply surpassed everyone around me, I don't know why but I always just picked it up quickly.

Since I started working here when I was 10 years old under an apprenticeship program, of course, I was only accepted for my magical understanding at such a young age, I've dealt with many people.

I provided many people with healing and sleep spells for days and nights consistently without getting too tired. I've spent days in my solo dungeon expeditions to pay for my living with mana to spare.

So why the fuck am I putting my all into putting this baby to sleep?! This baby has been crying for a whole day, a sleep spell would usually put them asleep in seconds.

At first, I thought it was my imagination but as time passed this damned baby would not fall asleep.

For some reason I can tell this baby is resisting the sleep spell, but how can a baby even think? Why is this baby draining my mana? I've had the other doctor help me but they already ran out of mana. If this keeps on going I may actually have to stop before I strain my mana supply and gain white hair.

Even if someone were to resist a sleep spell from me it would require high mental power, only people who faced constant death from various battle fronts could probably resist my sleep spell, what has this baby gone through just after being born?

Why does it seem it has the mental capacity to withstand even my sleep spell?

The baby itself seems like it's getting tired but so am I, Is his mother a legendary hero or something? Or his father? No from what I know the father is a low-class noble merchant and the mother is a baker.

Ah, the baby finally fell asleep… I stumble to my knees.

"What the hell was that?"

That baby may even be capable of greater things than me someday, That is amazing since he is a baby and is even a boy after all. This world is a cruel one, all the men are weak compared to the women of this world yet all the men do the dirty jobs, and even with all the strength we women have we choose not to indulge in stuff that men should do.

I thank the goddess that this world, a world where a woman can now walk around alone, a world where men are the ones who should be careful alone became real but it makes no sense.

A woman could easily construct buildings or redo the pipes with her bare hands but a man has to use tools.

A war is fought with men who are weak but the woman with all this power just stays home and lays low. There was once a time when a squad of 7 women who had an overall ranking of C, destroyed an entire army of 1000 men that had an overall ranking of A.

Another time in a different war there was a story where 1 man who was an S rank barely held off against a trio of women who overall had a ranking of C, he held out just long enough over time for both kingdoms to eventually tire out and just settle things with a trading truce.

It's amazing but yet sad to see the potential of men go to waste. This baby boy has my utmost respect for me as a woman who is A rank at the age of 14. I will learn of his name and when he turns into an adult at the age of 14 I will make him mine.

I should be 28 by that time, if he has this much potential as a baby imagine when he grows older, ahh I hope he becomes a handsome young man, the child we will give birth to will become an extraordinary talent, with my talents in magical capabilities and his mental capacity and upcoming talents that have not developed yet, our child could reach extraordinary heights.

Oh my, I can just imagine it right now, I'll go to the academy as an instructor or the academy's nurse, we'll bump into each other and I'll walk towards him who has fallen to the ground and ask if he's alright and thus his heart will thump.

My plan is Perfect… I'll see you in 14 years dear.


I woke up from my deep slumber with a chill up my spine.