
I Parry For My Life In This Reverse Roled World

The protagonist ridiculed an authors web novel for its poor writing to temporarily be rid of his frustrations of his upsetting week. little did he know the author was a goddess. as divine punishment for not taking responsibility she sent him to a new world that she created that is of course reversed roled just like her poorly written web novel. to his knowledge he has only a single skill…parry, he is to defeat the demon lord if he wants to go back home to read his web novels and live his normal daily life.

Tiger_Deez · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Parry Skill

I went and found a private open area in the forest. I needed to learn how this parry skill works. I didn't even have a wooden sword or anything. I just picked up a random lengthy stick I found off the ground.

How would I even parry something by myself?

I came up with a solution where I would shoot one stone bullet in the air.

The stone bullet flew up in the sky and was being pulled back down by gravity. I prepared to attempt to use my parry skill against the falling hunk of rock by meeting it with my branch.

As I swung my branch to meet the stone bullet the branch had been pushed aside. The stone bullet struck me right on my face. I fell to the ground and started rolling around on the floor in pain with the rolling rock. The stone dissolved as I lost concentration due to the pain.

"damn it!" I agonized in pain as I rethought how to train the parry skill more safely and that I needed to learn a simple healing spell immediately.

A year passed, and I spent most of the time learning the healing spell, my affinity with healing magic was the worst of all the magic types I had learned.

The Twins had left to study magic at the academy. It seems at the age of 14 you can go to the Academy of Bernice. The Twins were scouted and left early at the age of 8 to hone their potential talent in magic.

I too will one day go to the academy to hone my true potential and find others who will help me defeat the demon lord.

I noticed the vast difference between my magic compared to the Twins and I would never catch up in a game of magic, my only hope to even stand a chance in the long run was to believe in the Parry skill and that the skill would be a game changer.

When I went to train the Parry skill, there was a problem, I was constantly getting sick because the water kept getting me wet, and I would constantly catch colds which was slowing me down in the process of learning the Parry skill.

Although it was a slower process it was most definitely safer. Getting a few colds throughout the year was better than receiving permanent damage to the brain.

In today's training, I felt hopeless, this was the power bestowed upon me by the goddess. Maybe this power was just too divine for me to use. As I wanted to fall back and cry there was a loud boom.

I used some sensory magic and followed the explosion of mana. There was a boy with black hair lying on the ground. There was also a low-ranked demon, a demon boar.

In the books I read it said there is a rising population of demon boar that is spreading across the continent. The boy must've stumbled upon this demon boar.

I could feel my emotions though, I could tell that I was scared, we were just children and the boar was massive.

The black-haired boy was slowly getting up

"Not yet! I can't be taken down by this lowly boar, this will be nothing compared to the demon Lords I will face in the future! If I can't take on a simple boar I'd rather die!" said the black-haired boy.

What! Did he say he was trying to slay the demon lord? No… if I'm not mistaken he said demon Lords? Was he a hero? Getting up in a situation where he stands no chance even when he's all alone? He could run but chooses to stay and fight until the very end.

"If I don't defeat you here and now! I won't forgive myself! I won't let you past me until I die!" the boy was yelling as he was stumbling to get up.

What?! Is he worried about the town? If it was me I would've just run for my life because my chances of beating that boar would be low but he stands to fight and protect the town.

Maybe I am a holy Knight who was sent down to help this hero from the goddess. Was this my destiny goddess? I was never the hero but was I the hero's companion to defeat the demon lord-… no I was mistaken… these demon Lords?

I held my head high and tried to hold my fear deep down within me. Is this the fear of me being a child or my sense of my older mind telling me I have no chance?

I don't care anymore the hero is in danger and he needs my help, he and I will surely party together and defeat the demon Lords of this world.


Rein's POV

I was a magic sword wielder, in my previous life 2000 years ago, no one could lay a finger on me, I was just that powerful. I let my guard down because I was so powerful and I was sealed.

I was angry when I was first sealed by the gods, all I wanted was a stronger opponent. Over time I realised I was constantly wreaking havoc just to look for strong opponents. The world has changed so much since then. I learned many people who were just as powerful as I used to be but it was too late.

I used the majority of the power that I stored to undo the seal and reincarnate. Not out of revenge, I was just lonely. It doesn't even matter anymore.

I used every single ounce and planned to start anew. I didn't expect the people of this world to gain so much power but it was too late, my dream to fight strong opponents died off centuries ago, I've fallen so low.

That was not the last problem either, there was a power that even the powerful humans of today couldn't handle.

I found out this world had several demon Lords and the havoc they wrecked was on a world scale, I planned to take them down so they wouldn't harm the peaceful life that I and others deserved even if I had to be reborn again.

I just wanted to give up and live a normal life because I felt like I was never gonna be that powerful again but I remembered my comrades from back then. How would they look at me now that I've fallen this far below? My drive to gain power and fight strong opponents. That made me strive to at least become strong enough and bring world peace.

I went out to do my daily mana training because when I went to buy a sword I didn't have money and the blacksmith said I was too young. I believed the least I could do was retrain and grow my mana supply.

As I was making my mana flow and releasing it from my body, the downside of that training method was that I would become weak and tired. I have used up all my power to live a normal life but now I need that power back to save the normal life I strive for.

I did just a simple training for the mana supply to increase. You just use mana and let it charge back up and repeat. It increases the mana size and retrains the body to regenerate mana quickly. Unfortunately, a boar came at the moment I was in the middle of regaining my mana.

I barely had time to react because my mana was so low that I didn't sense the boar and I was too focused on regenerating my mana to flow better for recovery. In a split second, I tried to create a magic barrier but the boar broke right through it but because I wasn't focused enough on a proper barrier it exploded and it sent me flying.

When I was sent flying through the air I thought to myself, I don't even deserve a normal life for all the pain I had caused back then. Maybe I am to be trampled over by this lowly demon boar.

When my body was slammed to the ground I was just gonna accept death pitifully, but my memories flew through my mind.

I stood my ground in respect for all those I had caused pain. I don't deserve happiness for all I've done but I can't go down without trying, my comrades would be disappointed in me if they saw me die so pitifully.

I yelled out random words to distract myself from the pain and to motivate myself but I couldn't even stand.

I was still on one knee, I wanted to laugh out loud at the scene that had also played in my head, It was like a scene of a hero. Where a hero was trying to stand and fight against a demon trying to get up from his knees. If somebody were to see this they might honestly mistake me for one.

Someone as horrible as me doesn't deserve to be seen in that light in truth, I was the one who truly needed a hero to save me here and now.

I was just too proud and stubborn to go out like a loser though, I at least wanted to die in pride for all those I caused suffering to in my past life, what goes around comes around they say. I was the one who would suffer such an embarrassing death after all the suffering I had caused, I smiled at the irony.

I was prepared for death but a yellow blur moved in front of me. It was a blonde boy who started talking to me.

"Are you okay?"

I was flabbergasted by what the boy said. It made me feel like a weak protagonist who was saved by the leading love interest of a story. I was slightly upset that I had been saved by a young brat but also happy that someone saved me when I needed saving.

He was like a hero in my eyes so much to the point where I couldn't even respond, I could feel the heat in my face burn up.


I'm blushing in a moment of crisis like this.

"It's okay if you're scared, I'm here now, just stay there and rest, I'll finish this" he reassured me

My face blushed harder and my heart felt like it was beating like it was going to burst.

The boar let out a roar and charged and the blonde-haired boy also charged as well and said something


As he parried the boar it slid off his weapon and he shot 3 consecutive stone bullets at the boar, but the boar brushed off his magic attack.

A spark of mana and holy energy burst for a split second. His energy swirled both mana and holy power spun together for a single moment.

As I looked again his weapon was none other than a stick. He parried a boar that should outdo him in strength by 10 times with a single stick? No, it was too thin to even be called a stick, It was more like a twig!

He was like a holy Knight sent from the heavens to save me like a damsel in distress. It was obvious what he did though, he parried the boar by putting mana into the twig to soften the blow, but where did the Holy Power come from?


The boy and the boar clashed again and a spark of mana and holy power burst again. Right after he parried the boar it was prepared for that moment, it didn't brush off his attack and it had stood its ground, it was trying to stomp on the little boy.

I was gonna shoot a magic blast but the boy activated a holy aura and dodged the boar's stomps with little but most efficient movement. As he was on the side of the boar he released 3 wind slashes with his twig as he flew backward due to the wind blades pushing the boy back as he attacked the boar.

He was very good for a child but I had him figured out already, It was the word Parry. It was a quick summoning of Holy Power and he has a sixth sense through this holy power as well.

A strange phenomenon had occurred before my very eyes, in him resides no Holy Power, but once he used the so-called skill Parry he released it, and when he swiftly dodged the boar he activated some type of Holy aura that allowed him to sense and predict the boar's attack. It's important to note that when he used his magic spells and his magic slash there was no Holy Power that had sparked like when he used his Parry skill or holy sense.

As a sword wielder, a Parry was just a sword technique, was this perhaps some type of Holy skill version of a sword technique? To use Parry you don't need to shout because it's just a technique, but when he says Parry a spark of Holy mana appears.

It's normal to use mana to soften blows but why does he yell Parry? This boy is an interesting one. Maybe I should invite him to my future party to defeat the demon Lords.

Maybe with this boy I can regain my title as Demon Lord and create world peace, I'm tired of death, bloodshed, and wars. I just want to live a normal life in this lifetime but before I rest I have to make things right to atone for my past. 

As the battle continued I noticed that he couldn't deal damage to the boar. I've rested long enough, shall I show him the almighty power of the mighty demon lord rein in return for saving my life?

The ex-demon lord had released its demonic aura


When I was going to fight off the boar, I was trying to show off to the hero so that he would create a party with me in the future. It didn't look good though because my stats were too low. I was surely gonna mess up sooner or later, I was giving my all and with each Parry, it felt like my life force was slowly draining from me.

I was so scared that I accidentally yelled out Parry, but it seemed like it was working, as the battle continued I noticed when I screamed Parry like my life depended on it and put my all into my branch, it felt like I was at least doing something.

The problem was that I couldn't inflict any damage upon the boar. I was thinking about what to do. I felt a demonic aura coming from behind me.

"What the fuck!" I couldn't think of anything else besides that I might be fucked.