
I Married a Surgeon in a Flash

Zhou Xia was going to register her marriage when she found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her. But to make matters worse, Shen Lin, her ex-boyfriend, saw her beating up her boyfriend! The situation was sufficient to murder anyone's chance at a social life, but being a lady with a stout heart, Zhou Xia lifted her foot away from her unconscious boyfriend. “What are you looking at? I will marry you if you keep looking,” she declared to her ex. That somehow ended up making things worse... because Shen Lin agreed to marry her! Staring at the fresh and new marriage certificate, Zhou Xia was left dumbstruck. Somehow, she had a different husband than planned! Later, she went to the hospital to laugh at the now ex-boyfriend who cheated on her, and realized that the man's attending physician was Shen Lin! Seeing that Shen Lin was glowering, she snuggled up to him and said, “Shen Lin... I mean, darling, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have broken his leg.” Shen Lin gave her a look. “Yes, you shouldn't have broken just one leg. You should have broken both his legs.” “Oh, how about his nuts as well?” Zhou Xia quipped. Shen Lin: ... Later, someone asked Zhou Xia, “Of all the good men in the world, why would you choose a gloomy face like Shen Lin?” Zhou Xia replied, “There are many good men... but they all belong to someone else, whereas Shen Lin is mine.” Meanwhile, someone asked Shen Lin, “Of all the fine women in the world, why would you choose someone as clingy as Zhou Xia?” Shen Lin said, “She's my only ex, and I have no intention of falling for anyone else.”

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40 Chs

I Didn't Expect You To Mind So Much

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Shen Lin ignored Zhou Xia. He parked the car in the underground parking lot of the residential area. Then, they walked to Building A. Zhou Xia followed behind him and walked to the entrance of Building A. She looked at the senior management in front of her and asked, "This is your house?"

"Yes," Shen Lin replied simply. He stood beside Zhou Xia and pointed at the management. "This is the residential area for the family members of the First People's Hospital of Huachen."

"You told me last time that you bought this house with a loan?" Zhou Xia remembered that when Shen Lin proposed to her, he had said that he had a fully paid car and a house on loan.

"Yes," Shen Lin walked straight ahead and entered the lobby on the first floor. The elevator was directly opposite. 

Shen Lin walked in front of her and pressed the button for the elevator. Zhou Xia looked at him suspiciously, but she had no choice but to follow him.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do you think I can sell it to you?" Shen Lin pressed the button to close the door.

"If we hadn't known each other for so many years and if we hadn't gone to the same school together every day, I would have left long ago."

Shen Lin was speechless as he looked at Zhou Xia. He sighed.

The elevator stopped on the fifth floor. When the door opened, Shen Lin walked out of the elevator first. Zhou Xia followed him at a distance. "Your apartment's location is quite good. It's neither too high nor too low. It's perfect."

"My mom chose it." Shen Lin took out his keys and opened the door. "Come in."

Zhou Xia followed behind and peeked into the house. The layout of the house was excellent, and she could tell that the owner had tidied it up very well. It was much better than she had expected.

She looked at Shen Lin in surprise. "Do you usually clean up by yourself?"

"Who else is going to clean it up for me?" Shen Lin bent down and found a new pair of female slippers for Zhou Xia in the shoe cabinet.

"Not bad, Doctor Shen. I didn't expect you to become so capable in just a few years. It seems like you've improved a lot." Zhou Xia changed into her slippers and walked into the living room.

A few pillows were placed neatly on the beige fabric sofa, which was Zhou Xia's favorite style. She sat on it and her body sank in instantly. The soft material wrapped around her body. It made her feel extremely comfortable.

Directly opposite them was a 98-inch giant-screen television hanging on the wall. The white television cabinet below was clean and spotless. The background wall of the television was also a solid color wallpaper. There were no fancy decorations, and it looked warm and clean.

The balcony was spacious, but there was only a pot of very tall green scattered-tail sunflower, which made it seem a little monotonous and empty. Zhou Xia looked around carefully and said, "You should grow more flowers or plants on the balcony. It looks a little empty now."

"I don't have time for that." Shen Lin went to the kitchen. He found a pile of things from the cabinet. He was going to put them in the teapot. 

Zhou Xia heard the sound of the cabinet opening. She went to the kitchen out of curiosity and saw Shen Lin washing something. She peeked into the kitchen and saw red dates, Chinese wolfberry, and orange peel. There were also some soaked white fungus and preserved pear on the plate beside him.

"What are you preparing?"

"Pear soup. It can clear the throat, nourish the lungs, and remove heat." Shen Lin opened a bottle of mineral water and poured it into the health pot. He then added some dried fruits that he had prepared. "You've never had this before?"

Zhou Xia shook her head. "I usually only drink plain water."

Shen Lin added some yellow rock sugar. "An old professor taught us this when we were in Yanbei."

Zhou Xia sized him up seriously. "It seems that studying medicine has changed you a lot." 

"It's not entirely because I study medicine." 

"Why then?" 

"There are different reasons. Aren't people always changing?"

That was true. Zhou Xia nodded in agreement.

Shen Lin put the lid back on the pot after he was done. "Let's stew the pear soup for a while and wait." 


"How do you feel about my place?"

Zhou Xia looked around the kitchen and then at the dining room behind her. There were three bedrooms and two living rooms. "The layout of the house is not bad. The decoration is also cozy and warm. It's pretty good."

"Can it meet your requirements?"

Zhou Xia did not understand. "What?" 

"Has my place met the requirements in terms of cleanliness?" 

"Tsk, tsk." Zhou Xia was stunned. "Why do you keep mentioning mysophobia?"

"Your obsession with cleanliness affects other people's mood."

Zhou Xia was a little nervous and felt a little guilty. "Did I say that I couldn't stand you because of my mysophobia when we broke up? Is that why you've been resenting me until now?"

Shen Lin did not answer. He took out a bottle of mineral water from the cabinet. He twisted the cap open and passed the bottle to Zhou Xia.

Zhou Xia held the glass of water in her hand. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you would mind this so much. If I did, I would've told you something else that you could accept."