
I Married a Surgeon in a Flash

Zhou Xia was going to register her marriage when she found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her. But to make matters worse, Shen Lin, her ex-boyfriend, saw her beating up her boyfriend! The situation was sufficient to murder anyone's chance at a social life, but being a lady with a stout heart, Zhou Xia lifted her foot away from her unconscious boyfriend. “What are you looking at? I will marry you if you keep looking,” she declared to her ex. That somehow ended up making things worse... because Shen Lin agreed to marry her! Staring at the fresh and new marriage certificate, Zhou Xia was left dumbstruck. Somehow, she had a different husband than planned! Later, she went to the hospital to laugh at the now ex-boyfriend who cheated on her, and realized that the man's attending physician was Shen Lin! Seeing that Shen Lin was glowering, she snuggled up to him and said, “Shen Lin... I mean, darling, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have broken his leg.” Shen Lin gave her a look. “Yes, you shouldn't have broken just one leg. You should have broken both his legs.” “Oh, how about his nuts as well?” Zhou Xia quipped. Shen Lin: ... Later, someone asked Zhou Xia, “Of all the good men in the world, why would you choose a gloomy face like Shen Lin?” Zhou Xia replied, “There are many good men... but they all belong to someone else, whereas Shen Lin is mine.” Meanwhile, someone asked Shen Lin, “Of all the fine women in the world, why would you choose someone as clingy as Zhou Xia?” Shen Lin said, “She's my only ex, and I have no intention of falling for anyone else.”

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40 Chs

Your Girlfriend?

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Zhou Xia was stunned. "I'm not. Don't talk nonsense." She just did not believe Shen Lin's words. So, she refuted him subconsciously. Why did the words suddenly change? What did he mean by she could not wait to meet Shen Lin's mother?

"She's going to my house for dinner tonight. Are you coming with me?" He asked. 

"Um, I'm a little busy tonight, so I won't be going." Zhou Xia chuckled dryly and replied.

"What are you busy with?" 

"My instructor's project." 

"You don't have to do any experiments. At most, you'll help your supervisor run some code and write a conclusion report. What else is there?"

Zhou Xia was dumbfounded. 'How did Shen Lin know everything?'

"Some time ago, my department director asked me to check on your supervisor's information. We might work together in the future."

Zhou Xia gulped. It took her a long time to digest Shen Lin's words. "So, we're going to work together in the future?"

"Maybe, but whether the cooperation will work out or not, we still need the hospital directors to make the decision."

Zhou Xia lowered her head and mumbled, "This is such a coincidence. Why do I feel like something will go wrong with our divorce in the future?"

"What could go wrong? Once the cooling-off period is over, you can contact me if you want a divorce. I'll always be free."

Zhou Xia glared at him. "Do you think divorce is a joke? After the divorce, we still have to work together. Isn't it awkward?"

"If you feel embarrassed, then don't get a divorce."

Zhou Xia was speechless. "I really don't understand you. Do you want a divorce or not?"

"I've already said it before. It's up to you. Didn't you say that marriage isn't an individual's matter? Divorce isn't either. I'll respect your decision since you've already asked for a divorce."

"How can you be like this? So the divorce is all my responsibility? It's all my fault, right?"

Shen Lin stepped on the brake. The car stopped immediately. The inertia carried Zhou Xia forward. She almost crashed into the window, but the seat belt pulled her back to the seat. She felt a burning pain in her chest. 

"Are you crazy?" Zhou Xia was furious.

"You agreed to marry me because you love me?" Shen Lin asked in a low voice. Zhou Xia was slightly stunned. She decided to tell the truth. "No. What's wrong?"

"Since you don't, there's no point in you arguing about who's right and who's wrong, right?" Shen Lin's tone was even colder than before.

Zhou Xia didn't know how to refute him, so she said casually, "I'm just kidding with you. Can't I do that?"

Shen Lin snorted coldly. He started the car again and stepped on the accelerator.

After the car reached the highway, it didn't drive out of the exit to Huachen University but went straight all the way.

"Where are you going?" Zhou Xia panicked. 

"Didn't you say you wanted to meet my mother?" 

"When did I say I wanted to meet Aunty Wang?" Zhou Xia was both angry and speechless.

"My mom wants to meet you. Ever since you met her in the neighborhood that day, she kept saying that she wanted to see you. She even emphasized to me that you're single and waiting to get married." 

"Why is Aunty Wang telling you this?" 

"Don't tell me you don't know."

Zhou Xia was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a hole to hide in. Although Wu Yanqing and Zhou Cheng did not know about her relationship with Shen Lin in high school, Shen Lin's mother knew about it. Zhou Xia clutched the seat belt. She was in a dilemma. "Shen Lin, I really can't go home with you to see Aunty. It'll be even more troublesome if we get a divorce."

"We won't tell her that we've registered our marriage. We can just treat it as a meal between neighbors, right?"

While Zhou Xia was still hesitating, Shen Lin took the opportunity to step on the accelerator. The car sped forward. 

By the time Zhou Xia realized what was going on, the car had already arrived at the entrance of Sunshine City. After the camera at the entrance identified the Audi's license plate number, the lift lever rose quickly. Thereafter, the car slowly drove into the community.

When they passed by the security booth, the security guard on duty greeted Shen Lin warmly. "You're back, Doctor Shen."

Then, he saw a young and beautiful girl sitting in the front passenger seat. The security guard asked nosily, "Is this your girlfriend?"

Shen Lin was stunned. He glanced at Zhou Xia and nodded. "Yes."

Zhou Xia widened her eyes when she heard that. She looked at Shen Lin in disbelief. It was as if she had seen a terrifying monster. Her eyes were filled with fear.