
I Love My Angel, Forever Your Demon Queen

Many months, years, centuries she had watched Adam die. Eve would not wait any longer to spend all of her life with him. Little did she know that God would have plans for him and Satan would have plans for her! Now she's the Demon Queen but her love is an Angel. Would they still be together now that they are on different sides? Would the threat of war and betrayal defeat their will? What would they give up for one another? -- A shot, a zipping aimed at her and she lifted her injured arm to block it. Another and she was forced to let go of the killer as she winced from another arrow pierced into her arm. Dropping her arm, she looked at the shooter and her heart dropped. Mouth opened slightly, as if to say something, she could not find any words. Crossbow held facing her, the angel holding it did not waver from the person he was aiming at. Blue eyes were sharp as his blonde curly hair moved with the breeze. “Adam…” *cover by the beautiful Jei! Contact her on deviantart at Jeijandee to commission her!*

MichelleLeeee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
94 Chs


She will destroy it all.

Stop her before she destroyed the entire existence of humans.

Stop her for the entirety of the world.

Stop her he will, for he is the Angel of Retribution and Death.

Wings as bright as the stars descended and he felt the wave of agony punched his gut. So many deaths! Why was he not informed?!

Polished gold booted armor touched down on nothing but dirt. The world was on fire and he was not called upon when he should had been!

Bodies, corpses, laid scattered like pieces of torn papers. Useless. Meaningless.

"Demon!" he shouted out from under his hood, "I have come for retribution of what you caused."

The stillness of the air reminded him of being underwater, where the water blured the external world. Pulling out his sword, he felt the dropping in the air.

She had arrived.

He turned and slashed the thrown rock at him in half. More was thrown at him and he frowned narrowing his eyes. She was playing with him.

Feeling a presence behind him, he turned quickly with his sword at the ready only to come face to face with the demon.

Pit less eyes, demon insignias littered her body, and the look of suffering was written on her face.

A child?!

"An angel," her voice was void of emotions and he tightened his hold on the hilt of the sword, "How ironic."

"I am sent to stop you," he stated not backing down, "You have killed many and they seek justice."

He noticed the girl narrowed her eyes before laughing loudly.

"Justice?" She grinned, "Justice for their death? A death that was sure to come."

"That is not for you to decide," he glared.

"No, it is," she lifted her hand and pushed him, but he was able to nick her hand as he was forced a few meters away.

Blood seeped down the cut.

"Ah," she sounded… happy?

He rushed forward to attack the demon only to be frozen in place. Realizing this, he tapped into his birth power and fought back the power she was using.

Using his wings to boost his speed, the angel speared ahead to aim the sword through the demon. Unfortunately, said demon teleported behind him a few feet away. Narrowing his eyes, his skin burned bright like that of the sun. Twisting his sword, he swiped the ground up tossing white light at her.

He watched her eyes widened before she jumped up, spreading her midnight wings.


Laughing, she held her hand to the side. A sword begun to formed by particles around her and appeared in her hand; this debauchery is only that of the demon.

Sword in hand, both the angel and demon fought.

The sky felt the rumbling of thunder and the electricity of lightning, as the sky bursts with the energy of a billion hummingbirds.

Rain fell and pelted their skin until they were soaked, but neither paid attention to it.

Dancing of swords continued as the shockwave from their meet echoed through the barren land they were on.

"Tell me angel," she leaned in close and he could feel her strength surround him, "How much do you love him?"

"I do not have to answer you, demon!" The angel gritted out and pushed against her sword.

"Maybe the question I should ask," the demon aimed a look at him that made him grit his teeth, "... Is does he love you."

'What type of question is this?' Azrael clenched his teeth.

The sun was setting and he was losing time. The world was still in disarray and those who are still alive would not survive with such an environment.

"Why have you done this, demon? Your kind do not go to this extreme," he stated and felt the pressure pushing him down, but he fought back standing his ground.

"I was tired," she shrugged and the angel found his hands squeeze harder against the hold.

"Tiredness had no part in this game you play, child," he narrowed his eyes gritting his teeth.

"Child?" she laughed loudly as if he had made a joke, "I didn't know angels were so funny."

He thinned his lips and glared at the demon. She was mocking him. This creature must be stopped because he knew this girl was a walking sin far stronger than other demons he had faced.

The embodiment of Death herself.

"He had taken what is precious to me, angel," she pushed the wet hair from her face and he had to remind himself that she is a demon. Demons are ruthless beings set to destroy.

"I am done," she stated and rushed to him with such a blank stare, "Azrael."

She knew who he was.

"Then let us end this, Eve," his whole body glowed bright all the way to the tip of his hair as he swung his sword.

A trail of white light pierced her right wing and she pulled her wings back into her body. She narrowed her eyes and rush towards him throwing her sword. As the sword neared, black tendrils formed reaching for him.

Eyes widening slightly, Azrael flew up to avoid it, but it followed him and latched itself on his body. He could feel the tendrils pulse against him like it was alive and trying to squeeze out his blood.

Screaming out, he enveloped himself in a bright light that burned the tendrils. Looking to where the demon was, he rushed to her readying his weapon.

She would live no more for all that she had done.

She didn't move. She just stared at him as his sword pierced through her chest.

Eve coughed out and blood slipped down her lips.

He ignored the guilt he felt from how peaceful she looked. Why?

"Tell me angel," she whispered holding his wrist so he couldn't remove the sword, "How far would you go for someone you love to return?"

He stared at her. Eyes, once filled with blackness, had faded to golden brown.

Tightening his grip on the sword, he pulled quickly as she gasped out. Stepping back, he watched as she fell down on her back.

It is done. His glow faded from his body as he stood in the rain staring at the body before him.

"I will do anything," he heard her whisper like feather against his ears.

Azrael suddenly felt the pressure so strong that he fell to his knees. Red, like blood, spread from his legs to his neck. He tried but failed to move.

Tapping into his inner light, he broke free enough to pull the substance away from him. Just as he thought he was free to stand, he felt pressure against his neck and looked to the demon.

She was sitting and staring at him with a smile.

He'd been played!

"So I ask you again, angel," she leaned close to his face, "How much does he love you?"

He couldn't answer. He couldn't breathe. Darkness descended upon him and he called out to his Father.

Eve watched his eyes closed and stared at him a bit longer before standing.

"Good try," she said aloud turning and walking away, "I will never be satisfied until I get what I want."

"Until you return him to me."

This ended up being a bit more religious than I meant it too. But I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading!

Big thanks to @An0nymous for voting! Much Love~

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