
"Start Main Quest"

Last night when I was sleeping I was woken up by a notification from my game. I didn't have time to read it last night since I was really tired and I had a lot on my head. I just couldn't sleep properly remembering my mom and my step father going to the motel. After every few hours I woke up then I realized that it was already morning.

Rae-gi viewed the notification, it said "Shop And Equipment Now Unlocked". So Rae-gi has an in game currency which can be converted to real life currency and vice versa. Rae-gi was excited by the fact that all he has to do is beat up people that are weaker than him to be rich. But then he remembered. Hurting other people for fun is not the right thing to do. He also understood how it would feel if they got hurt because he got bullied a lot.

Rae-gi had a lot on his head so he went to the balcony to get fresh air. He also hung his clothes there too since he washed it after getting booze on it. Since he got the Game Interface all he did was a starter quest and a side quest, so Rae-gi went to the Main Quest tab. The main quest is comprised of smaller quests that he must do to advance further.

"Start Main Quest". A Notification Popped Up Again "Go To Pokssinpokssinhan Ppang Bakeshop (Fluffy Bread Bakeshop) And wait until 2:30 PM." I have to go to school again because school starts in 10 Minutes. I have enough time to go to the bakeshop anyway since school ends at 1:30, the classes have been really short lately since they told me that they finished their books yesterday. So its a good thing that i still have time to prepare for the bakeshop.

Rae-gi being ignorant didn't read the difficulty of the quest. "Quest Difficulty Hard, Muay Thai Or Boxing Mastery 30 Is Recommended". Rae-gi's Boxing Mastery is only 20 since he earned 10 more levels from the quest to unlock straights. Rae-gi heads to school then he realizes that someone was sitting on his chair.

The face was really familiar but he couldn't really remember where he saw the face before. He went near him to talk to him but before he could talk, the person sitting on his chair told him to go away and pushed Rae-gi. Rae-gi didn't want to start a fight so he apologized and went outside to find a teacher so that he could ask for an extra chair. He found their Science Teacher so he asked them if he could borrow a chair since there were transfer students that took his chair.

Due to his poor wording the teacher thought that they forcefully took his chair, and was bullying him. The teacher went to the student and scolded him. The student looked at Rae-gi and gave him a death stare with the intention of saying "After Class You Are Coming With Me". The morning assembly started afterwards after everyone got inside the room.

After a while the classes started. They didn't really discuss that much, they mostly just did activities, or played games since they were already finished with their books. After all their classes were finished, they were dismissed and free to go home. Rae-gi was at the exit of the school, but as soon as he walked out of the door he felt someone pull him.

He got pulled by someone and was dragged into an empty area of the school with no students. "How Dare You Report Me To The Teacher!" Then Rae-gi remembered, the person that was talking to him was his stepfather's son. His body size is slightly bigger than Rae-gi, but its not muscular at all. Rae-gi was relieved, no body was there so he could fight without worrying about anything. About to throw a straight, he shifted his body weight and he started to throw a punch, but then he heard his stepfather's voice.

Rae-gi what are you doing here with my son! Ag-ma's son quickly replied before Rae-gi could even open his mouth. "He was bullying me, I was trying to be his friend but he picked on me". Ag-ma was furious, he was about to hurt Rae-gi but he remembered what happened the other day. Rae-gi remembered the quest and looked at his watch. It was 2:00 already, the bakeshop was a 30 minute drive away, but he doesn't have time to get to a taxi. The best he can do is run.

Since he had 50 points on his agility it shouldn't take him long before he reaches it. He dashed off before Ag-ma can pull his shirt. The clock was ticking, he was panicking, thinking about what would happen if he was late for the main quest. It was 2:25, but he was only half way there, "Open Shop". Rae-gi bought an energy drink which increases his agility for one minute. Almost late, Rae-gi finally managed to reach the bakeshop. He sat on the chairs outside and waited.

As soon as the clock hit the 2:30 mark a car parked right in front of the bakeshop. Two people in a suit came out of the car, and they were wearing masks, like what you would wear at a masquerade party. The two people sat down far away from Rae-gi but just near enough for Rae-gi to hear what they were saying.

"Our boss is the only one with a mask different from ours, they call him-". A car passed by causing Rae-gi not to hear the name of their boss. Their masks had different expressions, as if it shows how high ranking they are. The two people see Rae-gi eavesdropping and Rae-gi tries to hide. They cover his face with a handkerchief and Rae-gi passed out.

Rae-gi wakes up and he was inside a car. Surprisingly they didn't restrict his movements, they didn't even tie his hands. Rae-gi asked where he was being taken but no one replied. Rae-gi stayed silent the whole time until they reached their destination. Rae-gi expected it to be another warehouse or a factory, but this time it was a very tall, clean, and beautiful building.

They told him to go outside the car and keep quiet. As soon as Rae-gi got outside he knocked both of them out and took one of their masks, he also took their suits since he was still wearing his uniform. He put them on and went inside the building. Turns out they were a well known gang called "La Máscara". Rae-gi was cautious, he did not want anyone to suspect him. He went to find the boss's room. He went to every floor, and looked at every hallway, until he finally found it. He tried to enter it but a person wearing a mask with an angry expression told him "Didn't we tell you that Poker Faces Aren't Allowed To Go To The Bosses Office". Rae-gi apologized and went down to exit the building.

He ran straight to his apartment looking behind him every once in a while to see if someone was tailing him. As soon as he reached his room he slammed and locked his door. He had secretly put a tracker on the car that he rode to their headquarters. Rae-gi knew that he had to be prepared. This isn't some wannabe smugglers. This is the real deal.