
Keep Throwing Jabs!?

*yawn* Yesterday was a nice day. I got more skill points too, I'm not going to invest them yet. Now what am I going to do? I have boxing but its not like I'm fighting someone anytime soon. "Would You Like to Make Some Money?" I can make money from this? Rae-gi was surprised and relieved at the same time because he also needed money. The side quests menu opened showing Rae-gi a lot of side quests that he can start. Not only does it give money it also gives experience points.

This is a game interface right? So that basically means that I'm the player of the game and the people around me are npcs. Since i have boxing if i defeat an enemy using it I earn mastery from defeating it. That should be how it works but it wont be that easy. I managed to beat people using rough play because the enemies can't predict the movement. If i use boxing they will be used to fighting it so how am i supposed to earn experience without fighting other people?

I almost forgot, jabs and straights cost 0 mastery. If i buy one of them the other option will probably require stat points or mastery. Jabs are the best option right now since if i throw fast punches I will be less predictable. "Unlock Jab", now lets see the requirement for unlocking straights. "10 Mastery, Defeat 5 Heavy Enemies With Jabs, Throw 100 Jabs. 100 Jabs!? Defeating 5 Heavy Enemies is Pretty Hard but I Just Need to Aim for Their Weak Spots. Defeating them will probably give me enough mastery but I need at least 10 mastery to even damage them.

Is there a help menu or something? Rae-gi tries looking for the help menu, and then he successfully finds it. So I just need to keep throwing jabs then i get experience from it? I get 1 experience point for every jab so after 100 jabs I already finish one requirement. B-but i need to Keep Throwing Jabs!? I need to throw 1000 jabs in order to get 10 mastery for my boxing!? That's absurd so there is mastery for Fighting Styles and there is Proficiency for the skills for the fighting styles. So if i keep training my Jabs they will get stronger. I guess it's my first time skipping school.

So I guess I Punch the Air. Rae-gi punches the air and an experience point is added to the mastery experience. Wait I expected this to be much harder, punching a hundred times isn't actually that tiring. "*Ding* Your Boxing Mastery Has Leveled Up!" I just have to do this nine more times i guess.

After Twenty Minutes Rae-gi has finally reached 10 Mastery For Boxing. Now all I have to do is find 5 Heavy Enemies. Well I thought I needed food anyway, time to get into street fights. Rae-gi heads out of his apartment then he dropped his bag on the floor. He saw his stepfather with four other people heading somewhere with just his mom.

He accidentally overhears that they are going to a motel. Instead of getting food he secretly follow them. After a few minutes they reached the motel. Rae-gi was wondering what they would do since all six of them is only renting one room. When his "parents head inside the room he heads near their door and begins to eavesdrop on what they are doing.

He heard big footsteps heading for the door. He tried to run, but before he managed to run away he got pulled into the room. He was lost for words, he saw all of them taking their clothes off. As soon as they saw Rae-gi they put their clothes back on.

Rae-gi you bastard what are you doing here! Is kicking you out of our house not enough to get you out of my life? Do I really need to kill you just to remove you from my mind? Choi Ag-ma please get him out of my sight. His stepfather Ag-ma heads straight for him and pushes him into the wall. Get out of here now and act like you have nothing to do with us okay? Be a good kid and go away.

What if I don't want to be a good kid? What if I'm not a kid anymore? You do not speak foul language in front of me like that, understand? Ag-ma said, punching Rae-gi in the mouth. Rae-gi who would've cried back then told his stepfather to shut up. I'm going to beat you up now if you don't mind. Sorry its for my quest.

His stepfather scoffed, you do not talk like that to your fath- *smack*. Don't act like you are my father when you don't even treat me like your son okay? His step father passed out from the punch that Rae-gi threw. His friends jumped Rae-gi but Rae-gi secretly learned weave.

"Weave A Technique Used in Boxing, Requirement 5 Boxing Mastery, 50 Agility." He dodged all of the attacks and soon he defeated all the enemies required for his quest. Rae-gi told his mom to go home. Mom, you should live a better life you know? Don't go hanging out with a lot of guys. I know you hate me but I also hate seeing people related to me getting hurt. T-thank you Rae-gi I'm sorry for every-, I'm not accepting any apology from you okay? Bye I'm going to my apartment now, I'll be taking this briefcase too.

Rae-gi went to his apartment and unlocked the straight. Nothing to do again, guess I'm beating thugs up again tomorrow.