
The Sorrowfuls (1)

Rae-gi had another hard time sleeping. He was breathing heavily the whole night thinking about what he had gotten himself into. He took his breakfast and got ready to go to school. He walked to school like any other day, but this time it's different. He did not head into his classroom. Instead he went to the principal's office and told her he was dropping out. He sent a quick message to his mother who he knew wouldn't care even if he dropped out.

He knew he needed to get ready, he couldn't get distracted by school when he knows he is at risk by being attacked by a gang. For the first time Rae-gi looked at his daily quest because he was desperate for stat points and mastery. "Daily Quest: Reach Boxing Mastery Level 50, Unlock Dempsey Roll. Reward:200 Stat Points". Rae-gi looked at how much money he had, he saw that he had enough for a gym membership. But he was planning on joining a boxing competition.

He now needed 200 experience points for just one level, going to the gym isn't enough to give him levels fast. If he joins a competition, the enemies he knocks out will give him more experience. He went to find one for three whole hours until he finally got in one. The first groups of people weren't really that big of a deal. He burned through all of them and got five levels for his boxing mastery. And then it was time.

It was the final opponent, Park Beok-sing. "Round One Start!" The round started with Beok-sing throwing a straight at Rae-gi. Rae-gi managed to block it and threw a barrage of jabs. Beok-sing was blocking all of it, his endurance was too high for Rae-gi to break through his block. When did you start boxing? You are actually pretty good at boxing, Beok-sing said to Rae-gi. Rae-gi replied to Beok-sing, "Just a few days ago". Rae-gi saw it, Beok-sing was about to fight seriously against Rae-gi.

Rae-gi got ready, he got into his fighting stance. Beok-sing threw a lot of jabs, Rae-gi wasn't able to block any of it. Rae-gi remembered, what he used against his stepdad's friends. Rae-gi used it, he weaved all of the hits that Beok-sing threw at him. He needed to end the fight in one blow. Rae-gi aimed, he prepared to put all his strength, he shifted his weight, he threw a straight right into Beok-sing's solar plexus. Beok-sing got knocked out in one hit. Beok-sing gave up, he didn't want any more rounds against Rae-gi.

Rae-gi thanked Beok-sing and leveled up. His boxing mastery is now level 35, he earned stat points too. He also checked the requirements for Dempsey Roll. "Strength Required:50, Agility Required:50." He needed to add points to his strength, but he didn't add them yet. The quest for getting Dempsey Roll wasn't as hard as getting the Straight.

When he went outside he overheard Beok-sing talking to someone on his phone. "I told you to stop wasting your time in boxing, Boss Ecstasy told you to stop wasting time!" I know but I saw someone with really high potential, I let him win on purpose, I don't want to discourage him. He went to peek in the corner and he saw Beok-sing putting on a suit. He also saw Beok-sing put on a mask. The facial expression of the mask was someone crying.

Rae-gi's mind went blank, he didn't know that Beok-sing was part of La Mascara. He went to the nearest restaurant to hide in a crowd of people thinking that Beok-sing found him out. When Rae-gi reached the restaurant he only ordered take-out. He rushed to his apartment and locked his door again. Desperate for Mastery he punched the air so many times that he couldn't feel his arm anymore.

Despite all the pain, he's done it, he finally got 50 Mastery for Boxing. He also added the remaining 25 points to his strength. He did it, he finally unlocked Dempsey Roll. He Finished his Daily Quest, he got his stat points. Rae-gi was so relieved that he went on his bed and took a 30 minute nap.

Rae-gi finally woke up and felt like he was ready. He put on his suit and mask, he waited for the tracker to move. After a few minutes it finally moved. Rae-gi went outside his apartment and started heading for the location of the tracker. "Ecstasy I'm Coming For You". Rae-gi used the money that he got from the daily quest to buy a motorcycle. He waited for the tracker to stop moving then he went to the location.

When he finally reached the location he saw them, though only from behind he saw their suits. They were transporting weapons. He saw a body that resembles Beok-sing talking to someone. Then they turned around. Rae-gi was terrified, the facial expressions of the masks were sad. Like they are in sorrow. "Call out the other sorrowfuls", Rae-gi heard Beok-sing. Rae-gi kept quiet, "So they are called The Sorrowfuls".

They were moving inside the warehouse so Rae-gi had to follow them. When Rae-gi was just about to enter the door, an alarm sounded. "Who is that!?" Rae-gi tried to run away but someone caught him. They took off Rae-gi's mask, then Beok-sing saw him. "I went easy on you because I thought you had potential." Beok-sing punched Rae-gi, Rae-gi couldn't breath, he felt like he was about to pass out, but before he could, he managed to get away from their grip and managed to knock them out.

There were about 10 of them, there was no way Rae-gi could handle them all he needed to run away. He decided to make the run for it and went to his motorcycle as fast as he could. Rae-gi couldn't head straight for his apartment since they would know where Rae-gi lived. Rae-gi drove as fast as possible but The Sorrowfuls were tailing him. They reached an intersection, this was the chance for Rae-gi to lose them. Rae-gi did his best to create a distraction, finally he managed to get away from them.

He went back to his apartment, he needed more preparation. He couldn't fight all of them at once, he needs to take care of them one by one. Rae-gi started to begin preparing for tomorrow. The sorrowfuls could show up when you least expect them.