Those who don't know me, let me properly introduce myself. My name is Alex. Alex Jin. An American-Korean 18 year old boy. I don't have any particular hobbies, well there's one but it's not anything for you to concern yourself with. I am a student at Gyerong High and can safely say that I am shit at studies. As you can see, I am a completely average teenager. I am quite content with my life, except for the fact that I am quite annoyed nowadays because of these situations I find myself in because of being an honest and upright individual. "Oi, you have got some guts trying to ignore me." Baldy said while grabbing my collar and moving too close to me for comfort. Like seriously buddy, stay away. You stink of tobacco. "... sorry about that I guess. I got lost in my thoughts you see." I said in my usual dead pan voice as baldy's face started going red in anger. "You know, I really want to just beat the shit out of you like usual, but I will give you a chance... Now you fucking loser, if you want to have a normal life again then repeat after me... Say, 'Pakgo, I was wrong about you. I am sorry for saying such stupid things about your videos, they are actually very entertaining and fun to watch. You are a great human being Pakgo.' Don't forget to call me 'handsome' in the end too." The bastard actually had the gal to add the last part... Give me a break.
Hello dear readers.
Author here.
I have been a huge fan of all of PTJ's works, and my favourites are obviously Lookism and Viral hit. So here is me trying to write a fanfiction about that universe.
In this, I have introduced an OC, who is a typical high schooler. He wouldn't be acting like a badass in the beginning of the series. He will be getting bullied for a while, but it will change in a few chapters.
Most of the chapters would be written in 1st POV. And updates are quite frankly undecided.
So, I can safely assure you I am not going to abandon this book. But I don't plan on writing this every week or something, as my final exams are around the corner.
"Hey you pipsqueak! I told you to bring me my drinks, and here I find you not doing your job you little shit!"
Seriously? I told you I don't have money you fucking no good delinquent piece of trash!
"Uhm, I am sorry Pakgo, you know I don't have any money with me right now... Some kids from J- high 'borrowed' it from me this morning..." I said while rubbing the back of my head like an idiot.
Borrow my ass. Those motherfuckers took my money, but it's not like he is going to listen to me.
Pakgo, the no good bald piece of trash, is one of the biggest delinquents in our school. The worst part? He is actually pretty popular in our school because of having a Newtube account with more than 700,000 subscribers.
He is tall, brutish and his neck is thick just like his head. He is a dumb motherfucker and is always making me do things for him, and if I refuse then he beats me up. I still don't do what he tells me to do because I am lazy as fuck.
In his videos, he seems like a kind, generous and caring baldy, however the moment he is off camera, he turns into a shitty baldy who likes to beat people up who are below him on the social ladder.
People nowadays sure don't have any good taste with what they should be watching. Like seriously, this guy is ugly as fuck, go watch Daniel Park's video instead of watching his ugly ass face! I could have actually understood you watching his videos if he made good content, but seriously his videos are trash.
This opinion of mine, the opinion where I think his videos are trash and he is ugly as fuck, I should have kept it to myself. The problem is, I am actually taught by my Dad to never lie, so when he asked me how I liked his latest video for formality's sake, I gave him my honest reply-
'Oh, are you asking me? Well, If I am being honest, then your videos are trash just like your personality. Your ugly mug made me gag a lot while watching that shitty video and don't make me start on the content of that video. Like seriously, who the fuck wants to watch you harassing girls through your videos?! One more thing, don't talk to me again you hear me? I don't like you all that much so.... Kindly fuck off.'
The reason for me being this brutally honest was simple enough. First of all, I hate bullies. So him talking to me made my blood boil.
Second of all, my dad told me if I am always honest with myself and other people, then everyone will like me and I will never face any problems in my life.
Like me my ass.
Every person that I have been honest with, always start hating me after I tell them what I feel about them. At one point, I started questioning the fact if it was really okay for me to tell them the truth on their faces like that, but because of me loving my father with all my heart, I still believed in his idiology and told Pakgo what I thought of his video with complete honesty.
It turned out to be a mistake however. He didn't appreciate my honesty that much; considering he started pummeling my face with his punches after hearing my honest words.
After that incident, all the people who tried to befriend me started ignoring me. Even that skinny guy who stiffled a laugh after hearing me say those words to Pakgo started avoiding me so as not to get on baldy's bad side. Even though he was already on his bad side, if Pakgo beating him up for no reason a few days ago was any indicator.
After that fateful day, I became the target of this bald head's bullying.
Those who don't know me, let me properly introduce myself.
My name is Alex. Alex Jin. An American-Korean 18 year old boy. I don't have any particular hobbies, well there's one but it's not anything for you to concern yourself with. I am a student at Gyerong High and can safely say that I am shit at studies.
As you can see, I am a completely average teenager. I am quite content with my life, except for the fact that I am quite annoyed nowadays because of these situations I find myself in just for being an honest and upright individual.
"Oi, you have got some guts trying to ignore me." Baldy said while grabbing my collar and moving too close to me for comfort. Like seriously buddy, stay away. You stink of tobacco.
"... sorry about that I guess. I got lost in my thoughts you see." I said in my usual dead pan voice as baldy's face started going red in anger.
"You know, I really want to just beat the shit out of you like usual, but I will give you a chance... Now you fucking loser, if you want to have a normal life again then repeat after me... Say, 'Pakgo, I was wrong about you. I am sorry for saying such stupid things about your videos, they are actually very entertaining and fun to watch. You are a great human being Pakgo.' Don't forget to call me 'handsome' in the end too."
The bastard actually had the gal to add the last part...
Focus! Damn me and my monologues! That's why I don't have friends!
"Dude, that would be a lie-" before I can finish my sentence, his fist met my face making me lose my balance and fall on the ground hard.
He didn't stop at that though, as he started kicking me with all his strength with 'I am furious' written all over his face.
"You know, I changed my mind. I shouldn't have given you the choice, you are going to say it. Your normal life is gone, whether you say it or not, it doesn't matter anymore. If you don't say it, then I will kill you for real you fucking loser freak!" He said while stomping on me with an angry scowl on his face.
The students in the class after seeing me getting my butt kicked started whispering to each other, with a few guys in the back even snickering with amused expressions on their faces. The popular girl of our school, what was her name again? Rumi, yeah Rumi, she tried to stop Pakgo but reluctantly stopped herself from doing so. Good for her, don't want to be the reason for her to get pummeled too.
Despite the situation I find myself in. I am not scared, and why would I be? He hits like my grandma. May she rest in peace.
Jokes aside, Pakgo, despite being a scary ass delinquent, doesn't scare me all that much.
Instead of being scared of this situation, I am more on the side of being frustrated.
Yup, I am frustrated with this situation.
Why me? Why do I have to take this beating from him like this? Till how long does it have to be this way? Is getting beaten up by him without even trying to fight back really the right thing to do?
Despite all these thoughts inside my head, I still remember what my dad told me all that time ago-
'Never ever, hurt someone who is weaker than you.'
Guess I shouldn't hurt him then.
"W-wait-, Pagko, I don't think it's right for you to hit him so hard like that...." Oi oi, you really shouldn't butt in a situation like this woman. See, now Baldy is getting even more angry than before.
"Rumi, did I just hear you try to defend this asshat from me? I guess you don't want to do that Collab with me anymore..." Mr. Newtube star said with an onmious look on his face. The girl who tried to defend me, Rumi was her name, gotta remember it, shrieked after hearing him. I can clearly see that she is scared, despite that nervous smile present on her face.
The bald head just like me, must have thought that she would back down after hearing that threat, but the girl actually tried to defend me again, albeit with a bit more scared voice than before.
"Haha, you know it's not like that Pakgo... it's just that, I think he learnt his lesson you see... If you hit him anymore he might actually die... Munseong is absent today, but I don't think he would like it if he heard you killed someone." Wait wait wait wait, did I hear that right? Girl, did you just threaten Pakgo by mentioning Munseong?! You are a brave piece of work aint'cha? I like you!
Just as I expected, after hearing Munseong's name, my supposed tormenter mellowed down a little. After hesitating for a few seconds, he got off of me and said
"Take this as a lesson you lucky prick. Don't make me wait for drinks tomorrow, or I might really kill you." He kicked me one last time and started leaving the classroom, not before giving Rumi a dirty look that terrified the brave girl. She must be regretting helping me now huh?
Just as everyone started going back to their work, I also got up from the floor and dusted myself off with a few scratches on my body. Meh, T'is but a scratch.
Welp, guess I should thank her.
"Hey, Pretty girl with Orange hair-" before I could thank her, she came close to me and said
"Don't talk to me. We are not friends~" She said such harsh words with a naval voice and a cutesy smile. God this woman is scary.
"Ehhhh" I whined in disappointment after hearing her, which took her by surprise as she lost her composure for a second before going back to her usual cheerful self and said
"What? You think I helped you because I wanted to help you? Don't get the wrong idea silly~ It was just that I was getting a bit worried with your blood being splashed all around the place. I want to stream with a clean classroom you see, after all that's what suits a cute girl like me more right?" She said with a smile on her face while winking at me.
"What blood? I didn't bleed at all." I said with a deadpan voice while giving her a questioning look.
"There's no way you didn't-" And just like that, she noticed I was telling the truth. Her usual smile left her face, and she looked around the classroom with her mouth hanging open.
Close your mouth woman. That expression is too cute. Even a veteran like myself at not falling for anyone might lose if you give me that look. Just kidding!
"H-how? Pakgo was kicking the ever living shit out of you, how in the world are you not injured?!" She asked me with a befuddled expression on her usual bubbly face. Her tone of voice didn't change, guess she actually does have a naval voice. I thought she was forcing herself to speak in that tone, trust me, I know some girls who can be weird like that.
"Huh? That's because I blocked his kicks, Duh." My words made her mouth hang open again as she looked at me with a weird expression on her face.
What's up with her and her reactions? Stop looking at me as if I am an alien.
"That's bullshit."
"No it's not."
"So you are telling me, you were blocking all the kicks that Pakgo was throwing at you while you were on the ground like that? Doesn't that make you super skilled or something?"
"Does it?"
"You are kidding me right?"
"Who knows?"
"Oh god, you are obnoxious!"
"Am I?"
This is fun!
After seeing and realising that I was trying to piss her off, she just sighed and looked at me with annoyance, and a little bit of.....concern?
"....Just...come with me to the infirmary room would ya? I know you are trying to be tough, but you got hurt, it's not really nice of you to move around and hurt yourself more. After all I went through to save you from Pakgo...It wouldn't fit right with me to see you getting even more hurt." She said while massaging her forehead.
"So you accept you tried to save me?" I asked in my usual monotonous voice.
"Hm? Did you say something?~" She said cutely while blinking at me in an adorable manner. Wait, is that a compass in her hand? Why is she pointing it at me...
"Well, as you say Missy. Don't worry about accompanying me, I don't want you to get on Pakgo's bad side. You are already in a bad position after helping me, and I don't think taking me to the infirmary would help your case ya later?" I said nervously while backing away from her.
At first she didn't say anything for a while, then lowered her 'weapon' and said
"Okay, take care then! I hope you don't start worshipping me as a goddess after this incident like those other boys I helped before, seriously, being pretty is such a chore at this day and age. You boys are so silly~" She said jokingly with a smile on her face. I have a feeling she was not joking about it though.
And that's how my day at the school ended with me skipping classes in the infirmary room. What? I was sleepy.