
I know how to fight, duh (Lookism, Viral hit, PTJ universe)

Those who don't know me, let me properly introduce myself. My name is Alex. Alex Jin. An American-Korean 18 year old boy. I don't have any particular hobbies, well there's one but it's not anything for you to concern yourself with. I am a student at Gyerong High and can safely say that I am shit at studies. As you can see, I am a completely average teenager. I am quite content with my life, except for the fact that I am quite annoyed nowadays because of these situations I find myself in because of being an honest and upright individual. "Oi, you have got some guts trying to ignore me." Baldy said while grabbing my collar and moving too close to me for comfort. Like seriously buddy, stay away. You stink of tobacco. "... sorry about that I guess. I got lost in my thoughts you see." I said in my usual dead pan voice as baldy's face started going red in anger. "You know, I really want to just beat the shit out of you like usual, but I will give you a chance... Now you fucking loser, if you want to have a normal life again then repeat after me... Say, 'Pakgo, I was wrong about you. I am sorry for saying such stupid things about your videos, they are actually very entertaining and fun to watch. You are a great human being Pakgo.' Don't forget to call me 'handsome' in the end too." The bastard actually had the gal to add the last part... Give me a break.

ManofcultureQ_Q · Anime & Comics
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Want me to teach you how to fight?

[ 1 week later ]


Finally, The school's over!

Now I can go home and play those video games I bought yesterday. Call of duty, here I come baby!

I was just thinking about these happy thoughts, when I was interrupted by a blonde haired individual's voice calling out to the baldy sitting in front of me.

"Hey Pakgo, let's go for a smoke. I am really pent up after today's lesson. Let's discuss what we should do for your next video while we are at it." The blond shithead, what was his name again? Snapper, no wait, that's not his name- ah just forget it! Snapper called out to my 'favourite' bald headed classmate with a stupid smile on his face.

Why the fuck is this moron(Pakgo) sitting in front of my seat in the first place? Don't teachers see that he is bullying me? Who am I kidding, of course they see it but are ignoring it. 'God created teachers to create a difference in the world' my ass.

"Hm? Sure Snapper, Let's go! How about we invite those chicks from the other day? I am sure you will be up for it!" And here goes Pakgo, my dear friend who always takes the seat in front of me, running towards the blonde shithead with a nasty smile on his face. To be honest, I am sure he is trying to be polite, but that smile still looks nasty no matter how you see it.

Smoking at this tender age, you guys are gonna die young at this rate. Not that I will be sad if you guys died tomorrow or anything.

"Sure thing Pakgo, wait, let me open the door for you!" Blondie smiled and did what he was used to doing, buttering up to Pakgo and leaving the classroom with a spring in his step, while hitting a few nerdy looking students in his way for no particular reason.

He sure loves to lick Pakgo's ass doesn't he? Pakgo seems to enjoy it too- wait, that came out wrong!

Anyways, Pagko is a douche bag, but if I have to give him a rating on how big of a douche bag he is, then I will give him a 7 out of 10. Don't worry Pakgo deary, you are still a 10 on 10 at being a scumbag in my books, no need to thank me lol.

But if I have to give this blonde buffoon a rating on being a douche bag, then I will rate him a solid 10. The reason? It's simple really. In Pakgo's case, he bullies kids who are weaker than him simply because he wants to have some fun, Snapper on the other hand, does it because he wants to get recognition as a cool dude among his peers.

For Pakgo, it's in his nature that he is a douche bag. But Snapper? I have a feeling he is not all bad, or at least not totally evil. It's just that he wants to be a part of the so called popular crowd. So he does the thing which people like him do all the time-

Being a prick to those who are at the bottom of the social ladder.

Snapper was actually really friendly with me at first, but just as he heard about me getting bullied by Pakgo, he cut all ties with me and started treating me like shit.

He tried to hit me a few times, but I was a head taller than him and looked a little bit intimidating, so he decided to just settle with making jokes about my family. Jokes on him, I don't remember my mother, so him making fun of her really doesn't matter to me all that much. As far as I know, she abandoned me.

I really got a shitty class for myself. These guys are really fucking annoying. I am just two steps away from leaving the 'never hurt someone weaker than you' promise in the gutter and straight out murder these guys. I hope it doesn't come to that, transferring schools sucks.

"Huh, I am the only one left in class? Oh wait, you are still here Alex?" Munseong, the Alpha of our school, said to me with a tired look on his face.

I wonder how he is still tired after sleeping his school hours away like this. Lazy ass.

"Nah, you are dreaming. I am just your imagination." I replied in a monotonous voice, which wasn't that hard, considering I usually talk in that tone.

Munseong, being in no mood for my bullshit, just gave me a look and sighed, knowing full well that talking to me would be a chore for someone like him.

For those who don't know, let me introduce you to the strongest kid in our school, Munseong Kim, an up and coming MMA fighter, who is regarded as the top dog of our school.

His fighting style mainly uses grappling with a little bit of striking to balance it. He has a very muscular physique which makes it really difficult to damage him, and don't get me started on how strong his hits are- wait I am getting off topic here.

Anyways, at first glance Munseong may seem like an intimidating fella to normal people but he is actually a normal guy. At least to me he is. I am sure Pakgo would have different views on the subject.

I got acquainted with this guy when I was working on my 'hobby' a few weeks ago in the nearby park, and he asked me to give him a few pointers-

"Are you monologuing again? I told you it's not very nice of you to do that. Especially when you are talking to someone." Munseong said with a straight face while standing up from his seat with his bag hanging on his shoulder.

"Haa? I was not monologuing, I just got lost in my thoughts."

"So you say." He said before moving towards the door of the classroom with a hand in his pocket. How in the world does he pull off this whole cool and mysterious persona? I wanna be all cool looking too damnit!

Just as Munseong reached the door, he turned around to look at me and said in a bored tone of voice

"....I know I might be just assuming this, but I hope you didn't forget about the part time job you have at the local mini-mart. Last time I checked, you forgot to go to your work because you were busy playing games." He opened the door of the classroom "Well, see you later I guess." He closed the door behind him leaving me with my thoughts.

Wait, I remember now... I have a part time job, and I don't think my boss is really that happy with my work. Seeing as how I missed two days of work without informing him about it.

Damnit, Call of duty Chan, wait for me! I will play with you all night, but work comes first!

Guess I should go now.


[ Location:- Convenience Store, Time:- 8:44 p.m. ]

"Please visit again~"

Ah, I hate this job.

Smiling like an idiot really gets on my nerves sometimes.

"Uhm, Alex, I, Uhm-" A timid voice, that belonged to none other than my dear coworker, Daniel Park, stuttered in the hopes of gaining my attention.

Daniel Park is a bespectacled and short guy, with a round build and very timid personality. He is a drop out, as far as I know, and seems to be a really hard worker.

I started working at this place just a month ago, and Daniel soon started working here a few days ago. When I first saw him, I was kind of surprised. He was a nervous wreck and was scared of me for some reason.

We have our shifts together for almost an hour, before I take my leave and he works here for the whole night. During our time working together, Daniel tried to avoid me like a plague.

Despite his odd behaviour, I kind of like this timid coworker of mine. He helped me out once from my boss's scolding by taking the blame for my mistake after all. I thanked him for it, and now we are both buddy-buddy with each other.

Getting out of my thoughts, I noticed he was still trying to say something to me but nothing came out of his mouth instead of a stutter. Oh my dear friend, just how much do I scare you?

"You, I, wanted to, Uhm.."

Seriously dude, stop stuttering like that. People will think I am bullying you or something.

"Dude, speak up, it's not like I am gonna eat you or something." I said with a slight chuckle to make him relax a bit, which thankfully helped considering he stopped stuttering and said

"I, I want to thank you for helping me out today. You didn't have to go out of your way to work overtime for my sake. I don't think those guys are going to come here anymore....I hope." He said with a nervous laugh.

Well, I was here working overtime because of a recent incident that happened with my coworker.

Two days ago, Daniel got beaten up by some underaged students who wanted to buy beer and cigarettes, and Daniel being the responsible boy he was, refused to sell it to them. Which resulted in him getting beaten up black and blue for it. At that time, I was not here with him and neither was my boss, so Daniel had no one to back him up.

After that incident, I decided to accompany him by overworking a few more hours so that it doesn't happen again. Having a physique like mine comes in handy when you want to scare off a few delinquents you know~

"You hope? Really? You know those guys will come back for you. They found out you are an easy prey, so of course those fuckers are going to pull off that stunt again to get free liquor and cigarettes from our store. Trust me, I know their type." I said with a dead pan face. Dealing with the likes of Pakgo has made me realise just how far these bastards are willing to go.

If only I could fight back....

After hearing my words, Daniel gulped in fear and looked a little shaken up. Oh man, I guess I should help him out a little huh?

"Hm? How about this? Do you want me to teach you how to fight?"

I don't know what came over me when I said this, but seeing Daniel's gobsmacked expression made me believe it was all worth it.

"Y-you, you will teach ME how to fight?! Really?!" He asked in a nervous tone of voice. Guess he doesn't believe me huh.

"Huh, sorry, that came out wrong. Seeing as you are," I looked over Daniel's physique and hid a grimace. Yup, needs a lot of work. "Not fit enough to learn how to fight yet. How about I teach you how to get beaten up without getting hurt? It comes in handy if I do say so myself."

After hearing my words, Daniel deflated a little(sorry little guy!), but still looked interested and asked

"How to get beaten up without getting hurt? Is that even possible?" He asked me in a voice as if he was talking to someone who was trying to scam him. Oi oi, I know it sounds shady, but trust your senior a little more would ya? I know what I am doing!

"Yup, it's-" Just as I was about to reply to Daniel, the sound of our store's doors opening reached my ears, and guess who came in? Surprise surprise, it's those trio of delinquents from J-High who took my money a few days ago.

"Oh, look what we have here. We have come to visit you again piggy, and the tough looking pansy is here with you too? Do you also work here? That's great!" The guy, who I think is their leader, spoke up with his head tilted to an unbelievable degree as he and his friends started moving closer to us.

Wait-what do they mean by 'come here to visit Daniel again'? Oh, Ohhhh. So it's these guys huh.

"...Do-Do Lee?" I heard Daniel mutter in a scared voice after looking at the guy who had his neck tilted in a manner that made it seem like someone snapped his neck. Seriously, how he is still alive is the question of the century with his neck tilted like that.

"Oh, isn't he the guy who lent us some money a few days ago? Man, We kind of spent it all, how about you lend us some more money? We are friends aren't we?" The guy on the right of Do-lee said to me while licking his lip. Dude that's disgusting. I so wanna punch his face right now.

Control Alex. Remember your Dad's words. Don't hurt those who are weaker than you.

"Hey let's take it outside guys. Make these two follow us."

"Wait-you can't do this...We could lose our jobs if you take any more stuff from the store like that... Alex, please say something..." Daniel pleaded in a low voice. He looks really scared of the situation, and why wouldn't he? If he lost his job, he would lose his only source of income. As far as I know, he is not really a financially privileged individual.

'Don't hurt those who are weaker than you.'

"Huh? You think this guy is going to save you? He is a pansy. He just looks tough but is a fucking pussy in real life, ain't that right!?" The guy with a snapped neck said while slapping me on my right cheek with a disgusting smile on his face.

'Don't hurt those who are weaker than you.'

"A-Alex!" Daniel said with a worried tone of voice. I can see that he wants to help me, but is too scared to do anything. It's fine, you are weak. You wouldn't be able to help much anyway. I will be fine, I am strong after all....

'Don't hurt those who are weaker than you.'

"Hey, what are you guys waiting for? Take these two outside. Let's have a photo shoot, just like last time for memory's sake, how about that?" The one with the weird habit of licking his lips said while his friends laughed at his 'humour'. I noticed at the corner of my eyes as Daniel started hyperventilating after hearing the word 'photo'. Must be something bad then.

"Haha, you fucker. Nice idea. That fucker Daniel broke my phone, so I lost the previous photo I had of my dear little friend here. I would like to click one pic of our tough guy here too. I am sure many girls in our school would pay to see that!" The guy with the snapped neck said with a horrible chuckle as he led us outside the store.

'Don't hurt those who are weaker than you.'

"Let's start with our piggy friend here shall we? C'mon guys grab him!" Just as those words were spoken, the ones except for the Snappy-neck grabbed Daniel, and started unbuckling his pants. Snappy-neck on the other hand, just tilted his head back in normal position and opened his phone to click a photo.

"No please don't! Just beat me up instead... please." Daniel pleaded with visible tears in his eyes.

Are these fuckers?!!

'Don't hurt those who are weaker than you. Don't hurt those who are weaker than you. Don't hurt those who are weaker than you. Don't hurt those who are weaker than you. Don't hurt those who are—


Don't fuck with me.

"Just stand straight would you? It will be over in a second lol-" Before those words could leave Snappy-neck's mouth, a fist connected with his face before he could react, or even see it coming for that matter, resulting in him losing three of his teeth and consciousness.




"Yup, it ended in a second alright." I said while dusting this bastard's blood from my fist.

It's time to kick this up.

I hope you guys liked the chapter.

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