
I know how to fight, duh (Lookism, Viral hit, PTJ universe)

Those who don't know me, let me properly introduce myself. My name is Alex. Alex Jin. An American-Korean 18 year old boy. I don't have any particular hobbies, well there's one but it's not anything for you to concern yourself with. I am a student at Gyerong High and can safely say that I am shit at studies. As you can see, I am a completely average teenager. I am quite content with my life, except for the fact that I am quite annoyed nowadays because of these situations I find myself in because of being an honest and upright individual. "Oi, you have got some guts trying to ignore me." Baldy said while grabbing my collar and moving too close to me for comfort. Like seriously buddy, stay away. You stink of tobacco. "... sorry about that I guess. I got lost in my thoughts you see." I said in my usual dead pan voice as baldy's face started going red in anger. "You know, I really want to just beat the shit out of you like usual, but I will give you a chance... Now you fucking loser, if you want to have a normal life again then repeat after me... Say, 'Pakgo, I was wrong about you. I am sorry for saying such stupid things about your videos, they are actually very entertaining and fun to watch. You are a great human being Pakgo.' Don't forget to call me 'handsome' in the end too." The bastard actually had the gal to add the last part... Give me a break.

ManofcultureQ_Q · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

J High is full of Weirdos.

The next chapter will be the end of Arc 1 of this story, hopefully you guys are liking the story so far. Please share your thoughts on the chapter.

Don't forget to give me your power stones.


< Alex's POV >

"You know what we are doing here, standing outside the famous J High school today?" Rumi asked with her eyebrows quirked while moving closer to the camera.

I really don't like where this is going.

[ What is it? ]

[ Just tell us already ]

[ Women... ]

{ Marry me Alex! }

[ Someone kick her out! ]

"Today, we are going to," Rumi paused for a dramatic effect before looking at me and then opened her mouth to say-

No wait, don't you dare shout it out loud in presence of so many people-

"Help my friend Alex, score a girlfriend from this school!"

Fuck! Now everyone is staring at us!

[ LMAO! The girls at this school have really high standards ]

[ Dude's probably gonna get rejected ]

[ Who knows? He is handsome, maybe he have a chance ]

{ .... }

[ Her silence scares me ]


For those who don't remember, let me remind you what situation I got myself dragged into. A few minutes earlier, Rumi asked me for a favor, and being the kind gentleman I am(lol), I accepted to help her out. For that particular reason, we are now standing outside the 'oh so famous' J High school building, with Rumi's camera on full display with her stream going live. The title for her video? 'I helped my friend get a girlfriend' with a tiny heart at the end.

And yes, that (un)fortunate friend of hers who is going to get a girlfriend, is apparently yours truly!


I know I did this to myself, but I really don't want to do this anymore. Helping her out is one thing, but asking out random girls and that too from a different school? I have a feeling I am going to get slapped a lot today. Seriously, just do my makeup instead! I am willing to throw away my dignity and wear lipstick just to get away from this situation!

If you think this reaction is too much, then let me fill you in with a little secret of mine. I am terrible with girls. It's not so much as to say that I act like a blabbering mess in front of them, no. I have a different problem altogether, and that is my honesty. Because of me always staying true to myself and others, whenever I strike up a conversation with a girl on my own account, I end up coming off as a really rude prick.

The last time I tried to talk with a girl I liked in my middle school, I ended up insulting her and got slapped because of it. She asked me if I liked her, to which I told her truthfully that yes I did. At the time, she looked really happy, but that mood all but vanished when she heard my answer to her next question.

The next question she asked was why did I like her. Now honestly, there was not any particular reason why I liked her. As far as I can remember, she was hot and I fell for her looks. So I told her truthfully it's because she had big boobs.

I don't know what kind of answer she was hoping to hear, but I am definitely sure my answer was NOT the one she wanted. Believe me when I say that she sure knew how to slap. I think I still remember her name. What was it again? Min...Minji something... Fuck I forgot.

Before I can get anymore thoughts about my first crush, a naval voice reached my ears, which honestly sent chills down my spine.

"Alex, are you day dreaming again? C'mon, it's not nice to make our viewers wait." Rumi said with a kind smile on her face, a smile that certainly didn't match the way she is looking at me. I don't know how, but I can somehow tell Rumi is warning me to not mess it up.

"H-huh, no I was not day dreaming! Haha." How to be a guest in a Newtube stream part 1:- Act like an idiot. How to act like an idiot? Simple, just be yourself.

That's what Rumi said to me.

"Oh, really? Then you must have heard everything I told you right?" Rumi asked in a gentle tone. Don't use that tone with me woman, It's freaking me out!

"O-of course, haha."

[ The dude was actually sleeping with his eyes open ]

[ He was not listening to Rumi at all, and she prepared that long speech too lol ]

[ Poor Rumi ]

{ Alex is so dreamy~ }

"Hm? Really? I don't believe you." Rumi asked with a close eyed smile. Damn, she is getting scarier by the second. Come on Alex, quick! think of something to get out of this situation. Do something to make her believe you. Anything would be fine!

"I swear on Pakgo's manhood." I said with the most serious face I could make.

[ .... ]

[ .... ]

[ .... ]

{ .....Poor Pakgo. }


Did she just-? I swear I saw her trying to hold in her laughter. I guess she was not angry after all. But damn her laugh was cute though—Focus king, 100 pushups now!

"Ahem, I-I guess, you really heard me then." She got her bearings back faster than I expected, That's a pro Newtuber for you. "But let's not waste anymore time, Go get'em Alex! Catch them all!"

What? Is that a Pokemon reference?

[ I want to be the very best, Like no one ever was~ ]

[ To catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause! ]

[ Fuck off you weebos! ]

[ Nandatto?! ]

"Was that a Pokemon- "

Before I can question my thoughts out loud, Rumi pushed me towards a bunch of girls who were looking in our direction. They were all cute, and honestly I had to try a bit harder to not show my nervousness. What? I am just a normal teenager who doesn't talk to girls on a daily basis. Especially girls as cute as them, and I don't even know them! It's perfectly normal for me to feel a little nervous if I am supposed to ask them out on a date.

"Hello guys! My name is Rumi, and this here is my friend Alex! We would really—

"Oh My God! It's Daniel Park!" The prettiest of the mob girls rudely shoved Rumi out of the way while running away with her friends excitedly. Before Rumi could fall on the ground and injure her knees, I extended my leg out of reflex and caught her with my feet. That was rude of them.

[ Holy crap, did you see that?! ]

[ He moved faster than I could see! ]

{ Those were some rude girls. I hate their type. }

[ Hey Rumi, you alright? ]

"A-Alex, I am fine now, you can put your leg down..." Rumi said with a surprised look on her face. I didn't quite hear her though, as my focus was on where those mob of rude girls were going. That name Daniel Park, is my 'disciple' here or something? If that is to be the case, then why did they react the way they did? I clearly saw hearts in their eyes when they shouted that name.

Not to be rude, but my dear coworker doesn't seem like the type to make girls turn their heads. He isn't ugly, at least to me he isn't, but he is overweight. As far as I know, overweight people are not that popular with ladies unless they have an outgoing and interesting personality. Which to put it lightly, my coworker doesn't possess at all.

[ He is asleep again isn't he? ]

[ I feel like he is doing this on purpose just to piss Rumi off. ]

[ His leg is still in the air lmao! ]

[ His form and balance is perfect. He is still holding onto that posture without even a little bit of effort. ]

[ Is he Taehoon Seong's brother or something? ]

"Alex.." I heard Rumi call out to me with a tint of annoyance in her voice. Crap, I ignored her again!

"Hey Rumi, what's up? I hope you are not injured." I said with a soft smile on my face. Hopefully she wouldn't get angry that I used my leg to save her. I know it was out of reflex, but it is still a rude thing to do to a girl. Judging by her smile, she doesn't look that angry.

"Aww, thanks for worrying about me. But I am not injured, so I think you should put your leg down now." Rumi said while pointing towards my leg which was hanging in the air, just in front of Rumi's stomach. Oh, I forgot to put my leg down, my bad.

"You know, that's really not a way to treat a girl. Couldn't you have caught me with your hands instead? You would've given me butterflies if you did that." Rumi said with a cute giggle. Not gonna lie, that giggle was cute as heck, but I guess she really didn't like the fact that I picked her up with my leg, I think I should apologise-

"But I forgive you. Thanks for saving me Alex, that was really nice of you!" Rumi said with a....I really don't want to assume this...but a very close smile to something genuine...So she can smile like that too huh? That's surprising. She is nothing like how I thought she would be.

"... It's fine. Don't sweat it." I said with a little smile of my own. I guess she is not all bad huh?

"Well, now that's done and over with, let's go and find some other candidates who are willing to go out with you. The previous ones certainly didn't like you, if them running away without even hearing me out was any indicator. You really know how to scare off a girl Alex. I wonder who taught you that?" I take back my words. She is evil, Evil I tell you!

After saying those words in a joking manner, Rumi twirled around and started walking ahead of me, leaving me on the dust. Oi oi, wait for me woman, I am supposed to be the star of your video remember?


But just as I started walking, I noticed Rumi has crashed into a guy by mistake. What's with her and her falling down today? It's like God wants her to scrape her knees. Before I could ponder on my thoughts more, I noticed that the person she crashed into was a well built dude. He was wearing a black jacket with a big knuckle symbol in the back. Not gonna lie, that jacket is cool.

Just as I got near her, I can finally make out who she crashed into- HOLY FUCK! A GANGSTER!

"...Huh? A surprise attack?"

"I don't think so Vasco. She is just a girl...and she is pretty."

"...A pretty girl surprise attacked me?"

"No, that's not what I meant." The guy standing beside the gangster said. What's up with his ears? Those are some huge ass ears. Rumi, It was nice knowing you. May you rest in peace.

[ Holy crap! That's Vasco! The leader of the burn knuckles! ]

[ Is that Jace Park? I can recognise that huge ears anywhere. ]

[ Are they going to hurt Rumi? Where is that bastard friend of hers when you need him?! ]


[ Lol! The guy beside this gangster reminds me of Jumbo! ]

"Uhm, sorry for crashing into you. I was not looking where I was going. I hope I didn't hurt you?" Rumi asked with a forced smile on her face. I can tell this girl is scared. And what's with that last question? Do you really think you could have hurt him?!

Instead of answering Rumi's question, the gangster just tilted his head in confusion, man he is getting scarier by the second. Why is he shaking now!? Is he getting angry?!

Before I can go and help out Rumi from this situation, the guy with big ears started speaking to Rumi with a friendly smile on his face. Let's face it guys, he looks more shady than Mr. Gangster over there.

"Uh, no you did not. Don't worry about it. You... Don't look like you are from our school. You are wearing a different uniform. May we ask what you are doing here? Are you lost?" He asked in a formal tone of voice. Rumi seems to be getting a bit relaxed after hearing him.

[ Am I going to witness a kidnapping or something? ]

[ He reminds me of the people my mum warned me to stay away from. ]

[ What's next? Is he going to offer her a candy and ask her to follow him? ]

{ I love candy~ }

"She is not lost, I am with her." I decided to speak up after thinking for a while. I really wish they are bad people. My legs are itching to kick something and I wouldn't mind if it's their balls.

[ Here comes our Hero! Go save the damsel in distress! ]

[ Are we going to see a fight? He looks like he knows how to fight. ]

[ I don't know how this is going to turn out, that Vasco guy looks tough. ]

{ Don't get hurt dear Alex! }

I was just about to say something else when I noticed three pair of eyes staring at me from all sides. The gangster was giving me this wary look, as if he was expecting me to attack him or something. The big eared guy was looking between Rumi and I, and Rumi was flashing me a cute smile. But I am sure she is going to chew me out for almost leaving her on her own like this.

"A handsome guy....?" The gangster said..or asked?with a wary look on his face.

What are you staring at you fucking bitch?! Man, I miss that guy who used to talk like this. I wonder where he is now? Still living with the Carpenter I presume.

"Hm? And who might you be?" The big eared guy asked me with a smile on his face. I didn't miss the concerned look he threw towards his gangster friend. Were they really planning on kidnapping Rumi or something? Did I mess up their plans?

"Alex Jin from Gyerong High. A classmate of hers." I introduced myself with a shrug of my shoulders while pointing towards Rumi. She is already standing beside me now, did she use Bo-bup or something?

"I am Jace Park from J High, and this here is my friend Euntae Lee, but you can call him Vasco. We are both from the Architecture department. I am sorry if we took up your time. You can continue on your date." You mean to tell me this gangster looking dude is a high schooler? You have gotta be kidding me!

The gan- Vasco was still staring at me with this wary look on his face. He hadn't said a word to me, and Jace is the only one who is doing the talking. For a few seconds, Vasco and I just stared into each other's eyes and nobody among us spoke. There was this tension in the air. I can sense he didn't like me for some reason, and the feeling's mutual. He looks too much of a bully for me to like him.

And then it happened, he looked at me, then looked at Rumi. After a few seconds which felt like hours, he started tearing up. Like seriously he started tearing up with a straight face! And that too from just one eye! How does that even work?

I was just musing in my thoughts when his voice reached my ears, and what he said next left me a little dumbfounded.

"Handsome guys....are always bad..." He muttered this to himself but I definitely heard him. What the fuck. Why is he crying? And is Jace patting his head right now? What are you, his mom?

"..I am sorry about my friend here. We should take our leave now. See you around." Jace looked at Vasco, "C'mon Vasco, let's go play arm wrestle with our boys. Stop crying now. Hey! Don't use my shirt to wipe your nose!"

And then they left.

"Uhm, well that was eventful."

"You think?"

"I guess we can't find you a girlfriend today. The video is getting too lengthy." Rumi said with a chuckle. This girl sure is full of energy. I feel like I can drop dead at any moment now, but she doesn't look tired at all. At least mentally.

"I am sorry about that I guess. I was not really helpful now was I?" I said with a forced laugh. I feel a little bad for her. She didn't get to stream anything too exciting. I hope her popularity didn't plummet because of it.

"Hehe, what do you mean? You were plenty helpful. See?" Rumi said while showing me her phone. Her stream has ended a while ago, holy crap those are a lot of views! There are a lot of comments too.

[ My god! I can't believe it, he made Vasco cry with just his glare! ]

[ The hell? That was anti-climactic but funny as heck. ]

[ I am subscribing ]

[ Jace is a friend that everyone needs! ]

[ I guess Vasco is not all bad huh? Now if only he could stop his habit of eating children... ]

[ Rumi is kind of brave I think. I would have pissed my pants if I crashed onto a scary guy like that out of nowhere. ]

{ That glare was so hot~ }

"What the...? There are more than a thousand comments." I said with a dumbfounded expression on my face. What's with that 'eating children' comment though?!

"See? People liked the video. So it's all fine. Let's go, I will treat you to something for helping me out!" Rumi said while grabbing my hand and leading me outside the school.

"Wait, that would be unnecessary. I think I should go home. I want to play games." I said in my usual monotonous voice.

"Don't be silly. I want to show you my appreciation. Just come with me, it's not everyday a pretty girl like me asks you out for lunch you know? Or are you too shy to eat with me?~" Rumi asked with a teasing smile. The nerve of this girl, she is treating me like a kid. What do you take me for woman? Well, there's no harm in getting free food I think.

"Alright. Where should we eat then?"

"Hm? How do you like burgers?"

"I love them."


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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