
I Just Became Lord of a new dimension, AndThe Ancient came toGetLoan?

Traveling through the Marvel world, Leo takes charge of the light dimension and becomes Dimension Mephista( dimensional lord) But not before he dicided to make a plan to invade Earth , for the urgent need to grow in strength. Ancient One actually came to the door first. And, borrowed strength from him. At the same time, the lending system was also Awakened. As a result, the legend of Mephista began to spread in the universe. ........... Borrow the Ancient One and get bonus dimension travel... Borrow Norman Osborn, get bonus energy properties reversed... Loan Gwen, Rewards... ........ Ancient One: He doesn’t even know how to borrow money, so what kind of evil lender is he? ! Doctor Strange: Without a little credit, how do you know where your limits are? ! Villain: Dormammu gives me power! ! =}This is a bad translation of a chinese novel. Read it at expense of losing some brain cells .Real name is in the comments

Webnovel_Addicted · Movies
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68 Chs

Chapter 16 Iron Man: Don’T Worry ,I'm coming

Darkness covers the land.

The streets of Broadway are brightly lit at night.

Helicopters hovered high in the sky.

huge amounts of searchlights.

This originally bustling street is a famous tourist attraction.

At the moment it was a messy and dilapidated scene.

Accompanied by a deafening roar.

The streets are wailing and the houses are crumbling.

Screams and cries came and went, intertwined together, forming a picture that seemed to come from hell.

Two monsters with powers beyond imagination fight together.

For ordinary people, it is no better than the end of the world.

boom! !

Another hard blow buried the Hulk in the ruins of the house.

Abomination seemed to have seen victory, and a cheerful smile appeared on his ferocious face.

A deafening roar erupted from the sky.

"Did you see that, you silly guy?"

"This is power!"

"A power far more powerful than this trash like you!!"

The scene of being punched by Hulk until he was paralyzed appeared in his mind.

That tragic experience not only shattered his body, but also shattered his pride as a warrior!

From the moment he woke up from the hospital bed, he understood one thing.

As human beings, there are always limits.

The desire for power turned into the best medicine, and Hulk's power was deeply engraved in his heart.

He will do whatever it takes to gain power.

Eventually, he succeeded.

Not only did it succeed beyond humans.

Even the Hulk, whom he has always regarded as the embodiment of power, is no match for him!

"Such a cowardly blow!"

"Didn't you eat, you stupid guy?!"

Catch the incoming fist with one hand.

Hatred smiled ferociously and couldn't help but humiliate him, as if he wanted to use this to vent his previous humiliation.

But the answer was a fire hydrant.

Pei Ran's powerful force came suddenly, hitting him directly and making him confused.

He tilted his head and almost fell to the ground.

"Hulk, very angry!!" Hulk roared loudly.

The heavy breathing is visible to the naked eye.

As he roared, the muscles on his body seemed to bulge a little more.

Anger gives him strength.

But it also took away his sanity.

He needs to vent now, vent hard.

Tear the humiliating opponent in front of him into pieces!



Street perimeter.

Hiding among the soldiers.

General Ross looked at the two monsters fighting not far away with a gloomy expression.

His heart was bleeding.

Just forget it if the operation to capture the Hulk failed.

Even Blonsky, the super soldier who was finally born under his command, chose to betray and turned into a monster!

Everywhere you look, there is chaos.

Because of this battle.

The huge losses caused by this operation will be blamed on him.

There is a high probability that he will be impeached by Congress and his military rank will be unstable.

Thinking of this, General Ross had the urge to go into battle himself and strangle these two monsters to death.

But after all, he was still a little desperate in his heart and forcibly suppressed such thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, General Ross turned his head and looked to the side and asked.

"How many weapons do we have left?"

He has already tried it, and ordinary weapons have no effect at all against this monster.

To pose a threat, it must be a weapon of mass destruction!

The adjutant understood what he meant and shook his head helplessly.

"It was all used up while capturing the Hulk, General!"

Hearing this, General Ross's face suddenly twitched, and his face became a little gloomier.

"What about Tony Stark, have you made contact?"

"Tell him that the weapons customized by Stark Industries are all scrap metal and I need him to provide me with after-sales service!"


The ultrasonic weapon ordered from Stark Industries had already been smashed into a discus by the Hulk.

But it's not Tony Stark's compensation that he wants either.

It's the fire support provided by this Iron Man.

It's best to take care of those two damn monsters!

"He said don't worry, he's in a hurry!" the adjutant replied honestly.

General Ross sighed: "It seems that we won't be able to count on this guy for a while!"

"Request support from the nearest base and tell them I need powerful weapons!"

"But... this is an urban area, general!" the adjutant reminded cautiously.

"Do as I say!"

General Ross's tone was firm and left no room for doubt.

Then, he looked at the camp.

There is his daughter imprisoned there, who is also the lover of Bruce Banner, the Hulk.

He once used this as bait to lure the Hulk into a trap.

Also regard her as the ultimate trump card against Hulk.


In this current situation, it is of no use at all.

He could only hope in his heart that the Hulk could win.

Otherwise, the hatred dominated by power will bring greater losses to him!

Looking at the fighting figures on the field, General Ross felt itchy with hatred.

But in my heart, I had to pray for it.

"Come on, Hulk!!"



The battle between monsters becomes more and more fierce.

Since Hulk got off to a good start.

Hatred also follows the same pattern.

Cars, load-bearing columns, fire hydrants...

Even the street lamp that fell to the ground was used as a weapon by the two of them.

They waved their fists and feet at will, exerting their power wantonly.

Every blow made the ground tremble, and the road became a little more broken.

The houses on both sides had already collapsed and turned into ruins.

As the two men fought, the scope of the ruins continued to expand.


He stretched out his hand to open a wall and crawled out of the ruins with a disgraced face.

Looking at the figure in the distance, a hint of gloom could not help but appear on the ferocious face.

"This guy is getting stronger and stronger!"

"Is there no upper limit to his power?!"

He knows the Hulk's properties.

The monster's power will continue to grow as the rage within him deepens.

He has always believed that the power of this anger has limits.


The situation in front of him broke his inherent understanding.

From an overwhelming advantage at the beginning, to an even tie later.

Until now.

He felt that he was no longer a match for this guy in terms of strength!

"Does a monster whose power can grow infinitely really exist?"

The belief in the disgusting heart was shaken unconsciously.

But facing the failure in strength made him feel even more humiliated.

The flames of revenge consumed him.

He felt that his anger could also make him stronger!

"I do not believe!"

"How could I lose to a loser like you who doesn't even want to believe in his own strength!!"

With a roar, Abomination rushed forward again, but Hulk easily squeezed his fist.

His backhand was a big slap in the face, causing him to lie on his back and doubt his life.

Hulk is about to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

At this time.

Under night.

The figure wearing a black and white battle suit held cobweb and flew through the air.

It jumped on the ruins like a civet cat and came to the two of them.

"Hello, good evening!"

Gwen said hello politely and gracefully.

She wanted to persuade her, saying something like, "Don't fight anymore."

But before she could speak.

What she received in response was a big slap.

