
I Just Became Lord of a new dimension, AndThe Ancient came toGetLoan?

Traveling through the Marvel world, Leo takes charge of the light dimension and becomes Dimension Mephista( dimensional lord) But not before he dicided to make a plan to invade Earth , for the urgent need to grow in strength. Ancient One actually came to the door first. And, borrowed strength from him. At the same time, the lending system was also Awakened. As a result, the legend of Mephista began to spread in the universe. ........... Borrow the Ancient One and get bonus dimension travel... Borrow Norman Osborn, get bonus energy properties reversed... Loan Gwen, Rewards... ........ Ancient One: He doesn’t even know how to borrow money, so what kind of evil lender is he? ! Doctor Strange: Without a little credit, how do you know where your limits are? ! Villain: Dormammu gives me power! ! =}This is a bad translation of a chinese novel. Read it at expense of losing some brain cells .Real name is in the comments

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68 Chs

Chapter 17 Miss Gwen Is A Bit Arrogant

Gwen held up one hand and jumped up slightly.

A flexible backflip quickly dodged the sudden attack.

"How rude!" Gwen muttered.

The same goes for her encounter with a lizard monster yesterday.

Before she could say anything more, a car was wrapped around her tail and thrown towards her.

"But then again, how come so many monsters suddenly appeared in the past two days?"

Seeing the two monsters fighting together again, Gwen couldn't help but feel a little confused.

As a superhero, she feels a lot of pressure in this situation.

Yesterday there was one, today there are two, then tomorrow?

She was a little afraid to continue thinking about it.

"It can't be that the season for these monsters to reproduce is coming, right?"

Gwen sighed.

In my ears, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"Actually, it's not impossible!"

Gwen turned around sharply, only to see a figure appear behind her.

Suddenly his eyes lit up and a smile broke out on his face.


Although this guy has a really bad character.

But Gwen has to admit that he is the first person she has known since becoming a superhero who can be regarded as a friend.

Although, this guy is a bit out of character, and he is also not a superhero.

But in him, one can really feel kindness.

It seems to have a magical power that can warm people's hearts.

Definitely, the premise is that this guy can restrain his personality.

"Why are you here?" Gwen asked curiously as she stood up, her slim figure clearly visible.

She didn't think that with Leo's character he would like to meddle in other people's business.

If she hadn't caused trouble last time, I'm afraid this guy would just hide and watch her fun!

"It seems you have a deep misunderstanding of me."

After understanding the meaning of her words, Leo couldn't help but sigh.

"You know, I'm a good guy!"

"Ah, yes, yes..." Gwen couldn't help but rolled her eyes and nodded perfunctorily.

"So what?"

As the saying goes, the more something is lacking, the more people like to talk about it.

How can a good person keep emphasizing his identity like this?

This guy is clearly a scoundrel among good guys!

Considering that I helped her last time, even though it was forced.

But Gwen felt that Leo might not be too bad after all.

He can barely be considered a semi-good person!

Leo looked at her in surprise.

It felt like Miss Gwen was much more arrogant than last time when we met today.

Maybe he was too tolerant of her?

Or is it the time of rebellion?

I secretly planned to teach her a little lesson.

But on the surface, Leo remained calm and said solemnly.

"You must also know that I have a belief in light, and of course I will never tolerate darkness!"

"I was chasing a dark creature just now. It was just an accident that I came here."

"Dark creature?"

Gwen was a little surprised for a moment.

But thinking about what happened not long ago, I suddenly felt shocked.

He quickly asked.

"Could it be a dark creature like that Norman Osborn?!"

"That's right!"

Hearing the affirmative answer, the expression on Gwen's face couldn't help but become solemn.

She is well aware of the power of dark creatures.

Definitely not an opponent that can be dealt with by ordinary means!

After a while.

Another deafening roar woke her up from her reverie.

Looking at the two monsters who were still wreaking havoc, Gwen couldn't help but point.

"Are they as powerful as these two guys?"

In just two sentences, these two guys demolished three more houses.

The destructive power makes her, Spider-Woman, doubtful of life.

"Yes!" Leo confirmed.

Finally, I added another sentence.

"Perhaps even more powerful than the dark-skinned one!"

Gwen's heart tightened.

I just wanted to ask for more information.

Leo's deep voice came to my ears.


The words just fell.


The manhole cover flew up.

In the eyes of everyone's disbelief.

The ground shattered, and another monster jumped out of the sewer.

Moreover, compared to the two on site.

The one who just appeared is taller and seems more powerful!

The face is as terrifying as a humanoid lizard, showing a mouth full of fangs.

The hard black muscles were like steel.

The bone spurs protruding from the limbs make people feel even more ferocious.

The cuticle covering the whole body is also like scales and armor.

It showed an eerie sheen under the helicopter's searchlight.

For a while.

Everyone was stunned by this unexpected visitor.

"Where did this guy get his power?" Hatred was curious about the source of his power.

He took several kinds of medicine, but none of them were as tall as this guy. It was really puzzling to him.

Hulk compared his head and found that he was a head shorter.

His face suddenly wrinkled and he muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Hulk, short!"

"It's actually the lizard man from yesterday!"

Gwen was also extremely surprised.

Turning his head to Leo's ear, he whispered as if he was afraid of being discovered.

"I met this guy yesterday and chased him away on the Brooklyn Bridge."

"But, I remember this guy wasn't this big yesterday!"

Leo glanced at her funny.

I took the hormones myself, will it stop it from getting bigger?

"This should be due to exposure to dark power!" Leo said seriously.

"However, I still have to thank you for the clues."

Gwen nodded, crossing her arms looking a little arrogant: "You're welcome!"

Broadway in ruins.

The three-headed monster stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and the scene was awkward for a while.

No one wanted to take the lead, for fear of causing a fight from the other two.

at this time.

High altitude.

There are searchlights coming down.

Then, a golden-red steel figure appeared in front of everyone.

He looked at the three monsters who were looking at him.

Tony Stark suddenly felt extremely embarrassed.

I felt that these guys seemed a little unfriendly, and I had an inexplicable urge to turn around and leave.

But come all come.

In order not to embarrass Iron Man in public and affect his glorious image in people's minds.

Tony could only bite the bullet and say hello.

"Hello guys, are you having a party?"

"Can you count me in?!"
