

A teenage love story that follows four high schoolers as they navigate a war of hearts and embark on a journey of love, friendship, and life. Kim Jeha, known for his good looks and fun personality, catches the attention of many. Park Hana, a smart and introverted girl, develops a crush on Kim Jeha and shares a close friendship with Lu Yan. Kang Soora, who believes in getting what she wants, also harbors feelings for Lu Yan. As these four characters with different personalities navigate their last year of high school, they experience love, friendship, heartbreak, and life lesson

BerboxKLZ · Urban
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24 Chs


..." That will be all for today.." a friend said as we got off the basketball court..." Hey! Kim Jeha...will you be joining us for that dinner tonight?" He asked..." Ofcourse...." I replied.." Okay then see you tonight." He replied as he left..." Untill when are you going to give me the silent treatment?" Kang Soora asked as she walked towards me and handed me a bottle of water..." Untill you realise your mistake and apologize to Park Hana." I replied as I picked up my water bottle instead..." Can't you just let this one slide? Why are you suddenly being protective of her too?" She asked..." This has nothing to do with protecting her... you did something wrong snd you should apologize for it....that's it...so untill you willing to do that..we aren't going to be on talking terms..." I said as I left when she held me back....." Fine...it was a bitchy move for me to push her into the pool..for no reason...and as much as I still don't get why you being so sensitive over it...I'll accept and apologize to her tomorrow." She said..." Happy?" She asked as I smirked..." Woah Kang Soora..I didn't know out friendship meant so much to you." I said as she smirked..." Ofcourse it does...who else will be willing to listen to all mt silly stories if not you." She replied as she held out her hand..." Have we made peace then?" She asked as I shook her hand as well..." But you really should apologize...." I said as she nodded.." I will first thing tomorrow." She replied...." Okay I suddenly feel generous...I treat you to some fried chicken tonight.." she said..." as much as I can't resist a free meal from you...I have plans tonight..." I replied..." With whom?" She asked..." With the basketball team...Iam having dinner with them." I replied.." Why you aren't on the basketball team." She added..." Well remember when Ji Hyuk was on an injury break last few weeks...I filled in for him and we won so they asked me to join there celebratory dinner." I explained," Now if you will excuse me..I need to go home and get ready." I said as I turned to leave.




" You don't have to help us out..why don't you go and use this time to read." Mom said as I wore mt Apron.." I've already reviewed my notes...and now I want to relax by helping you out...there are so many customers...If anything you should use this time to sit down and rest your I'll knee." I said," But..." Mom said as dad intervened.." If she insists then let her help out..." He said as I happily let to wait the tables," Welcome!!" I said as a group of students from my school walked in..." Hana!" Dad called out as I left to pick up the food I was supposed to give the customer.

" Tell him to give me Mr money before tomorrow..." man who I was serving said as I placed his food on the table.." Pour that water in my glass for me." He commanded as I did exactly that but accidentally Spilled some water on him..." Hey!!" He yelled as he stood up from his seat..." Iam really sorry* I said as I handed him napkins which he caught and threw at me...." Are you blind?" He asked as he wipe the water off of him..." Look at how you destroyed my clothes.. should I put this all over you as well." He said as he held up his glass to me..." Excuse me sir....can you please speak softly." Some one said as I looked behind me and saw Kim Jeha..." This is a public restaurant..we are all trying to have our meals and your noise isn't letting us do so." He added as he came and stood in front of me...." Who are you talking too so disrespectfully young man..." He said as he tried to push him away when he grabbed his arm..." let me go you little..." He said as he groaned from the pain of having his hand folded.." What's happening here? My dad asked as I asked Kim Jeha to let go of the man's hand...."You are all crazy people..." The trouble some man said as he rushed out of the restaurant..." It's okay dad....we have solved it." I said to my dad who still looked worried..." You should get back to work...we have many customers." I added as he hesitantly left..." Are you okay?" Kim Jeha asked as I nodded....." Everyone should get back to enjoying their meal...sorry for the inconvenience." I said..." You should have your meal too." I said to Kim Jeha before I went back to my work.



"if I here one more thank you from you then I might actually lose my mind." Kim Jeha said as I escorted him outside the restaurant..." I can't help it..." I replied..." look you and I are friends...and even if we weren't..I would have still done what I did." He replied," Friend!" I exclaimed..." I mean yes...you are luyans friend..Lu Yan is my friend so you are my friend too...unless you don't want to be." He explained..." No...I do want to be friends with you." I replied as he smiled at me..." And you are...." He replied...." Well I should get going...." He said as he turned to leave when he walked back to where I was..." Yoh should learn how to take care of your self in the face of such crazy customers or people...." He said as I nodded..." I'll leave then....good night... friend."he said to me with a little wave and smile," Good night..." I said as I watched him leave...." Hana! " Dad called out to me as I rushed back inside.



I think you take that X and equals it to...." I said to Lu Yan as some one called out my name..." You are needed outside." my classmate said as I got up to see who it was and to my surprise..it was Kang Soora....

" If you are here to talk to Lu Yan then I'll go and call him for you.." I said as I turned to leave when he called me back....." Iam here to talk to you." She said as I got worried a bit....



" Are you sure you don't want any thing from the vending machine...it's mt treat." She said as I declined..." Just tell me why you called me out." I said as she took a deep breath..." Iam sorry." She said...." Sorry? For what?" I asked..." For the pool incident on Lu yans party...i pushed you into the pool." She said as my eyes widened a bit..." Why...?" I asked as she kept silent.." Is that why you and your friends were laughing at me...that's pretty mean of you Kang Soora" I said as she stood there quietly... And why are you telling me that now" i asked....." Look I don't know what kind of game you playing or what you are up to but keep me out of it all..." I said as I turned to leave....." Park Hana!" She called out..." Iam not playing any games right now...I just really wanted to apologize for that night....so Iam sorry..." She said..." Whether you forgive me or not is up to you... atleast I said what I had come to say." She said as she walked away...." What's wrong with her....I was supposed to have that dramatic exit..." I mumbled to my self as I went back to my class too


