

A teenage love story that follows four high schoolers as they navigate a war of hearts and embark on a journey of love, friendship, and life. Kim Jeha, known for his good looks and fun personality, catches the attention of many. Park Hana, a smart and introverted girl, develops a crush on Kim Jeha and shares a close friendship with Lu Yan. Kang Soora, who believes in getting what she wants, also harbors feelings for Lu Yan. As these four characters with different personalities navigate their last year of high school, they experience love, friendship, heartbreak, and life lesson

BerboxKLZ · Urban
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24 Chs



" Is something going on with you two? Lu Yan asked as I glared at Soora...". nothing why?" He asked.." You are usually the most talkative around eachother but you haven't said one word to eachother today." He said as I sighed..." We just don't have anything to say today." I replied as we continued with our meals..." By the way..can I stay over tonight?" I asked.." Why..?" Lu Yan replied.." My dad and his wife and child are coming back today.... apparently Eun ho created a mess at his school and has been suspended for a few days...." I replied..." Well okay...I'll call mt mom and tell her you sleeping over." He replied and I let out a sigh of relief.



" Will you really never talk to your dad about how you actually feel...?" Lu Yan asked as we for ready for bed.." He knows how I actually feel but when has he ever respected that." I replied..." Anyways I stayed over to forget about anything related to my dad for tonight....so let's just talk about something else." I added as I fixed my bed and prepared to go to sleep.


" Why did I have to stay up late last night and wake up late today.....and who the heck changed the set time on my alarm clock..." I mumbled to my self as I ran to make sure I wasn't locked out of the school gate and end up getting punishment...." Hana!" Some one called out as I turned and saw Lu Yan who was running like I was anf Jeha who was just walking in his pace..." Good morning..." I said," Good morning.." I added as we continued running.." I can't believe we were both late today.." Lu Yan said as he looked back at Kim Jeha," Hey!! Can you please hurry up..it's your fault were late." He said..." Why are you guys even rushing....the gate is going to be close in a minute....so why don't you rather walk at your own pace since it's all done and decided..." He said as Lu Yan slowed down..." I hate that you right about this..." He said as I stopped running too...

" Where are you guys going? Kim Jeha asked as we pointed towards the gate.." Why would you risk getting a penalty when you can use the easy way out." He said..." oh no are you talking about jumping over the wall?" Lu Yan asked as Jeha smiled mischievously..." Well yes..it's either we jump over the wall or get a penalty....I have no problem with a penalty...but do you want that on your record..." He said as Lu Yan hesitated," What about Hana...how is she going to go over the wall?" He asked..." We shall help her out....I don't think she wants a penalty either." He replied as he looked back at me..." Are you okay with it?" He asked as I nodded..." It's fine...I've used that place before.." I replied..." See she agrees so let's go." Kim Jeha said as I slowly followed behind him..." So I'll go first...I'll help Hana and you will come out last." Lu Yan suggested as we all agreed...." Okay..." Jeha replied as Lu Yan went over the wall and I did too with the help of Kim Jeha...." You should climb up quickly too." Lu Yan said to Kim Jeha..." What are you doing there?" A loud voice said," Have you been caught?" Lu Yan whispered..." You guys should go on without me..." Jeha yelled..." No you should a better stop right there.." The teacher yelled as Lu Yan grabbed me by the hand...and asked me to run.

" That was a close one..." Lu Yan said as we arrived to class..." What about Kim Jeha..will he be fine?" I asked worriedly..." He will be okay....Jeha is used to all of this by now." He replied as I looked back from where we were running..." Legs settle in before the teacher comes." Lu Yan said as we entered the class room.



" Is that Kim Jeha..? What is he doing?" A girl behind me asked as I saw Kim Jeha dressed in an apron with a net on his head helping the lunch lady to serve meals at the cafeteria..." I heard that he got caught trying to climb over the fence and so grumpy Lee asked him to work with the lunch lady today..." She explained as I felt a bad for him since he was helping us..." But he still looks so cute even with the apron and hair net..." The girl continued to say as they all giggled from behind me..." I know...ahh if the people serving food in the cafeteria were just as good looking then everyone would be having meals." They added as I looked back at him....

As our turn approached " Kim Jeha hello.." the girls behind me said as he replied to them with a slight wave and smile..." Hello.." he said to me as he put a spoon ful of meat on my tray..." Thank you.." I said as he smiled at me..." Come on Jeha how come she gets more meat than us....?" The girls behind me asked....." She's a friend..." He replied..as I automatically smiled " Then aren't we ?" They asked..." Okay I'll just add you down more..." He replied as they all cheerfully cheered....but all that didn't matter... because Kim Jeha called me his friend...




***** You are back?" Arin ( my stepmom) said as I slightly nodded..." Well Iam making dinner....freshen up and let's eat." She said..." it's okay...Iam sleeping over at Lu yans house today so I won't be having dinner with you." I said as I turned to leave when my dad yelled my name..." You aren't sleeping anywhere but your house today..so as she has said go and get ready and come have dinner with us." He said In a stern and blunt voice as I grinned..." We have a rest to study for and so Iam going over..." I replied..." Well Iam fine with you going over to Lu yans house but you first having dinner with the rest of us..." He added as I gave up reasoning with him and just headed straight into my room..." Who does he think he is..." I yelled angrily as I threw my backpack on my bed....



" How has school been?" Arin asked..." Good." I replied...as I tried to have dinner.." I hope you haven't been making any more trouble at school...." My dad added..." Well I can't really say...." I replied as he glared at me..." Well Iam done with my meal..I should get going." I said as I stood up...." Kim Jeha!" My dad yelled...as I picked up my coat and left..

My relationship with my dad is complicated...it just is really complicated at times it gets a bit too much for me.






I remember that day like it was yesterday...I was late for school and so I decided to climb over the wall instead of receiving a penalty for being late....before I climbed..I threw my bag over the wall and the next thing I heard was someone groaning because it had hit them...." Who is that?" He yelled as he saw me stick face over the wall..." Iam really sorry." I said as I tried to get down quickly..." Here I'll help you...the person who turned out to be Kim Jeha said as he held out his hand for me..." is this your first time?" He asked..." How did you know?" I replied as I fixed the mask on my face that I had wore because I had a cold and didn't want to spread it to my classmates..." I know everyone who goes over this wall..." He replied with a smile as I couldn't help notice his mouth corner dimples...." You should be careful when throwing your back pack next time." He said as he gave it back to me and left.....watching him leave I could feel something fluttering in my stomach...


