

A teenage love story that follows four high schoolers as they navigate a war of hearts and embark on a journey of love, friendship, and life. Kim Jeha, known for his good looks and fun personality, catches the attention of many. Park Hana, a smart and introverted girl, develops a crush on Kim Jeha and shares a close friendship with Lu Yan. Kang Soora, who believes in getting what she wants, also harbors feelings for Lu Yan. As these four characters with different personalities navigate their last year of high school, they experience love, friendship, heartbreak, and life lesson

BerboxKLZ · Urban
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


" Try finishing that before I leave today." I said to the student I was tutoring as I got up to answer a call..." Ms Park Hana...madam wants to see you." The house keeper said as she escorted me to the study..." Have a seat." She said as I sat down nervously..." How are you?" She asked.." Iam fine.." I replied.." Well I wanted to give you this." She said as she handed me an envelope.." It's your payment this month..." She added as I excitedly picked it up..." I've added a little extra since she has made quite the improvement lately." She added as I thanked her..." One more thing...have this." She said as she handed me a business card.." I was taking with mt friends and I told them about you and now one do them is interested in having you tutor their child...." She said as I quickly grabbed the business card..." Thank you." I replied as I looked at it.." Well give her a call later today and she will tell you where to meet up and talk before you start to work." She added as I felt thankful..." Thank you so much madam." I replied as she warmly smiled at me.." Yoh should not thank me...it's your efforts that got you to this." She said..." Well that's just about it...I'll let you go back to your work." She said as I slightly bowed to her respectfully and then got out of her office...." Another tutoring gig." I said cheerfully as I smiled at the business card.




"Hurry up and shoot..." I said to Kang Soora..." Just give me some time to concentrate..." She replied as I scoffed.." You have been trying to concentrate for over five minutes..if this was a competition you'd be out.." I said," Come on just..." I said as I got behind her and helped her press the trigger..." Hey!" She called out angrily...." Can we go and eat now." I asked as she glared at me and walked away.



" Are you still mad about earlier...." I asked Soora as she sulked..." Here..have my drum stick." I said as she pretended not to like it but immediately picked it up when I threatened to take it back.." You are so annoying...." She said as we continued eating..." By the way why didn't Lu Yan join us again?" I asked.." Don't you remember..he's at some math contest." She replied.." Well it's good that she isn't here...I have something to tell you." She said as I quietly listened.." What?" I asked..." Well I have decided to confess my feelings to Lu yan.." she said as I felt my heart ache a little," Really..what made you make that decision..I thought you said that you'd hold on till college." I said as I nervously sipped on my drink..." I can't wait anymore...what I did to Park Hana was strictly out of jealousy..but do I even have the right to be jealous when all our relationship is now is friendship." She said..." I want to tell him how I feel and hear how he feels about me.." she said, " Well If you have made up your mind..then go for it...I support you." I said as I folded my fist..." Ahh...it's almost time for that thing...I wanted to do." I said as I stood up..." I'll get to it then..." I added as I turned to leave when she called me out...I couldn't turn back to look at her because frankly speaking I just couldn't.

When I made the decision to let go of my crush for Kang Soora back then I actually thought all it took was me telling my self I didn't like her anymore but I couldn't stop despite knowing that she had feelings for Lu Yan I still couldn't stop liking her...and as we grew up I may have started to slowly accept it but then heating her verbally acclaim her feelings for him kind of made my heart drop...



" What Iam I even doing...?" I asked my self as i walked towards the kitchen to get something to drink...." Hey!" I exclaimed at the sight of Eun ho( my step brother) stuffing his face with noodles..." What are you doing in the dark...?" I asked as I switched on the light..." just when I think you couldn't get any wireder you just prove me wrong." I added as I got a can of sprite from the refrigerator..." Iam sorry of I startled you..I just couldn't get any sleep so I came out to eat..." He explained.." You don't have to explain anything to me..I don't care what you do...." I said as I left when he called me out..." What's wrong?" I asked..." Can I have a soda with you." He asked....

" I know you don't like me....and I also know that you can't stand me....but I still consider you a big brother...and there times I wish I could confide in you..." Eun ho said as I took a deep sigh..." Look I don't hate you...and neither do I love you...what Iam trying to say is that I have no problem with you...infact if anything I'd rather stay in the same house as you than with my dad..." I said..." and as for the treating me like a brother..I don't want to promise that I'd be a good one to you... especially since Iam still biased by you and your mom....but I can make an exception of one soda with you atleast once In a week..." I said as he smiled..." I'll take whatever I can get." He replied..." So what's it...what's keeping you up at this time of the night.." I asked..." What does it mean if a girl tells you she likes you but then ghosts you..?" He asked as I got shocked by his question..." is that your problem?" I asked..." Well yeah kind of...this girl confessed her feelings to me but she hasn't said a single word to me again ever since I got expelled..." He added as I scoffed..." What makes you think that I have an answer to that question..?" I asked..." Well aren't you good with these kind of stuff...I heard from Kang Soora that you quite popular with girls at your school..." He replied.." Well being popular among girls doesnt mean that I know how they think...." I said.." I've never even dated one myself.." I mumbled.." What's that?" He asked..." Nothing....I can't answer your question..ask an AI or Google or something...." I said...as I stood up to leave..." Are you leaving?" He asked.." We still havent finished these remaining cans of soda." He said..." Well put them back or drink them your self..." I replied..." You so cold hearted Kim Jeha..." He said as I just chuckled and left.




....." well you may have a seat over there.....I'll bring Eun ho over to meet you." Said Ms Arin the parent of the new child I was going to start tutoring....as I sat down I couldnt help my self look around the really huge sitting room....." Here you go." The old lady who appeared to be the house keeper said as she placed Infront of me a glass of juice and a plate of cookies..." Help your self with that as you wait..." She said as I thanked her...." These look so good." I said under my breath as I excitedly reached out for one when I had a familiar voice call...." Nanny Liu..." It said as I turned around and saw Kim Jeha...." what's wrong Jeha?" Nanny Liu asked as i gasped and immediately hid my face..." Wait what is Kim Jeha doing here..? Could this be his house...?" I asked Mr self as my heart started pounding....him being here would expose the fact that Iam infact a highschool student who goes to school with him and not a college student as I have been claiming to me..." Park Hana!" Madam Arin called out as I felt my heart race...


