
I got reincarnated in ANIME

This story contains every possible anime I can think of (in the starting) but I will add more and more on the way to the end. So lets take a boy was doesn't like anime that much and only heard of them from his otaku friends can he survive their or his story will end on the very first day. The god who reincarnated him is also a kind of okatu so he kind a get offended that he don't like what even a 'GOD' LIKE So he said "TIME TO CHANGE YOUR MENTALITY" -------------------------------------------------------------------I do not own anything from the story. I am serious about this story (for now) so I will try to upload every day. the MC does not have any kind of system or any skill that can him him conquer the world and things will not fall into his lap so he will struggle so if you don't like that kind of story. I request you to leave THANK YOU ;) English is not my mother language so their may be some spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes.

NAK · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
7 Chs



Alex is standing at the port with 257 other people all waiting for the ship to arrive but one thing that Alex can't understand was why did the maid girl come.


"Kento and his little group were trying to steal the shipment with the help of a rival gang, so I just want to get rid of them and beat the ass of the other who try to mess with me. I gave him the work to deliver it to the buyer but we find out about his little plan. So I will send them their with few blood thirsty guys, I don't have any doubt about then getting killed but the problem is that if things start looking bad for them they will call the 'Hero agency' but we can deal with them. So what do you say if this deal goes smoothly I will compensate you for your work with pleasure."

"So what you are saying that I simply have to kill them all." Alex asked the man in black.

"YAAA I don't care what you do with them I just don't want to see their faces again. If you need any kind of weapon or anything else Jade here will help you get what ever you want. Here"

He throws a phone towards Alex.

"Call on this number when you are done."


Alex was waiting for the ship looking in the sea with a binocular for a while she was pretty bored but can't hold back her excitement looking around and thinking that these guys will soon be nothing more than bloody stain on the ground, after a while she could see the ship coming towards them. They were giving them a blinking signals so Alex picked up the flash light and did the same.

"HEY!!! The ship's here." She shouted.

After a few moment a large number of SUV's and people with flying quirk could be seen approaching them and all the people got out of the cars they were 83 in total and this made Alex happy but a little nerves too thinking about the blood bath that's going to happen.

"Hey are you gonna be OK if you want I can stay with you." Alex asked Jade

"You don't have to worry about me, just deal with them as quickly as possible." She said in a emotionless voice.

A man who looked like the leader of the group came out and start talking.

"Hey little gir...."

*BANG* Alex shot him in the head and he dropped down.

"No matter how strong your quirk is if you can't react fast enough you are good as dead." Alex said and picked up the minigun lying on the ground with her Rinkaku and-


Start firing at them, all of them took cover behind the cars and container and they also start firing at Alex and group. All the BTM (blood thirsty man) start attacking Kento's men and took many of them off guard and killed many of them.


A/N:- Guys at this point I totally lost all motivation and fuck it I am so sick that it feels like my heads not working properly so I just have to watch some bloody action scenes to reboot myself. I hope it works. What am I suppose to do they all just kill each other what else is their is to it.


As the minigun ran out of bullets Alex picked up a grenade and unpinned it put it in a bag full of explosive and tossed it over.


It blow up taking out most of the cars in the process which also blew up Alex ran towards the group and the one who saw her coming got out of the way or try to attack her but the ones who were trying to recover or didn't notice her coming got slammed into the ground by her. She picked up the dead bodies and throw them at the others making them loose their balance and then used her Ukaku.

All of them who saw Alex understood that she is a threat and need to be quickly dealt with so the people who have a long range quirk attack Alex at once unable to douge in time Alex sustained quite some damage and surprisingly this time her regeneration didn't kick in.

'WHAT THE. They are all burned up.'

Alex looked at her Kinkaku and they were all burned up the other also realise and one of them shouted.


Alex used her Bikaku (a tail-like appearance and is released around the end of the back bone) as a spring jumped and hid behind a container, but after a few minutes her Rinkaku started to regenerating, She used all of her Rinkaku and wrap both of her Bikaku around her legs.

"YOU CAN DO IT."She screamed as she pushed the container and start running toward the people who were attacking her, as they stopped their attack she quickly ran towards her group who were still fighting. She ran in a zig-zag manner to avoid as many shots as possible she grabbed a corpse while running and eat it with her snake type Rinkaku (it doesn't actually look like a snake just a mouth with spiky teeth I just named it that way), she was not sure that it will work or not but now she was thankful, and her regeneration got more faster but still the pain was gradually increasing.

She ran towards her group who were still fighting, as soon she got back with them she also started killing them.

Meanwhile Jade who was standing on top of a crane was watching all that was going on.

"She is not that bad." She looked at her left where she could see hundreds of headlights coming their way "Better get to work." As she jumped down the crane.

As Alex and group killed last of the assailant that were fighting them they were left with 74 more and they were only 33 including Alex all exhausted, Alex turned her head backwards as she could see more cars coming that way and her face turned pale, because the ship will be at the harbour at any minutes but suddenly Jade appeared in front of them out of no where.

As all the cars came and stop in front of them people start to come out at a pretty past pace but as soon they got close enough to them some of them started to run back some of them looked confused and some of them were terrified, but one thing was for sure non of them were trying to fight anymore instead they all were just trying to get away from their as soon as possible. Alex and her group were pretty confused too but except one.

Alex looked up to Jade 'Are they afraid of her? But their no way she can take out all of them at once.'

Jade snapped her finger and suddenly a translucent (no completely transparent) forcefeild Surround all of them at once all of them started crying and some of them even pissed them self and the rest were trying to break the forcefeild but non of their effort worked and then what Alex saw made chills run down her back as the feeling of being truly powerless came to her.

Jade again snapped her finger and the forcefeild started to shrink and compressed into a marble size ball and flew into Jade's hand and she tossed it into the ocean.

Alex still shocked from what she saw didn't notice that the ship had already arrive at the harbour.

"Get on the ship." Again in an emotionless voice.

"HUH!?!?!" Alex still shocked.

"Call them and tell everyone to get on the ship." She said to Alex as she vanished into thin air.

Alex did as she was told trying she best not to do anything that can make Jade angry, so everybody including Alex got on the ship where Jade was already present.

"Is everyone on board?" She asked Alex. Alex didn't said anything just simply nodded her head.

Jade snapped she fingers and everyone including Alex lost their consciousness

Hey guys I am pretty sick so I may delay upload.

Sorry for that.


NAKcreators' thoughts