
I got reincarnated in ANIME

This story contains every possible anime I can think of (in the starting) but I will add more and more on the way to the end. So lets take a boy was doesn't like anime that much and only heard of them from his otaku friends can he survive their or his story will end on the very first day. The god who reincarnated him is also a kind of okatu so he kind a get offended that he don't like what even a 'GOD' LIKE So he said "TIME TO CHANGE YOUR MENTALITY" -------------------------------------------------------------------I do not own anything from the story. I am serious about this story (for now) so I will try to upload every day. the MC does not have any kind of system or any skill that can him him conquer the world and things will not fall into his lap so he will struggle so if you don't like that kind of story. I request you to leave THANK YOU ;) English is not my mother language so their may be some spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes.

NAK · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Port Mafia

When Alex opened her eyes and got up and checked he surrounding she noticed that she was still on the ship. She looked around for a while and fond Jade sleeping on a chair next to a container,

'Should I wake her up? What if?' Chills ran down Alex back ,so she left her. Alex pulled out her phone that she got from that guy. She opened the contacts and their was only one number saved in it so she called on it after a few second she other side picked up the phone. Alex didn't said anything because she didn't know what to saw, like she can't say 'hello' or 'how are you?' so she just stayed quiet.

[Are the goods ready] A voice of a female can be head from the other side of the line.

"Yes" Alex said, actually she wanted to say many more thing but didn't so 'Yes' have to do for now.

[We will be their in 15 minutes] She hung up. Alex who was mentally exhausted decided to take a look around until something happen.

she got down from the ship and what she saw amazed her there was no blood, no dead bodies or no such sigh that can tell that there was a bloody gang war going on, after a while of wasting her time, she realized something.

'This isn't even the same place anymore. DANG!! Teleportation.

Few minutes have passed and Alex was just tossing stones in the ocean. She heard the sound of cars coming her way so she stood up and walked towards them.

"HEY," Alex shouted and all of them looked at her confused but nobody said anything. Alex walked up to them, it would be pretty strange to see a child alone out at night at this time but one look at her most of the people will be forced to rethink after looking at her messy appearance her white dress which was now dyed red with all the blood on it and little burned up here and there.

Alex saw them and there were five people who looked different from the others,

one of them has a slim build and very pale skin, he was covering his face with his hand due to his frequent coughing. He has short, choppy black hair with side bangs that reach his chin and turn white at the tips. His eyes are sharp, somewhat baggy, and a dark empty grey. He wears a long, black coat reaching past his knees over, black fitting pants, and black dress shoes. Underneath his coat, he was wearing a white shirt, Beside him was a young woman with blond hair tied in a bun she was wearing a black suit with a white shirt she had brown eyes and Alex could see a gun in her handgun holster (is a device used to hold or restrict the undesired movement of a handgun, most commonly in a location where it can be easily withdrawn for immediate use. Holsters are often attached to a belt or waistband, but they may be attached to other locations of the body).


A/n:- Guys I have been stuck here for like 3 days just because I don't want to explain the other people and it's hard to type when your eyes are closed, I don't know what the fuck I am talking about. I am not describing the three in the back because then the story will not move forward and they are totally not related to the story so they don't matter but if you still you want to know who they are you will know or some of you may already know.


Alex walked up to the duo and they were looking at her with a questionable gaze.

"I know what you must be thinking but to be clear I am the one who called you. Look." Alex used the phone and called them again so the phone in the women's pocket ring up.

"We would like to see the goods." The women said so Alex.

"Follow me." Alex said and they all started walking towards the ship. when they reached their Jade was seeing her gave Alex chills and now she was afraid surprisingly the other two were also amazed this gave Alex some sense of relief but this only mean that non of then are safe and if death came it will come instantly.

Jade walked up to them and Alex shut her eyes expecting the worse but nothing happened instead she heard Jade's voice.

"It's every nice to meet you Mr. Akutagawa from the 'Port Mafia' ." Alex opened her eyes and she could see Jade doing a maid like bow.

"And you are?" Akutagawa asked.

"My name is Jade, but you may know me as 'The destroyer' ."

"I will be lying if I said that I am not amazed to see that you are the destroyer but age and gender are irrelevant when it comes to finish a job effectively."Akutagawa said with a admiring voice.

"You are absolutely right about that, the people who deems someone incompetent just on the base of their age and gender are the one who fails to see the true capabilities of an individual, but we aren't her to talk about these thing right now let's get to business. What'd you say."

"We have your shipment right her I would like to see the payment."

Akutagawa Told something to the women next to her and after a few moments few trucks came their.

"5 TONS of solid gold as asked and the rest we have already sent into your accounts, and now I would like to see your things."

And the next few hours Alex spent their lying around because her phone battery died and all the people beside Alex were busy unloading the containers or in some kind of paperwork so she layed their until Jade walked up to her.

"Are you done?" Alex asked


"How many times have you done these kind of thing you doesn't seem tired at all. and if you don't mind me asking can you tell something about your quirk." After a few minutes of silence Jade spoke up.

"My quirks is nothing special, it's just allows me to separate a part of the universe and I can manipulate it however I like, but it requires a huge amount of energy so I can't use it casually."

"How much energy are we talking about." Alex can't hold back her curiosity.

"Last time I used my Quirk it was 15 years ago and I vaporized an entire city in Africa and young master streamed it on almost every T.V. channel on the planet." She said in a n emotionless voice.

Alex who had her eyes popped out of their socket and jaw doped to the floor, few minutes of futile effort to calm herself down, calmed down after a few more minutes. they were walking for some time now and Alex don't know where they were going but didn't said anything.

After a few more minutes of walking the reached the main road and stood their for a few minutes and a black car came in front of them.

"Your rids here." Jade said.


"We have prepared a hotel room for you you will find the rest of your stuff their I hope everything is to your liking."

Alex looked sad and Jade noticed this.

"Something wrong?" She asked her.

"Can I meet you guys again." Alex asked.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about these thing you are too young to work permanently in a wanted organisation." She put her finger on her cheek and after a while said. "If you make a name for yourself I made ask young master to recruit you." She smiled at Alex and Alex blushed and looked away and ran and got in the car. Jade laughed after seeing Alex and vanished into thin air.

'I talked to a real girl.' Alex was happy (That's all I want to saw about this)

After an hour Alex reached the hotel the driver gave her a shawl to cover up so she won't cause a lot of commotion, she thanked him and entered the hotel.

'MAN!!! It looked nice from outside but I have to saw that the interior is also amazing.'

It was the best place Alex have ever visited and she had to admit that the 5-star hotel can't even hold a candle to this place. Alex walked up to the reception. Alex said nothing but stood their only watching it and the receptionist. She was a pretty lady in her late 20's she had black long silky hair she had a pair of glasses and was wearing a black suit with a black tie.

The receptionist saw Alex more accurately she can only see her head from her point of view so she stood up and lean forward to see Alex deep in thoughts.

"Can I help you with something?" She asked Alex in a sweet voice, Alex was stunned because of a decade old fear of talking to girls because of a certain incident.


"You what?"

Alex took a deep breath and said "I have a room booked at this place and I am her to check in."

"OK. Just tell me your name and you are good to go."

'my name?' Alex took a deep breath 'Killing it is'

"Here's your keys" She gave Alex a card and Alex was amazed as fuck.

The receptionist burst out laughing .

"I am sorry, they told me that you were coming but I want to see your face by myself I couldn't help it after seeing how cute you are." She said to Alex as she wipes the tears from her eyes.

"How do you know that it's me, I could be like anyone." Alex said with an irritated tone.

"OH, They gave us your photo." She showed Alex her photo.

'Fuck, She is messing with me.'

"Hey did young master runs this place?" Alex asked the receptionist.

"Yes, That's why they brought you here."

"YA make sense. So whats my room number."

"It's on the 22nd floor number 2215."


Hey guys I am back. It's tough to be sick trust me.

NAKcreators' thoughts