
I Got Reincarnated as a K-POP Superstar Prodigy

Dan Stevens was a trainee at BigHit Entertainment for many years but decided to quit before debuting. Now, he was one of the best K-pop Analysts and Producers in the industry. He was so popular that many people were threatening to end his life. Seeing this as a normal thing in the entertainment industry, he ignored the threats and went on with his daily routine. After coming home from his morning run, he was pushed off from his balcony and died. He soon wakes up in a body of a 10-year old kid named Kim Jinbo, who was known to be a prodigy in business from a very wealthy family. Little did he know that he was already in a parallel world where the K-pop industry was booming but there were a lot of things that were different. First, the industry was still in its infancy stage. Second, the k-pop idols he knew were in a different group or were not in their supposed groups. Third, some idols or idol groups did not exist. Fourth, other companies did not exist. Fifth, all of the songs from his previous life was not found in this world. And lastly and probably the most shocking thing among the rest, dating between idols were allowed. Is this JayB's chance to date his ex-girlfriend from his previous world who was also part of one of the hottest girl groups there? Oh and did I mention that he was best friends with 8 other prodigies in their respective fields who together would make the ultimate K-pop group in this world's history? Join JayB as he meets various artists and idols from his previous life who were now starting off together in his journey to being a k-pop superstar. AN and disclaimer: I wrote this for my bias. Please don't be offended or please don't get mad if I ship people or there will be cases that I would be using the artist's songs. I do not own any of the songs nor do I want to affect the lives of these artists. This is purely fictional and is not meant to harm anyone. Other than that, please enjoy!

Doxi · Music & Bands
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101 Chs

Day Off Part 2

"She's running late…" I checked my wrist watch while sipping on my Café Americano. I was currently at Dalkomm Café waiting for IU-noona to arrive.

We actually were supposed to meet here 30 minutes ago but she's late for some reason.

Just before I was about to stand up and give her a call, I saw someone wearing a facemask and a black bonnet while wearing a dirty white trench coat who was about to enter the store. When she turned to my direction, she immediately walked towards me.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. The road that I was on was so slippery that I had to leave my car and catch the bus." She said.

A celebrity actually risking herself in riding a public transportation just to come here.

"It's fine. I just actually got here too." I lied.

"You're half way done with your coffee, and you just got here? You must really be cold." She sarcastically said.

I just smiled wryly at her.

"So… what do you want to do first?" I asked.

"Hmm… I haven't really thought about it. I just wanted to spend the day with you." She said.

I just shook my head. I know she's just trying to catch me off guard.

"Looks like you're used to my jokes now, JayB-ah?" She said with a smirk while she sipped on her Café Latte that I previously ordered.

"Come on, IU-noona. Four months in the set together? I think I'd get a hang of it." I told her.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Whatever… By the way, just call me Ji-eun-noona for today. I don't want anyone from the media following me today."

I chuckled. "Yeah, yeah. So… wanna watch a movie or something?"

"That's a great idea! There's a movie called 'A Night at the Museum'. I heard that it's actually good and I've been meaning to watch it." She said excitedly.

"Perfect. Let's go then." I started going online using my phone and was booking for the best seats while sipping on my drink.

Ji-Eun-noona smirked, "Make sure to get the couple seats."

I choked on my drink and glared at her while she laughed at me.

This is going to be a long day…


"I've already booked the tickets so let's just get something to munch on. Why don't you wait near the entrance and I'll get us something. Is there anything you want to eat?" I told Ji-Eun-noona.

"Popcorn and a Diet Soda's good. Thanks!" She replied.

I gave her an okay sign before heading to the snack bar. I immediately got the snacks and headed to the entrance to find her. We both went in together and headed for our seats.

"Which seats did you book?" She asked.

I pointed to the top most part of the cinema, to the chairs that were colored red.

"Are you crazy?!" She whispered yelled.

"What? You wanted to get the couple seats. So here it is." I replied.

She face palmed and lightly hit me which made me chuckle. If you want to tease me, well, two can play at that game.

We both sat down on the couple seats anyway and while waiting for the movie to start, we talked about what her plans were after MAMA. She said that she would be practicing hard with us for KBS Song Festival and would go see her parents once she was done with her schedule. She also said that she was also trying to think about her next album concept which made me smile.

"Ooh! It's starting! Shh!" She whisperd-yelled.

I lightly chuckled and focused on eating popcorn instead.

The movie was playing but I was too busy watching her reactions that I didn't really get to watch the movie. She was laughing and crying at the same time. It was really cute.

The movie finally ended and we slowly made our way out.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" I smiled as I asked her.

She smiled back and said, "I really did! Thank you for coming with me!"

I chuckled and replied, "No problem."

"But I'm still wondering about something though." She suddenly said while suddenly clinging on to my arm and looking at the ceiling as if she was contemplating on something.

I kind of got used to her clinging on to me and being all touchy because of the drama. I guess she's also fine with it.

I then replied to her, "What's up?"

"Hmm… I wonder why… Why weren't there any people in the cinema? At first I was so nervous because we removed our masks, but there was practically no one in the cinema." She pondered.

"It's a Monday today. Everyone's probably at work. Even if it's their lunch break, they probably won't risk their break time over a movie." I replied.

She then placed her index finger on her chin as if she was thinking. "Hmm… it makes sense."

I lied…

I actually bought the entire cinema just we could have it all to ourselves.

Why you ask?

It wasn't so I could have her all to myself.

It was so we wouldn't get caught. Smart move, right?

"So where do you want to eat?" I asked her.

"Hmm? I'm not sure. It's really cold right now. Why don't we get some noodles or something?" She suggested.

"Okay, cool! I know a really good Pho restaurant nearby. Are you okay with Vietnamese noodles?" I asked.

She then contemplated about it. "Well… I haven't actually tried one yet. So I'll have my first time with you!"

As soon as I heard her say that I immediately covered her mouth. The people were staring at us weirdly.


Why did she have to do it here?!

She was giggling after teasing me.


After being embarrassed by Ji-Eun-noona, I immediately grabbed her hand and brought her to the restaurant that I was talking about. We were finally here and I was still trying to recover from what happened earlier.

She was still giggling at me right now.

"Ahem… so… Just order whatever you want. It's on me." I tried to change the topic to change the atmosphere as well.

"Ooooh, so manly! Alright then. I'll take you up on that offer. It's just that I'm not too sure what to order since it's my first time trying Vietnamese food." She said.

When I heard the phrase "first time", I suddenly felt wave of warmth wash over me.

"JayB-ah… your ears are red." She said.

I touched my ears and I could feel that it was warm from embarrassment. I then tried to snap myself out of it.

"Noona, I'll order for you. Are you okay with spicy food?" I asked.

She nodded in response. After which, I ordered for us and we got to know a little more about each other. There were only a few people in the restaurant so we decided to remove our masks.

Suddenly my phone started ringing…

"Hello? Manager-nim?" I answered.

"JayB-ssi, why aren't you LIVE yet?" He asked.

I got confused for a second as to what he meant. And then it dawned on me!

"You forgot, didn't you?" I could imagine my manager shaking his head while chuckling.

"Can you excuse me for a second, Manager-nim?" I said before I covered the mic of the phone with my palm.

I can't do a LIVE without her permission. And it would probably be risky.

"Jie-Eun-noona, I have a huge favor." I asked IU-noona.

"Hmm? What is it? You're not leaving for a schedule, are you?" She asked before she frowned.

I scratched the back of my head and said, "It's not that. I'm assigned to do the surprise VLIVE today and I totally forgot. Is it okay if we-"

"Sure! I'd love that!" She happily replied.

"But you didn't even know what I was going to say." I told her.

"You were going to ask if it was okay for you to do the VLIVE while we eat together, am I right?" She asked

"Uh… Right!" I lied.

I was going to ask if it was okay if we could eat separately. But I guess it would have been too rude.

Her idea sounds good too… I think?

"Okay! Then let's do it!" She excitedly exclaimed.

"Right… Hold on a sec." I then went to talk to my manager who was waiting for me on the phone. I told him about the situation. There was a long pause before a sigh could be heard. He also talked to PD-nim about it who was beside him and they both agreed to it.

"We're good to go." I turn to smile at IU-noona.

"Great! I guess it's back to IU-sunbaenim for now." She said.

I smiled wryly. "Right… sunbaenim…"

She giggled at me and I just rolled my eyes. I then went over my bag and got the iPad that the company gave each of us for our individual surprise VLIVE. I set it up on the table with its stand and started logging in to our account and started the LIVE.

I first turned it towards me and waited for some viewers to come in first.

"Oh. Here we go. Hey guys! It's JayB from Alpha." I said.

As soon as I said that, the comment section exploded with greetings and congratulations on the drama that finished. I sincerely thanked them. "Thanks again for all the greetings and support that you've given to Alpha. And of course, thanks for the love and support that you've given to the drama that I co-starred in. I hope you guys were happy with the ending and all."

The chat then flooded with more comments. But there was one that got my attention.

"Hmm? The members? We are actually on our day-off right now. So some of them stayed in the dorm while the rest went out to have some fun." I replied.

"Oh, where am I right now? That's what I was about to share to you guys right now. Someone is with me today. Can you guess who it is?" I asked.

The chat then flooded with different answers but most of it were either Ji-Eun-ah or Ji-Eun-i or IU.

I chuckled and slowly panned the camera so that both of us could be seen.

"Sunbaenim, most of them actually got it right." I laughed while slowly placing the stand back to where we planned to place it.

"Ah! Hello everyone! IU here!" She cheerfully replied.

The group chat exploded with a lot of comments like…

: OMG!

: What are you guys doing?!

: Where are you right now?!


We both laughed when we saw it and decided to play along.

IU-sunbaenim decided to go and tease the fans. "Hi members of the Pack! JayB-ssi and I are on a date right now. His manager called to remind him of the surprise VLIVE that he was supposed to do today. He didn't want to disappoint the fans so he decided to do the LIVE now. Even when it's our…"

She turned to look at me pretended to be shy. I went along with her joke. "Yeah, we didn't intend for you guys to find out about it now but…"

I then held her hand for a few seconds and then we both laughed so hard.

The chat then exploded with confused, laughter, and even half-angry fans who were played. It was mostly…

: MY IU! T.T


: Awwwe! You guys look good in the drama! You'd look good together!

: Take care of IU or I will!

:Was that a joke?

: Phew! I thought it was real!

We both laughed at the different reactions from the people. We then told them that it was a joke and we were hanging out because we both got our day-offs matched. The KBS Song Festival performance was a surprise so we couldn't tell them about it.

For a while, we enjoyed talking to the fans and asked them if they had any questions about the drama and all.

"Oh! I have the perfect gadget for that!" After IU-sunbaenim said that, she went through her bag and pulled a lie detector.

"Do you normally carry that around?" I asked.

The fans were laughing with what I said.

She playfully slapped my shoulder and said, "Of course not! I wanted to play with you and the rest of Alpha today when we get back to the company. But I guess now's good too!"

"Well, let's start with you then." I replied.

She slapped my shoulder again which earned a laughter from the fans again. Some even commented that she looked like a controlling wife.

"Why me, huh?!" She pretended to be angry.

"Ladies first?" I replied with smirked.

She rolled her eyes and sarcastically said, "What a gentleman!"

She went along anyway and placed her hand on the lie detector.

"Alright, pack. What do you want to ask her?"

The chat exploded with chat with a lot of random questions but there were questions that was asked by the majority.

"They asked if you have any feelings at all for me or did you develop any feelings for me during the shoot." I asked.

"I didn't see that! You're making it up!" She yelled.

"No I didn't! It's really there! Look!" I pointed to where the questions were from.

She stayed quiet for a while. "Does it have to be that question?"

"That's what the fans asked. So…" I replied.

The rest of the fans in the chat agreed as well.

"You were the one who asked for this as well…" I told her.

She paused for a while before sighing.

"Then… Yes… I did." She shyly responded.

While the chat was exploding, I sat there all frozen.

She then turned to me and said, "Aren't you going to press it?"

"Oh… right." I responded.

She must be lying.

The machine was buzzing while assessing her answer.

Just then… it dinged.

She's telling the truth.

The chat exploded with…







I decided to play along with this joke if ever she was doing so and grabbed the lie detector. She just kept quiet the whole time.

I held the machine and turned it over. "Maybe it's busted. Right?"

She didn't respond. This is bad. Did she actually mean it?

"A-anyway… it's my turn." I tried to restore whatever was left in this awkward atmosphere.

But the fans weren't letting this go and were shipping us.

"IU-sunbae… A little help would be appreciated." I whispered.

"Let me ask you then." She suddenly said in a serious tone.

I gulped. Her facial expression was scary.

She inhaled deeply and exhaled. "Was the drama that we worked on just purely work for you?"

This is a trap.

What should I say?

The people in the chat were practically laughing at me right now.

: JayB got quiet.


: RUN!

: Either way, you're dead.

: She's very straightforward.

: HAH nice!

Then I'll just answer…

It doesn't matter anyway…

"Yes. It was for professional purposes only. I only see you as a friend." I responded which made her frown.

She started the machine up and it was buzzing.

It also dinged which means that I was telling the truth.

There was an awkward silence in the room between us.

: You dead boy!

: What have you done JayB?

: Get out of there!

: She's going to kill you.

But suddenly… she laughed so hard.

"What's with that reaction? You actually believe this thing? It's not even true." She smiled and even teared up a little from all the laughing.

"We actually planned this out guys. We really are just good friends. She's my sunbae and I'm her hoobae. Although there were scenes that we had to act all close and loving towards each other it was because we were working." I clarified with the fans.

"Really? I really did develop feelings for you." She said.

"Noona!" I panicked that I mistakenly called her noona.




: You're caught now!

When I saw these comments, I face palmed.

IU-noona just giggled and explained. "You see. We're really close and I was just teasing him. I really don't like being called a sunbaenim outside work and that's why I asked him to call me noona in the first place. It must have been hard for him to call me something he was not used to."

She patted my shoulder as if she was comforting me.

She then continued to speak. "JayB-ah already likes someone else anyway. Even though he took my first kiss…"

I plopped down on the table. She's killing me right now.

The chat just laughed at her teasing and were teasing me as well.

"Oh! Right! It was his first kiss too." She continued to tease.

She's not letting me go at all!

I'm dying right now. I just want to climb down a hole somewhere and hide.

"Kidding aside. Although he's like this. He's really a professional when he acts. It's different when he is singing and dancing on stage. That's why I admire him so much." She said.

I looked up and thanked her.

Our food finally arrived and we started eating and talking more about the drama and what we went through during the filming process.

We shared the good times and the many bloopers that we had. It was really a fun time with her. It would have been boring if it was just me doing the VLIVE. We decided to end the VLIVE after we finished eating and answering most of the questions.

"Well, that was fun!" She exclaimed.

"Speak for yourself… I had a hard time because of you." I replied to her.

She patted my back and said, "Hey, cheer up! The VLIVE turned out fine because of me as well."

I sighed. "You're right though. I couldn't even imagine a VLIVE by myself."

She raised an eyebrow at me. "Did you plan this out all along? Pretending to forget the VLIVE on purpose?"

I chuckled. "Of course not. It was purely coincidence."

"Well whatever! Let's get out of here. It's already late in the afternoon." She said.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked.

She pondered for a while before she replied, "Let's go to a nearby playground."

"A playground? At this weather?" I asked.

She nodded like an excited kid which made me chuckle and shake my head. I agreed to her plans. Anyway, she was the one who asked me out.

On the way to the playground we both checked our phones for news, messages and chats.


There were a lot on my end.


In Alpha's groupchat…


WooTheSportsmaster: What? What's going on?

LaBomber: Apparently @BizMan decided to have a VLIVE with IU-noona.

Muzix: He just committed suicide. Why would he do that?

BizMan is online

KitchenKing is online

DocOfTheHouse is online

DocOfTheHouse: What the heck is going on? I was busy sleeping.

KitchenKing: This better be good. I really had a good dream.

IamTheLaw is online

BizMan: Relax guys. I asked permission from the top.

Sensei: Was breaking her heart LIVE part of the script as well?

IamTheLaw: Dude… seriously…

KitchenKing: Not cool, JayB.

Muzix: I hope you trip and sprain yourself.

BizMan: Seriously? Which side are you guys on?

IamTheLaw: The side of justice.

WooTheSportsmaster: We're in the side of love.

LaBomber: Just let go of that girl already and go out with noona! What's with her that you're so willing to let noon go?!

BizMan: You know why…

DocOfTheHouse: I'm pretty sure @BizMan has his reasons. We'll talk about this later. Let's enjoy our day off first. Please?

Sensei: Fine. Be home before dinner. Let's have bulgogi and ramen tonight.

KitchenKing: Getting up to buy the ingredients right now. See you tonight.

KitchenKing is offline

Sensei is offline

Muzix: I'm off to practice the song for our album. I'll be at the clubhouse.

Muzix is offline

WooTheSportsmaster: I'm off to the gym and will be back before dinner.

WooTheSportsmaster is offline

DocOfTheHouse is offline

LaBomber: heading out to grab some files from my company. See you then.

LaBomber is offline

IamTheLaw: @BizMan, you take care, okay? It might be fine for our fans. But we don't know about noona's side.

BizMan: Got it. Thanks.

IamTheLaw is offline

BizMan is offline

ZeeZee is online

ZeeZee: Hey guys! What did I miss?

DocOfTheHouse: Everything…

ZeeZee: Again?!


In the 95 liners' group chat…

Jimin: Hey @JayB are you online?

JayB: Yeah? What's up?

Wheein: What the hell JayB?! How could you be like that to a woman?!

Joshua: Yow! I heard from an article that got published a few minutes ago. Did you really reject IU-sunbae in your VLIVE?

Seungcheol: What a ladies man you are @JayB.

JayB: It got published already? Wow. That was fast.

Wheein: Don't change the topic! Why would you do that?

JayB: Would you rather let me accept her feelings instead?

Wheein: Well… no…

Minhyun: So IU-sunbae, huh?

JayB: Don't start with me @Minhyun

Jimin: Jungkook says he's going to kill you for taking the love of his life's first kiss

JayB: Tell him I'll do it again in a heartbeat.

Wheein: JayB! Are you serious right now?!

JayB: You wouldn't believe me if I tell you anyway.

Joshua: Let's just leave him be for now. We all know that this guy's totally in love with someone else.

JayB: Thanks @Joshua. I have to get back on my date with noona. Talk to you guys later.

Wheein: Date?!

SeungCheol: My man!

Jimin: Is JayB still here?

Minhyun: I think he logged out already.

Jimin: This is bad!

SeungCheol: Why? What's going on?

Jimin: Jungkook stormed out of the dorm to find him.

Joshua: Someone get a hold of him.

Wheein: I tried calling him. His number's busy.

Jimin: Let's just hope that Jungkook won't find him.


"It's not what you think. You know she's just a friend." I told Joy over the phone.

"Hello Joy-ah! JayB told me so much about you!" IU-noona yelled closely at my phone.

Joy was obviously angry right now. "Well you tell your 'friend' that she should get in line!"

She then hung up.


"Was she angry?" IU-noona asked.

"She'll be fine." I replied.

We both continued walking for a time while checking some articles about the recent VLIVE.


Can't believe how fast news travels. Will we be fine?

"We're here." She gave me a nudge to snap me out from my thoughts.

She ran towards the swing and sat on it.

"Give me a push." She ordered.

I chuckled at her childish attitude and did it anyway.

We were happily chatting and laughing at her jokes.

I didn't know that she was quite the talker.

"Noona, I almost forgot." I stopped pushing her and went through my bag and pulled out something.

"What is it?" She asked.

I smiled at her and handed her the object. "It's a CD. I've written you a 7-song EP. You can call it CHAT-SHIRE. I hope you'll like it."

She started crying all of a sudden.

"Noona? Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" I rambled out of panic.

"No. Thank you, JayB-ah. This means a lot to me. Thank you for keeping your promise. An entire Extended Playlist at that." She said in between her sobs.

I patted her back to try and calm her down when suddenly, I felt a person push me which made me fall hard.

"Jungkook-ssi?" IU-noona said before coming over to me to help me stand up.

"I can't believe that you would do that to her, hyung." He said.

I chuckled at him. "Jungkook-ah. It's not what you think."

"Don't mock me!" He shouted.

I sighed. "Do you mind helping out, noona?"

"Noona?! Oh I see! You really are dating secretly!" He continues to misunderstand us.

IU-noona tried to calm him down. "It's not like that Jungkook-ssi. Why are you even mad at him anyway?"

"Because this kid likes you." I answered which made him charge at me in anger.

I side stepped and tripped him. He fell down and rolled a few times.

"Are you seriously going to tarnish your group's name by getting in to a fight in public?" I asked.

He turned to see that there were a few people that gathered here.

"Jungkook-ssi… JayB and I are just colleagues. We are not dating. Don't tell me you'd believe the articles over your friend?" IU-noona said.

"He is not my friend." He replied as he slowly stood up.

"Really? You just called him hyung earlier. Seems like you are a lot closer than you think." She rebutted.

I sighed. "Look, Jungkook-ah. Stop embarrassing yourself and stop being childish in front of your crush. If you're a man. Then be a man by asking her out properly. If you get rejected then be man about it too. Don't be a wimp."

"JayB-ah, that's enough. You're too hard on him." She tried to stop me.

"No, sunbae. He's right. I'll have to man up." He replied.

He started approaching IU-noona and said, "I like you. I've watched you and admired you even before I became a trainee. Would you want to go out with me? I know we're just a rookie group and you're a superstar but I'll work hard to be the man deserving of your feelings."

IU-noona stayed silently for a while before she giggled. "You know, you're really cute. But I'm sorry. I can't reciprocate your feelings for now."

She then turned towards me and smiled. Jungkook also saw it and he understood what she meant.

What's going on?

What was that smile all about?

"I understand." Jungkook said.

"But… if you continue to strive hard in the industry. Who knows?" IU-noona was not going to dampen her admirer's feelings.

"Really? Then I will do my best!" He replied.

IU-noona nodded. "Until then, I'll be watching you closely."

I chuckled at the sight. "Go home kid. Jimin's looking for you. He says RM is going mad because you suddenly ditched them. And didn't you have a schedule to go to?"

He must have realized that before he started running back to his dorm. It was just nearby anyway.

After resolving the issue, I decided to bring her home instead since it was not safe to stay here anymore because of the people that started coming over from what happened earlier. I drove her home with my car and we talked about how I knew about Jungkook's feelings and I told her that I was close with one of their members.

"We're here." She said as she got of my car.

"Yeah. Thanks for today, noona. I really had fun." I told her sincerely.

She shook her head and said, "No. Thank you for agreeing to go on a date with me."

"Was this really a date?" I asked as I chuckled.

"It was… for me anyway. Hey… since it's just us. I really meant what I said." She said.

"Which was?" I asked.

She turned her head away as she started growing red. "I like you."

I stood there not being able to answer.

"But you don't have to like me back. I know that you went to our company to look for someone. I just wanted to tell you how I feel. I hope this won't change our friendship. I really wanted to continue mentoring you." She said worriedly.

"Don't worry. It won't. We're friends after all." I told her.

She held out her pinky. "Promise?"

I smiled at her and held mine out to grab hers. "Promise."

"Well then. I guess I'll see you tomorrow at MAMA?" She asked,

"I'll be seeing you then." I replied.

She turned her back against me and started walking towards her dorm.


She started rushing back to me and she gave me a tight hug. I just stood there in silence while I let her hug me.

"By the way…" She said before she did a quick peck on my lips and running off to her door.

"You were really cool today!" She yelled before she entered her dorm.

It took me a while to process what just happened before I yelled. "YA! JI-EUN-NOONA!!!"



Just a question though. Who do you think this mystery girl is?

4 more chapters to go! Wooh! Are you ready for the ending?

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