
I give up this book

Enter the world in 2022. To follow Matheus in his journey to be a great saint. A 19-year-old dude, that wants to be supremely and definitively happy, since he couldn't find this happiness in this world, he decides to accept a religion that looks true, so that he can be happy in the afterlife. But it won't be easy, the demons, his carnal desires, and the false promises of happiness in this world will try to send his soul to hell. This story's adventures are like in a table RPG, sometimes you talk things out, fight or another thing, it depends on the situation.

MatheusHehehaw · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Matheus wanna go to mass but his parents...

26 June 2022 is Sunday, Morning.

Matheus is in his home getting ready for the mass, his mom sees his unusual behavior. She has a sanguine temperament.

"Going somewhere?" she questions him.


"Why?" she is confused

Matheus the only times he would go to mass was when he was a kid and couldn't be left alone at home, or had to go to catechism and do his first communion when he was 13 years old. So yeah, he is not a fan of mass.

"missing it is a sin"

"Who said you that" it's funny how she asked that question as if she was going to scold the one who said that to Matheus.

"my friend"

"tell to that friend, that he is saying bullshit hahaha"

After hearing that, Matheus went to take a shit, where his guardian angel appeared as a dog.

"I thought my mom would be happy, I remember being forced to go to mass when I was a kid and when I did my first communion when I was 13 years old after finishing my catechism," Matheus said.

"Actually, she only goes to mass sometimes, to ask for the cure to someone sick or win the lottery, etc." Guardian angel said.

"Not gonna lie, is that bad if I miss the mass? kinda wanna stay at home, mass I boring."

"if you miss with full knowledge of the sinfulness of the act, and free consent, it's a mortal sin, if you die in mortal sin you go to hell."

Matheus made a face of surprise says "why is it so grave?"

"one of the reasons is that Christ there offers himself through the priest as a sacrifice in an unbloody manner, to satisfy the justice of God for the sins committed against Him, so you guys can to go heaven. You can read the catechism later if you want to know more. If you don't go is like saying his sacrifice on the cross was pointless."

"But why he had to die on the cross?" Matheus said after farting.

"the blood of Jesus is infinitely pure, so he used it to clean death, misery, sin, and disgrace, to save the people from the past, present and future. Later I want you to study the 7 sacraments created by Him, they are tools to save souls."

"ok but, aren't just a drop of blood enough to clean everything? why he went to that extreme of dying on the cross?"

"not even a drop of blood was necessary just an act of love was enough to save all the world, incarnating in Mary's womb was enough to save all humanity. There are some reason he went to that extreme two of them is that, he wanted to show his supreme love for humanity and sympathize with humanity, feeling the sadness of mortal sin, even never committing one, so no one could tell him he won't know the sadness they are feeling..."

Matheus touched by those words felt extremely confused.

"just like you are feeling the desire to not attend to the sacrifice of Jesus, Jesus also feels the desire to not attend to his sacrifice. But, be a MAN! just like he went anyway, you can too because you have the grace of God." GA said.

"wait, so he soo suffered because... He just wanted to ?" Matheus said still dumbfounded.


"man, I'm so confused, my head can't understand what was going on, in his head."

"well... if go to heaven you can see him face to face, and he can tell you, you would have all the eternity for that."

Matheus looks at the ceiling, tears start dropping through their eyes, he cleans them, finishes shiting, and resumes going to the mass.

His mom sees him leaving the bathroom and tries to convince him to stay saying "you are not going to use drugs, commit crimes, or-"

His father Julio has a choleric temperament hearing the chat while he was eating breakfast says "or anything like that. You are spending time with your family."

His guardian angel telepathically tells him "sometimes it's okay to miss Mass, but now is not one of them".

"no," Matheus said to his mom when he reaches the door handle...

his father says to him "why you are exaggerating, you don't have to go."

Matheus thinks "should I tell her that I don't care about her opinion?... nah better avoid conflict."

So he just leaves in silence. His parents started a casual and cheerful chat...

"wow, why he went to mass out of nowhere? he never does this" confused Julio said to angela

She thinks and says with excitement "maybe he got a girlfriend in the church, has a crush, or whatever"

"Oh, right, yeah... of course," - he buys this idea. "I'm gonna tell him to use condoms if he-"

"come on, he is a grown man, he knows"

"better safe than sorry"

They laugh.