
I give up this book

Enter the world in 2022. To follow Matheus in his journey to be a great saint. A 19-year-old dude, that wants to be supremely and definitively happy, since he couldn't find this happiness in this world, he decides to accept a religion that looks true, so that he can be happy in the afterlife. But it won't be easy, the demons, his carnal desires, and the false promises of happiness in this world will try to send his soul to hell. This story's adventures are like in a table RPG, sometimes you talk things out, fight or another thing, it depends on the situation.

MatheusHehehaw · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Matheus wants to quit jerking off but...

25 June 2022, Matheus wakes up in the morning and finds his sensei. Matheus's room doesn't have decoration only pc setup, chair, bed, and wardrobe.

"if you don't tell me your name I'm going to call you Pochita," Matheus said to the dog.

Pochita says "you don't have to speak, people will find you creepy if they see you speaking with the ground. Just think, God will reveal to me your thoughts, that way we can talk in silence."

Matheus with a semblance of slight confusion on his face says "ok, everyone can talk with their guardian angel like we are talking right now?"

Pochita says "no, this is extremely rare."

Matheus says "wait... then why I'm a special case?"

Pochita says "secret."

Matheus says "I don't know man, you look kinda fishy... I wanna know why you want to be my guardian angel, what do you get with it?"

Pochita says "I'm helping you, to please someone I love." he smiled with such intensity of joy that made Matheus surprised

Matheus says "your wife?"

Pochita chuckles and says "no, I don't have a body, how can I have a wife? hahaha-"

Matheus says "ok, now tell me, what do I have to do to go to heaven?"

Pochita teleported 2 books one is the bible and the other is the catechism of the catholic church.

Pochita says "read those 2 books, but watch out with the bible, the Devil loves to use this book to create heretics."

Matheus comments "I don't even know what is a heretic, but okay."

Pochita says "I also want to give you a menu that you can store your money there, like in video games."

Matheus sees the menu and then says "I'm not going to put my money there, what if this shit breaks?"

Pochita says "yeah I knew you would say that but you can still use it when you want. I want you to be a hero, but you lack soo much in the department of virtues, that trying to convert the world to Catholicism will be hard."

Matheus surprised says "wait, what you mean convert everyone? can't I just save my soul and be chill, I don't wanna suffer like the heroes in the animes and mangas I read..." he looks at his hand like he is frustrated with himself "I can't do those stuff, I don't have the strength."

Pochita with a semblance of joy says "God wants every single human to be saved when someone converts other people he makes his own heart similar to the one of Jesus, thus increasing their chances of going to heaven. But saving souls to please God, it's a good enough reason. It's absurd to not respond with gratitude such gratuitous love that He has for us."

Matheus gets up and starts dressing then says "Then, I'm gonna work to save souls, to please Him. What you wanna teach me today?"

Pochita says "you gotta stop jerking off."

Matheus stops dressing, and he who was not expecting what Pochita just said, returns to dressing.

When night fell Matheus felt the urge to fap, but he doesn't want to fap so, he just contemplates big titty girls from animes and games on DeviantArt, but when one step becomes boring he takes another step... 'I'm going to see Zelda wearing a bikini, but it's not like I'm going to fap... I'm going to read some hentai, but it's not like I"m going to fap... I'm going to pull my dick out because he is hard and gotta breathe, but it's not like I'm going to fap... I'm going to touch it a little bit, but it's not like I'm going to fap... I'm going to masturbate, but it's not like I'm going to cum... oops.' he came.

Pochita appears and says "hi."

Scaring Matheus, he starts crying, sits on the ground, and says to Pochita "I'm sorry, the craving for it is too strong..." punches his bed out of anger for himself "I kinda knew this was gonna happen, I tried the no nut November challenge, and failed in the first day... you better find another person, I'm not fit for that job, I can't beat my desire to beat my meat, imagine sacrificing myself to convert everyone to catholicism... I'm a slave of my desires, I could study after I finished high school when I turned 17, but I hid below my bed crying and begging for my mom to not send me to the course... she accepted to not send me as long as I did distance learning in a course about being a clerk, but I lied to her saying that I was studying, I wasted her money because I was just beating my meat to hentai of Makima from chainsaw man, instead of studying..." he does the dogeza and gesture to say sorry "I'm too easily stressed and oppressed by rules, be it tradition, work schedule, school or whatever, and when I fell stressed and oppressed I try to play games or anime but... after some time the only way is to beat my meat... I'm not studying or working since-" Matheus doesn't even look at Pochita's eyes because he feels ashamed.

Pochita with a comforting tone of voice says "January of 2021... yes I know, I'm by your side since you were born, I know everything about you, and I don't blame you soo much, your family where supposed to teach you about being a virtuous person, but your father where too busy working, and your mom where too busy watching TV or working, their goal is to flee from pain and seek pleasure, you remember you mom teaching you Our Father prayer right?"

Matheus says "yeah."

Pochita says "she and a lot of your family if not all of them are like her, praying only for material goods, she is just trying to use God to satisfy her egoistic desires, health, wealth, peace..." Pochita gets angry "as if Jesus died on the cross just for them to get a new car or win the lottery." he gets calm again "Now I have to play the role that your mom and father were supposed to fill, and like a mom that still loves his baby even when the only thing that he can give to her is diapers full of shit," Pochita approaches Matheus still in the dogeza position "I love you, even when you can't deserve my love due to you being such a miserable little creature. You don't have to do something, I love you because you are family."

Pochita hugs astonished Matheus, he can't believe the kindness that Pochita is showing to him is real.

Pochita with a docile voice says "fear not my child, I'm never going to give up on you. In heaven, you will be so free that you can do everything that you want, without the world, demons, or flesh getting in your way."

Please someone say something XD

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