
I finally get a Chance of Another life, to bad I was reborn as a fish.

He wasn’t supposed to die, or thats what some would say, he was to young they would say, but what dead is dead and for some reason he’s now stuck in a game show where he has to spin for a new life And for some reason his luck hates him because he was reborn a fish.

Nic_Solly · Fantasy
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5 Chs

What is this?

So turns out that game show was supposed to determine what you are in your next life.

Also he is now a fish, amazing, great, awesome he can handle this.

He is not handling this.

To say he cried non existent fish tears would be an understatement, no he bowled like a baby the whole day while eating algae.

Let's start at the beginning, when he awoke he was greeted by the sight of a yellow shell surrounding him.


He chanted that as he escaped the egg, as he avoided being eaten, as he bowled, and as he tried to make a middle finger out of a fin so he could flip of the grim reaper.

"I will like to go home now please"

he avoided the giant fish mouth trying to chomp down on him, a swarm of fellow Koi watch from a distance.

"Wow we are family and this is how you treat me" he was swimming towards a broken bottle, the same bottle he's been hiding for the last day.

"Please god please" he felt the bigger fishes presence right behind him, he didn't need to turn to see how he might not make it.

Suddenly another fish chomped down on his pursuer as he managed to get to the bottle. He watched as his attempted murderer get swallowed whole.

And that's gonna give him nightmares.

Suddenly a screen appeared in front of him.

+2 stamina +1 speed.

At the same time a chibi version of the grim opened their mouth.

"Hope your enjoying your new life, this is the new game system that was installed, right now you can choose your evolution as well as your potential future. You also can have left over stats so you may put it in anything you want"

He wishes he could flip this bastard off.

He glared at the chibi as it smiled innocently back at him like he didn't just put him on the bottom of the food chain.

"If I wanted to put you at the bottom of the food change I would've made you a worm or a shrimp stop complaining."

The Chibi continued to smiled as if he didn't just threaten him.

The screen soon disappeared and than his bottle soon moved, scared he swam towards a crack only to see a a human pick it up, out of the water.

His broken and cracked bottle soon drained of water leaving nearly enough to keep him alive.

"Look at this vase, do you think it's important?" "Put it back Mo Fan we need to get back to the sect"

"Why so we can learn the same moves over and over again"

"For gods sake Mo Fan don't complain to me, wheres that attitude in front of the elders"

He felt the bottl- he means vase lift a little than suddenly his world was twirling.

Did that dude just throw him.

He heard a crash as his body was flung to the other side of the vase.

-3 health.

He looked at his health bar, it's now at 6 health, great.

He laid in the puddle surrounded by broken glass, suddenly the vase glowed as little firefly life particles attached themselves to him.


He passed out.


Nah wtf

An older handsome man stood before him, his form flickering as if he was a hologram, he stared up towards the man in shock.

" successor of mine" the fish looked around, who's the guy talking to again cause he's the only one here and he knows for a fact he's not calling a fish his successor.

"You've found me, lost one, you've been wrongly reborn just as I once experienced and now I pass my power to whatever form you've been given."

The glow blobs were back.

And back to unconsciousness he goes.

He awoke being back in his bottle-vase this, what a weird dream. Suddenly a notification popped up on his screen thingy.

"New possible evolution"

Confused he checked to see what he could turn into.

The usual option remain, adult male koi. Right underneath it.

Chinese dragon.

As well as instructions on how to turn into it.
