
I finally get a Chance of Another life, to bad I was reborn as a fish.

He wasn’t supposed to die, or thats what some would say, he was to young they would say, but what dead is dead and for some reason he’s now stuck in a game show where he has to spin for a new life And for some reason his luck hates him because he was reborn a fish.

Nic_Solly · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Sleeping with the fishes

Now he didn't die epically nor did he die to a car hitting him, surprisingly. Instead he died standing in line at a gas station to pay for over priced gas.All it's took was a bullet to the head to kill him, quick and simple. Honestly he died like a basic background character he is.

He knew his funeral would be small and his few friends would move on quickly but he didn't expect this quickly.

He watched silently as his body was burned in front of him while he could do nothing because he was stuck as a ghost, watching time go by quickly yet so slow.

They put him next to grandmas vase, he stared in jealousy as his grandmother got a fancy vase while he got a box.

He watched his family move on and his sister grow up.He waited and waited for years to finally be called to heaven or hell.

"Oh who are you" he turned towards the voice, a beautiful women stood before him confusion written on her face.

"I'm well I'm... I don't remember"

Recognition filtered into her face "oh your a lost one, well than I'm the grim reaper your guide, it seems we forgotten about you"He stared at the women confused "how do you forget a soul?"

She just smiled "there's just so many of you guys a couple of you are left behind because we don't register you to the rebirth cycle but don't worry we have a system for you guys" she grabbed his hand.

Maybe this is his chance to freedom, he took her hand happily maybe God finally heard his desperate prayers.

Suddenly the world twist and turn and suddenly he was on a stage, a wheel to his left. Suddenly their was clapping.

The grim reaper came out in a tux, microphone in hand and was now suddenly a guy."Welcome to limboooooooooo, the wheeel of the future shall decide your fate, but first questions."

"What is happening"

the reaper chooses to ignore him to turn back towards the non existent crowd.

"Now lost one of you had to follow a path would you" he stops to point at the screen, the screen flashed two options one a forest trail the other a trail leading to the ocean."choose the forest or the sea"

"Umm is this like a personality test online cause I would pick the sea" a dinging sound rang out as the tv shifted to four options, the ocean, a lake with a water fall, a pond or a rushing stream. "Pick a place to picnic at"

"Oh wow this is buzzfeed, um uh the lake"

The dinging sound rang out again, the grims smile was becoming boarder line sadistic as it stretched across his face.

"Now last question" the tv flickered off "would you like to be born powerful but never grow or be born weak but grow more and more powerful."

"I guess get more powerful cause if I was born strong I couldn't get stronger but like logical-"

Suddenly a finger was in front of his face "shhhhhh you answered already, oh"

The grim grabbed his own face bending down, suddenly laughter spelled out from its lips "HaHAHA your gonna be interesting"

"Wait what-"

He was suddenly grabbed by the arm as the grim dragged him over to the wheel.

"Now SPIN THAT WHEEEL" the words echoed as the claps grew abnormally loud, hesitantly he spinned it looking towards the grim as its eyes grew wider and wider smile to large to be normal.

The wheel stopped and a word appeared in front of him.


Wait what?He heard a snap and his world turned completely black.
