
I finally get a Chance of Another life, to bad I was reborn as a fish.

He wasn’t supposed to die, or thats what some would say, he was to young they would say, but what dead is dead and for some reason he’s now stuck in a game show where he has to spin for a new life And for some reason his luck hates him because he was reborn a fish.

Nic_Solly · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The impossible.

Instructions on how to be a dragon.

Player must gain +300 speed, +500 health, +400 stamina +600 strength. Added requirement must climb a water fall when ready to evolve to the next stage.

He than looked at his on stats.

3 speed, 9 health, 4 stamina, 1 strength.

He stares at the requirements, he's not crying he swears.

Cause fish can't cry.

He turned off the screen to only be greeted by the sight of two huge eyes staring down at him. "Honestly dude I'm thinking about just letting you eat me"

Suddenly the massive fishes mouth open. "I was joking, come on you wouldn't eat little me"

his only answer was the predator changing forward. He turned around and swam, adrenaline pumped though his body as he twist and turned around some tree roots, right now he doesn't have an out.

Suddenly he spotted another newly born fish who hasn't notice the predator.

An idea formed in his head.

Now they might be siblings but honestly he learn pretty quick how much family means to fellow fish, he turned back to see the predators eyes locked onto his small form.

"I'm sorry, maybe in your next life you could last more than a week"

He took a sharp turn barely avoiding the beast behind him, his fellow fish who notice the chase either looked on for an opportunity or swam away in fear.

Luckily his fish sibling hasn't notice a thing, he gave it one last pity thought.

This was survival, and in the end of the day it was either him or the fish. He led the predator right to the unsuspecting fish behind him, instantly he ducked behind his sibling taking the chance to head for cover behind some plants.

He couldn't hear or see what happened but once he was in the safety of the plants he could see the struggle.

The fish that was cashing him was much to small to swallow his sacrifice in one bite so instead has taken to slowly swallowing him in a terrible manner. His fellow week olds eyes filled with panic as it worked its small fins to get away.

It did not.

He turned away once it's head disappeared, it's desperate eyes where the last thing he saw of his now dead sibling.

Suddenly his screen popped up, +3 speed +2 stamina. Than he looked at the bottom. +6 points. Confused he stared until death itself took pity on him.


Chibi death(now a girl) came bouncing on his screen. "You've unlock the stolen point system, the stolen point system is a system where the player may steal points from other occupants of this world, stolen points are only given if you deliberately had a part in the creatures death. If you kill it you get all of their point and if you indirectly kill it you get half, you may put the point in any stat bar by hitting the +."

She gave a blinding smile before turning away to skip of his screen and disappear.

Now what to put it in.

Deciding his best choice would be to put three points in strength and putting the rest evenly in the other options he quickly turned off the screen and looked around.

Now he wouldn't like to say he is a murderer and more of a desperate survivor but honestly he might have to get into the murder mindset because right now his only way of gaining strength was to lead predators to his weak siblings.

Was it a good thing to do.


Is he going to do it anyways in order to survive.


He looked on watching his siblings and small fish float about with zero thoughts behind their eyes not knowing their soon to be doom.

He's not evil,he's a survivor.

He watch as a predator kept to the side and a pool of small fish swam close by.

Well than he needs to start indirectly killing