
I finally get a Chance of Another life, to bad I was reborn as a fish.

He wasn’t supposed to die, or thats what some would say, he was to young they would say, but what dead is dead and for some reason he’s now stuck in a game show where he has to spin for a new life And for some reason his luck hates him because he was reborn a fish.

Nic_Solly · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Mass murder is ok if their family

He swam up to a bigger fish, wriggling his tail fin in front of it.

"Oh look at me, so small, so delicious, just so edible" he looked back to see the eyes lit with interest, he waited for a second before the fish exploded into movement.

Now comes the fun part.

Running for his life. Making sure the bigger predator stayed a reasonable distance away he lead the fish to an unsuspecting swarm of his siblings or neighbors.

And just like that he sits back as the pointes come in.

+6 +6 +6

May they go to fish heaven cause he knows he's gonna go to fish hell for this.

As somebody must've said at least once ''mass murder is ok if they are family'.

Maybe he should be more merciful towards his family.

+6 Nah.

He continued to put the points into his stats when suddenly a new notification popped onto his screen.

'Maxed out stats'

"Maxed out... MAXED OUT, death explain this right now cause this shouldn't be happening."

Chibi reaper rolled their eyes as he yelled towards them, cause wtf do you mean maxed out stats, he can't max out this early in the game.

"Koi fish can only have 50 points in each option just like any other prey species"

"Wait first off anything can be prey and secondly WHAT"

"You've maxed out all your stats you may no longer add points into your options, have a nice life." He watched as the bane of his existence disappear.

So all that mass murder, all that unplanned meal time, was for nothing.

He stared forwards remembering his crimes, fishy faces flash in his mind as desperate eyes look at him.

All that for nothing.

'Hint' he stared ahead with an unhealthy amount of pure relief washing over him, his shaking fin raised up to allow the hint to take over his screen.

"Player may raise stats pass limit by having a 'breakthrough' which are typically allowed by player consuming specific medicines while cultivating QI."

He didn't understand and single thing that hint just said, cultivating? QI? What in the world.

Suddenly he saw a shadow go over the lake, a human shadow.

Swimming closer to the surface he used a near by Water lilly as cover.

"That's mine Joo Seo"

"Yours, this is a spirit dragon core, do you know how rare this medicine is? I think you stole it Mo Fan"

"Stole it, I found it, your the thief! wait what are you doing? be careful!"

Vase guy was back, his eyes narrowed as the 'bully' held the medicine over the lake with a teasing smile.

Well than if fate wants him to have it he's gonna have it.

Taking a deep breath he swam back to get more starting room.

Swimming full speed he than suddenly flung his body upwards towards the sky.

Towards the medicine, the two disciples watched in horror as the medicine they wasted weeks trying to find was eaten.

Did he send them a smug look as he returned to the water?


"GET THAT FISH" he turned back as he tried to quickly swallow the medicine. It got stuck in his throat, he swam away while simultaneously choking. The two boys jumped into the water with little regard as they chased after him.

He was heading towards the water fall, behind it was thousands of small holes, it would take weeks for the boys to find his fishy body.


Picking up speed he used his zig zag maneuver he learned from avoiding predators.

He eventually manage to get the full medicine down before he was caught by the tail. The soaked disciple stood up holding his body in the air in triumph.

Well than not today, they seemed to forgotten one thing about fish. They were slippery. He only had to wiggle twice before he was back in the water.

It was a short swim behind the water fall.

He didn't bother focusing on the disciples given the fact that his insides feel like they might explode at any given moment.

He eventually settled into a lazy float as his closed his eyes to focus on this new invading feeling.

What is going on