
I Don't Want To Regret

Pearl Williams and her cousin Karl Williams are grandchildren of Jaydon Williams, one of the founders of J group and CEO of The World Media. When they come to know about the wrongdoings of their mother they try to correct the wrong. Pearl is a firm believer that every person has some luck but every person does not get the right opportunity at the right time. So if you have that grab the opportunity so that one should not regret in future. They hide their real identity and work as an accountant and secretary so that they can succeed in their mission. They will come across Jaydon smith and Neel taylor. Who are they and how are they connected to them? Why does Jaydon Smith have the same first name as Peral’s Grandfather? Whether Emma and Lily really did wrong? How will Pearl and Karl react when they find the truth? How will Rose help them? How will Jaydon Smith react when he finds his true identity? Will Pearl tell everything for love or she hides everything to protect Jaydon?

Devasmitha · Urban
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10 Chs


POV Of Jaydon Smith.

" Check these documents and send them a reply today," I said to one of my staff and started to check some mail.

Bzzzzzz bzzzzzz bzzzzz his phone rang.

"Answer it"

"Yes, Sir."

"Hello, ...…..Yes....Same date no change in meeting schedule.....Ok... No problem ....Thank you Pearl." he ended the call.

'Pearl!!!! This name '

"Who called?" I asked.

"It was from Accounting Solutions, one we outsourced some work"

" What is the name of the person with whom you just talked".

"Oh it's Pearl, she is one of the team members she called me to ask if there was any change in the meeting schedule".

"Meeting agenda?'

"Some follow-up and some clarification need to be done"

"When and where?"

At 1.00 pm at a cafe near our company.

I looked at my schedule in the tab.

I called Karl.

"Karl, I have a meeting with Ethan of Accounting Solutions tomorrow right?"

"Yes, it is at noon"

"Cancel that I'll meet the team members who are also meeting at a cafe".

" What?."

"I'll send him to you to explain" I ended the call.

"Tomorrow I'll meet them. Tell Karl to arrange everything.

"Ok, sir".

'Pearl.....I Can't wait to meet you.'

That night I had a dream which for some reason I hadn't dreamt for long.

I'm calling some names. The name was pearl.

The dream was a blur.

There were figures. A figure of a child. I knew I was calling her.

She wore a white dress.

She had 2 candies in her hand and there were some scratches in her hand as if she had fought with someone.

"Take this" she gave me one candy.

I refused to take it because I was shy.

" I know you want it. Remember never leave the opportunity you get. Not everyone gets it. When you want it and have a chance to get it, never hesitate otherwise you will regret it. I don't want to regret ever". She said.

I woke up.

This dream I get once in a while and for some reason what she said I never forget.

"Never miss the opportunity, Not everyone gets it."

It was already morning.

I freshened up and made some sandwiches and eggs.

I was excited to meet the person named Pearl.

'Why today's time is running slow' I said to myself.

"What did you say?" Karl asked.

"Did you hear something"?

"No, that's why I'm asking," he replied. 

Karl was my friend more than my secretary. He has been with me from the beginning. Seen all the ups and downs of the company.

"Nothing, just looking at the time. Today for some reason time is running too slow.

"It's running as usual but you are not concentrating on your work today".

"No, I have to focus on my work."

"Ok, then tell me what is 25% and what is 0.05%" he questioned with so much confidence even if I knew what was it about, and would have forgotten.

I bluffed "our sales target and expenses ratio.

"See I told you, Your focus is somewhere else today. We never talked about today. We were discussing our team lunch."

He caught me.

"Let us have some coffee, let us go" I changed the topic and dragged him to the food station of our company."

It was 12.30 I wanted to wait for them in the conference room.

At that time Karl came to my office with the marketing team. 

I was angry but I controlled myself as it was necessary.

But the meeting went up to 45 mins. I was late. I was late to see Pearl.

I hurried to the conference room. Before I entered I checked myself. 

I entered. There I saw two Ladies, One wore a dress, and the other an oversized t-shirt and jeans. I didn't know who was who and even I didn't know whether one of them was Pearl.

But I was just hoping the T-shirt was Pearl because I was attracted to her.

They introduced themself.

She was Pearl!!!!!!!!

I was happy. Allena was explaining something. I was not giving any attention to that. I was just nodding. 

But Pearl was just looking at me. I became conscious. Is it everything alright? Do I look ok? Does she like my look? Does she like my long hair? Do I look scary with my manbun? Oh God, can I ask her all these questions coming to my mind?

Allena stopped saying and looked at me and I knew nothing about what she said. Karl handled it well. 

Pearl was still looking at me.

She said about some documents but I know nothing regarding what it was about. I was focusing on her and I didn't hear a thing.

I just glanced at the document. I saw some license expiration notifications and said "Your license is expired".

 she was still looking at me.

I said again" Your software license for the Docs has expired. It is showing notifications at least 5 times in 30 minutes" randomly.

" I was going to renew it today itself. But…..."

" I want anyone who works for me not to be forgetful about anything. We work with numbers. Any number that goes wrong will sometimes cause a huge loss. If you forget to renew your license at once and at the same time anything happens and if any virus attacks or hacker hacks it may cause huge loss to us either through time or money and I value both." I said that, said without thinking about What I was saying and why I was saying it.


I shouldn't have said that.

What will she think of me saying about some random license thing?

"OH yes, I understand I will keep that in mind". she replied. " Other than that I have no issue with these points and regarding these issues, Karl will communicate these to the team ". I said.

"Yes," Karl replied.

I am an Idiot. Defiantly I am an idiot.

I stood up and went to my office as I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of her.

"What was that" Karl asked me.


"You didn't pay attention to the meeting. What's going on?"

"Nothing may be I am overworked".

"Ok take a rest."

He went. 

I leaned on my chair and remembered my first conversation with Pearl.

"I am a BIG IDIOT".

At that time I had a lot of work in my hand.

I had a meeting with Mr. Jaydon William CEO of The World Media. They had 8 to 10 projects going on. If I managed to grab at least five that would be great.

The meeting was scheduled at their farmhouse.

Next day I went there I went there on time.

One of the servants welcomed me.

I told him My name and the purpose of coming.

He went in and came back in 5 minutes.

"Please come with me Sir," he said.

It was a living room. It was beautiful and relaxing.

There were four more people with Mr. Jaydon.

I saw Mr. Jaydon.

A blurry image came to mind as if someone was playing with me.


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