
I Don't Want To Regret

Pearl Williams and her cousin Karl Williams are grandchildren of Jaydon Williams, one of the founders of J group and CEO of The World Media. When they come to know about the wrongdoings of their mother they try to correct the wrong. Pearl is a firm believer that every person has some luck but every person does not get the right opportunity at the right time. So if you have that grab the opportunity so that one should not regret in future. They hide their real identity and work as an accountant and secretary so that they can succeed in their mission. They will come across Jaydon smith and Neel taylor. Who are they and how are they connected to them? Why does Jaydon Smith have the same first name as Peral’s Grandfather? Whether Emma and Lily really did wrong? How will Pearl and Karl react when they find the truth? How will Rose help them? How will Jaydon Smith react when he finds his true identity? Will Pearl tell everything for love or she hides everything to protect Jaydon?

Devasmitha · Urban
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10 Chs




The voice of Allena took me out of my thoughts.

"Show the files to Mr. Jaydon". She said while pointing at the laptop I was holding.

" Yes, these are the points we noted that are required to be clarified with Karl and the following are the documents we require before concluding the financials". I said and showed the sheet to them.

He glanced at the document. He was looking at it very keenly. He said "Your license is expired"

"..." I was still looking at him.

" Your software license for the Docs has expired. It is showing notifications at least 5 times in 30 mins " he said again.

" I was going to renew it today itself. But…..."

" I want anyone who works for me not to be forgetful about anything. We work with numbers. Any number that goes wrong will sometimes cause huge loss. If you forget to renew your license at once and at the same time anything happens and if any virus attacks or hacker hacks it may cause huge loss to us either through time or money and I value both." he said, keeping his smile.

"OH yes, I understand I will keep that in mind". I replied. 

" Other than that I have no issue with these points and regarding these issues, Karl will communicate these to the team ". 

"Yes," Karl replied.

'I was so into him that I forgot that he was there with his secretary named Karl"

"If you have anything to share regarding this please tell us" Allena said.

"As for now there is nothing, I will contact you if I need anything. Let's conclude the meeting'. Jaydon said. He went outside the meeting room.

' I was still staring in his direction'. 

"Will you stop crushing on him, we are at work" Allena slowly said in my ears.

"NO!!!! I was not".

"Yes, you were so see-through you didn't even blink while staring at him this whole time, ' Allena in a teasing tone said.

"No, I was just checking whether he has a killer smile or not, you know 'Smiling Killer'" I replied not looking at her.

"Please , you are not even looking at me while talking to me because you are blushing, I know."


"Yes". Allena continued " Now let's go to our office and report to our boss regarding this meeting".

"Yes, mam you are the team leader, one has to follow your order."

We took a cab to our office.


Jaydon was into his thoughts in his office chamber.

"Was there any problem in the meeting, Sir? "Karl asked.

"Did we meet with them before any other meeting with that company?"

"No, Sir, we had meetings only with their boss," Karl replied.


" Seemed like I met her before, But don't know where". Jaydon said in a very low voice and continued to do his work.


We came to the office and reported to our boss about the meeting. I sat at my desk and started to do my work.

" So, did he have a killer smile? Ms blushy.." Allena Teasingly asked me.

"Hmmmmmm Yes he had but ...…. It was more like a corporate kind of smile, not a genuine smile".

"He has to maintain that big firm and bring new clients to the firm. It must be a skill, you know." Dev dived into the conversation.

"It must have been very nice to meet Jaydon," he continued.

"How did you know who we were talking about?" I asked.

"You both went for a meeting with a client's Managing partner who is called as Smiling Killer and in the conversation of you guys I heard both words So, it was obvious." 

He replied.

"We hired a talented newbie for our team this time, " I said and we all laughed at it.

'Bzzzzzz bzzzzz bzzzzzzzz' my phone rang. It showed OLDTIMER.

I took my phone to a corner.

" Now what" I said 

"Meet me tonight," the voice replied.


This is first novel Iam writing . Please give me feedback. It will mean a lot to me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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