
I Became the Weakest Demon Prince!

[Welcome, chosen ones, to the world of Aurelia!] The system's voice echoed in the vast white space. [Your mission is to save this world from the demon threat!] My classmates and I found ourselves transported into our favorite fantasy novel. Each of us was given skills and classes to help protect humanity. We received blue panels, symbolizing our mission to eliminate the demons. But my panel glowed blood-red. [Your mission: Annihilate all the races and conquer the world.] Reborn as Azazel, the weakest prince of the demon royal family, I am scorned for my incomplete runes and weak aura. “This can't be real...” I whispered to myself, staring at my reflection. “How am I supposed to conquer the world like this?” Armed with my knowledge of the novel’s plot and driven by a hidden potential, I must navigate the treacherous politics of the demon court, outwit my powerful siblings, and fulfill my dark mission. Caught between my past life as a human and my new identity as a demon prince, I face a journey filled with peril and moral dilemmas. Can I rewrite my destiny, or will I succumb to the darkness within?

Ascendent · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Rookie's Grind

The first light of dawn barely pierced through the dark clouds as I headed back to the Mortalis Training Grounds. The crisp air carried a hint of the night's chill, filling me with a mix of excitement and anxiety.

This was my first real step toward becoming stronger and understanding my new identity as Azazel, the Demon Prince.

When I arrived, the training grounds were already bustling with activity.

Demons of various shapes and sizes were engaged in rigorous exercises, their focus unwavering. The sound of metal clashing, spells being cast, and the grunts of effort filled the air.

Eltor stood at the center, his piercing blue eyes scanning the trainees. As soon as he saw me, he motioned for me to come over.

"Good, you're here." he said, his tone neutral. "We'll start with some basic drills to gauge your current level."

I nodded, trying to mask my nervousness.

Yeah, sure, just some basic drills. Piece of cake.

Eltor led me to an open area where a few trainees were practicing their combat skills. He handed me a wooden practice sword.

"Show me what you've got." he instructed, stepping back to observe.

I took a deep breath and assumed a fighting stance, mimicking what I had seen others do. My legs were too far apart, and my balance felt off, but I tried to steady myself.

Alright, Noah, time to look like you know what you're doing. Fake it till you make it.

The wooden sword felt awkward in my grip, heavier than I had anticipated. I swung it, aiming for the precise movements I had observed, but my strikes were slow and clumsy.

Why is this sword so heavy? It's like swinging a tree branch.

Each swing lacked the fluidity and power that came naturally to the other trainees. My feet stumbled as I tried to shift my weight, nearly losing my balance a couple of times.

Great, now I look like I'm dancing a weird jig.

I attempted a series of basic strikes and blocks, but they were poorly executed. My swings were wide and uncontrolled, my blocks too slow to be effective.

The sword wobbled in my hands, and I could feel the lack of coordination in every move.

Yep, just one more step and I'll be hitting myself with this thing.

Despite my best efforts, my form was sloppy, my movements jerky and unrefined.

Maybe they'll think I'm inventing a new style, Noah thought with a bitter smile as he continued performing.

Eltor's expression remained unreadable as he watched, his eyes following my every mistake. After a few minutes of my pitiful attempts, he called for me to stop.

"You have a lot to learn." he said bluntly.

"Your form is sloppy, and your strikes lack power. But that's expected for someone just starting out."

I expected this remark, so I just nodded, keeping my expression neutral.

"We'll focus on building your foundation." Eltor continued. "Proper stance, balance, and basic techniques. These are crucial for any warrior."

Eltor demonstrated each movement with precision, his motions smooth and powerful.

"Watch closely." he instructed. "Your stance must be firm, your feet grounded. Without a solid foundation, your strikes will lack power."

He positioned my feet shoulder-width apart, adjusting my posture until it felt more stable. "Now, grip the sword firmly, but not too tight. Your wrists need to be flexible to control your swings."

Eltor guided me through a series of basic strikes, breaking down each movement. "Lift the sword above your head, then bring it down with controlled force. Your back foot should pivot slightly to add momentum."

I mimicked his movements, feeling awkward and uncoordinated. "Focus on your breathing," he added. "Inhale as you lift the sword, exhale as you strike."

Over and over, I repeated the basic strikes, Eltor correcting me each time I faltered. "Don't rush. Speed will come with practice. For now, focus on form."

Gradually, my movements became more fluid, my strikes more controlled. "Good. Now, let's move on to blocking." He showed me how to angle the sword to deflect attacks, emphasizing the importance of timing and precision.

"Remember, a strong defense is just as important as a powerful offense. Keep your guard up, and anticipate your opponent's moves."

He spent the next hour correcting my stance, showing me how to hold the sword properly, and guiding me through basic strikes and blocks. His instructions were clear and precise, and though I struggled at first, I gradually began to improve.

You might be wondering why am I still doing the same thing when Kael taught it to me. Well, you can't master this in one day.

"Better." Eltor said after my hundredth swing. "You're starting to get the hang of it. Remember, repetition is key. You need to build muscle memory."

I wiped the sweat from my brow, feeling a sense of accomplishment despite the critique.

"Thank you, sir." I said, trying to keep the fatigue out of my voice.

"Don't thank me yet. We're just getting started." Eltor replied. "Next, we'll move on to basic spell casting. Show me the fireball you were trying yesterday."

I nodded and took a deep breath, focusing on the [Basic Fireball] skill. I extended my hand and felt the familiar warmth spread through my body. This time, I visualized the fireball more clearly, imagining it forming perfectly in my palm.

A small, flickering flame appeared, more stable than before. It hovered above my hand for a few seconds before fading away.

"Not bad." Eltor said, his tone slightly approving. "Your control needs work, but you have potential. We'll work on channeling your energy more efficiently."

Eltor led me through a series of exercises to enhance my focus. "Sit cross-legged and close your eyes." he instructed.

"Breathe deeply and feel the energy within you. Visualize it flowing through your body like a river."

I followed his instructions, concentrating on the warmth spreading through my chest and down to my fingertips. "Now, imagine drawing that energy into your palm." Eltor continued. "Feel it gathering, becoming a flame."

I extended my hand, picturing the fireball forming more vividly. This time, the flame was steadier, burning brighter. "Better." Eltor nodded. "But you need to maintain that focus under pressure."

He set up a series of small targets at varying distances. "Practice casting at these. Start with the closest one and work your way back. Accuracy is key."

I aimed at the first target, focusing on the fireball. It shot forward, hitting the mark but dissipating quickly. "Good. Now try the next one."

Each target required more concentration, forcing me to refine my control. Eltor offered tips on improving my aim and sustaining the fireball's intensity. "Feel the energy flowing steadily, don't let it waver."

After several attempts, I finally managed to hit the farthest target with a reasonably stable fireball. Eltor gave a nod of approval. "Well done. You're improving. Keep practicing, and your control will get better."

He added, "Remember, control is just as important as power. Without it, your spells can become unpredictable and dangerous."

I nodded, taking his words to heart.

By midday, I was exhausted. My muscles ached, and my mind felt drained from the constant concentration.

But despite the fatigue, I felt a sense of satisfaction. I was making progress, however small, and that gave me hope to survive in this world.

Eltor approached me again, his expression as stern as ever.

"Get ready." he said. "The next phase of your training begins now."

Oh come on. Just give me a break already... I feel like I'm about to faint any moment.

I kept this thought to myself and just said, "Okay."

The rest of the day was a blur of drills, spells, and intense focus. Eltor pushed me to my limits, testing my endurance and determination. By the time the sun set, I was exhausted but had learned more in a day than I thought possible.

As I made my way back to the small room I had found, I felt a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration. I collapsed onto the bed, my muscles aching, but a sense of accomplishment filled me. Tomorrow would bring more challenges, more training, and I was ready for it.